ERROR in '' at line 663: bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000) Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.19-a0-1487-g96ce7ed Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: sprint Tiles: online Command line: /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c -name towersofbeng -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/towersofbeng.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/towersofbeng.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/towersofbeng/ -sprint -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/towersofbeng:2016-09-08.04:41:43.sock -await-connection RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted Obtained 24 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILEi+0x23) [0x5c94c3]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*, int) /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x2f2) [0x5d0822]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x9c) [0x5c975c]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fdb4451d4c0]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fdb448b3b7b]: /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c() [0x5cffd9] /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c() [0x5d03e8] /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_Z19mons_class_holiness12monster_type+0x46) [0x8f4526]: mons_class_holiness(monster_type) /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_ZNK7monster8holinessEb+0x1f) [0x92183f]: monster::holiness(bool) const /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_ZNK7monster11halo_radiusEv+0x3c) [0x5566dc]: monster::halo_radius() const /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_Z11monster_dieP7monster11killer_typeibbb+0x1ca6) [0x890926]: monster_die(monster*, killer_type, int, bool, bool, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_ZN7monster25remove_enchantment_effectERK11mon_enchantb+0x969) [0x8987b9]: monster::remove_enchantment_effect(mon_enchant const&, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_ZN7monster8del_enchE12enchant_typebb+0x14f) [0x899bdf]: monster::del_ench(enchant_type, bool, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_ZN7monster18lose_ench_durationERK11mon_enchanti+0x66) [0x89af46]: monster::lose_ench_duration(mon_enchant const&, int) /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_ZN7monster17decay_enchantmentE12enchant_typeb+0xda) [0x89b02a]: monster::decay_enchantment(enchant_type, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_ZN7monster17apply_enchantmentERK11mon_enchant+0x1764) [0x89c8d4]: monster::apply_enchantment(mon_enchant const&) /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_ZN7monster18apply_enchantmentsEv+0xa2) [0x89f022]: monster::apply_enchantments() /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_Z15handle_monstersb+0x518) [0x850108]: handle_monsters(bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(_Z12world_reactsv+0xb2) [0xb9b7a2]: world_reacts() /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c() [0xba268e] /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c() [0xba3065] /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c(main+0x2eb) [0xba67fb]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fdb4450876d]: /usr/games/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c() [0x530ee9] Trying to run gdb. GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.02-0ubuntu2) 7.4-2012.02 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: . [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". 0x00007fdb448b384e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #0 0x00007fdb448b384e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x00000000005c9bcb in call_gdb (file=0x7fdb4489e180) at gdb = attach_cmd = "attach 1747\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" #2 0x00000000005d0842 in do_crash_dump () at t = 1473311213 dir = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x224dee8 "/dgldir/morgue/towersofbeng/"}} name = "/dgldir/morgue/towersofbeng/crash-towersofbeng-20160908-050653.txt", '\000' file = 0x7fdb4489e180 #3 0x00000000005c975c in crash_signal_handler (sig_num=6) at No locals. #4 No symbol table info available. #5 0x00007fdb448b3b7b in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #6 0x00000000005cffd9 in _BreakStrToDebugger (mesg=mesg@entry=0x7ffc15511d40 "ERROR in '' at line 663: bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000)", assert=) at No locals. #7 0x00000000005d03e8 in die (file=0xbcd230 "", line=663, format=) at tmp = "bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000)", '\000' mesg = "ERROR in '' at line 663: bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000)", '\000' args = {{gp_offset = 40, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7ffc15512620, reg_save_area = 0x7ffc15512550}} #8 0x00000000008f4526 in mons_class_holiness (mc=MONS_NO_MONSTER) at No locals. #9 0x000000000092183f in holiness (this=0x1169d88) at holi = #10 monster::holiness (this=0x1169d88) at No locals. #11 0x00000000005566dc in monster::halo_radius (this=0x1169d88) at weap = size = -1 #12 0x0000000000890926 in monster_die (mons=0x1169d88, killer=KILL_RESET, killer_index=27000, silent=, wizard=, fake=) at summoned = true monster_killed = gives_player_xp = false drop_items = false leaves_corpse = false pet_kill = false corpse = was_visible = true did_death_message = player_xp = 0 duration = -1 timeout = false mwhere = {x = 0, y = 0} in_transit = false was_banished = false anon = false targ_holy = submerged = false mons_reset = true death_message = true #13 0x00000000008987b9 in monster::remove_enchantment_effect (this=this@entry=0x1169d88, me=..., quiet=quiet@entry=false) at No locals. #14 0x0000000000899bdf in monster::del_ench (this=0x1169d88, ench=ENCH_ABJ, quiet=quiet@entry=false, effect=effect@entry=true) at i = me = {ench = ENCH_ABJ, degree = 1, duration = 4, maxduration = 294, who = KC_OTHER, source = 0} et = ENCH_ABJ #15 0x000000000089af46 in lose_ench_duration (e=..., this=, dur=) at No locals. #16 monster::lose_ench_duration (this=, e=..., dur=) at No locals. #17 0x000000000089b02a in decay_enchantment (decay_degree=true, en=, this=0x1169d88) at me = @0x7ffc15513050: {ench = ENCH_ABJ, degree = 1, duration = 4, maxduration = 294, who = KC_OTHER, source = 0} spd = decay_factor = actdur = 10 level = #18 monster::decay_enchantment (this=0x1169d88, en=, decay_degree=) at No locals. #19 0x000000000089c8d4 in monster::apply_enchantment (this=this@entry=0x1169d88, me=...) at en = ENCH_ABJ #20 0x000000000089f022 in monster::apply_enchantments (this=0x1169d88) at i = ec = {data = {> = {_M_w = {6144, 8796093022208, 0}}, }} #21 0x0000000000850108 in _pre_monster_move (mons=...) at mact = {mon = 0x1169d88} #22 handle_monsters (with_noise=) at mi = {i = 8} tries = #23 