Player information for dtom

Clan: None
Tourney points total 15
Tourney team points 0
Games won / played 0 / 9 (0.00%)

Ongoing Games

22:39:14 ago: dtom the Poker (L3 ImGl) killed Ijyb. (D:2, turn 1422, dur 0:05:43, cbro)


No games

Best Games

1dtom184BearkinMonkRuffianD:3mangled by Vlagh999's ghost518310:09:382015-09-23 04:57:45
2dtom155SalamanderFighterPokerD:3blasted by avis' ghost (flame tongue)523600:07:462015-09-22 03:25:04
3dtom141ImpGladiatorPokerD:3blasted by an orc priest (divine providence)520250:09:032015-09-23 04:55:10
4dtom105ImpGladiatorPokerD:4slain by a hound416880:12:392015-09-22 11:21:51
5dtom48BearkinGladiatorCudgelerD:2succumbed to an adder's poison310160:05:402015-09-22 03:13:56
6dtom2HumanFighterCoveredD:1slain by a jackal1170:00:162015-09-22 03:25:59
7dtom2SalamanderFire ElementalistFirebugD:$got out of the dungeon alive.1480:01:272015-09-22 03:17:01
8dtom0MinotaurFighterShield-BearerD:1quit the game1440:00:452015-09-22 03:27:20
9dtom0ImpGladiatorDuckerD:$got out of the dungeon alive.160:00:532015-09-22 03:06:23

Recent Games

dtom184BearkinMonkRuffianD:3mangled by Vlagh999's ghost518310:09:382015-09-23 04:57:45
dtom141ImpGladiatorPokerD:3blasted by an orc priest (divine providence)520250:09:032015-09-23 04:55:10
dtom105ImpGladiatorPokerD:4slain by a hound416880:12:392015-09-22 11:21:51
dtom0MinotaurFighterShield-BearerD:1quit the game1440:00:452015-09-22 03:27:20
dtom2HumanFighterCoveredD:1slain by a jackal1170:00:162015-09-22 03:25:59
dtom155SalamanderFighterPokerD:3blasted by avis' ghost (flame tongue)523600:07:462015-09-22 03:25:04
dtom2SalamanderFire ElementalistFirebugD:$got out of the dungeon alive.1480:01:272015-09-22 03:17:01
dtom48BearkinGladiatorCudgelerD:2succumbed to an adder's poison310160:05:402015-09-22 03:13:56
dtom0ImpGladiatorDuckerD:$got out of the dungeon alive.160:00:532015-09-22 03:06:23

Uniques Slain Ijyb, Jessica, Sigmund

Score Breakdown

Player points

N Points Source
3 15 unique
3 15 Total

Team points

N Points Source
No points


Permanent points
Provisional points
Last updated 2015-09-24 03:28:55 UTC.