ERROR: range check error (37 / 33) Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 5.1-80-g04056d8 Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: normal Tiles: online Command line: /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro -name tatters -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/tatters.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/tatters.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/tatters/ -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/tatters:2017-11-11.15:19:29.sock -await-connection RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted Obtained 18 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILEi+0x23) [0x5cb7c3]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*, int) /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x2f2) [0x5d2b42]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x9c) [0x5cba5c]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f92fddbb4c0]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f92fe151b7b]: /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro() [0x5d22f9] /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro() [0x5d2844] /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro() [0x96e53d] /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro() [0x5fc36a] /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro(_Z20get_item_descriptionRK8item_defbbb+0x8dd) [0x5fd84d]: get_item_description(item_def const&, bool, bool, bool) /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro(_Z13describe_itemR8item_defSt8functionIFvRSsEE+0x92) [0x5ffe82]: describe_item(item_def&, std::function) /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro(_Z17display_inventoryv+0xb7) [0x73f407]: display_inventory() /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro(_Z15process_command12command_type+0x1444) [0xb9fca4]: process_command(command_type) /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro() [0xba1b09] /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro() [0xba275d] /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro(main+0x2eb) [0xba622b]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f92fdda676d]: /usr/games/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro() [0x533ce9] Trying to run gdb. GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.02-0ubuntu2) 7.4-2012.02 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: . [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". 0x00007f92fe15184e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #0 0x00007f92fe15184e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x00000000005cbecb in call_gdb(_IO_FILE*) () No symbol table info available. #2 0x00000000005d2b62 in do_crash_dump() () No symbol table info available. #3 0x00000000005cba5c in crash_signal_handler(int) () No symbol table info available. #4 No symbol table info available. #5 0x00007f92fe151b7b in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #6 0x00000000005d22f9 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #7 0x00000000005d2844 in die_noline(char const*, ...) () No symbol table info available. #8 0x000000000096e53d in player::skill(skill_type, int, bool, bool) const () No symbol table info available. #9 0x00000000005fc36a in ?? () No symbol table info available. #10 0x00000000005fd84d in get_item_description(item_def const&, bool, bool, bool) () No symbol table info available. #11 0x00000000005ffe82 in describe_item(item_def&, std::function) () No symbol table info available. #12 0x000000000073f407 in display_inventory() () No symbol table info available. #13 0x0000000000b9fca4 in process_command(command_type) () No symbol table info available. #14 0x0000000000ba1b09 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #15 0x0000000000ba275d in ?? () No symbol table info available. #16 0x0000000000ba622b in main () No symbol table info available. Compilation info: <<<<<<<<<<< Compiled with GCC 4.7.3 on Oct 29 2017 at 23:27:00 Build platform: x86_64-linux-gnu Platform: x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_WEB -DEXPERIMENTAL_BRANCH="hellcrawl-cbro" -Wall -Wformat-security -Wundef -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-format-zero-length -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wno-parentheses -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Iutil -I. -isystem /usr/include/lua5.1 -Irltiles -g -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DREGEX_PCRE -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DDGAMELAUNCH -DSAVE_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro/saves" -DDATA_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro/data/" -DWEB_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-hellcrawl-cbro/data/web/" -isystem /usr/include/ncursesw LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -fuse-ld=gold -O2 >>>>>>>>>>> Place info: branch = 26, depth = 1 Level id: Bazaar Level build method = random_map_in_depth, level layout type = encompass, absdepth0 = 18 Level vaults: bazaar_minmay_row Markers: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You create a snake! You now have 2395 arrows. Your ball python bites the death yak but does no damage. Casting: Sticks to Snakes Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You create a snake! You now have 2387 arrows. Your ball python bites the death yak but does no damage. Your adder is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). Your