0x0000000000b9b7a2 in world_reacts () at No locals. #24 0x0000000000ba268e in _input () at player_disabled = {was_disabled = false} #25 0x0000000000ba3065 in _launch_game () at game_start = false ccon = {cstate = false, smartcstate = false} #26 0x0000000000ba67fb in _launch_game_loop () at game_ended = false #27 main (argc=, argv=0x7ffc15513ec8) at No locals. Compilation info: <<<<<<<<<<< Compiled with GCC 4.7.3 on Sep 7 2016 at 16:02:56 Build platform: x86_64-linux-gnu Platform: x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_WEB -Wall -Wformat-security -Wundef -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-format-zero-length -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wno-parentheses -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Iutil -I. -isystem /usr/include/lua5.1 -Irltiles -g -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DREGEX_PCRE -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DDGAMELAUNCH -DSAVE_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c/saves" -DSHARED_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves" -DDATA_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c/data/" -DWEB_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-96ce7ed71c/data/web/" -isystem /usr/include/ncursesw LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -fuse-ld=gold -O2 >>>>>>>>>>> Place info: branch = 0, depth = 1 Level id: D Level build method = random_map_for_place, level layout type = encompass, absdepth0 = 0 Level vaults: arena_sprint Markers: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Marker 10 at (39, 35): feature (stone_stairs_up_i) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You closely miss the storm dragon. The storm dragon is lightly wounded. You block the storm dragon's attack. x2; The storm dragon closely misses you. You slash the storm dragon! You burn the storm dragon. The storm dragon is moderately wounded. The air elemental is no longer distracted by gold. You block the air elemental's attack. x2; The storm dragon misses you. x2 You block the storm dragon's attack. Unknown command. You closely miss the storm dragon. The storm dragon is moderately wounded. You block the air elemental's attack. The air elemental completely misses you. The storm dragon breathes lightning at you. The bolt of lightning misses you. Unknown command. You hit the storm dragon. You burn the storm dragon. The storm dragon is moderately wounded. The air elemental misses you. You block the air elemental's attack. You slice the storm dragon!! You burn the storm dragon! The storm dragon is severely wounded. You block the air elemental's attack. You block the storm dragon's attack. x2 The storm dragon closely misses you. Unknown command. You barely miss the storm dragon. The storm dragon is severely wounded. You block the air elemental's attack. You block the storm dragon's attack. x2 The storm dragon misses you. The air elemental misses you. Unknown command. You slice the storm dragon!! You burn the storm dragon! You kill the storm dragon! Your Evocations skill increases to level 19! You block the air elemental's attack. x2 Unknown command. You chop the air elemental into pieces!!! You burn the air elemental. You destroy the air elemental! No target in view! No target in view! A spriggan air mage comes into view. The spriggan air mage shouts! The spriggan air mage stares, then turns away, jangling a coin purse. 2 ball lightnings come into view. You see here 162 gold pieces. The ball lightning explodes! The blast of lightning engulfs the spriggan air mage. You see here 162 gold pieces. The ball lightning explodes! The blast of lightning engulfs you! Things that are here: a plate armour; a great mace No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! Things that are here: a giant club x2 Things that are here: a chain mail; an enchanted great mace Things that are here: a scale mail; a short sword You see here an enchanted trident. You now have 5760 gold pieces (gained 54). A spriggan air mage comes into view. The spriggan air mage shouts! The spriggan air mage stares, then turns away, jangling a coin purse. The spriggan air mage moves out of view. Something hits the electric golem! An electric golem comes into view. You see here a stone. You see here 45 gold pieces. The electric golem hurls lightning at you. The bolt of lightning hits you! The electric golem hurls lightning at you. The bolt of lightning hits you! You see here a flail. The electric golem hurls lightning at you. The bolt of lightning hits you! You see here a large rock. The electric golem hurls lightning at you. The bolt of lightning hits you! The electric golem closely misses you. You block the electric golem's attack. The electric golem barely misses you. You block the electric golem's attack. A ball lightning comes into view. Items here: )) [[ a plate armour; a runed glaive; a robe; a dagger You miss the electric golem. The electric golem is lightly damaged. The electric golem hurls lightning at you. The bolt of lightning hits you! You open the electric golem like a pillowcase!!! You burn the electric golem! The electric golem is heavily damaged. You block the electric golem's attack. The electric golem closely misses you. The electric golem misses you. The electric golem hits you but does no damage. Unknown command. You barely miss the electric golem. The electric golem is heavily damaged. The electric golem blinks! The ball lightning explodes! The blast of lightning engulfs you! You hear a deafening roar! Unknown command. The electric golem completely misses you. x2 You block the electric golem's attack. The electric golem hits you. x2 * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * The electric golem shocks you!! * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * You block the electric golem's attack. The electric golem completely misses you. x2 Items here: )) [[ a shiny plate armour; a long sword; a leather armour; a short sword You are too injured to fight recklessly! Unknown command. You feel much better. The electric golem hurls lightning at you. The bolt of lightning hits you! * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * You block the electric golem's attack. x2 The electric golem completely misses you. You block the electric golem's attack. You feel much better. You block the electric golem's attack. The electric golem hits you but does no damage. You block the electric golem's attack. The electric golem completely misses you. Unknown command. Evoke which item? (* to show all) (? for menu, Esc to quit) Zapping: y - a wand of heal wounds (2/9) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - you You feel much better. This wand has 1 charge left. The electric golem completely misses you. You block the electric golem's attack. The electric golem closely misses you. You block the electric golem's attack. The electric golem closely misses you. The electric golem hits you but does no damage. The electric golem misses you. The electric golem closely misses you. A storm dragon comes into view. Okay, then. What are your orders? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. g - Guard the area. f - Follow me. Anything else - Cancel. Gang up on whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - electric golem Aim: an electric golem (heavily damaged) Attack! You block the electric golem's attack. x3 The electric golem completely misses you. Okay, then. You feel protected. The electric golem hits you but does no damage. You block the electric golem's attack. x2 The electric golem hits you but does no damage. The electric golem misses you. x2 The electric golem hits you but does no damage. The electric golem barely misses you. You feel much better. You block the electric golem's attack. x3 The electric golem closely misses you. You block the electric golem's attack. x3 The electric golem completely misses you. Unknown command. You closely miss the electric golem. The electric golem is heavily damaged. You block the electric golem's attack. The electric golem completely misses you. You block the electric golem's attack. x2 Number of times to repeat, then command key: You must enter the number of times for the command to repeat. You slash the electric golem! You burn the electric golem. The electric golem is heavily damaged. You block the electric golem's attack. x2 The electric golem hits you but does no damage. You block the electric golem's attack. The storm dragon completely misses you. The storm dragon closely misses you. x2 Unknown command. You chop the electric golem into pieces!!! The electric golem is almost destroyed. The electric golem blinks! The storm dragon breathes lightning at you. The bolt of lightning misses you. Unknown command. The electric golem hurls lightning at you. The bolt of lightning misses you. The bolt of lightning hits the storm dragon. The storm dragon completely resists. Things that are here: a hand axe; a stone You slice the electric golem!! You burn the electric golem. You destroy the electric golem! Your Fighting skill increases to level 24! You block the storm dragon's attack. x2 The storm dragon completely misses you. Unknown command. You slice the storm dragon!! You burn the storm dragon. The storm dragon is moderately wounded. The air elemental is distracted by the nearby gold. You block the storm dragon's attack. The storm dragon misses you. The storm dragon barely misses you. An air elemental comes into view. You barely miss the storm dragon. The storm dragon is moderately wounded. You slice the storm dragon!! You burn the storm dragon. The storm dragon is heavily wounded. The storm dragon barely misses you. You block the storm dragon's attack. The storm dragon tramples you. You stumble backwards! Unknown command. You barely miss the storm dragon. The storm dragon is heavily wounded. The air elemental is no longer distracted by gold. You block the storm dragon's attack. x3 You hit the storm dragon. You burn the storm dragon. The storm dragon is heavily wounded. The storm dragon bites you but does no damage. The storm dragon closely misses you. The storm dragon misses you. Unknown command. You slice the storm dragon!! You burn the storm dragon. The storm dragon is severely wounded. The storm dragon breathes lightning at you. The bolt of lightning misses you. You chop the storm dragon into pieces!!! You burn the storm dragon. You kill the storm dragon! You have reached level 24! Your experience leads to an increase in your attributes! Your base attributes are Str 29, Int 9, Dex 11. Increase (S)trength, (I)ntelligence, or (D)exterity? You feel stronger. You feel clever. You slice the air elemental!! You burn the air elemental! You destroy the air elemental! Unknown command. No target in view! No target in view! Unknown command. You now have 5877 gold pieces (gained 117). You now have 6012 gold pieces (gained 135). Items here: ( )) [[ a robe; a dagger; a chain mail; an enchanted halberd; 7 large rocks A wind drake comes into view. The wind drake hisses angrily. Things that are here: 144 gold pieces; a hand axe; a stone You see here a poisoned tomahawk. Things that are here: a robe; a club; a large rock You closely miss the wind drake. You slice the wind drake like a ripe choko!!! You burn the wind drake! You kill the wind drake! No target in view! You swap places. You see here a halberd. You see here a poisoned tomahawk. Things that are here: a robe; a club; a large rock You now have 6102 gold pieces (gained 90). Things that are here: a robe; a dagger; a large rock You see here a glaive. Things that are here: a robe; a dagger; a large rock Things that are here: a robe; a club; a large rock No target in view! You see here a halberd. Things that are here: a shiny plate armour; an enchanted dire flail You now have 6165 gold pieces (gained 63). A storm dragon and a titan come into view. The titan shouts! The titan stares, then turns away, jangling a coin purse. The titan moves out of view. The storm dragon breathes lightning at you. The bolt of lightning hits you! You resist. You see here a trident. You block the storm dragon's attack. x2 The storm dragon completely misses you. You see here an arrow. You slash the storm dragon! You burn the storm dragon. The storm dragon is lightly wounded. The storm dragon breathes lightning at you. The bolt of lightning misses you. The bolt of lightning hits you! You resist. The bolt of lightning hits the storm dragon. The storm dragon completely resists. You hit the storm dragon. You burn the storm dragon. The storm dragon is lightly wounded. The storm dragon breathes lightning at you. The bolt of lightning misses you. x2 The bolt of lightning hits the storm dragon. The storm dragon completely resists. The bolt of lightning hits the titan. The titan completely resists. You carve the storm dragon like a ham!!! You burn the storm dragon! The storm dragon is severely wounded. You block the storm dragon's attack. x2; The storm dragon tramples you. You hold your ground! You hit the storm dragon. You burn the storm dragon. The storm dragon is severely wounded. Unknown command. You slash the storm dragon! You burn the storm dragon! The storm dragon is almost dead. You block the storm dragon's attack. The storm dragon misses you. You block the storm dragon's attack. The titan closely misses the storm dragon. You slash the storm dragon! You burn the storm dragon. You kill the storm dragon! Unknown command. No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! You swap places. You now have 6318 gold pieces (gained 153). A spriggan air mage comes into view. The spriggan air mage shouts! The spriggan air mage stares, then