ERROR in '' at line 664: bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000) Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.23-a0-386-g9c9d49f Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: normal Tiles: online Command line: /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623 -name mandarbmax -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/mandarbmax.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/mandarbmax.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/mandarbmax/ -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/mandarbmax:2018-10-28.14:34:00.sock -await-connection RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted Obtained 22 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILEi+0x23) [0x5ffa23]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*, int) /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x419) [0x6076c9]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x9c) [0x5ffcac]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7cdf66d0b0]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7cdfa07b7b]: /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623() [0x606d39] /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623() [0x607158] /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623(_Z19mons_class_holiness12monster_type+0x46) [0x947fe6]: mons_class_holiness(monster_type) /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623(_ZNK7monster8holinessEb+0x1f) [0x975d8f]: monster::holiness(bool) const /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623(_ZNK7monster7is_holyEb+0x12) [0x9694b2]: monster::is_holy(bool) const /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623(_Z19set_attack_conductsP19god_conduct_triggerPK7monsterb+0x63) [0x719a63]: set_attack_conducts(god_conduct_trigger*, monster const*, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623() [0xa6a70f] /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623() [0xa6f463] /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623(_Z21fire_los_attack_spell10spell_typeiPK5actorPS0_bPi+0x17) [0xa6fae7]: fire_los_attack_spell(spell_type, int, actor const*, actor*, bool, int*) /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623() [0x567078] /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623(_Z15activate_talentRK6talent+0x90) [0x568ac0]: activate_talent(talent const&) /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623(_Z16activate_abilityv+0x208) [0x568ef8]: activate_ability() /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623(_Z15process_command12command_type+0x1ea) [0xc186ea]: process_command(command_type) /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623() [0xc1b849] /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623(main+0x54d) [0xc1fb6d]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7cdf6587ed]: /usr/games/crawl-git-9c9d49f623() [0x55dfb9] Trying to run gdb. GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.04-0ubuntu2.1) 7.4-2012.04 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: . [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". 0x00007f7cdfa0784e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #0 0x00007f7cdfa0784e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x00000000006000db in call_gdb (file=0x7f7cdf9f2180) at gdb = attach_cmd = "attach 29840\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" #2 0x00000000006076e9 in do_crash_dump () at dir = "/dgldir/morgue/mandarbmax/" signal_info = "Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted" cause_msg = "ERROR in '' at line 664: bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000)" file = 0x7f7cdf9f2180 t = 1540738038 name = "/dgldir/morgue/mandarbmax/crash-mandarbmax-20181028-144718.txt", '\000' #3 0x00000000005ffcac in crash_signal_handler (sig_num=6) at No locals. #4 No symbol table info available. #5 0x00007f7cdfa07b7b in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #6 0x0000000000606d39 in _BreakStrToDebugger (mesg=mesg@entry=0x7ffe967291d0 "ERROR in '' at line 664: bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000)", assert=) at No locals. #7 0x0000000000607158 in die (file=0xc47cd8 "", line=664, format=) at tmp = "bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000)", '\000' mesg = "ERROR in '' at line 664: bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000)", '\000' args = {{gp_offset = 40, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7ffe96729ac0, reg_save_area = 0x7ffe967299f0}} #8 0x0000000000947fe6 in mons_class_holiness (mc=MONS_NO_MONSTER) at No locals. #9 0x0000000000975d8f in holiness (this=0x1248ad0) at holi = #10 monster::holiness (this=0x1248ad0) at No locals. #11 0x00000000009694b2 in monster::is_holy (this=, check_spells=) at No locals. #12 0x0000000000719a63 in set_attack_conducts (conduct=0x7ffe96729bd0, mon=0x1248ad0, known=) at mid = 0 #13 0x0000000000a6a70f in _los_spell_damage_monster (agent=agent@entry=0x120bfc0, target=target@entry=0x1248ad0, beam=..., actual=actual@entry=true, wounds=wounds@entry=true) at conducts = {{conduct = NUM_CONDUCTS, pgain = 0, known = true, enabled = false, victim = std::unique_ptr containing 0x0}, {conduct = NUM_CONDUCTS, pgain = 0, known = true, enabled = false, victim = std::unique_ptr containing 0x0}, {conduct = NUM_CONDUCTS, pgain = 0, known = true, enabled = false, victim = std::unique_ptr containing 0x0}} hurted = 16 #14 0x0000000000a6f463 in _cast_los_attack_spell (spell=, pow=, agent=0x120bfc0, defender=0x0, actual=actual@entry=true, fail=, damage_done=0x7ffe9672a02c) at this_damage = m = 0x1248ad0 __for_range = std::vector of length 3, capacity 4 = {0x1248ad0, 0x1249588, 0x124c688} avg_damage = 12 total_damage = 0 mons = 0x0 player_msg = global_msg = verb = 0x1
vulnerable = vul_hitfunc = zap = affected_monsters = std::vector of length 3, capacity 4 = {0x1248ad0, 0x1249588, 0x124c688} beam = {origin_spell = SPELL_DRAIN_LIFE, range = -2, glyph = 0 U'\000', colour = 8 '\b', flavour = BEAM_NEG, real_flavour = BEAM_NEG, drop_item = false, item = 0x0, source = {x = 0, y = 0}, target = {x = 0, y = 0}, damage = {num = 1, size = 24}, ench_power = 14, hit = 40, thrower = KILL_YOU, ex_size = 0, source_id = 4294967295, source_name = "", name = "drain life", short_name = "", hit_verb = "", loudness = 0, hit_noise_msg = "", explode_noise_msg = "", pierce = false, is_explosion = false, aimed_at_spot = false, aux_source = "", affects_nothing = false, effect_known = true, effect_wanton = false, draw_delay = 15, explode_delay = 50, special_explosion = 0x0, was_missile = false, animate = true, ac_rule = AC_NORMAL, obvious_effect = true, seen = false, heard = false, path_taken = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0, extra_range_used = 0, is_tracer = false, is_targeting = false, aimed_at_feet = false, msg_generated = false, noise_generated = false, passed_target = false, in_explosion_phase = false, attitude = ATT_HOSTILE, foe_ratio = 80, hit_count = std::map with 0 elements, foe_info = {count = 0, power = 0, hurt = 0, helped = 0, dont_stop = false}, friend_info = {count = 0, power = 0, hurt = 0, helped = 0, dont_stop = false}, chose_ray = false, beam_cancelled = false, dont_stop_player = false, dont_stop_trees = false, bounces = 0, bounce_pos = {x = 0, y = 0}, reflections = 0, reflector = 0, use_target_as_pos = false, auto_hit = false, ray = {r = {start = {x = 0, y = 0}, dir = {x = 0, y = 0}}, on_corner = false, cycle_idx = -1}, tile_beam = 10800, can_see_invis = false, nightvision = false, message_cache = std::set with 0 elements} mons_vis_msg = 0x0 mons_invis_msg = 0xc
