ASSERT(valid_cursor_pos(pos.x, pos.y, region)) in '' at line 405 failed. (invalid cursor position 43,4 in region 2, should be 80,4 in region 0) Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.26-a0-471-g8fb39a4 Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: normal Tiles: online Seed: 9212443431788314367, deterministic pregen: 1 Version history: Game started: 0.26-a0-455-g0958c02 0.26-a0-466-g989023b 0.26-a0-471-g8fb39a4 Command line: /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2 -name xordid -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/xordid.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/xordid.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/xordid/ -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/xordid:2020-07-31.00:54:35.sock -await-connection RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted Obtained 21 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILE+0x23) [0x6138c3]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*) /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x40c) [0x61b5ec]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x9c) [0x613b4c]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f8e6bcd50b0]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f8e6c06fb7b]: /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2() [0x61abde] /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2(_Z12AssertFailedPKcS0_iS0_z+0x17f) [0x61aeff]: AssertFailed(char const*, char const*, int, char const*, ...) /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2() [0x83471b] /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2(_Z11print_statsv+0x676) [0x9d6eb6]: print_stats() /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2(_ZN14message_window4moreEbb+0x4e) [0x8b1f9e]: message_window::more(bool, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2(_Z4moreb+0x31) [0x8ac051]: more(bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2() [0x8ad5ae] /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2(_Z16do_message_print16msg_channel_typeibbPKcP13__va_list_tag+0xb3) [0x8ad9a3]: do_message_print(msg_channel_type, int, bool, bool, char const*, __va_list_tag*) /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2(_Z4mprf16msg_channel_typePKcz+0x9d) [0x8add3d]: mprf(msg_channel_type, char const*, ...) /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2() [0xb327dd] /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2(_Z11handle_timev+0xdd) [0xb2fe1d]: handle_time() /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2(_Z12world_reactsv+0x177) [0xc56137]: world_reacts() /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2() [0xc5a186] /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2(main+0x57d) [0xc5e30d]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f8e6bcc07ed]: /usr/games/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2() [0x56c3c9] Trying to run gdb. GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.04-0ubuntu2.1) 7.4-2012.04 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: . [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". 0x00007f8e6c06f84e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #0 0x00007f8e6c06f84e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x0000000000613f8b in call_gdb (file=0x7f8e6c05a180) at gdb = attach_cmd = "attach 24056\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" #2 0x000000000061b60c in do_crash_dump () at dir = "/dgldir/morgue/xordid/" signal_info = "Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted" cause_msg = "ASSERT(valid_cursor_pos(pos.x, pos.y, region)) in '' at line 405 failed. (invalid cursor position 43,4 in region 2, should be 80,4 in region 0)" file = 0x7f8e6c05a180 t = 1596157126 name = "/dgldir/morgue/xordid/crash-xordid-20200731-005846.txt", '\000' #3 0x0000000000613b4c in crash_signal_handler (sig_num=6) at No locals. #4 No symbol table info available. #5 0x00007f8e6c06fb7b in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #6 0x000000000061abde in _BreakStrToDebugger (mesg=mesg@entry=0x7ffd68935840 "ASSERT(valid_cursor_pos(pos.x, pos.y, region)) in '' at line 405 failed. (invalid cursor position 43,4 in region 2, should be 80,4 in region 0)", assert=assert@entry=true) at No locals. #7 0x000000000061aeff in AssertFailed (expr=0xd14f10 "valid_cursor_pos(pos.x, pos.y, region)", file=, line=405, text=0xd14ec0 "invalid cursor position %d,%d in region %d, should be %d,%d in region %d") at detail = "invalid cursor position 43,4 in region 2, should be 80,4 in region 0\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 \000\000\000 \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\220\376[\003\000\000\000\000\374V\223h\375\177\000\000\253\f\276\000\000\000\000\000re i\000\000\000\000\030\000\000\000\060\000\000\000\240_\223h\375\177\000\000\340^\223h\375\177\000\000", ' ' , "\000 \000\000\000\000c\355\225\000\000\000\000\000\365\350\225\000\000\000\000\000!\357\227\000\000\000\000\000\000\202]\003\000\000\000\000\n\000\000\000\000\000\000\000p\242\357\000\000\000\000\000 \227\005l\216\177\000\000 X\223h\375"... final_mesg = "ASSERT(valid_cursor_pos(pos.x, pos.y, region)) in '' at line 405 failed. (invalid cursor position 43,4 in region 2, should be 80,4 in region 0)\000\231\000\000\000\000\000!\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\060\376X\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\375\177\000\000\020\034\017\001\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\210\062\230\000\000\000\000\000"... mesg = "ASSERT(valid_cursor_pos(pos.x, pos.y, region)) in '' at line 405 failed.\000\377\377\377\377\377\361\216\331\002", '\000' , " \212\005l\216\177\000\000\330X\223h\375\177\000\000d\000\000\000\377\377\377\377s\236\316k\216\177\000\000\020U\223h\375\177\000\000\240V\223h\375\177\000\000\000V\223h\375\177\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\210V\223h\375\177\000\000\377\a\000\000\000\000\000\000@U\223h\375\177\000\000\320V\223h\375\177\000\000\060V\223h\375\177\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\270V\223h\375\177\000\000\377\a\000\000\000\000\000\000h\211\362l\216\177\000\000\320V\223h\375\177\000\000p\001"... args = {{gp_offset = 48, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7ffd68935d50, reg_save_area = 0x7ffd68935c50}} fileName = #8 0x000000000083471b in assert_valid_cursor_pos () at region = GOTO_STAT pos = #9 0x00000000009d6eb6 in print_stats () at yhack = #10 0x00000000008b1f9e in message_window::more (this=0x10215e0, full=, user=) at rng = {previous = rng::UI} last_row = #11 0x00000000008ac051 in more (user_forced=user_forced@entry=true) at rng = {previous = rng::UI} #12 0x00000000008ad5ae in _mpr (text="\"Leave now, before it is too late!