adder is moving more slowly. Your adder bites the death yak (3). The catoblepas breathes a plume of calcifying dust at you. The blast of calcifying dust hits the death yak (1). The blast of calcifying dust hits your adder (4). The blast of calcifying dust hits you! That hurt (12)! Jiyva absorbs 6 damage for you. Unknown command. Your ball python bites the death yak but does no damage. The death yak is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). Your adder completely misses the death yak. The catoblepas closely misses your ball python. Casting: Sticks to Snakes Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You create a snake! You now have 2379 arrows. The death yak is no longer weakened. Your adder bites the death yak but does no damage. Your ball python bites the death yak but does no damage. The death yak is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). The catoblepas gores your ball python (23)!! Your ball python dies! Casting: Sticks to Snakes Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Casting: Sticks to Snakes Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You create a snake! You now have 2371 arrows. Your adder bites the death yak (2). The death yak is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). Your ball python bites the death yak but does no damage. Your adder bites the death yak but does no damage. The catoblepas gores your ball python (16)! Your ball python dies! Unknown command. Casting: Sticks to Snakes Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You create a snake! You now have 2363 arrows. The death yak is no longer petrified. The death yak gores your adder (25)!! Your adder dies! Your ball python is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). Your ball python is moving more slowly. Unknown command. Casting: Sticks to Snakes Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. The death yak bellows! The death yak gores your ball python (7)! Your ball python dies! Your adder bites the catoblepas (3). The catoblepas breathes a plume of calcifying dust at you. The blast of calcifying dust hits your adder (3). The blast of calcifying dust hits you! That hurt (8)! Jiyva absorbs 3 damage for you. The blast of calcifying dust hits your butterfly (7). Your butterfly dies! Unknown command. Your butterfly is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). Your butterfly is moving more slowly. Your adder is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). Your adder is moving more slowly. Your adder bites the catoblepas but does no damage. The catoblepas gores your adder (23)!! Your adder dies! Your butterfly is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). Your butterfly stops moving altogether! The catoblepas bellows! Casting: Summon Butterflies Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You create a snake! You now have 2355 arrows. Your butterfly is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). Your butterfly is moving more slowly. Your butterfly is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). Your ball python bites the death yak but does no damage. The death yak gores your ball python (7)! Your ball python dies! Your butterfly is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). The death yak bellows! Unknown command. Casting: Sticks to Snakes Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You create a snake! You now have 2347 arrows. Your butterfly is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). x2 The death yak gores your butterfly (21)!! Your butterfly dies! Your ball python bites the catoblepas but does no damage. The catoblepas completely misses your ball python. Unknown command. The death yak barely misses you. Your ball python bites the catoblepas but does no damage. The catoblepas breathes a plume of calcifying dust at your ball python. The blast of calcifying dust hits your ball python (8). Your ball python dies! The catoblepas bellows! Unknown command. You slash the catoblepas (11)! You claw the catoblepas (1). You kill the catoblepas! You slash the death yak (7)! There is a sudden explosion of sparks (15)! The death yak misses you. Unknown command. You slash the death yak (17)! You kill the death yak! Your Axes skill increases to level 15! Your butterfly stops moving altogether! Your butterfly is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). Your butterfly is moving more slowly. Your ball python is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). Your ball python is moving more slowly. Your butterfly is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). Your ball python is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). Your ball python stops moving altogether! You start resting. Your butterfly is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). x3 You start resting. Your butterfly is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). x2 You start resting. Your butterfly stops moving altogether! Your butterfly is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). x3 You start resting. Your butterfly is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). x2 You start resting. Your butterfly is engulfed in calcifying dust (0). x3 You start resting. A centaur comes into view. A centaur is nearby! A centaur is nearby! You start resting. The centaur wields a +0 shortbow. The centaur shoots an arrow. The arrow hits your ball python (12)! Your ball python dies! You start resting. You start resting. The centaur shoots an arrow. The arrow barely misses you (0). You hear a distant slurping noise. You feel your power returning. You feel better. You hear a distant slurping noise. You start resting. Something hits your butterfly (3). Your butterfly dies! You start resting. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. The centaur wields a +0 shortbow. The centaur shoots an arrow. The arrow completely misses you (0). A centaur is nearby! The centaur shoots an arrow. The arrow completely misses you (0). You hit the centaur (6). You claw the centaur (3). You headbutt the centaur (5). The centaur is severely wounded. The centaur unwields a +0 shortbow. The centaur misses you. You slash the centaur (12)! You kill the centaur! You hear a distant slurping noise. You feel better. r - 2426 arrows (gained 79) You see here a +0 shortbow. You start resting. You feel a little less agile now. You start resting. You hear a distant slurping noise. You feel better. You hear a distant slurping noise. You feel better. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. Splash! You fall into the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. HP restored. A sea snake comes into view. Found a runed door. The sea snake hisses angrily. The sea snake bites you (5). Jiyva absorbs 2 damage for you. You are poisoned. The sea snake poisons you! You slash the sea snake (14)! You claw the sea snake (7)! You headbutt the sea snake (6). The sea snake is heavily wounded. You feel very sick. The sea snake bites you (1). Jiyva absorbs 1 damage for you. You slash the sea snake (13)! There is a sudden explosion of sparks (5)! Your kick misses the sea snake. The sea snake is severely wounded. You feel sick. The sea snake misses you. You hit the sea snake (6). There is a sudden explosion of sparks (16)! You kill the sea snake! You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You feel very sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You feel sick. You feel sick. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You feel sick. You hear a distant slurping noise. You feel better. You feel sick. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You feel sick. Really walk into a travel-excluded area? Okay, then. You start resting. You feel sick. You are no longer poisoned. You start resting. Splash! You fall into the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You start resting. Jiyva's power touches on your attributes. You feel agile. You feel stupid. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. Really walk into a travel-excluded area? [Y]es or [N]o only, please. Really walk into a travel-excluded area? You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. Press: ? - help, v - describe, . - travel The floor. Reduced exclusion size to a single square. Removed exclusion. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You hear a distant slurping noise. You feel better. There is an entrance to Zeaphe's Jewellery Shoppe here. You now have 1173 gold pieces (gained 9). You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. HP restored. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. Partly explored, can't reach some places. Partly explored, can't reach some places. You hear a distant slurping noise. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. The water nymph's watery aura covers Zeaphe's Jewellery Shoppe. The water nymph is too close now for your liking. Press: ? - help, v - describe, . - travel The floor. The water nymph shouts! The water nymph flows with the water. You slash the water nymph (15)! Your headbutt misses the water nymph. The water nymph is moderately wounded. The water nymph completely misses you. You slash the water nymph (16)! Your kick misses the water nymph. The water nymph is severely wounded. The water nymph misses you. You hit the water nymph (4). You claw the water nymph (5). The water nymph is almost dead. The water nymph closely misses you. You hit the water nymph (4). You kill the water nymph! Splash! You fall into the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You open the door. A manticore, a water elemental and a water nymph come into view. Found a scroll of amnesia. What are your orders? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. g - Guard the area. f - Follow me. Anything else - Cancel. You shout for attention! You hear a shout! Splash! You fall into the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. A merfolk comes into view. It is wielding a +0 trident. A water elemental comes into view. The merfolk hits you from afar with a +0 trident (4). Jiyva absorbs 4 damage for you. The merfolk completely misses you. You slash the merfolk (9)! There is a sudden explosion of sparks (8)! You claw the merfolk (3). You headbutt the merfolk (9)! The merfolk is heavily wounded. You slice the merfolk (18)!! Your kick misses the merfolk. The merfolk is almost dead. The merfolk hits you but does no damage. You completely miss the merfolk. Your kick misses the merfolk. You headbutt the merfolk, but do no damage. The merfolk is almost dead. The merfolk hits you with a +0 trident (4). Jiyva absorbs 2 damage for you. You closely miss the merfolk. Your headbutt misses the merfolk. The merfolk is almost dead. The merfolk hits you but does no damage. You slash the merfolk (12)! You kill the merfolk! g - 6 scrolls of enchant armour (gained 1) You