Player information for renba

Clan: None
Tourney points total 75
Tourney team points 4
Games won / played 0 / 0 (0.00%)

Ongoing Games

4102:11:29 ago: renba the Grave Robber (L1 ImNe) began the quest for the Orb. (D:1, turn 0, dur 0:00:00, cbro)


No games

Recent Games

No games

Uniques Slain Donald, Erica, Maud, Psyche, Snorg

Score Breakdown

Player points

N Points Source
6 30 branch:enter
5 25 unique
2 10 branch:end
1 10 champion
14 75 Total

Team points

N Points Source
2 4 ghost
2 4 Total


Permanent points
Provisional points
Last updated 2015-09-24 03:28:56 UTC.