\"", channel=channel@entry=MSGCH_HELL_EFFECT, param=param@entry=0, nojoin=nojoin@entry=false, cap=, cap@entry=true) at rng = {previous = rng::GAMEPLAY} colour = domore = true do_flash_screen = false join = false msg = {channel = MSGCH_HELL_EFFECT, param = 0, messages = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {{text = "\"Leave now, before it is too late!\"", repeats = 1}}, turn = 79193, join = false} col = "yellow" fs = {ops = std::vector of length 3, capacity 4 = {{type = FSOP_COLOUR, colour = 14, text = ""}, {type = FSOP_TEXT, colour = -1, text = "\"Leave now, before it is too late!\""}, {type = FSOP_COLOUR, colour = 7, text = ""}}} #13 0x00000000008ad9a3 in do_message_print (channel=MSGCH_HELL_EFFECT, param=0, cap=cap@entry=true, nojoin=nojoin@entry=false, format=, argp=argp@entry=0x7ffd68936448) at ap = {{gp_offset = 16, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7ffd68936520, reg_save_area = 0x7ffd68936460}} buff = "\"Leave now, before it is too late!\"\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000P\244\325", '\000' , "\001\250\177l\216\177\000\000\020\035v\003\000\000\000\000J\250W\000\000\000\000\000\320\177\000\000\000\000\000\000P(\017\001\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000P(\017\001\000\000\000\000P(\017\001\000\000\000\000\032GY\000\000\000\000\000P\244\325", '\000' , "\001a\263\000\000\000\000\000\000e\223h\375\177\000\000\320\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\240mn\003\000\000\000" len = #14 0x00000000008add3d in mprf (channel=, format=) at argp = {{gp_offset = 24, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7ffd68936520, reg_save_area = 0x7ffd68936460}} #15 0x0000000000b327dd in _hell_effect_noise () at loud = msg = "\"Leave now, before it is too late!\"" #16 _hell_effects () at No locals. #17 _hell_effects () at No locals. #18 0x0000000000b2fe1d in handle_time () at time_delta = i = base_time = old_time = #19 0x0000000000c56137 in world_reacts () at No locals. #20 0x0000000000c5a186 in _input () at player_disabled = {was_disabled = false} #21 0x0000000000c5e30d in _launch_game () at game_start = false #22 _launch_game_loop () at game_ended = false #23 main (argc=, argv=) at echo = {prev_state = MB_MAYBE} Compilation info: <<<<<<<<<<< Compiled with GCC 4.7.3 Build platform: x86_64-linux-gnu Platform: x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_WEB -Wall -Wformat-security -Wundef -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -Wno-type-limits -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-format-zero-length -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wno-parentheses -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Iutil -I. -isystem /usr/include/lua5.1 -g -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DREGEX_PCRE -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DDGAMELAUNCH -DSAVE_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2/saves" -DSHARED_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves" -DDATA_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2/data/" -DWEB_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-8fb39a49d2/data/web/" -isystem /usr/include/ncursesw LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -fuse-ld=gold -O2 >>>>>>>>>>> Place info: branch = 16, depth = 3 Level id: Dis:3 Level build method = , level layout type = divisions, absdepth0 = 30 Level vaults: layout_subdivisions Markers: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The storm dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie completely misses you. The storm dragon zombie tramples you. The Tzitzimitl gestures at you. The bolt of negative energy hits the storm dragon zombie. The storm dragon zombie completely resists. The bolt of negative energy misses you. You take 4 damage, and have 162/182 hp. You now have 48/58 mp. Aim: a Tzitzimitl (almost dead) You feel a surge of power! The stone arrow misses the Tzitzimitl. The storm dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie barely misses you. The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. x2 The Tzitzimitl gestures at you. The bolt of cold hits the storm dragon zombie. The storm dragon zombie resists. The bolt of cold hits you!! You resist. You take 31 damage, and have 131/182 hp. You now have 46/58 mp. Aim: a Tzitzimitl (almost dead) You feel a surge of power! The crystal spear hits the Tzitzimitl!!!! You kill the Tzitzimitl! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. Your Hexes skill increases to level 7! The storm dragon zombie barely misses you. The storm dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. The storm dragon zombie completely misses you. The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. You regained 3 mp, and now have 49/58 mp. You barely miss the storm dragon zombie. The storm dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie claws you. The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. The storm dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie misses you. x2 You take 2 damage, and have 129/182 hp. You hit the storm dragon zombie but do no damage. You crush the storm dragon zombie!! The storm dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie misses you. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie misses you. You hit the storm dragon zombie but do no damage. You crush the storm dragon zombie! The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. The storm dragon zombie barely misses you. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie barely misses you. The storm dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie misses you. You hit the storm dragon zombie. You crush the storm dragon zombie! The storm dragon zombie misses you. The storm dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie completely misses you. The storm dragon zombie misses you. The storm dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. You hit the storm dragon zombie but do no damage. You crush the storm dragon zombie. The storm dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie completely misses you. x2 The storm dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie barely misses you. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. The storm dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie misses you. The storm dragon zombie completely misses you. The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. The storm dragon zombie tramples you. You take 1 damage, and have 128/182 hp. You hit the storm dragon zombie but do no damage. You crush the storm dragon zombie!! The storm dragon zombie completely misses you. The storm dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie misses you. The storm dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie barely misses you. You hit the storm dragon zombie but do no damage. The storm dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie completely misses you. x2 The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. The storm dragon zombie completely misses you. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. You hit the storm dragon zombie but do no damage. You crush the storm dragon zombie!! The storm dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie claws you! The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie barely misses you. The storm dragon zombie completely misses you. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. You take 7 damage, and have 121/182 hp. You hit the storm dragon zombie but do no damage. You crush the storm dragon zombie! You destroy the storm dragon zombie! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. The storm dragon zombie completely misses you. The storm dragon zombie barely misses you. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. MP restored: 58 You hit the storm dragon zombie. The storm dragon zombie misses you. The storm dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie misses you. x2 The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. You hit the storm dragon zombie but do no damage. You crush the storm dragon zombie!! The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. The storm dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. You hit the storm dragon zombie but do no damage. You crush the storm dragon zombie!! The storm dragon zombie completely misses you. The storm dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. You hit the storm dragon zombie. You crush the storm dragon zombie. The storm dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie barely misses you. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. You hit the storm dragon zombie but do no damage. The storm dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. You hit the storm dragon zombie but do no damage. You crush the storm dragon zombie! The storm dragon zombie misses you. The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. The storm dragon zombie barely misses you. The storm dragon zombie bites you! The storm dragon zombie barely misses you. The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. You take 10 damage, and have 111/182 hp. You hit the storm dragon zombie. You crush the storm dragon zombie!! The storm dragon zombie misses you. The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. The storm dragon zombie tramples you but does no damage. You barely miss the storm dragon zombie. The storm dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon zombie completely misses you. The storm dragon zombie closely misses you. You hit the storm dragon zombie but do no damage. You crush the storm dragon zombie!! You destroy the storm dragon zombie! Vehumet accepts your kill. You start resting. "We do not forgive those who trespass against us!" You are blasted with magical energy! You regained 3 hp, and now have 115/182 hp. You start resting. You sense an ancient evil watching you... You feel a strange surge of energy! Things that are here: a cursed +5 halberd; a cursed +0 robe You feel a surge of power! The dungeon rumbles! Ka-crash! You now have 50/58 mp. There is a gateway to Hell here. You fly up through the gate. Welcome back to the Vestibule of Hell! There is a gateway to the decaying netherworld of Tartarus here. You regained 2 mp, and now have 54/58 mp. You start resting. Health restored: 182; MP restored: 58 Search for what [? for help]? mut There is a gateway back into the Dungeon here. Thank you for visiting Hell. Please come again soon. You fly up through the gate. Welcome back to the Depths! There is a gateway to Hell here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. Things that are here: a +0 dire flail; a +0 dire flail Things that are here: a +0 robe; a +0 dagger There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here. You see here 3 large rocks {!d}. You fly upwards. Welcome back to the Dungeon! There is a staircase to the Depths, spattered with blood here. You see here a +0 troll leather armour {regen}. There is an open door here. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You fly upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You see here 5 large rocks {!d}. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You fly upwards. Level annotation: 3 runed translucent doors, Doth's ghost, journeyman MiBe There is a stone staircase leading down here. You see here 13 bolts. There is an open door here. Things that are here: a +0 robe; a +0 dagger There is a gate to the Vaults here. You fly down through the gate. Welcome back to the Vaults! There is a gate leading back out of this place here. There is an open door here. Things that are here: a +0 robe; a +0 club You see here a cursed -1 giant spiked club. Things that are here: a +0 chain mail; a +0 halberd There is a stone staircase leading down here. You fly downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You see here a +0 dagger. There is a staircase to the Crypt here. You fly downwards. Welcome back to the Crypt! This branch is unnaturally silent, and so sound travels much further. There is a staircase back to the Vaults here. You see here a +0 short sword. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You fly downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You fly downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You see here a +0 flail. You see here 19 sling bullets. There is a staircase to the Tomb here. You fly downwards. Welcome back to the Tomb of the Ancients! This branch is unnaturally silent, and so sound travels much further. This branch contains the golden rune of Zot. There is a staircase back to the Crypt here. You see here a +0 great sword. You see here a +2 flail of draining. There is an open door here. There is a one-way staircase leading down here. You fly downwards. The hatch slams shut behind you. The greater mummy mumbles some strange words. An emperor scorpion comes into view. The death scarab misses you. The mummy priest utters an invocation to its god. The bennu screeches! You feel a surge of power! The dungeon rumbles! You destroy the death scarab! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. You destroy the mummy priest! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. The hellwing disappears in a puff of smoke! You destroy the death scarab! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. You destroy the mummy! Vehumet accepts your kill. You destroy the mummy! Vehumet accepts your kill. You destroy the death scarab! Vehumet accepts your kill. You destroy the mummy! Vehumet accepts your kill. You destroy the death scarab! Vehumet accepts your kill. You destroy the mummy! Vehumet accepts your kill. You destroy the guardian mummy! Vehumet accepts your kill. Ka-crash! You feel extremely nervous for a moment... Strange energies run through your body. You feel extremely nervous for a moment... Pain shoots through your body! The greater mummy mumbles some strange words. You take 8 damage, and have 174/182 hp. You feel a surge of power! The dungeon rumbles! You kill the emperor scorpion! The emperor scorpion's corpse disappears in a puff of smoke! You kill the emperor scorpion! The emperor scorpion's corpse disappears in a puff of smoke! You kill the ice devil! You kill the neqoxec! The greater mummy mumbles some strange words. A mummy comes into view. You now have 50/58 mp. You feel a surge of power! The dungeon rumbles! You destroy the greater mummy! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. The neqoxec disappears in a puff of smoke! The emperor scorpion disappears in a puff of smoke! The sixfirhy disappears in a puff of smoke! The emperor scorpion disappears in a puff of smoke! Your Evocations skill increases to level 9! The pyre of ghostly fire engulfs the bennu. The bennu completely resists. Vehumet accepts your kill. The bennu, emptied of spiritual energy, fades out from this realm. You destroy the mummy! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. Ka-crash! You feel extremely nervous for a moment... You feel horribly lethargic. You feel yourself slow down. You now have 43/58 mp. You feel a surge of power! The dungeon rumbles! The pyre of ghostly fire engulfs the greater mummy. The greater mummy completely resists. Vehumet accepts your kill. The bennu, emptied of spiritual energy, fades out from this realm. The greater mummy mumbles some strange words. You now have 35/58 mp. Aim: a greater mummy (almost destroyed) You feel a surge of power! The crystal spear misses the greater mummy. The greater mummy hits you! You take 14 damage, and have 160/182 hp. You now have 28/58 mp. Aim: a greater mummy (almost destroyed) You feel a surge of power! The crystal spear hits the greater mummy!!! You destroy the greater mummy! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. The neqoxec disappears in a puff of smoke! You feel extremely nervous for a moment... Pain shoots through your body! You take 16 damage, and have 144/182 hp. You now have 24/58 mp. A mummy comes into view. The mummy priest utters an invocation to its god. The shadow slips into darkness. The shadow flickers and vanishes for a moment. There is a one-way staircase leading up here. You feel a surge of power! The dungeon rumbles! You destroy the mummy! Vehumet accepts your kill. The orc simulacrum vapourises! You destroy the shadow! Ka-crash! You now have 22/58 mp. You feel a surge of power! The dungeon rumbles! You destroy the wraith! You destroy the mummy priest! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. A door shatters! You destroy the mummy priest! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. Ka-crash! You feel extremely nervous for a moment... Pain shoots through your body!! You feel extremely nervous for a moment... Pain shoots through your body! You take 31 damage, and have 113/182 hp. You start resting. You feel yourself speed up. You regained 2 hp, and now have 115/182 hp. You regained 2 mp, and now have 25/58 mp. You start resting. A mummy comes into view. You regained 2 mp, and now have 27/58 mp. A mummy comes into view. You hit the mummy but do no damage. You crush the mummy. The mummy completely misses you. You hit the mummy. You crush the mummy!! You destroy the mummy! Vehumet accepts your kill. You closely miss the mummy. The mummy completely misses you. You hit the mummy but do no damage. You barely miss the mummy. The mummy barely misses you. You hit the mummy but do no damage. You crush the mummy!! You destroy the mummy! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. The mummy completely misses you. You regained 2 mp, and now have 40/58 mp. You hit the mummy but do no damage. The mummy closely misses you. You hit the mummy but do no damage. You crush the mummy. The mummy hits you. You take 2 damage, and have 114/182 hp. You barely miss the mummy. You barely miss the mummy. The mummy hits you but does no damage. You hit the mummy. You crush the mummy. The mummy hits you but does no damage. You hit the mummy. You crush the mummy. The mummy completely misses you. You hit the mummy but do no damage. You crush the mummy! You destroy the mummy! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. You regained 2 mp, and now have 46/58 mp. You start resting. A dire elephant zombie is nearby! You regained 20 hp, and now have 135/182 hp. MP restored: 58 You hit the dire elephant zombie but do no damage. You crush the dire elephant zombie! The dire elephant zombie tramples you! The dire elephant zombie trunk-slaps you but does no damage. You take 13 damage, and have 122/182 hp. You hit the dire elephant zombie but do no damage. You crush the dire elephant zombie!! The dire elephant zombie completely misses you. The dire elephant zombie barely misses you. You hit the dire elephant zombie but do no damage. You crush the dire elephant zombie!! The dire elephant zombie barely misses you. The dire elephant zombie misses you. You hit the dire elephant zombie but do no damage. You crush the dire elephant zombie!! The dire elephant zombie tramples you! The dire elephant zombie trunk-slaps you but does no damage. You take 7 damage, and have 115/182 hp. You hit the dire elephant zombie but do no damage. You crush the dire elephant zombie! You destroy the dire elephant zombie! Vehumet accepts your kill. You start resting. Health restored: 182 Search for what [Enter for "mut", or ? for help]? You see here 15 sling bullets. You see here a +1 mace. A guardian mummy is nearby! G - the cursed +0 tower shield of the Locust {rN+ Str+3 Dex+4} Things that are here: a +1 sacred scourge of holy wrath; a potion of mutation {!q} Drop what? 48/52 slots (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop the cursed +0 tower shield of the Locust {rN+ Str+3 Dex+4}. G - a potion of mutation {!q} You barely miss the guardian mummy. The guardian mummy completely misses you. You hit the guardian mummy but do no damage. You crush the guardian mummy!! The guardian mummy hits you! You take 15 damage, and have 167/182 hp. You hit the guardian mummy. You crush the guardian mummy!! You destroy the guardian mummy! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel extremely nervous for a moment... Your body is wracked with pain! You take 32 damage, and have 135/182 hp. You now have 7016 gold pieces (gained 12). E - 9 throwing nets {=f, !d} (gained 1) r - 8 scrolls of magic mapping {!r} (gained 1) Really quaff G - a potion of mutation {!q}? Really quaff the potion of mutation? Really drink that potion of mutation while resistant to mutation? You feel extremely strange. You feel weaker. The antennae on your head shrink away. Your urge to shout disappears. You begin to regenerate regardless of the presence of monsters. t - 12 scrolls of immolation {!r} (gained 1) b - 1763 stones (gained 24) You now have 7034 gold pieces (gained 18). You see here a +2 demon blade of electrocution. Q - 6 scrolls of summoning (gained 1) You now have 7042 gold pieces (gained 8). Things that are here: a +2 plate armour of cold resistance; a +2 battleaxe of draining You now have 7069 gold pieces (gained 27). You now have 7092 gold pieces (gained 23). You see here a flail. You now have 7114 gold pieces (gained 22). You now have 7141 gold pieces (gained 27). There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. g - 20 scrolls of remove curse (gained 1) There is an open door here. You see here a +2 demon blade of electrocution. Found a one-way staircase leading down. Health restored: 182 You now have 7151 gold pieces (gained 10). You now have 7173 gold pieces (gained 22). There is an open door here. There is an open door here. Found a one-way staircase leading down. m - 15 scrolls of amnesia (gained 1) There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. Done exploring. There is an open door here. You see here a potion of degeneration {!q}. There is a one-way staircase leading down here. Welcome back, xordid the Gargoyle Earth Elementalist. Welcome back, xordid the Gargoyle Earth Elementalist. Welcome back, xordid the Gargoyle Earth Elementalist. Welcome back, xordid the Gargoyle Earth Elementalist. Welcome back, xordid the Gargoyle Earth Elementalist. Welcome back, xordid the Gargoyle Earth Elementalist. Welcome back, xordid the Gargoyle Earth Elementalist. Welcome back, xordid the Gargoyle Earth Elementalist. Welcome back, xordid the Gargoyle Earth Elementalist. Welcome back, xordid the Gargoyle Earth Elementalist. Vehumet says: Let it end in hellfire! A mummy comes into view. 2 guardian mummies, a skeletal warrior, an ancient champion and 2 ushabtiu come into view. The ancient champion is wielding a +3 great mace of draining. A mummy comes into view. You reach down and open the door. A mummy comes into view. Found 13 gold pieces. Found a one-way staircase leading up. A guardian mummy and a mummy priest come into view. The skeletal warrior closely misses you. The ushabti shakes and rattles deafeningly! The mummy closely misses you. You hear a hideous shriek! x3; You hear a shout! You hear a hideous shriek! You hear a shout! You hear a hideous shriek! x2 There is an open door here. A mummy comes into view. An iron dragon skeleton comes into view. You hear a loud "Zot"! The ushabti shakes and rattles deafeningly! The mummy enters a dispersal trap! The skeletal warrior blinks! The iron dragon skeleton blinks! x2; The mummy blinks! The ushabti blinks! x2 You blink. The mummy blinks! The iron dragon skeleton completely misses you. The iron dragon skeleton claws you but does no damage. The iron dragon skeleton closely misses you. You hear a hideous shriek! You see here 18 gold pieces. You see here 33 gold pieces. The iron dragon skeleton bites you! The iron dragon skeleton claws you but does no damage. The iron dragon skeleton tramples you but does no damage. The ushabti shakes and rattles deafeningly! You see here 11 gold pieces. You take 9 damage, and have 173/182 hp. The ushabti shakes and rattles deafeningly! The mummy completely misses you. You hear a hideous shriek! x4 You hear a loud "Zot"! The ushabti shakes and rattles deafeningly! You hear a hideous shriek! You hear a shout! The ushabti shakes and rattles deafeningly! The ancient champion gestures wildly while chanting. The ancient champion seems to speed up. You hear a hideous shriek! There is a one-way staircase leading up here. The ushabti drops a net on you. A large net falls onto you! You become entangled in the net! You stop ascending the stairs. You struggle against the net. The ushabti drops a net on you. A large net falls onto you! You tear a large gash into the net. You rip the net and break free! The ushabti closely misses you. The skeletal warrior completely misses you. The ushabti shakes and rattles deafeningly! You hear a hideous shriek! x6 A mysterious force pulls you upwards. The hatch slams shut behind you. You hit the skeletal warrior but do no damage. You crush the skeletal warrior!! The skeletal warrior hits you with a +0 mace. You take 4 damage, and have 174/182 hp. You hit the skeletal warrior but do no damage. The skeletal warrior completely misses you. You hit the skeletal warrior but do no damage. You crush the skeletal warrior!! The skeletal warrior completely misses you. You hit the skeletal warrior. You crush the skeletal warrior! The skeletal warrior hits you but does no damage. You closely miss the skeletal warrior. The skeletal warrior hits you but does no damage. You hit the skeletal warrior but do no damage. You crush the skeletal warrior!! You destroy the skeletal warrior! Vehumet accepts your kill. You see here a +0 mace. Done exploring. Health restored: 182 There is an open door here. There is a one-way staircase leading up here. There is a one-way staircase leading up here. There is a one-way staircase leading up here. There is a one-way staircase leading down here. There is a one-way staircase leading up here. A mysterious force pulls you upwards. The hatch slams shut behind you. There is a one-way staircase leading down here. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (A) Shoals (N) Spider Nest (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (W) Tomb (U) Depths (H) Hell (I) Dis (G) Gehenna (X) Cocytus (Y) Tartarus Where to? (? - help) You see here a +2 flail of draining. There is a staircase back to the Crypt here. You fly upwards. Welcome back to the Crypt! There is a staircase to the Tomb here. G - an amulet of the acrobat You drop an amulet of the acrobat. Done exploring. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (A) Shoals (N) Spider Nest (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (W) Tomb (U) Depths (H) Hell (I) Dis (G) Gehenna (X) Cocytus (Y) Tartarus Where to? (Enter - Crypt:3, ? - help) There is a stone staircase leading up here. You fly upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. Done exploring. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (A) Shoals (N) Spider Nest (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (W) Tomb (U) Depths (H) Hell (I) Dis (G) Gehenna (X) Cocytus (Y) Tartarus Where to? (Enter - Crypt:2, ? - help) There is a stone staircase leading up here. You fly upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. Done exploring. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (A) Shoals (N) Spider Nest (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (W) Tomb (U) Depths (H) Hell (I) Dis (G) Gehenna (X) Cocytus (Y) Tartarus Where to? (Enter - Crypt:1, ? - help) There is a staircase back to the Vaults here. You fly upwards. Welcome back to the Vaults! There is a staircase to the Crypt here. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (A) Shoals (N) Spider Nest (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (W) Tomb (U) Depths (H) Hell (I) Dis (G) Gehenna (X) Cocytus (Y) Tartarus Where to? (Enter - Vaults:2, ? - help) What level of the Iron City of Dis? (default 1, ? - help) There is a stone staircase leading up here. You fly upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. Things that are here: a +0 chain mail; a +2 vorpal battleaxe There is an open door here. There is a gate leading back out of this place here. You fly up through the gate. Welcome back to the Dungeon! Level annotation: 3 runed translucent doors, Doth's ghost, journeyman MiBe There is a gate to the Vaults here. Things that are here: a +0 robe; a +0 dagger There is an open door here. You see here 13 bolts. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You fly downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You fly downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. There is an open door here. You see here a +0 troll leather armour {regen}. There is a staircase to the Depths, spattered with blood here. You fly downwards. Welcome back to the Depths! There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here. You see here 3 large rocks {!d}. You see here a +1 buckler of protection. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is a gateway to Hell here. You fly down through the gate. Welcome back to the Vestibule of Hell! There is a gateway back into the Dungeon here. There is an open door here. There is a gateway to the Iron City of Dis here. You fly down through the gate. Welcome to the Iron City of Dis! This branch contains the iron rune of Zot. Found a stone staircase leading down. There is a gateway to Hell here. You reach down and open the door. A red devil comes into view. It is wielding a +0 trident. There is an open door here. "We have you now!" You are blasted with sand. A reaper comes into view. It is wielding a +3 scythe of flaming. The red devil hits you but does no damage. The red devil misses you. You closely miss the red devil. The red devil hops backward while attacking. The red devil completely misses you. The red devil hits you but does no damage. A flying skull comes into view. A flying skull comes into view. The flying skull gives a hideous shriek! x2 A flying skull comes into view. A phantom comes into view. A flying skull comes into view. The phantom moves out of view. The flying skull completely misses you. The flying skull hits you but does no damage. The flying skull misses you. The flying skull hits you but does no damage. You feel a surge of power! The dungeon rumbles! You destroy the flying skull! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. You destroy the flying skull! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. You destroy the flying skull! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. You kill the ice devil! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. You destroy the flying skull! Vehumet accepts your kill. Ka-crash! You hear a shout! The phantom blinks! A frost giant zombie comes into view. A reaper comes into view. It is wielding a +0 scythe of protection. The reaper shouts, "Die, xordid!" A quicksilver dragon zombie comes into view. The reaper closely misses you. You feel a surge of power! The dungeon rumbles! You kill the reaper! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. You destroy the phantom! Vehumet accepts your kill. Ka-crash! You hear a screech! You hear a roar! You hear a bark! x2 The reaper closely misses you. You now have 53/58 mp. The quicksilver dragon zombie barely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie completely misses you. The reaper closely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie closely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie misses you. Unknown command. The reaper closely misses you. The reaper shouts, "I have come for you, xordid!" The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie closely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. MP restored: 58 The reaper shouts, "Die, xordid!" The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. A tormentor comes into view. "Die, mortal!" The floor shifts beneath you alarmingly. A red devil and a zombie come into view. The red devil is wielding a +0 demon trident of pain. You feel a surge of power! The dungeon rumbles! You kill the red devil! Vehumet accepts your kill. You kill the reaper! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. Your Hexes skill increases to level 8! You kill the tormentor! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. Ka-crash! A ghost moth zombie comes into view. The ghost moth zombie barely misses you. The ghost moth zombie closely misses you. x2 The shock serpent zombie bites you but does no damage. The ghost moth zombie misses you. The ghost moth zombie barely misses you. The ghost moth zombie completely misses you. The shock serpent zombie misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie barely misses you. The ghost moth zombie hits you but does no damage. x3 The shock serpent zombie bites you but does no damage. The ghost moth zombie hits you but does no damage. The ghost moth zombie barely misses you. The ghost moth zombie hits you but does no damage. The shock serpent zombie misses you. You feel a surge of power! The dungeon rumbles! You destroy the shock serpent zombie! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. Ka-crash! The ghost moth zombie misses you. The ghost moth zombie hits you. The ghost moth zombie completely misses you. You take 4 damage, and have 178/182 hp. You now have 53/58 mp. You closely miss the quicksilver dragon zombie. The ghost moth zombie hits you but does no damage. The ghost moth zombie completely misses you. The ghost moth zombie barely misses you. The red devil completely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie barely misses you. You closely miss the quicksilver dragon zombie. The quicksilver dragon zombie closely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie barely misses you. The ghost moth zombie hits you but does no damage. x2 The ghost moth zombie barely misses you. The red devil misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie completely misses you. The ghost moth zombie hits you but does no damage. x2 The ghost moth zombie completely misses you. You closely miss the quicksilver dragon zombie. The red devil misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie barely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie completely misses you. The ghost moth zombie hits you but does no damage. x3 You barely miss the quicksilver dragon zombie. The quicksilver dragon zombie closely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie claws you! The red devil closely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The ghost moth zombie closely misses you. The ghost moth zombie hits you. The ghost moth zombie misses you. The red devil hits you but does no damage. You take 10 damage, and have 169/182 hp. You closely miss the quicksilver dragon zombie. The quicksilver dragon zombie closely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The ghost moth zombie closely misses you. x2 The ghost moth zombie hits you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie misses you. The red devil hits you but does no damage. The ghost moth zombie barely misses you. The ghost moth zombie hits you but does no damage. The ghost moth zombie misses you. The red devil completely misses you. MP restored: 58 A frost giant zombie comes into view. The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. "Die, mortal!" You hear strange and distant voices. You partially resist. You feel drained. You take 1 damage, and have 170/182 hp. The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie closely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie completely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie completely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie misses you. A skeletal warrior comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword. The quicksilver dragon zombie misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie barely misses you. The skeletal warrior barely misses you. A skeletal warrior comes into view. It is wielding a +0 hand axe. The quicksilver dragon zombie closely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. A skeletal warrior comes into view. It is wielding a +0 flail. An emperor scorpion zombie comes into view. You feel a surge of power! The dungeon rumbles! You destroy the skeletal warrior! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. You destroy the skeletal warrior! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. You kill the red devil! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. Your life force feels restored. You destroy the skeletal warrior! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. A door shatters! x2 Ka-crash! You hear a bark! You hear a shout! The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. Found a stone staircase leading down. You now have 57/58 mp. The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you. The quicksilver dragon zombie misses you. You see here a +0 hand axe. You take 4 damage, and have 174/182 hp. MP restored: 58 The emperor scorpion zombie hits you but does no damage. The emperor scorpion zombie barely misses you. The emperor scorpion zombie claws you but does no damage. The quicksilver dragon zombie closely misses you. The quicksilver dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. The emperor scorpion zombie hits you but does no damage. The emperor scorpion zombie claws you but does no damage. x2 The emperor scorpion zombie closely misses you. x2 The emperor scorpion zombie completely misses you. The ghost moth zombie misses you. The ghost moth zombie completely misses you. x2 There is a stone staircase leading down here. You feel a surge of power! The dungeon rumbles! You destroy the emperor scorpion zombie! Vehumet accepts your kill. You destroy the frost giant zombie! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. Ka-crash! You hear a shout! You hear a bark! x3 The ghost moth zombie hits you but does no damage. The ghost moth zombie barely misses you. The ghost moth zombie closely misses you. You now have 51/58 mp. You hit the ghost moth zombie but do no damage. You crush the ghost moth zombie! You destroy the ghost moth zombie! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. The quicksilver dragon zombie bites you! The quicksilver dragon zombie claws you but does no damage. You take 10 damage, and have 167/182 hp. You regained 4 mp, and now have 55/58 mp. Aim: a quicksilver dragon zombie (severely damaged) You feel a surge of power! The crystal spear hits the quicksilver dragon zombie!!! You destroy the quicksilver dragon zombie! Vehumet accepts your kill. You now have 48/58 mp. You start resting. You hear words spoken in a strange and terrible language... Flickering shadows surround you. You partially resist. You feel drained. You regained 8 hp, and now have 175/182 hp. MP restored: 58 You fly downwards. Found a gateway to Hell. There is a gateway to Hell here. You reach down and open the door. There is an open door here. As you open the door, it creaks loudly! There is an open door here. There is a gateway to Hell here. As you open the door, it creaks loudly! There is an open door here. Health restored: 182 You reach down and open the door. Found an escape hatch in the floor. There is an open door here. Found a stone staircase leading down. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You fly downwards. There is a gateway to Hell here. You reach down and open the door. There is an open door here. You reach down and open the door. A rust devil comes into view. There is an open door here. The rust devil screeches! You reach down and open the door. Found a gateway to Hell. There is an open door here. You reach down and open the door. There is an open door here. The rust devil misses you. Aim: a rust devil You feel a surge of power! The crystal spear hits the rust devil!!!! You kill the rust devil! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. You feel a terrible foreboding... A hellion comes into view. You now have 53/58 mp. Aim: a hellion You feel a surge of power! The crystal spear misses the hellion. You now have 46/58 mp. Aim: a hellion You feel a surge of power! The crystal spear hits the hellion!!!! You kill the hellion! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. You now have 40/58 mp. There is an open door here. There is a gateway to Hell here. You reach down and open the door. A tormentor comes into view. Found a gateway to Hell. There is an open door here. Aim: a tormentor (asleep) You feel a surge of power! The crystal spear hits the tormentor!!! You kill the tormentor! Vehumet accepts your kill. You now have 39/58 mp. You reach down and open the door. A necrophage comes into view. Found a gateway to Hell. There is an open door here. The necrophage closely misses you. You hit the necrophage but do no damage. You crush the necrophage. The necrophage completely misses you. You hit the necrophage. You crush the necrophage! The necrophage hits you but does no damage. You hit the necrophage. You crush the necrophage! You destroy the necrophage! Vehumet accepts your kill. You feel your power returning. You regained 3 mp, and now have 48/58 mp. There is an open door here. You reach down and open the door. There is an open door here. "Leave now, before it is too late!" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version history: Game started: 0.26-a0-455-g0958c02 0.26-a0-466-g989023b 0.26-a0-471-g8fb39a4 Game state: mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0 io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0: seen_hups: 0, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 1, arena_suspended: 0 prev_cmd = CMD_MOVE_UP repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD Player: {{{{{{{{{{{ Name: [xordid] Species: Gargoyle Job: Earth Elementalist HP: 182/182; mods: 0/0 MP: 56/58; mod: 0 Stats: 20 (20) 32 (32) 13 (13) Position: (60, 52), god: Vehumet (6), turn_is_over: 1, banished: 0 Standing on/in/over feature: floor Skills (mode: manual) Name | can_currently_train | train | training | level | points | progress Fighting | X | 0 | 0 | 21 | 13244 | 0/1639 Short Blades | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Long Blades | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Axes | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Maces & Flails | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Polearms | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Staves | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Slings | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Bows | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Crossbows | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Throwing | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Armour | X | 2 | 40 | 20 | 12986 | 1256/1514 Dodging | X | 0 | 0 | 22 | 25031 | 0/2970 Stealth | X | 0 | 0 | 5 | 532 | 2/212 Shields | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Unarmed Combat | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Spellcasting | X | 0 | 0 | 13 | 6005 | 0/1130 Conjurations | X | 0 | 0 | 27 | 25016 | 0/0 Hexes | X | 1 | 20 | 8 | 2262 | 122/535 Summonings | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Necromancy | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Translocations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Transmutations | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 51 | 51/70 Fire Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Ice Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Air Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Earth Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 27 | 21036 | 0/0 Poison Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Invocations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Evocations | X | 2 | 40 | 9 | 3109 | 434/654 Spell bugs: Durations: Attributes: #4: 669395 #12: 11269 #13: 4096 #22: 1 #23: 41963 #24: -750035314 #27: 2086317 #35: 1 #49: 12160 #59: 1 Mutations: big wings: 1 (innate) negative energy resistance: 1 (innate) electricity resistance: 1 (innate) unbreathing: 1 (innate) petrification resistance: 1 (innate) rot immunity: 1 (innate) Inventory bugs: Equipment: eq slot #0, inv slot #50: staff of earth eq slot #1, inv slot #23: +2 cloak eq slot #2, inv slot #41: -2 hat of the Alchemist {rElec rPois rF+ rC+ rN+ MR+ rMut rCorr} eq slot #3, inv slot #45: +2 pair of gloves "Xolac" {MP+9 Dex+3} eq slot #4, inv slot #8: +2 pair of boots of stealth eq slot #6, inv slot #22: +2 faerie dragon scales {rElec rF++ rCorr Clar} eq slot #7, inv slot #18: ring "Wuodavigg" {rPois Int+8 SInv} eq slot #8, inv slot #29: ring of Ynunnex {MP+9 Str+3} eq slot #9, inv slot #25: amulet of magic regeneration }}}}}}}}}}} Webtiles message buffer: Webtiles JSON stack: Screenshot: #.......#.........# #.......#.........# ####'#####'######## #....'...∩......# #....#..........# #....#..........# #....##########'# #....#.....∩....# #...@#..8....8..# #....'..........# #....########'### #....#..........# #....#.∩........# ######..........# #..........# #..........# #..........# clua stack: dlua stack: Lua persistent data: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< slime_fixup_done: true bailey_type: bailey_polearm fix_slime_vaults: true tomb_guardian_sets: 1: 1 2: 1 3: 1 4: 2 5: 1 6: 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lua marker contents: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>