now have 1232 gold pieces (gained 59). You see here a +0 trident. A merfolk comes into view. It is wielding a +0 trident. You strike the helpless merfolk from behind! You slice the merfolk (25)!! The merfolk looks weaker. You claw the merfolk, but do no damage. You headbutt the merfolk (8)! The merfolk is heavily wounded. The merfolk completely misses you. You hit the merfolk (3). The merfolk is heavily wounded. The merfolk completely misses you. You slash the merfolk (16)! Your kick misses the merfolk. You headbutt the merfolk (9)! The merfolk is almost dead. The merfolk hits you but does no damage. The water nymph shouts! You slash the merfolk (14)! You kill the merfolk! The water nymph flows with the water. You see here a +0 trident. You barely miss the water elemental. Your kick misses the water elemental. You headbutt the water elemental (11)! The water elemental is moderately damaged. The water elemental completely misses you. You hit the water elemental (5). You claw the water elemental, but do no damage. The water elemental is moderately damaged. The water elemental misses you. You hit the water elemental (5). The water elemental looks weaker. The water elemental is heavily damaged. You slash the water nymph (14)! The water nymph touches you (5). Jiyva absorbs 3 damage for you. The water nymph drowns you (7)! Jiyva absorbs 6 damage for you. Splash! You fall into the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. The water elemental closely misses you. Splash! You fall into the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You slice the water nymph (19)!! The water nymph's magic leaks into the air. The water nymph is almost dead. You slash the water elemental (11)! The water nymph misses you. Splash! You fall into the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. The water elemental closely misses you. Splash! You fall into the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. The water elemental barely misses you. Splash! You fall into the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You hear a shout! The water nymph flows with the water. You hit the water nymph (4). The water nymph is almost dead. You hit the water elemental (1). The water elemental misses you. You barely miss the water nymph. The water nymph is almost dead. You slash the water elemental (10)! The water nymph touches you (0). The water nymph drowns you (10)! Jiyva absorbs 4 damage for you. The water elemental barely misses you. A siren comes into view. It is wielding a +0 spear. You barely miss the water nymph. You headbutt the water nymph (2). You kill the water nymph! You closely miss the water elemental. The siren chants a haunting song. You resist with almost no effort. Unknown command. You slash the water elemental (8)! You destroy the water elemental! Unknown command. The siren chants a haunting song. You resist with almost no effort. You hear a distant slurping noise. The manticore flicks its tail. The volley of spikes misses you. The siren chants a haunting song. You resist with almost no effort. The manticore flicks its tail. The volley of spikes hits you! That hurt (2)! The barbed spikes become lodged in your body. Jiyva absorbs 2 damage for you. A manticore comes into view. The barbs in your skin will harm you if you move. Continue? The barbed spikes dig painfully into your body as you move. Jiyva absorbs 5 damage for you. The manticore barely misses you. The manticore completely misses you. The manticore barely misses you. The siren chants a haunting song. You resist with almost no effort. You slash the manticore (9)! You claw the manticore (4). The manticore is moderately wounded. The manticore completely misses you. The manticore closely misses you. The manticore completely misses you. You slash the manticore (12)! Your kick misses the manticore. You headbutt the manticore, but do no damage. The manticore is heavily wounded. The manticore closely misses you. The manticore completely misses you. The manticore misses you. A merfolk comes into view. It is wielding a +0 trident. The merfolk shouts! You hit the manticore (6). You claw the manticore (3). The manticore is severely wounded. The siren chants a haunting song. You resist with almost no effort. The manticore bites you (13)! Jiyva absorbs 6 damage for you. The manticore completely misses you. The manticore misses you. You slash the manticore (14)! There is a sudden explosion of sparks (8)! You kill the manticore! Unknown command. Casting: Sticks to Snakes Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You cannot teleport because you are wearing the +3 robe of Love and Death {-Tele rC+ MR++ Int+3}. Casting: Blink Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You miscast Sticks to Snakes. You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic. Nothing appears to happen. The merfolk throws a tomahawk. The tomahawk hits you but does no damage. The siren chants a haunting song. You resist with almost no effort. Casting: Sticks to Snakes Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Casting: Summon Butterflies Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You create a snake! You now have 2418 arrows. The siren chants a haunting song. You are mesmerised by the siren! Casting: Sticks to Snakes Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You don't know that spell. Unknown command. You slash the manticore (14)! You claw the manticore, but do no damage. You headbutt