turns away, jangling a coin purse. A ball lightning comes into view. A storm dragon comes into view. The storm dragon roars deafeningly! The storm dragon breathes lightning at you. The bolt of lightning hits the ball lightning. The ball lightning completely resists. The bolt of lightning misses you. The spriggan air mage hits the storm dragon! The storm dragon bites the spriggan air mage! The storm dragon claws the spriggan air mage! The storm dragon tramples the spriggan air mage! The spriggan air mage is shoved backwards! The spriggan air mage hits the storm dragon but does no damage. Unknown command. The ball lightning explodes! The blast of lightning engulfs the storm dragon. The storm dragon completely resists. The blast of lightning engulfs the spriggan air mage. The blast of lightning engulfs you! You resist. The storm dragon is distracted by the nearby gold. The spriggan air mage hits the storm dragon. The storm dragon is no longer distracted by gold. Things that are here: 17 arrows; an uncursed shortbow of flaming You barely miss the storm dragon. The storm dragon is lightly wounded. You block the storm dragon's attack. x3 You slice the storm dragon!! You burn the storm dragon. The storm dragon is heavily wounded. The spriggan air mage closely misses the storm dragon. You block the storm dragon's attack. x2 The storm dragon tramples you but does no damage. Unknown command. You slice the storm dragon!! You burn the storm dragon. The storm dragon is severely wounded. The spriggan air mage closely misses the storm dragon. You block the storm dragon's attack. x3 You slice the storm dragon!! You burn the storm dragon. The storm dragon is almost dead. The spriggan air mage hits the storm dragon! The storm dragon dies! You now have 6606 gold pieces (gained 288). You now have 6642 gold pieces (gained 36). 50... You start to feel less resistant. Things that are here: a plate armour; a great mace You now have 6804 gold pieces (gained 162). You swap places. Your resistance to elements expires. You are near starving! Really attack the non-hostile spriggan air mage? You closely miss the spriggan air mage. The spriggan air mage is no longer bribed. x2 The spriggan air mage shouts! The spriggan air mage is heavily wounded. The spriggan air mage completely misses you. You block the spriggan air mage's attack. You slash the spriggan air mage! You burn the spriggan air mage. The spriggan air mage is almost dead. The spriggan air mage waves its arms in wide circles. The air twists around and strikes you! You completely miss the spriggan air mage. The spriggan air mage is almost dead. You block the spriggan air mage's attack. Unknown command. You miss the spriggan air mage. The spriggan air mage is almost dead. The spriggan air mage is distracted by the nearby gold. You block the spriggan air mage's attack. The spriggan air mage shouts! You hit the spriggan air mage. You burn the spriggan air mage. You kill the spriggan air mage! Unknown command. You slash the spriggan air mage! You burn the spriggan air mage. The spriggan air mage is no longer distracted by gold. The spriggan air mage is moderately wounded. The spriggan air mage casts a spell at you. The bolt of lightning hits you! You closely miss the spriggan air mage. The spriggan air mage is moderately wounded. You block the spriggan air mage's attack. You miss the spriggan air mage. The spriggan air mage is moderately wounded. You block the spriggan air mage's attack. You slash the spriggan air mage! You burn the spriggan air mage. The spriggan air mage is heavily wounded. Unknown command. You miss the spriggan air mage. The spriggan air mage is heavily wounded. You block the spriggan air mage's attack. You slice the spriggan air mage!! You burn the spriggan air mage! You kill the spriggan air mage! No target in view! No target in view! You see here a robe. You see here a short sword. You see here a trident. You start eating one of the 6 royal jellies. You continue eating. x2 You finish eating. That royal jelly was delicious! 20... You see here an arrow. You swap places. 15... What are your orders? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. g - Guard the area. f - Follow me. Anything else - Cancel. Follow me! 10... 5... 4... You see here an arrow. 3... You see here a trident. 2... 1... Time's up! The arena falls silent. You lost your score multiplier. You now have 16362 arena points (gained 408). You now have 7044 gold pieces (gained 240). Things that are here: a shiny plate armour; an enchanted dire flail You now have 7188 gold pieces (gained 144). Things that are here: a hand axe; a stone You now have 7215 gold pieces (gained 27). Items here: ( ))) [[ Get ready! You now have 7260 gold pieces (gained 45). ROUND 25! BOSS ROUND! There is a viscous altar of Jiyva here. There is a hide-covered altar of Uskayaw here. Things that are here: a chain mail; a war axe You see here a glaive. You now have 7305 gold pieces (gained 45). You see here the +4 shield "Cumeos" {Dex+7}. You sense a monster nearby. Unknown command. There is a staircase leading out of the dungeon here. You see here a short sword. You see here a robe. Things that are here: a chain mail; an enchanted great mace You now have 7350 gold pieces (gained 45). You see here a robe. You now have 7395 gold pieces (gained 45). You see here a robe. You now have 7440 gold pieces (gained 45). You see here a robe. Unknown command. Things that are here: a giant club x2 You now have 7485 gold pieces (gained 45). Things that are here: a plate armour; a great mace You now have 7647 gold pieces (gained 162). You now have 7683 gold pieces (gained 36). There is a spawn point here. Done exploring. Unknown command. A vault warden comes into view. It is wielding a vampiric war axe. Your vault warden grins greedily, jangling a coin purse. A bolt appears from out of your range of vision. The bolt hits your vault warden!! A wizard comes into view. It is wielding a dagger. Things that are here: a chain mail; a battleaxe; a potion of blood Your wizard grins greedily, jangling a coin purse. A bolt appears from out of your range of vision. The bolt completely misses your vault warden. Things that are here: a chain mail; an enchanted great mace No target in view! Unknown command. Things that are here: a chain mail; a battleaxe; a potion of blood A yaktaur comes into view. It is wielding an arbalest. Things that are here: a scale mail; a short sword Your yaktaur grins greedily, jangling a coin purse. A vault guard comes into view. It is wielding an enchanted great mace. Your vault guard grins greedily, jangling a coin purse. You swap places. You swap places. Mara, Lord of Illusions comes into view. He is wielding a demon trident of electrocution. Mara grins greedily, jangling a coin purse. Press: ? - help, v - describe, . - travel The floor. Really