the manticore (5). The manticore is moderately wounded. The manticore completely misses you. The manticore misses you. The manticore closely misses you. The merfolk completely misses your butterfly. The siren chants its luring song. The water elemental barely misses your butterfly. You slash the manticore (17)! You claw the manticore, but do no damage. The manticore is severely wounded. The manticore completely misses you. The manticore claws you (2). Jiyva absorbs 2 damage for you. The manticore claws you (1). Jiyva absorbs 1 damage for you. The siren chants its luring song. You hit the manticore but do no damage. There is a sudden explosion of sparks (6)! You claw the manticore, but do no damage. You headbutt the manticore (5). The manticore is almost dead. You hit the water elemental (2). Your ball python bites the manticore but does no damage. The manticore bites you but does no damage. The manticore completely misses you. The manticore closely misses you. The siren chants its luring song. The water elemental closely misses you. You completely miss the manticore. You claw the manticore, but do no damage. The manticore is almost dead. You slash the water elemental (9)! Your ball python bites the manticore but does no damage. The merfolk completely misses you. The manticore bites you (13)! Jiyva absorbs 5 damage for you. The manticore completely misses you. The manticore claws you (9)! Jiyva absorbs 4 damage for you. The siren chants its luring song. You barely miss the manticore. You claw the manticore (8)! You headbutt the manticore (1). You kill the manticore! You slash the water elemental (11)! The water elemental misses you. The merfolk misses you. Unknown command. You slash the water elemental (16)! You claw the water elemental, but do no damage. Your headbutt misses the water elemental. The water elemental is almost destroyed. Your ball python barely misses the water elemental. The siren chants its luring song. The water elemental completely misses you. You hit the water elemental but do no damage. The water elemental is almost destroyed. Your ball python bites the water elemental but does no damage. The merfolk closely misses you. The siren chants its luring song. The water elemental hits your ball python (14)! Your ball python dies! You barely miss the water elemental. Your kick misses the water elemental. The water elemental is almost destroyed. The merfolk hits you from afar with a +0 trident (8)! Jiyva absorbs 5 damage for you. The siren chants its luring song. The water elemental closely misses you. Unknown command. Press: ? - help, v - describe, . - travel Here: a siren, wielding a +0 spear (mesmerising) The floor. Unknown command. You hit the water elemental but do no damage. You claw the water elemental (5). You headbutt the water elemental (1). You destroy the water elemental! The merfolk completely misses you. Unknown command. The barbed spikes dig painfully into your body as you move. Jiyva absorbs 2 damage for you. The siren completely misses you. The merfolk hits you with a +0 trident (12)! Jiyva absorbs 3 damage for you. Unknown command. You closely miss the siren. You claw the siren (5). The siren is lightly wounded. You hit the merfolk (5). There is a sudden explosion of sparks (13)! The siren closely misses you. Unknown command. You hit the siren (4). The siren looks weaker. You claw the siren, but do no damage. You headbutt the siren (11)! The siren is heavily wounded. You slash the merfolk (12)! The merfolk hits you with a +0 trident (10)! Jiyva absorbs 3 damage for you. The siren chants its luring song. You slash the siren (15)! Your kick misses the siren. The siren is severely wounded. You closely miss the merfolk. The merfolk hits you with a +0 trident (15)! Jiyva absorbs 5 damage for you. Unknown command. You slice the siren (19)!! You are no longer entranced. You kill the siren! You hit the merfolk (3). The merfolk closely misses you. Unknown command. You slash the merfolk (16)! You claw the merfolk (7)! You headbutt the merfolk (5). You kill the merfolk! Unknown command. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) You start removing your armour. You continue taking off the +3 robe of Love and Death {-Tele rC+ MR++ Int+3}. x3 Magic restored. You continue taking off the +3 robe of Love and Death {-Tele rC+ MR++ Int+3}. Your magical contamination has completely faded away. You finish taking off the +3 robe of Love and Death {-Tele rC+ MR++ Int+3}. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on the +1 robe of the Ditch-Digger {rElec rC+ Str-2}. x2 Your butterfly disappears in a puff of smoke! You continue putting on the +1 robe of the Ditch-Digger {rElec rC+ Str-2}. x3 You finish putting on the +1 robe of the Ditch-Digger {rElec rC+ Str-2}. Unknown command. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. You start waiting. You carefully extract the barbed spikes from your body. Your butterfly disappears in a puff of smoke! s - 153 tomahawks (gained 7) You see here a +0 trident. Your butterfly disappears in a puff of smoke! x2 There is an open door here. j - 4 scrolls of amnesia (gained 1) Your butterfly disappears in a puff of smoke! There is an open door here. There is an open door here. A faun comes into view. The faun moves out of view. A sea snake comes into view. Found a +1 cloak of poison resistance. The faun shouts! The faun wields a +0 shortbow. The faun shoots an arrow. The arrow completely misses you (0). The sea snake hisses angrily. There is a large open door here. The faun shoots an arrow. The arrow closely misses you (0). The arrow misses the sea snake (0). There is a large open door here. The faun points at you and mumbles some strange words. You resist with some effort. You barely miss the sea snake. You slash the faun (7)! The faun unwields a +0 shortbow. The faun barely misses you. Unknown command. You slash the sea snake (14)! The sea snake is lightly wounded. You hit the faun (4). The sea snake closely misses you. The sea snake bites you (15)! Jiyva absorbs 6 damage for you. You are poisoned. The sea snake poisons you! Unknown command. You slash the sea snake (15)! There is a sudden explosion of sparks (16)! Your kick misses the sea snake. The sea snake is heavily wounded. You hit the faun (3). The faun looks weaker. You feel very sick. The faun casts a spell at you. You resist with some effort. You hit the sea snake (4). There is a sudden explosion of sparks (16)! The sea snake is almost dead. You hit the faun (1). You feel sick. The sea snake bites you (7)! Jiyva absorbs 5 damage for you. The faun closely misses you. Unknown command. You barely miss the sea snake. The sea snake is almost dead. You hit the faun (4). You feel very sick. The sea snake barely misses you. The faun closely misses you. Unknown command. You slice the sea snake (19)!! You kill the sea snake! You hit the faun (6). You feel sick. The faun hits you (6). Jiyva absorbs 4 damage for you. You slash the faun (11)! You claw the faun (5). The faun is severely wounded. You feel sick. You slash the faun (16)! There is a sudden explosion of sparks (12)! You kill the faun! You feel sick. You feel sick. r - 2526 arrows (gained 108) You see here a +0 shortbow. You feel very sick. You feel sick. You see here a +1 cloak of poison resistance. k - a +1 cloak of poison resistance You feel sick. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) You feel sick. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +1 cloak of poison resistance. You feel sick. You continue putting on your +1 cloak of poison resistance. You feel sick. You continue putting on your +1 cloak of poison resistance. You feel sick. You continue putting on your +1 cloak of poison resistance. You feel sick. You finish putting on your +1 cloak of poison resistance. You feel resistant to poison. As you read the scroll of enchant armour, it crumbles to dust. Your +1 cloak of poison resistance glows green for a moment. You feel sick. You feel sick. You see here a +0 shortbow. You feel sick. You feel sick. There is a large open door, spattered with blood here. You feel sick. There is a large open door here. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. There is an open door here. You feel sick. There is an open door here. You feel sick. You feel sick. There is an open door here. You feel sick. You feel sick. You hear a distant slurping noise. You feel better. You hear a distant slurping noise. You feel better. You see here a +0 spear. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You are no longer poisoned. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You start resting. You hear a distant slurping noise. You start resting. HP restored. Search for what [Enter for "."]? . There is an entrance to Zeaphe's Jewellery Shoppe here. Search for what [Enter for "."]? There is a stone staircase leading down here. There are no items here. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. Things that are here: a +0 rapier of electrocution; a +0 cloak; a +0 pair of gloves You hear a distant slurping noise. There is a stone staircase leading down here. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Search for what [Enter for "."]? . Unknown command. You climb downwards. You hear coins being counted. You hear coins being counted. An interdimensional caravan has stopped on this level and set up a bazaar. Hurry and find its entrance before they move on! Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Press ? for a list of commands and other information. You enter the deep water. You start swimming. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. A merfolk comes into view. It is wielding a +0 trident. The water is shallow enough to stand again. A manticore comes into view. A yaktaur comes into view. The yaktaur shouts! The manticore flicks its tail. The volley of spikes misses you. The yaktaur wields a -1 arbalest. The yaktaur shoots a bolt. The bolt hits you (16)! Jiyva absorbs 6 damage for you. Found a potion of mutation and a -3 shortbow. A snapping turtle comes into view. Something bites the bush (21)!! The manticore flicks its tail. The volley of spikes hits you! That hurt (4)! The barbed spikes become lodged in your body. Jiyva absorbs 1 damage for you. The barbs in your skin will harm you if you move. Continue? Okay, then. The barbs in your skin will harm you if you move. Continue? The barbed spikes dig painfully into your body as you move. Jiyva absorbs 5 damage for you. The barbed spikes dig painfully into your body as you move. Jiyva absorbs 1 damage for you. You carefully extract the barbed spikes from your body. A manticore comes into view. The manticore completely misses you. The manticore claws you but does no damage. The manticore closely misses you. You slice the manticore (20)!! The manticore is moderately wounded. The manticore bites you (13)! Jiyva absorbs 6 damage for you. The manticore misses you. The manticore closely misses you. You slash the manticore (15)! You claw the manticore (2). The manticore is severely wounded. The manticore bites you (8)! Jiyva absorbs 5 damage for you. The manticore completely misses you. The manticore claws you (2). Jiyva absorbs 1 damage for you. You closely miss the manticore. The manticore is severely wounded. The manticore bites you (18)!! Jiyva absorbs 3 damage for you. The manticore closely misses you. The manticore claws you (3). Jiyva absorbs 3 damage for you. You slash the manticore (8)! There is a sudden explosion of sparks (8)! You kill the manticore! The manticore flicks its tail. The volley of spikes misses you. The manticore bites you (6). Jiyva absorbs 2 damage for you. The manticore closely misses you. The manticore misses you. You barely miss the manticore. The manticore completely misses you. x2 The manticore claws you but does no damage. You slash the manticore (10)! You claw the manticore (1). The manticore is moderately wounded. The manticore bites you (10)! Jiyva absorbs 5 damage for you. The manticore completely misses you. The manticore closely misses you. You slash the manticore (14)! There is a sudden explosion of sparks (17)! You claw the manticore (6). You kill the manticore! You hear a distant slurping noise. You feel better. You start resting. You hear the stately tolling of a bell nearby. You start resting. You hear a distant slurping noise. You feel better. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. A siren comes into view. It is wielding a +0 spear. The siren shouts! The siren chants a haunting song. You are mesmerised by the siren! The siren chants its luring song. The siren chants its luring song. The siren chants its luring song. Found 19 gold pieces. The siren chants its luring song. You slash the siren (7)! The siren looks weaker. You headbutt the siren (9)! The siren is heavily wounded. The siren chants its luring song. You slash the siren (15)! The siren is severely wounded. You slice the siren (19)!! You are no longer entranced. You kill the siren! You open the door. Found a flickering gateway to a bazaar. There is an open door here. There is a flickering gateway to a bazaar here. There is an open door here. You see here a +0 spear. Cast which spell? (? or * to list) Aiming: Apportation Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor Apport: 19 gold pieces Yoink! You pull the items towards yourself. You now have 1251 gold pieces (gained 19). There is an open door here. There is a flickering gateway to a bazaar here. The world spins around you as you enter the gateway. You enter an inter-dimensional bazaar! Found six shops. There is an empty arch of ancient stone here. Found a gate leading back out of this place. There is an entrance to Fyliyffu's Weapon Emporium here. There is an entrance to Naopnuet's Antique Weapon Shoppe here. There is an entrance to Fyliyffu's Weapon Emporium here. There is an entrance to Fyhucage's Book Shoppe here. There is an entrance to Muonuc's Gadget Emporium here. Evoke which item? (* to show all) (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. There is an entrance to Jutogg's General Store here. There is an entrance to Xaickazu's General Store here. Put on which piece of jewellery? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Okay, then. There is an entrance to Jutogg's General Store here. V - a scroll of enchant weapon; W - a wand of paralysis (7) X - a scroll of magic mapping Thank you for shopping at Jutogg's General Store! There is an entrance to Xaickazu's General Store here. There is an entrance to Xaickazu's General Store here. E - 2 potions of mutation (gained 1) Thank you for shopping at Xaickazu's General Store! There is an entrance to Jutogg's General Store here. Okay, then. Y - a potion of berserk rage; Z - a potion of invisibility Thank you for shopping at Jutogg's General Store! There is an entrance to Muonuc's Gadget Emporium here. There is an entrance to Fyhucage's Book Shoppe here. Okay, then. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) You start removing your armour. You continue taking off the +1 robe of the Ditch-Digger {rElec rC+ Str-2}. x4 You finish taking off the +1 robe of the Ditch-Digger {rElec rC+ Str-2}. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +2 ring mail of fire resistance. x5 You finish putting on your +2 ring mail of fire resistance. You feel resistant to fire. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. There is an entrance to Fyliyffu's Weapon Emporium here. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Put on which piece of jewellery? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Put on which piece of jewellery? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. There is an entrance to Fyliyffu's Weapon Emporium here. There is an entrance to Naopnuet's Antique Weapon Shoppe here. There is an entrance to Fyliyffu's Weapon Emporium here. There is an entrance to Fyhucage's Book Shoppe here. There is an entrance to Muonuc's Gadget Emporium here. There is an entrance to Jutogg's General Store here. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) You start removing your armour. You continue taking off your +2 ring mail of fire resistance. x4 You finish taking off your +2 ring mail of fire resistance. You feel less resistant to fire. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on the +1 robe of the Ditch-Digger {rElec rC+ Str-2}. x5 You finish putting on the +1 robe of the Ditch-Digger {rElec rC+ Str-2}. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) You start removing your armour. You continue taking off the +1 robe of the Ditch-Digger {rElec rC+ Str-2}. x4 You finish taking off the +1 robe of the Ditch-Digger {rElec rC+ Str-2}. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +2 ring mail of fire resistance. x5 You finish putting on your +2 ring mail of fire resistance. You feel resistant to fire. Wear which item (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Okay, then. There is an entrance to Xaickazu's General Store here. There is an entrance to Jutogg's General Store here. There is an entrance to Xaickazu's General Store here. There is an entrance to Xaickazu's General Store here. There is an entrance to Jutogg's General Store here. There is an entrance to Xaickazu's General Store here. Unknown command. There is an entrance to Jutogg's General Store here. There is an entrance to Jutogg's General Store here. Unknown command. Saving game... please wait. Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Press ? for a list of commands and other information. Okay, then. Adjust to which letter? (? for menu, Esc to quit) r - a scroll of acquirement; T - 2526 arrows Adjust (i)tems, (s)pells, or (a)bilities? Adjust which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) i - 1955 stones (quivered) Adjust to which letter? (? for menu, Esc to quit) z - 1955 stones (quivered); i - an uncursed staff of air Saving game... please wait. Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Welcome back, tatters the Demonspawn Wanderer. You are playing on Normal difficulty. Slime for the Slime God! Press ? for a list of commands and other information. As you read the scroll of acquirement, it crumbles to dust. This is a scroll of acquirement! [a] Weapon [b] Armour [c] Jewellery [d] Book [e] Staff [f] Wand [g] Misc. Evocable [h] Gold What kind of item would you like to acquire? (\ to view known items) Something appears before you! You see here the +0 plate armour of Urukohe {rPois Int+2 Stlth-}. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Game state: mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0 io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0: seen_hups: 0, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 1, arena_suspended: 0 prev_cmd = CMD_DISPLAY_INVENTORY repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD Player: {{{{{{{{{{{ Name: [tatters] Species: Demonspawn Job: Wanderer HP: 115/115; mods: 0/0 MP: 21/21; mod: 0 Stats: 10 (10) 12 (12) 23 (23) Position: (43, 34), god: Jiyva (15), turn_is_over: 0, banished: 0 Standing on/in/over feature: floor Skills (mode: manual) Name | can_train | train | training | level | points | progress Fighting | X | 0 | 0 | 10 | 2931 | 131/650 Blades | X | 0 | 0 | 2 | 209 | 31/178 Axes | X | 1 | 100 | 15 | 9050 | 667/1368 Maces & Staves | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Polearms | X | 0 | 0 | 2 | 239 | 61/178 Bows | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Crossbows | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Throwing | X | 0 | 0 | 1 | 59 | 0/119 Armour | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Dodging | X | 0 | 0 | 14 | 8341 | 1206/1248 Stealth | X | 0 | 0 | 7 | 1567 | 167/400 Shields | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Unarmed Combat | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Spellcasting | X | 0 | 0 | 5 | 990 | 99/357 Hexes | X | 0 | 0 | 2 | 150 | 0/150 Charms | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Summonings | X | 0 | 0 | 4 | 510 | 10/250 Necromancy | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Translocations | X | 0 | 0 | 3 | 360 | 4/238 Transmutations | X | 0 | 0 | 3 | 360 | 4/238 Fire Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Ice Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Air Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Earth Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Invocations | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/29 Evocations | X | 0 | 0 | 2 | 290 | 140/150 Spell bugs: Durations: #33: 180 #40: 20 Attributes: #12: 1591 #13: 782 #23: 15177 #24: -1795387971 #25: 8 #27: 141008 #49: 2880 #59: 1 Mutations: horns: 3 (innate) talons: 3 icy blue scales: 2 (innate) mutation resistance: 1 powered by death: 2 (innate) powered by pain: 3 (innate) shaggy fur: 1 black mark: 1 (innate) Inventory bugs: Equipment: eq slot #0, inv slot #37: +7 broad axe of electrocution eq slot #1, inv slot #10: +2 cloak of poison resistance eq slot #3, inv slot #27: +0 pair of gloves eq slot #6, inv slot #40: +2 ring mail of fire resistance eq slot #7, inv slot #16: ring of fire eq slot #8, inv slot #21: ring of poison resistance eq slot #9, inv slot #39: amulet of faith }}}}}}}}}}} Webtiles message buffer: Webtiles JSON stack: Screenshot: #...# #.∩.# ####...#### ###.........### ##......#......## #...............# ##..#.........#..## #.................# #.#.∩.∩.∩.∩.∩@∩.#.# #.................# ##..#.........#..## #...............# ##......#......## ###.........### ####...#### #.∩.# #...# clua stack: dlua stack: Lua persistent data: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ice_cave_hard: true bailey_type: bailey_polearm >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lua marker contents: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>