attack your ally Mara? You slash Mara! You burn Mara. Mara is no longer bribed. The yaktaur is no longer bribed. The vault guard is no longer bribed. The vault warden is no longer bribed. The wizard is no longer bribed. Mara is lightly wounded. You block the vault warden's attack. You block the wizard's attack. The yaktaur unwields an uncursed arbalest. The yaktaur barely misses you. Mara weaves an illusion. Mara shimmers and seems to become three! A vault guard comes into view. It is wielding a battleaxe. Unknown command. You barely miss Mara. Mara is lightly wounded. The vault guard shouts! Your vault guard grins greedily, jangling a coin purse. Mara says, "Difficult is the way of exertion, difficult to pass, difficult to enter upon." Mara blinks! You block Mara's attack. You block the vault guard's attack. You block the wizard's attack. You block the vault warden's attack. You hit Mara. Mara is lightly wounded. You block the yaktaur's attack. Mara blinks! Mara hits you with a demon trident of electrocution. You are electrocuted! Mara hits you with a demon trident of electrocution!! The wizard points at you and mumbles some strange words. The stone arrow reflects off an invisible shield around you! The stone arrow hits the wizard. You slice Mara!! Mara is lightly wounded. You block the vault guard's attack. You block the yaktaur's attack. The vault warden hits you with a vampiric war axe!! You block Mara's attack. Unknown command. You slice Mara!! You burn Mara. Mara is lightly wounded. You block Mara's attack. You block the wizard's attack. You block the yaktaur's attack. Unknown command. You slice Mara!! You burn Mara. Mara is moderately wounded. You block the vault guard's attack. The vault warden hits you but does no damage. Mara hits you but does no damage. Mara blinks! You block the wizard's attack. Unknown command. You barely miss the vault warden. The vault warden is moderately wounded. You block the yaktaur's attack. You block the vault warden's attack. You block the vault guard's attack. Unknown command. You slice the wizard!! You burn the wizard. You kill the wizard! Mara gestures at you. You resist with almost no effort. The yaktaur is distracted by the nearby gold. Unknown command. You completely miss Mara. Mara is lightly wounded. You block Mara's attack. The vault warden activates a sealing rune. Mara blinks! You block the vault guard's attack. Unknown command. You miss Mara. Mara is lightly wounded. Unknown command. You slice Mara!! You burn Mara. Mara is lightly wounded. Mara hits you with a demon trident of electrocution! The vault warden completely misses you. The vault guard closely misses you. Mara gestures. There is a horrible, sudden wrenching feeling in your soul! Unknown command. You miss Mara. Mara is lightly wounded. You block Mara's attack. Mara blinks! You block the vault warden's attack. Mara closely misses your vault guard. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe! Your vault guard hits Mara but does no damage. Mara misses you. Things that are here: 54 gold pieces; a dagger; a robe Unknown command. You slash Mara! Mara is moderately wounded. The yaktaur is no longer distracted by gold. You block the vault warden's attack. Mara hits your vault guard with a demon trident of electrocution. You block the vault guard's attack. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe! Your vault guard closely misses Mara. You slice Mara!! You burn Mara. Mara is moderately wounded. Mara closely misses you. The yaktaur hits you but does no damage. You block the vault warden's attack. Mara hits your vault guard with a demon trident of electrocution!! You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You slash Mara! You burn Mara. Mara is moderately wounded. The vault guard hits you but does no damage. Your vault guard hits Mara but does no damage. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe! You block the yaktaur's attack. Mara completely misses you. Unknown command. You slice Mara like a ripe choko!!! You burn Mara. Mara is moderately wounded. Towersofbeng's illusion hits you but does no damage. The vault warden is distracted by the nearby gold. Mara blinks! The vault warden shouts! Unknown command. You completely miss Mara. Mara is moderately wounded. The yaktaur closely misses you. You block the vault guard's attack. You block Mara's attack. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe! Mara blinks! You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You completely miss Mara. Mara is moderately wounded. Mara blinks! You block the yaktaur's attack. You block Mara's attack. Unknown command. You barely miss Mara. Mara is moderately wounded. The vault warden is no longer distracted by gold. You block Mara's attack. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You block the vault guard's attack. Your vault guard completely misses Mara. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe. The vault warden completely misses you. You catch the helpless Mara completely off-guard! You slice Mara!! You burn Mara. Mara is heavily wounded. You block the yaktaur's attack. Mara gestures at you. You resist with almost no effort. You block Mara's attack. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You hit Mara but do no damage. Mara is heavily wounded. You block the vault guard's attack. The vault warden hits you with a vampiric war axe. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe! x2 You block the yaktaur's attack. Mara blinks! You slash the vault warden! You burn the vault warden. The vault warden is moderately wounded. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You block Mara's attack. You block the vault warden's attack. The yaktaur misses you. The vault guard completely misses you. Unknown command. You slash the vault warden! You burn the vault warden. The vault warden is heavily wounded. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe. Mara blinks! Towersofbeng's illusion hits you. Towersofbeng's illusion burns you. You block Mara's attack. You barely miss the vault warden. The vault warden is heavily wounded. The yaktaur hits you but does no damage. The vault warden hits you but does no damage. You block the vault guard's attack. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You barely miss the vault warden. The vault warden is heavily wounded. You block Mara's attack. Mara blinks! You block the yaktaur's attack. You carve the vault warden like a ham!!! You burn the vault warden. You kill the vault warden! The runic seal fades away. Towersofbeng's illusion hits you! Towersofbeng's illusion burns you. The vault guard closely misses you. You block Mara's attack. x2 Unknown command. You block the yaktaur's attack. Towersofbeng's illusion hits you!! Towersofbeng's illusion burns you. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe. Your vault guard hits towersofbeng's illusion with a battleaxe. Mara blinks! Things that are here: 54 gold pieces; a vampiric war axe; a plate armour You barely miss the yaktaur. You block Mara's attack. You block the vault guard's attack. You block the yaktaur's attack. Towersofbeng's illusion hits you but does no damage. Mara blinks! You carve the yaktaur like a ham!!! You burn the yaktaur! You kill the yaktaur! You block Mara's attack. The vault guard is distracted by the nearby gold. The vault guard shouts! You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. Mara gestures. You block Mara's attack. Things that are here: 162 gold pieces; an uncursed arbalest; 14 bolts You hit Mara but do no damage. Mara is lightly wounded. The vault guard is no longer distracted by gold. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. Mara blinks! An adder simulacrum comes into view. You closely miss Mara. Mara is lightly wounded. Your vault guard closely misses Mara. You block Mara's attack. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. Mara hits you but does no damage. Unknown command. You slash Mara! You burn Mara. Mara is lightly wounded. Mara is distracted by the nearby gold. The vault guard closely misses you. Mara is distracted by the nearby gold. Your vault guard hits Mara but does no damage. Mara is no longer distracted by gold. You hit Mara. Mara is no longer distracted by gold. Mara is lightly wounded. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You block Mara's attack. Mara gestures at you. The bolt of fire misses you. The bolt of fire hits Mara. Mara resists. You slice Mara!! You burn Mara. Mara is moderately wounded. You block Mara's attack. Towersofbeng's illusion completely misses you. The vault guard hits you with an enchanted great mace. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe! You block Mara's attack. You slice Mara!! You burn Mara. Mara is moderately wounded. Mara blinks! You block Mara's attack. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You hit Mara but do no damage. Mara is moderately wounded. You block the vault guard's attack. You block Mara's attack. You barely miss Mara. Mara is moderately wounded. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe! You hit Mara but do no damage. Mara is moderately wounded. You block Mara's attack. You block the vault guard's attack. Towersofbeng's illusion hits you!! Towersofbeng's illusion burns you. You completely miss the adder simulacrum. You block Mara's attack. x2 Your vault guard completely misses Mara. The adder simulacrum misses you. Unknown command. You closely miss the adder simulacrum. You block the vault guard's attack. Towersofbeng's illusion hits you! Mara blinks! Unknown command. You open the adder simulacrum like a pillowcase!!! You melt the adder simulacrum. The adder simulacrum vapourises! You block Mara's attack. Towersofbeng's illusion hits you!! * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * Towersofbeng's illusion burns you! * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * The vault guard hits you but does no damage. Mara blinks! Mara is distracted by the nearby gold. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe! Mara is no longer distracted by gold. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. The vault guard is distracted by your gold. A vault guard comes into view. It is wielding an enchanted war axe. The vault guard shouts! You slash Mara! You burn Mara. Mara is lightly wounded. The vault guard stares, then turns away, jangling a coin purse. Mara hits you but does no damage. You are electrocuted! * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * Mara is engulfed in freezing vapours. You block Mara's attack. You cut the vault guard into ribbons!!! You burn the vault guard! The vault guard is severely wounded. Towersofbeng's illusion barely misses you. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe. Mara gestures at you. The bolt of fire hits you! You resist. * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * You block Mara's attack. You block the vault guard's attack. You feel much better. A centaur warrior comes into view. The centaur warrior shouts! The centaur warrior stares, then turns away, jangling a coin purse. Towersofbeng's illusion completely misses you. Mara is distracted by the nearby gold. You block Mara's attack. Your vault guard hits Mara but does no damage. Mara blinks! Unknown command. Evoke which item? (* to show all) (? for menu, Esc to quit) Zapping: y - a wand of heal wounds (1/9) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - you You feel much better. This wand has 0 charges left. The vault guard is no longer distracted by gold. You block the vault guard's attack. Towersofbeng's illusion misses you. You block Mara's attack. Mara blinks! Charge which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) As you read the scroll of recharging, it crumbles to dust. Your wand of heal wounds (0/9) glows for a moment and now has 5 charges. Towersofbeng's illusion closely misses you. The vault guard is distracted by the nearby gold. Mara gestures at you. The bolt of fire hits your vault guard. The bolt of fire misses you. The vault guard shouts! Unknown command. Evoke which item? (* to show all) (? for menu, Esc to quit) Zapping: e - a wand of heal wounds (3/9) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - you You feel much better. This wand has 2 charges left. The vault guard is no longer distracted by gold. Mara is no longer distracted by gold. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe!! You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You block Mara's attack. The vault guard barely misses you. Mara hits you but does no damage. You cut the vault guard into ribbons!!! You burn the vault guard! You kill the vault guard! Your Dodging skill increases to level 18! You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You block Mara's attack. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe. Unknown command. Mara is distracted by the nearby gold. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe! Mara is no longer distracted by gold. Mara blinks! Towersofbeng's illusion is distracted by the nearby gold. Mara gestures at you. The bolt of fire misses you. You block Mara's attack. Towersofbeng's illusion shouts! You completely miss towersofbeng's illusion. Towersofbeng's illusion is no longer distracted by gold. Towersofbeng's illusion hits you but does no damage. You slash towersofbeng's illusion! You burn towersofbeng's illusion. Towersofbeng's illusion is lightly wounded. Mara blinks! You block Mara's attack. You closely miss towersofbeng's illusion. Towersofbeng's illusion is lightly wounded. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You miss towersofbeng's illusion. Towersofbeng's illusion is lightly wounded. Mara barely misses you. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe! You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. Mara blinks! You hit towersofbeng's illusion but do no damage. Towersofbeng's illusion is lightly wounded. You block Mara's attack. x2 Your vault guard hits Mara but does no damage. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You block Mara's attack. You barely miss Mara. Mara is heavily wounded. 50... Towersofbeng's illusion closely misses you. Unknown command. You completely miss Mara. Mara is heavily wounded. Mara hits you with a demon trident of electrocution! Mara screams, "Tenfold be your damnation!" You block Mara's attack. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe. You open Mara like a pillowcase!!! You burn Mara. Mara is heavily wounded. You block Mara's attack. Mara gestures at you. The bolt of fire misses you. The bolt of fire hits Mara. Mara resists. You block Mara's attack. Unknown command. You slash Mara! Mara is heavily wounded. Towersofbeng's illusion closely misses you. Your vault guard closely misses Mara. Unknown command. You slice Mara!! You burn Mara. Mara is severely wounded. Mara blinks! Towersofbeng's illusion hits you but does no damage. You block Mara's attack. x2 Unknown command. You hit Mara but do no damage. Mara is severely wounded. Your vault guard hits Mara with a battleaxe. Mara blinks! You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. A vault guard comes into view. It is wielding a great mace. Unknown command. You hit Mara but do no damage. Mara is severely wounded. The vault guard stares, then turns away, jangling a coin purse. Mara blinks! Mara gestures at you. The bolt of fire misses you. The bolt of fire hits your vault guard. Your vault guard dies! You closely miss Mara. Mara is severely wounded. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. Mara blinks! You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. Items here: $ ( )) [ 207 gold pieces; an enchanted great mace; a plate armour; an uncursed arbalest 14 bolts Unknown command. Mara blinks! You see here 45 gold pieces. Mara blinks! You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You block Mara's attack. You see here 45 gold pieces. You slice Mara!! You burn Mara. Mara is severely wounded. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. A vault guard comes into view. It is wielding an enchanted long sword. You slash Mara! Mara is severely wounded. The vault guard stares, then turns away, jangling a coin purse. Mara blinks! You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. Unknown command. Mara blinks! Towersofbeng's illusion closely misses you. You see here a bolt. Mara blinks! You block Mara's attack. Mara closely misses you. You block Mara's attack. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You see here a bolt. You slash Mara! Mara is severely wounded. You block Mara's attack. x2 Unknown command. You hit Mara. Mara is severely wounded. Towersofbeng's illusion hits you!! Towersofbeng's illusion burns you. Unknown command. You slash Mara! You burn Mara. Mara is severely wounded. Mara blinks! You block Mara's attack. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You completely miss Mara. Mara is severely wounded. You closely miss Mara. Mara is severely wounded. Mara closely misses you. Mara is distracted by the nearby gold. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You slice Mara like a ripe choko!!! You burn Mara. Mara is severely wounded. You block Mara's attack. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. Press: ? - help, v - describe, . - travel, g - get item Here: Mara, wielding a demon trident of electrocution and wearing a runed robe (severely wounded) A scimitar. The floor, spattered with blood. You barely miss Mara. Mara is severely wounded. Mara blinks! You miss Mara. Mara is severely wounded. Towersofbeng's illusion hits you. Towersofbeng's illusion burns you. Mara gestures at you. The bolt of fire misses you. Unknown command. You hit Mara. Mara is almost dead. Towersofbeng's illusion hits you. Mara blinks! Mara misses you. You see here a scimitar. Mara blinks! Mara is no longer distracted by gold. You block Mara's attack. Towersofbeng's illusion closely misses you. You hit Mara. Mara is heavily wounded. Mara blinks! You block Mara's attack. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You slice Mara!! Mara is heavily wounded. You slash Mara! You burn Mara. Mara is heavily wounded. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. Mara hits you with a demon trident of electrocution! You are electrocuted! You slash Mara! Mara is heavily wounded. You block towersofbeng's illusion's attack. You block Mara's attack. You slice Mara!! Mara is severely wounded. Mara shimmers and vanishes! A rune of Zot has appeared. You have won a prize for killing the boss! Score multiplier: 3x You now have 17487 arena points (gained 1125). Mara shimmers and vanishes! x2 Towersofbeng's illusion disappears in a puff of smoke! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Game state: mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0 io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0: seen_hups: 0, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 4, arena_suspended: 0 prev_cmd = CMD_MOVE_LEFT repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD Player: {{{{{{{{{{{ Name: [towersofbeng] Species: Formicid Job: Fighter HP: 80/219; mods: 0/0 MP: 45/45; mod: 0 Stats: 28 (28) 22 (22) 23 (23) Position: (35, 39), god: Gozag (20), turn_is_over: 1, banished: 0 Standing on/in/over feature: floor Skills (mode: auto) Name | can_train | train | training | level | points | progress Fighting | X | 1 | 27 | 24 | 20371 | 1830/2018 Short Blades | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Long Blades | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Axes | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Maces & Flails | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Polearms | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Staves | X | 0 | 0 | 16 | 8251 | 51/1250 Slings | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Bows | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Crossbows | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Throwing | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Armour | X | 1 | 8 | 14 | 5801 | 756/883 Dodging | X | 1 | 44 | 18 | 12920 | 77/1784 Stealth | X | 0 | 0 | 2 | 100 | 11/89 Shields | X | 0 | 0 | 25 | 18691 | 1403/1803 Unarmed Combat | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Spellcasting | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Conjurations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Hexes | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Charms | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Summonings | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Necromancy | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Translocations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Transmutations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Fire Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Ice Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Air Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Earth Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Poison Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/29 Invocations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Evocations | X | 2 | 21 | 19 | 11450 | 1107/1387 Spell bugs: Durations: Attributes: #12: 26440 #13: 12757 #27: 134976 #49: 200 #57: 6000 #59: 1 Mutations: antennae: 3 (innate) weak: 1 Inventory bugs: Equipment: eq slot #0, inv slot #3: +8 lajatang of flaming eq slot #1, inv slot #33: +1 cloak of the Land of Plenty {Regen+ Int+4 Dex+3} eq slot #3, inv slot #21: +2 pair of gloves of Eternal Vigilance {rN+} eq slot #4, inv slot #18: +2 pair of boots of the Barber Surgeon {Int+6} eq slot #5, inv slot #34: +0 large shield "Heilokhy" {rPois rF- MR+++} eq slot #6, inv slot #22: +6 fire dragon armour eq slot #7, inv slot #17: ring "Nokyo" {rN+ MR++ Dex+4} eq slot #8, inv slot #16: ring "Vejim" {rC+ MP+9 Dex+5} eq slot #9, inv slot #15: amulet "Xubrazy" {Reflect rPois rC+ MR+ Int+2 SH+4} }}}}}}}}}}} Webtiles message buffer: Webtiles JSON stack: Screenshot: ##∩_._).(..[###.)[.))___∩# ###∩.....[)[8.# #§8[.......∩ ##......(..[...###(§.....(... #⌠....).....###..)###...)[... #⌠).....)[(.# #.<.# #....[... #⌠..[.......###...###........ ##).[.....$.§[.###)[.p..[[... ###∩[.......8.# #.8[.....[.∩ ##∩___..§@..###).[[..___∩# ######.8[§)....[.8.###### #§.$$$(....(.⌠# ###..)...)..### #_....).)_# #.......)_# #........_# #∩.......∩# ##∩.....∩## clua stack: dlua stack: Lua persistent data: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< calc_score: CLASS: FunctionWrapper name: arena_sprint_score fn: [type function] arena_style_points: 17487 arena_sprint_boss_set: 1: 1: place:Snake 2: aizul hd:7 hp:120 / naga warrior name:naga_warlord n_rpl n_des n_noc col:cyan hp:130 / anaconda name:giant n_adj n_noc hp:130 col:lightred 3: serpentine rune of zot 2: 1: place:Shoals 2: polyphemus hp:350 / ilsuiw hp:250 / merfolk avatar name:dimme tile:mons_dimme n_rpl n_des n_spe col:lightmagenta hp:300 spells:avatar_song.160.natural;malign_gateway.40.natural 3: barnacled rune of zot 3: 1: place:Forest:$ w:50 / spriggan druid w:2 / spriggan air mage w:5 / spriggan berserker w:5 2: agnes hp:335 3: mossy rune of zot 4: 1: place:Slime 2: dissolution hp:430 / acid blob name:sulfuric n_adj col:white hp:450 / great orb of eyes name:greater_orb_of_eyes n_rpl n_des n_noc col:green hp:600 3: slimy rune of zot 5: 1: vault guard / place:Vaults 2: mennas hp:250 / mara hp:300 / vault guard name:captain n_suf n_noc col:lightcyan hp:800 hd:26 3: silver rune of zot 6: 1: efreet / sun demon / ynoxinul / balrug / brimstone fiend 2: cerebov 3: fiery rune of zot 7: 1: place:Coc:$ 2: antaeus 3: icy rune of zot 8: 1: place:Tar:$ 2: ereshkigal 3: bone rune of zot 9: 1: guardian mummy w:15 / mummy priest w:3 / greater mummy w:2 2: khufu hp:500 3: golden rune of zot 10: 1: pandemonium lord 2: ancient lich name:Master_Blaster n_rpl hd:30 hp:1500 col:lightmagenta spells:fire_storm.32.wizard;glaciate.16.wizard;miasma_breath.16.wizard;teleport_self.16.wizard.emergency 3: demonic rune of zot 11: 1: place:Dis:$ 2: dispater 3: iron rune of zot 12: 1: neqoxec / cacodemon / tormentor / tentacled monstrosity / giant eyeball / golden eye / eye of devastation / eye of draining / shining eye 2: mnoleg 3: glowing rune of zot 13: 1: soul eater / lorocyproca / executioner / shadow wraith 2: gloorx vloq 3: dark rune of zot 14: 1: place:Geh:$ 2: asmodeus 3: obsidian rune of zot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lua marker contents: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Lua marker 0 at (24, 34): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: spawn_point: 1 west: 1 }}}} Lua marker 1 at (24, 35): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: spawn_point: 1 west: 1 }}}} Lua marker 2 at (24, 36): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: spawn_point: 1 west: 1 }}}} Lua marker 3 at (33, 29): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: west: 1 spawn_point: 1 north: 1 }}}} Lua marker 4 at (33, 41): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: west: 1 spawn_point: 1 south: 1 }}}} Lua marker 5 at (38, 20): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: spawn_point: 1 north: 1 }}}} Lua marker 6 at (38, 49): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: spawn_point: 1 south: 1 }}}} Lua marker 7 at (39, 20): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: spawn_point: 1 north: 1 }}}} Lua marker 8 at (39, 35): {{{{ CLASS: TriggerableFunction repeated: true listeners: func: CLASS: FunctionWrapper name: thing_do_arena fn: [type function] props: triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer target: any type: monster_dies method: dgn_event 2: CLASS: DgnTriggerer countdown: 1 type: turn buildup_turns: 0 sub_type: countdown delay_min: 1 method: dgn_event delay: 1 delay_max: 1 activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 1: 1: 2 256: 1: 1 activated: true data: spawn_rate: 60 finished: false spawn_dir: spawn_point num_killed: 14 monster_set: 1: vault guard / place:Vaults 2: mennas hp:250 / mara hp:300 / vault guard name:captain n_suf n_noc col:lightcyan hp:800 hd:26 3: silver rune of zot time_left: 2004 boss_spawned: true lightning_round: false style_mult: 3 round_enemies: 14 spawn_timer: 1020 between_rounds: true num_spawned: 14 round_id: 26 }}}} Lua marker 9 at (39, 35): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: centre_point: 1 }}}} Lua marker 11 at (39, 49): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: spawn_point: 1 south: 1 }}}} Lua marker 12 at (40, 20): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: spawn_point: 1 north: 1 }}}} Lua marker 13 at (40, 49): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: spawn_point: 1 south: 1 }}}} Lua marker 14 at (45, 29): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: east: 1 spawn_point: 1 north: 1 }}}} Lua marker 15 at (45, 41): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: east: 1 spawn_point: 1 south: 1 }}}} Lua marker 16 at (54, 34): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: spawn_point: 1 east: 1 }}}} Lua marker 17 at (54, 35): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: spawn_point: 1 east: 1 }}}} Lua marker 18 at (54, 36): {{{{ CLASS: PortalDescriptor props: spawn_point: 1 east: 1 }}}} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>