affects_you = #15 0x0000000000a6fae7 in fire_los_attack_spell (spell=, pow=, agent=, defender=, fail=, damage_done=) at No locals. #16 0x0000000000567078 in _do_ability (fail=fail@entry=false, abil=) at damage = 0 result = abild = {isValid = false, isTarget = false, isEndpoint = false, isCancel = true, choseRay = false, target = {x = 0, y = 0}, delta = {x = 0, y = 0}, ray = {r = {start = {x = 0, y = 0}, dir = {x = 0, y = 0}}, on_corner = false, cycle_idx = -1}} beam = {origin_spell = SPELL_NO_SPELL, range = -2, glyph = 42 U'*', colour = 0 '\000', flavour = BEAM_MAGIC, real_flavour = BEAM_MAGIC, drop_item = false, item = 0x0, source = {x = 0, y = 0}, target = {x = 0, y = 0}, damage = {num = 0, size = 0}, ench_power = 0, hit = 0, thrower = KILL_MISC, ex_size = 0, source_id = 0, source_name = "", name = "", short_name = "", hit_verb = "", loudness = 0, hit_noise_msg = "", explode_noise_msg = "", pierce = false, is_explosion = false, aimed_at_spot = false, aux_source = "", affects_nothing = false, effect_known = true, effect_wanton = false, draw_delay = 15, explode_delay = 50, special_explosion = 0x0, was_missile = false, animate = true, ac_rule = AC_NORMAL, obvious_effect = false, seen = false, heard = false, path_taken = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0, extra_range_used = 0, is_tracer = false, is_targeting = false, aimed_at_feet = false, msg_generated = false, noise_generated = false, passed_target = false, in_explosion_phase = false, attitude = ATT_HOSTILE, foe_ratio = 0, hit_count = std::map with 0 elements, foe_info = {count = 0, power = 0, hurt = 0, helped = 0, dont_stop = false}, friend_info = {count = 0, power = 0, hurt = 0, helped = 0, dont_stop = false}, chose_ray = false, beam_cancelled = false, dont_stop_player = false, dont_stop_trees = false, bounces = 0, bounce_pos = {x = 0, y = 0}, reflections = 0, reflector = 0, use_target_as_pos = false, auto_hit = false, ray = {r = {start = {x = 0, y = 0}, dir = {x = 0, y = 0}}, on_corner = false, cycle_idx = -1}, tile_beam = 14, can_see_invis = false, nightvision = false, message_cache = std::set with 0 elements} spd = {isValid = false, isTarget = false, isEndpoint = false, isCancel = true, choseRay = false, target = {x = 0, y = 0}, delta = {x = 0, y = 0}, ray = {r = {start = {x = 0, y = 0}, dir = {x = 0, y = 0}}, on_corner = false, cycle_idx = -1}} #17 0x0000000000568ac0 in activate_talent (tal=...) at fail = false ability_result = #18 0x0000000000568ef8 in activate_ability () at talents = std::vector of length 6, capacity 8 = {{which = ABIL_YRED_RECALL_UNDEAD_SLAVES, hotkey = 98, fail = 0, is_invocation = true}, {which = ABIL_YRED_INJURY_MIRROR, hotkey = 99, fail = 0, is_invocation = true}, {which = ABIL_YRED_ANIMATE_DEAD, hotkey = 97, fail = 0, is_invocation = true}, {which = ABIL_YRED_DRAIN_LIFE, hotkey = 100, fail = 0, is_invocation = true}, {which = ABIL_YRED_ENSLAVE_SOUL, hotkey = 101, fail = 16, is_invocation = true}, {which = ABIL_RENOUNCE_RELIGION, hotkey = 88, fail = 0, is_invocation = true}} selected = #19 0x0000000000c186ea in process_command (cmd=cmd@entry=CMD_USE_ABILITY) at No locals. #20 0x0000000000c1b849 in _input () at cmd = CMD_USE_ABILITY player_disabled = {was_disabled = false} #21 0x0000000000c1fb6d in _launch_game () at game_start = false ccon = {cstate = false, smartcstate = false} #22 _launch_game_loop () at game_ended = false #23 main (argc=, argv=) at No locals. Compilation info: <<<<<<<<<<< Compiled with GCC 4.7.3 on Oct 28 2018 at 03:11:33 Build platform: x86_64-linux-gnu Platform: x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_WEB -Wall -Wformat-security -Wundef -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-format-zero-length -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wno-parentheses -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Iutil -I. -isystem /usr/include/lua5.1 -Irltiles -g -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DREGEX_PCRE -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DDGAMELAUNCH -DSAVE_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-9c9d49f623/saves" -DSHARED_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves" -DDATA_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-9c9d49f623/data/" -DWEB_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-9c9d49f623/data/web/" -isystem /usr/include/ncursesw LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -fuse-ld=gold -O2 >>>>>>>>>>> Place info: branch = 34, depth = 2 Level id: Depths:2 Level build method = random_map_in_depth, level layout type = passages, absdepth0 = 23 Level vaults: little_maze_vault layout_gridville hangedman_coc_ice_floe dungeon_decor infiniplex_staircase_zigzag_5 uniq_nikola Markers: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Your bone dragon is covered in liquid flames. Your bone dragon is covered in liquid flames! The deep troll shaman is engulfed in freezing vapours. You kill the deep troll shaman! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. The troll leather armour is intact enough to wear. The fire dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. You kill the fire dragon! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. The golden dragon breathes cold at you. The bolt of cold hits you! The bolt of cold hits your bone dragon. Your bone dragon resists. The bolt of cold hits your flayed ghost. Your flayed ghost is destroyed! The ettin is engulfed in freezing vapours. The ice dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. You swap places. The spark wasp is no longer moving slowly. Your bone dragon burns! The deep troll earth mage bites your bone dragon but does no damage. The deep troll earth mage claws your bone dragon! The deep troll earth mage claws your bone dragon but does no damage. Your bone dragon bites the deep troll earth mage! Your bone dragon claws the deep troll earth mage. Your bone dragon closely misses the deep troll earth mage. The red very ugly thing punches your bone dragon but does no damage. The fire giant hits your bone dragon with a +2 great sword of flaming!! Your bone dragon bites the red very ugly thing! Your bone dragon claws the red very ugly thing but does no damage. Your bone dragon closely misses the red very ugly thing. The golden dragon bites your bone dragon!! The golden dragon claws your bone dragon but does no damage. The golden dragon tramples your bone dragon. Your bone dragon holds its ground! There is a huge open gate here. You open the door. Your bone dragon burns! Your skeletal warrior hits the golden dragon but does no damage. The ice dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. The ettin is engulfed in freezing vapours. The deep troll earth mage barely misses your bone dragon. The deep troll earth mage claws your bone dragon but does no damage. x2 Your bone dragon barely misses the golden dragon. Your bone dragon closely misses the golden dragon. Your bone dragon tramples the golden dragon! The golden dragon holds its ground! The red very ugly thing punches your bone dragon. Your bone dragon is covered in liquid flames. Your bone dragon barely misses the red very ugly thing. Your bone dragon claws the red very ugly thing! Your bone dragon tramples the red very ugly thing but does no damage. The golden dragon bites your bone dragon but does no damage. The golden dragon claws your bone dragon! The golden dragon tramples your bone dragon! Your bone dragon holds its ground! Unknown command. Wield which item (- for none, * to show all)? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Your +4 glaive of flaming stops flaming. The +7 trident "Giant's Funeral" {protect, Int+7} hums with potential! a - the +7 trident "Giant's Funeral" (weapon) {protect, Int+7} Your bone dragon burns! The ettin is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your skeletal warrior hits the golden dragon from afar with a trident. The deep troll earth mage bites your bone dragon! The deep troll earth mage claws your bone dragon but does no damage. The deep troll earth mage claws your bone dragon. Your bone dragon bites the golden dragon. Your bone dragon claws the golden dragon but does no damage. Your bone dragon tramples the golden dragon but does no damage. Your bone dragon completely misses the deep troll earth mage. Your bone dragon claws the deep troll earth mage! Your bone dragon tramples the deep troll earth mage! The deep troll earth mage holds its ground! The deep troll shaman is engulfed in freezing vapours. The red very ugly thing punches your bone dragon but does no damage. The fire giant hits your bone dragon with a +2 great sword of flaming. Unknown command. Unknown command. Casting: Metabolic Englaciation (safe; 6% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. The spell is very dangerous to cast (38% risk of failure)! Continue anyway? Aiming: Freezing Cloud (very dangerous; 38% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - spark wasp, p - fire giant Aim: a spark wasp (severely wounded) You feel a surge of power! Really fire in your bone dragon's direction? Your bone dragon burns! Your vampire knight mumbles some strange words. Your vampire knight flickers and vanishes for a moment. The spark wasp is engulfed in freezing vapours. x2 Your bone dragon bites the red very ugly thing! Your bone dragon closely misses the red very ugly thing. Your bone dragon tramples the red very ugly thing. The red very ugly thing holds its ground! The golden dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. The golden dragon bites your bone dragon. The golden dragon claws your bone dragon. The golden dragon tramples your bone dragon! Your bone dragon holds its ground! The great orb of eyes is engulfed in freezing vapours. The ice dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your bone dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your bone dragon bites the golden dragon! Your bone dragon closely misses the golden dragon. Your bone dragon tramples the golden dragon but does no damage. The deep troll earth mage is engulfed in freezing vapours. You kill the deep troll earth mage! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Your skeletal warrior hits the golden dragon from afar with a trident! Your bone dragon bites the fire giant!! Your bone dragon claws the fire giant but does no damage. Your bone dragon tramples the fire giant. The fire giant holds its ground! The spark wasp is engulfed in freezing vapours. The red very ugly thing is engulfed in freezing vapours. The red very ugly thing punches your bone dragon but does no damage. The deep troll shaman is engulfed in freezing vapours. The ettin is engulfed in freezing vapours. Unknown command. Unknown command. Unknown command. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - fire giant, p - spark wasp Aim: a fire giant, wielding a +2 great sword of flaming (heavily wounded, slow) Okay, then. You swap places. The spark wasp is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your bone dragon bites the red very ugly thing but does no damage. Your bone dragon claws the red very ugly thing! Your bone dragon tramples the red very ugly thing! The red very ugly thing holds its ground! The spark wasp is engulfed in freezing vapours. The spark wasp stings your bone dragon but does no damage. The golden dragon bites your bone dragon! The golden dragon claws your bone dragon but does no damage. The golden dragon tramples your bone dragon but does no damage. The great orb of eyes is engulfed in freezing vapours. The ice dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. The ettin is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your vampire knight gestures wildly while chanting. Your vampire knight flickers and vanishes for a moment. Your bone dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your bone dragon completely misses the golden dragon. Your bone dragon claws the golden dragon. Your bone dragon tramples the golden dragon. The golden dragon holds its ground! The spark wasp is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your bone dragon bites the fire giant!! Your bone dragon claws the fire giant. Your bone dragon tramples the fire giant. The fire giant holds its ground! Your skeletal warrior hits the golden dragon from afar with a trident. The fire giant hits your bone dragon with a +2 great sword of flaming!! The fire giant burns your bone dragon. Your bone dragon is destroyed! The fire giant shouts! There is a huge open gate here. Unknown command. You open the door. The battlesphere is engulfed in freezing vapours. The spark wasp is engulfed in freezing vapours. You kill the spark wasp! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. The ettin is engulfed in freezing vapours. You kill the ettin! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Your lamp of fire has recharged. Training target 7.0 for Charms reached! Your Charms skill increases to level 7! You need to enable at least one skill for training. The red very ugly thing is engulfed in freezing vapours. The red very ugly thing punches your bone dragon! Your bone dragon is covered in liquid flames. The deep troll shaman is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your bone dragon bites the red very ugly thing! The red very ugly thing dies! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. The spark wasp is engulfed in freezing vapours. The golden dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. The golden dragon bites your bone dragon! The golden dragon claws your bone dragon but does no damage. The golden dragon tramples your bone dragon. Your bone dragon holds its ground! The ice dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. The great orb of eyes is engulfed in freezing vapours. The ettin is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your vampire knight closely misses the golden dragon. Your vampire knight hits the deep troll shaman with a war axe! Your vampire knight hits the fire giant but does no damage. Your vampire knight bites the golden dragon but does no damage. Your bone dragon bites the golden dragon. Your bone dragon barely misses the golden dragon. Your bone dragon tramples the golden dragon. The golden dragon holds its ground! Unknown command. Wield which item (- for none, * to show all)? (? for menu, Esc to quit) The +7 trident "Giant's Funeral" {protect, Int+7} goes still. Your +4 glaive of flaming bursts into flame! j - a +4 glaive of flaming (weapon) Your bone dragon burns! The battlesphere is engulfed in freezing vapours. The deep troll shaman is engulfed in freezing vapours. You kill the deep troll shaman! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Your skeletal warrior hits the golden dragon from afar with a trident! The golden dragon dies! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. The gold dragon scales are intact enough to wear. The spark wasp is engulfed in freezing vapours. The spark wasp stings your bone dragon. The spark wasp shocks your bone dragon. Your bone dragon resists. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - spark wasp Aim: a spark wasp (freezing vapour, moderately wounded) You could not reach far enough! Your bone dragon burns! The great orb of eyes is engulfed in freezing vapours. The great orb of eyes bites your bone dragon but does no damage. The ice dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. The ice dragon bites your bone dragon! The ice dragon claws your bone dragon but does no damage. The ice dragon tramples your bone dragon but does no damage. Your bone dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. The ettin hits your bone dragon with a +1 dire flail of protection!! The ettin hits your bone dragon with a +0 dire flail!! The tengu reaver is engulfed in freezing vapours. The fire giant hits your vampire knight with a +2 great sword of flaming! The fire giant burns your vampire knight. The spark wasp is engulfed in freezing vapours. The spark wasp stings your ogre mage zombie! The spark wasp shocks your ogre mage zombie! Unknown command. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f/p - spark wasp Aim: a spark wasp (freezing vapour, heavily wounded) You reach to attack! You slash the spark wasp! You burn the spark wasp. The spark wasp is severely wounded. The fire giant is no longer moving slowly. Your vampire knight hits the fire giant with a war axe!! The fire giant dies! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Your vampire knight hits the ice dragon with a war axe! Your vampire knight hits the ettin with a war axe. Your bone dragon bites the ice dragon! Your bone dragon claws the ice dragon. Your bone dragon tramples the ice dragon. The ice dragon holds its ground! The battlesphere is engulfed in freezing vapours. The fire dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. The spark wasp stings your ogre mage zombie!! The spark wasp shocks your ogre mage zombie! The great orb of eyes is engulfed in freezing vapours. The great orb of eyes bites your bone dragon but does no damage. The ice dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. The ice dragon bites your bone dragon! The ice dragon claws your bone dragon but does no damage. The ice dragon tramples your bone dragon but does no damage. The tengu reaver is engulfed in freezing vapours. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f/p - spark wasp Aim: a spark wasp (freezing vapour, severely wounded) You reach to attack! You miss the spark wasp. The spark wasp is severely wounded. Your bone dragon burns! Your vampire knight is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your vampire knight closely misses the ice dragon. Your vampire knight hits the ettin with a war axe! The ettin dies! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Your vampire knight bites the ice dragon but does no damage. The battlesphere is engulfed in freezing vapours. The spark wasp completely misses your ogre mage zombie. Your stone giant zombie hits the spark wasp!! The spark wasp dies! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. You have reached level 20! You feel clever. Your bone dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your bone dragon bites the ice dragon. Your bone dragon claws the ice dragon. Your bone dragon barely misses the ice dragon. Your ogre mage zombie hits the ice dragon from afar with a +0 halberd. The fire dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. The great orb of eyes is engulfed in freezing vapours. The great orb of eyes bites your bone dragon but does no damage. Yredelemnul grants you a profane servitor! Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - fire dragon Aim: a fire dragon (freezing vapour, heavily wounded, umbra) You could not reach far enough! Your bone dragon burns! The battlesphere is engulfed in freezing vapours. The ice dragon bites your bone dragon but does no damage. The ice dragon claws your bone dragon. The ice dragon tramples your bone dragon. Your bone dragon holds its ground! The tengu reaver is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your vampire knight hits the ice dragon with a war axe!! Your vampire knight hits the tengu reaver with a war axe. Your vampire knight bites the ice dragon. Your vampire knight draws strength from the ice dragon's injuries! Your skeletal warrior is engulfed in freezing vapours. Unknown command. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f/p - fire dragon Aim: a fire dragon (freezing vapour, heavily wounded, umbra) You reach to attack! You slice the fire dragon!! The fire dragon is severely wounded. Your bone dragon bites the ice dragon. Your bone dragon claws the ice dragon! Your bone dragon barely misses the ice dragon. The tengu reaver is engulfed in freezing vapours. The tengu reaver hits your vampire knight with a +2 battleaxe! The tengu reaver hits your bone dragon with a +2 battleaxe. The tengu reaver hits your skeletal warrior with a +2 battleaxe! The tengu reaver pecks your vampire knight but does no damage. The tengu reaver claws your vampire knight but does no damage. The fire dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. The fire dragon bites your ogre mage zombie. The fire dragon claws your ogre mage zombie! Your ogre mage zombie is destroyed! The great orb of eyes is engulfed in freezing vapours. You kill the great orb of eyes! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Your stone giant zombie hits the fire dragon but does no damage. The ice dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. The ice dragon breathes frost at your bone dragon. The blast of cold hits your bone dragon. Your bone dragon resists. The blast of cold misses you. Your vampire knight is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your vampire knight hits the ice dragon with a war axe! The ice dragon dies! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Your vampire knight hits the tengu reaver with a war axe. Your vampire knight blinks! You swap places. Your bone dragon burns! The battlesphere is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your skeletal warrior hits the tengu reaver but does no damage. Your skeletal warrior is engulfed in freezing vapours. The battlesphere is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your bone dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your bone dragon bites the fire dragon!! The fire dragon dies! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Your vampire knight hits the tengu reaver with a war axe. Your vampire knight hits the battlesphere with a war axe! Your vampire knight bites the tengu reaver. Your vampire knight draws strength from the tengu reaver's injuries! The tengu reaver is engulfed in freezing vapours. You kill the tengu reaver! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Your vampire knight hits the battlesphere with a bardiche!! The battlesphere is destroyed! There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Things that are here: a +0 halberd; a +0 robe You swap places. Your bone dragon burns! Your vampire knight is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your bone dragon is engulfed in freezing vapours. There is a huge open gate here. You swap places. Your bone dragon burns! Your bone dragon is destroyed! Your deep troll earth mage zombie is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your stone giant zombie is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your yaktaur zombie is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your deep troll earth mage zombie is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your vampire knight is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your stone giant zombie is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your yaktaur zombie is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your deep troll earth mage zombie is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your vampire knight is no longer moving quickly. Your stone giant zombie is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your stone giant zombie is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your deep troll zombie is engulfed in freezing vapours. You begin recalling your allies. Your profane servitor is recalled. Your bone dragon is recalled. Your stone giant zombie is recalled. Your deep troll zombie is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your yaktaur zombie is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your stone giant zombie is recalled. Your ugly thing skeleton is recalled. Your vampire knight is recalled. Your deep troll earth mage zombie is recalled. Your skeletal warrior is recalled. Your yaktaur zombie is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your yaktaur zombie is recalled. Your vampire knight is recalled. Your deep troll shaman zombie is recalled. Your skeletal warrior is recalled. Your deep troll zombie is recalled. You swap places. Your deep troll shaman skeleton is recalled. Your two-headed ogre skeleton is recalled. You swap places. You finish recalling your allies. You swap places. You swap places. There is a huge open gate here. There is an open door, spattered with blood here. There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Things that are here: +0 gold dragon scales; a golden dragon corpse There is an open door, spattered with blood here. You see here a deep troll corpse. You call on the dead to rise... The dead are walking and flying! You feel somewhat more hungry. You swap places. There is an open door, spattered with blood here. You see here +0 gold dragon scales. Items here: ))))) [ Okay, then. You swap places. Things that are here: a +0 troll leather armour; a staff of poison f - 34 rations (gained 1) You start resting. You are feeling hungry. You swap places. You open the door. There is an open door here. You open the door. There is an open door here. There is a huge open gate here. There is a huge open gate here. There is a huge open gate here. There is a huge open gate here. You open the door. You start resting. Magic restored. There is a huge open gate here. You swap places. There is a huge open gate here. You swap places. There is a huge open gate here. You swap places. There is a huge open gate here. You swap places. There is a huge open gate here. You swap places. There is a huge open gate here. You open the door. There is an open door here. You open the door. Done exploring. Done exploring. Okay, then. Drop what? 47/52 slots (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Okay, then. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (U) Depths (H) Hell Where to? (? - help) There is a huge open gate here. Items here: )))))) There is an open door here. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You start resting. HP restored. You begin recalling your allies. Your skeletal warrior is recalled. x2; Your vampire knight is recalled. You swap places. Your skeletal warrior is recalled. You finish recalling your allies. Found an escape hatch in the ceiling. Magic restored. You open the door. Found 20 bolts. An ice dragon and an ice devil come into view. Found 30 sling bullets. Found a gateway to Hell. There is an open door here. A fire dragon comes into view. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - ice dragon Aim: an ice dragon (resting, umbra) You reach to attack! The helpless ice dragon fails to defend itself. You slash the ice dragon! You burn the ice dragon. The ice dragon is lightly wounded. The ice dragon breathes frost at you. The blast of cold hits you! You hear a deafening roar! You hear two shouts! Your profane servitor hits the ice dragon with a glowing whip! Your profane servitor draws strength from the ice dragon's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the ice dragon with a glowing whip. The ice dragon misses you. The ice dragon completely misses you. x2 You hear a deafening roar! You barely miss the ice dragon. Your headbutt misses the ice dragon. The ice dragon is moderately wounded. Your profane servitor hits the ice dragon with a glowing whip! Your profane servitor draws strength from the ice dragon's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the ice dragon but does no damage. You hit the ice dragon. You burn the ice dragon. You headbutt the ice dragon! The ice dragon is severely wounded. The ice dragon closely misses you. The ice dragon misses you. The ice dragon tramples you. You stumble backwards! Your profane servitor hits the ice dragon with a glowing whip!! Your profane servitor draws strength from the ice dragon's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the ice dragon with a glowing whip! Your profane servitor drains the ice dragon! Your skeletal warrior hits the ice dragon with a trident. The ice dragon dies! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. The ice dragon scales are intact enough to wear. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - you Okay, then. Things that are here: +0 ice dragon scales; an ice dragon corpse You call on the dead to rise... The dead are flying! You are feeling very hungry. The fire dragon breathes flames at you. The blast of flame hits your skeletal warrior. You hear a horrible gurgling sound! You hear two shouts! You swap places. Your vampire knight casts a spell. Your vampire knight flickers and vanishes for a moment. Your vampire knight casts a spell. Your vampire knight flickers and vanishes for a moment. You hit the fire dragon. You headbutt the fire dragon, but do no damage. The fire dragon is lightly wounded. Your profane servitor hits the fire dragon with a glowing whip. Your profane servitor draws strength from the fire dragon's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the fire dragon but does no damage. Your vampire knight hits the fire dragon from afar with a bardiche!! Your skeletal warrior hits the fire dragon from afar with a trident. Your skeletal warrior hits the fire dragon with a scimitar! The fire dragon bites your skeletal warrior! The fire dragon claws your skeletal warrior but does no damage. The fire dragon barely misses your skeletal warrior. You catch the helpless fire dragon completely off-guard! You cut the fire dragon into ribbons!!! You kill the fire dragon! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. An ettin opens the door. An ice dragon comes into view. Unknown command. You swap places. The ice dragon bites your skeletal warrior but does no damage. The ice dragon claws your skeletal warrior but does no damage. The ice dragon tramples your skeletal warrior but does no damage. You see here +0 ice dragon scales. Unknown command. The ice dragon completely misses you. x2; The ice dragon misses you. Your vampire knight gestures wildly while chanting. Your vampire knight seems to speed up. Your vampire knight mumbles some strange words. Your vampire knight seems to speed up. You slice the ice dragon!! You burn the ice dragon! You headbutt the ice dragon, but do no damage. The ice dragon is moderately wounded. Your vampire knight hits something from afar with a bardiche! Your skeletal warrior closely misses the ice dragon. The ice dragon misses you. x2; The ice dragon completely misses you. Your profane servitor hits the ice dragon but does no damage. Your profane servitor hits the ice dragon with a glowing whip! You slice the ice dragon!! You burn the ice dragon! You headbutt the ice dragon! The ice dragon is almost dead. Your profane servitor hits the ice dragon with a glowing whip. Your profane servitor draws strength from the ice dragon's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the ice dragon but does no damage. Your skeletal warrior hits the ice dragon from afar with a trident! The ice dragon dies! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - ettin Aim: an ettin, wielding a runed dire flail and a dire flail (umbra) You reach to attack! You completely miss the ettin. Your vampire knight hits something from afar with a bardiche! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. You feel a bit more experienced. Your vampire knight blinks! The ettin closely misses your profane servitor. The ettin completely misses your profane servitor. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f/p - ettin Aim: an ettin, wielding a runed dire flail and a dire flail (umbra) You reach to attack! You barely miss the ettin. Your profane servitor hits the ettin with a glowing whip! Your profane servitor draws strength from the ettin's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the ettin with a glowing whip. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f/p - ettin Aim: an ettin, wielding a runed dire flail and a dire flail (moderately You could not reach far enough! The ettin barely misses your profane servitor. x2 Your profane servitor hits the ettin with a glowing whip! Your profane servitor draws strength from the ettin's injuries! Your profane servitor barely misses the ettin. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f/p - ettin Aim: an ettin, wielding a runed dire flail and a dire flail (heavily wounded, You reach to attack! You slice the ettin!! You burn the ettin. The ettin is almost dead. Your vampire knight hits the ettin but does no damage. Your vampire knight bites the ettin. Your vampire knight draws strength from the ettin's injuries! Your skeletal warrior hits the ettin from afar with a trident! The ettin dies! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Unknown command. You swap places. Found an escape hatch in the floor. There is an open door, spattered with blood here. You swap places. Things that are here: a runed dire flail; a dire flail You call on the dead to rise... You feel somewhat more hungry. You open the door. You found an alarm trap! There is an open door here. A red very ugly thing comes into view. Found a potion of curing. A red very ugly thing comes into view. A red very ugly thing comes into view. Your vampire knight is no longer moving quickly. You slash the red very ugly thing! The red very ugly thing is lightly wounded. The red very ugly thing headbutts you! Your vampire knight gestures wildly while chanting. Your vampire knight flickers and vanishes for a moment. Casting: Freezing Cloud (very dangerous; 50% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. The spell is very dangerous to cast (50% risk of failure)! Continue anyway? Aiming: Freezing Cloud (very dangerous; 50% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - red very ugly thing Aim: a red very ugly thing (umbra) You feel a surge of power! You miscast Freezing Cloud. You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic. Smoke pours from your hands! You are starving! Your vampire knight is no longer moving quickly. Your profane servitor hits the red very ugly thing with a glowing whip! Your profane servitor draws strength from the red very ugly thing's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the red very ugly thing with a glowing whip. Your profane servitor hits the red very ugly thing with a glowing whip!! Your profane servitor draws strength from the red very ugly thing's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the red very ugly thing with a glowing whip. Unknown command. Unknown command. You slash the red very ugly thing! You headbutt the red very ugly thing, but do no damage. The red very ugly thing is heavily wounded. Your profane servitor hits the red very ugly thing with a glowing whip! Your profane servitor draws strength from the red very ugly thing's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the red very ugly thing with a glowing whip. You slice the red very ugly thing!! You burn the red very ugly thing. The red very ugly thing is severely wounded. The red very ugly thing completely misses you. The red very ugly thing headbutts you. Your profane servitor hits the red very ugly thing with a glowing whip. Your profane servitor draws strength from the red very ugly thing's injuries! Your profane servitor completely misses the red very ugly thing. You slash the red very ugly thing! You burn the red very ugly thing. You kill the red very ugly thing! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Your Dodging skill increases to level 17! The red very ugly thing basks in your mutagenic energy and changes! You slice the red very ugly thing!! You burn the red very ugly thing. You headbutt the red very ugly thing. The red very ugly thing is heavily wounded. The red very ugly thing headbutts you! Your profane servitor hits the red very ugly thing with a glowing whip!! Your profane servitor draws strength from the red very ugly thing's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the red very ugly thing with a glowing whip. Your profane servitor drains the red very ugly thing! x2 You slice the red very ugly thing!! You burn the red very ugly thing. You kill the red very ugly thing! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Your skeletal warrior hits the cyan very ugly thing from afar with a trident. Your vampire knight hits the cyan very ugly thing with a war axe!! Your vampire knight bites the cyan very ugly thing. Your vampire knight draws strength from the cyan very ugly thing's injuries! Your vampire knight closely misses the cyan very ugly thing. Something hits the cyan very ugly thing! The cyan very ugly thing barely misses your profane servitor. Your vampire knight hits the cyan very ugly thing with a war axe!! Your vampire knight bites the cyan very ugly thing but does no damage. You see here a very ugly thing corpse. Your vampire knight hits the cyan very ugly thing from afar with a bardiche!! The cyan very ugly thing dies! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. An ettin comes into view. It is wielding two +0 dire flails. You slash the ettin! You burn the ettin. The ettin is moderately wounded. Your profane servitor hits the ettin with a glowing whip! Your profane servitor draws strength from the ettin's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the ettin but does no damage. The ettin misses you. The ettin closely misses you. You slice the ettin!! You burn the ettin. You headbutt the ettin! The ettin is almost dead. Your profane servitor hits the ettin with a glowing whip. Your profane servitor draws strength from the ettin's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the ettin but does no damage. You slash the ettin! You burn the ettin. You kill the ettin! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Found a scroll of amnesia. Things that are here: a +0 dire flail x2; an ettin corpse You butcher the ettin corpse. Eating a chunk of flesh. You eat the chunk of flesh. This raw flesh tastes terrible. You are feeling very hungry. Okay, then. You swap places. You call on the dead to rise... The dead are walking! You feel somewhat more hungry. You swap places. g - 9 potions of curing (gained 1) You swap places. You swap places. Your legs become a tail as you enter the water. Your +2 pair of boots of running melds into your body. Your +2 pair of boots of running unmelds from your body. You feel quick. Your legs become a tail as you enter the water. Your +2 pair of boots of running melds into your body. Your +2 pair of boots of running unmelds from your body. You feel quick. There is a gateway to Hell here. Your legs become a tail as you enter the water. Your +2 pair of boots of running melds into your body. Your +2 pair of boots of running unmelds from your body. You feel quick. You swap places. Your legs become a tail as you enter the water. Your +2 pair of boots of running melds into your body. You swap places. You swap places. Your +2 pair of boots of running unmelds from your body. You feel quick. You swap places. Your legs become a tail as you enter the water. Your +2 pair of boots of running melds into your body. Your +2 pair of boots of running unmelds from your body. You feel quick. Your vampire knight yells, "Run! I'll cover you!" You found a shaft! u - 5 scrolls of amnesia (gained 1) You are near starving! You open the door. There is an open door here. You swap places. You open the door. There is an open door here. You open the door. A stone giant comes into view. An iron troll and a deep troll earth mage come into view. There is an open door here. A deep troll shaman comes into view. Found a scroll of immolation. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - stone giant Aim: a stone giant (resting, umbra) You reach to attack! The helpless stone giant fails to defend itself. You hit the stone giant but do no damage. The iron troll shouts! You hear a shout! You carve the stone giant like a ham!!! You burn the stone giant!! You headbutt the stone giant. The stone giant is almost dead. You hear a shout! x2 Your vampire knight casts a spell. Your vampire knight seems to speed up. You hit the stone giant. You burn the stone giant. You headbutt the stone giant. The stone giant is almost dead. The deep troll shaman calls upon its god to strengthen something. The stone giant misses you. Your profane servitor hits the stone giant but does no damage. Your profane servitor hits the stone giant with a glowing whip. Your profane servitor drains the stone giant! x2 You hit the stone giant. You burn the stone giant. You kill the stone giant! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. You swap places. An iron troll comes into view. Some rock shatters into small pieces. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - deep troll earth mage Aim: a deep troll earth mage (umbra) You reach to attack! You barely miss the deep troll earth mage. Casting: Freezing Cloud (very dangerous; 50% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. The spell is very dangerous to cast (50% risk of failure)! Continue anyway? Okay, then. Wield which item (- for none, * to show all)? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Your +4 glaive of flaming stops flaming. The +7 trident "Giant's Funeral" {protect, Int+7} hums with potential! a - the +7 trident "Giant's Funeral" (weapon) {protect, Int+7} Unknown command. Casting: Freezing Cloud (very dangerous; 34% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. The spell is very dangerous to cast (34% risk of failure)! Continue anyway? Aiming: Freezing Cloud (very dangerous; 34% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f/p - deep troll earth mage Aim: a deep troll earth mage You feel a surge of power! You are starving! An iron troll comes into view. The deep troll earth mage is engulfed in freezing vapours. Unknown command. Unknown command. Wield which item (- for none, * to show all)? (? for menu, Esc to quit) The +7 trident "Giant's Funeral" {protect, Int+7} goes still. Your +4 glaive of flaming bursts into flame! j - a +4 glaive of flaming (weapon) Your skeletal warrior hits the deep troll earth mage with a scimitar!! Unknown command. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - deep troll shaman, p - deep Aim: a deep troll shaman (freezing vapour, umbra) You reach to attack! You barely miss the deep troll shaman. Your vampire knight hits the deep troll earth mage from afar with a bardiche! The deep troll earth mage is engulfed in freezing vapours. You kill the deep troll earth mage! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. The deep troll shaman is engulfed in freezing vapours. The iron troll is engulfed in freezing vapours. Unknown command. Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f/p - deep troll shaman Aim: a deep troll shaman (lightly wounded) You slice the deep troll shaman!! You burn the deep troll shaman! You headbutt the deep troll shaman! You kill the deep troll shaman! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. Your vampire knight hits the iron troll from afar with a bardiche. The iron troll is engulfed in freezing vapours. Unknown command. Unknown command. The iron troll is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your vampire knight hits the iron troll with a bardiche. Your vampire knight bites the iron troll! Your vampire knight draws strength from the iron troll's injuries! Things that are here: 2 large rocks; a stone giant corpse Unknown command. You butcher the stone giant corpse. Your vampire knight gestures wildly while chanting. Your vampire knight seems to speed up. The iron troll is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your vampire knight hits the iron troll with a bardiche!! Your vampire knight bites the iron troll but does no damage. The iron troll bites your skeletal warrior but does no damage. The iron troll claws your skeletal warrior. The iron troll barely misses your skeletal warrior. Unknown command. Eat one of 4 chunks of flesh? (ye/n/q) You eat one of the 4 chunks of flesh. This raw flesh tastes terrible. You are feeling very hungry. Your bone dragon bites the iron troll! Your bone dragon claws the iron troll. Your bone dragon tramples the iron troll but does no damage. Your skeletal warrior hits the iron troll but does no damage. Your vampire knight hits the iron troll with a bardiche!! Your vampire knight bites the iron troll but does no damage. The iron troll bites your bone dragon!! The iron troll claws your bone dragon but does no damage. The iron troll claws your bone dragon. Eat one of 3 chunks of flesh? (ye/n/q) You eat one of the 3 chunks of flesh. This raw flesh tastes terrible. The iron troll bites your vampire knight!! The iron troll claws your vampire knight. The iron troll claws your vampire knight!! Your vampire knight hits the iron troll with a bardiche! Your vampire knight bites the iron troll but does no damage. The iron troll bites your skeletal warrior! The iron troll claws your skeletal warrior!! The iron troll claws your skeletal warrior! You swap places. Your skeletal warrior hits the iron troll from afar with a trident! The iron troll bites your vampire knight! The iron troll claws your vampire knight! The iron troll claws your vampire knight but does no damage. Your vampire knight hits the iron troll but does no damage. Your vampire knight bites the iron troll but does no damage. You hit the iron troll. You headbutt the iron troll! The iron troll is moderately wounded. Your bone dragon bites the iron troll! Your bone dragon claws the iron troll but does no damage. Your bone dragon tramples the iron troll! The iron troll holds its ground! The iron troll bites you!!! The iron troll completely misses you. x2 You hit the iron troll but do no damage. You headbutt the iron troll, but do no damage. The iron troll is heavily wounded. Your vampire knight gestures at the iron troll while chanting. The iron troll resists with almost no effort. Your skeletal warrior hits the iron troll from afar with a trident. Your skeletal warrior barely misses the iron troll. The iron troll bites your bone dragon!! The iron troll claws your bone dragon! The iron troll claws your bone dragon but does no damage. You hit the iron troll. You burn the iron troll. The iron troll is heavily wounded. Your vampire knight is infused with unholy energy. The iron troll dies! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. The troll leather armour is intact enough to wear. Your vampire knight draws life force from the iron troll and is healed! Your bone dragon bites the iron troll!! Your bone dragon claws the iron troll! Your bone dragon tramples the iron troll but does no damage. Your very ugly thing zombie hits the iron troll! The iron troll bites your bone dragon. The iron troll claws your bone dragon!! The iron troll claws your bone dragon! Your skeletal warrior hits the iron troll from afar with a trident. Your magical contamination has completely faded away. You catch the helpless iron troll completely off-guard! You slash the iron troll! You burn the iron troll. You kill the iron troll! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. The troll leather armour is intact enough to wear. The iron troll completely misses your profane servitor. The iron troll closely misses your profane servitor. The iron troll claws your profane servitor! Your vampire knight blinks! Things that are here: a +0 troll leather armour; an iron troll corpse Your skeletal warrior hits something from afar with a trident! Your vampire knight hits something from afar with a bardiche. Things that are here: a +0 troll leather armour; an iron troll corpse Your skeletal warrior hits something but does no damage. Your vampire knight gestures wildly while chanting. Your vampire knight flickers and vanishes for a moment. You call on the dead to rise... The dead are walking! You are feeling hungry. Your vampire knight hits something from afar with a bardiche! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. You feel a bit more experienced. You start resting. Your profane servitor is engulfed in freezing vapours. You start resting. Your profane servitor is engulfed in freezing vapours. You swap places. Your vampire knight is engulfed in freezing vapours. You swap places. You swap places. b - 2 chunks of flesh You see here 2 large rocks. Eating one of 2 chunks of flesh. You eat one of the 2 chunks of flesh. This raw flesh tastes terrible. Your vampire knight is no longer moving quickly. You see here a scimitar. You swap places. Magic restored. Your vampire knight is no longer moving quickly. You open the door. Found a stone staircase leading down. There is an open door here. A stone giant comes into view. A stone giant comes into view. The stone giant shouts! A fire giant comes into view. It is wielding a +2 great sword of flaming. The stone giant throws a large rock. The large rock hits you!! You see here a large rock. The stone giant throws a large rock. The large rock completely misses you. The large rock hits your bone dragon! The stone giant throws a large rock. The large rock completely misses you. The stone giant throws a large rock. The large rock hits you!!! The stone giant throws a large rock. The large rock completely misses you. You see here a large rock. Casting: Freezing Cloud (very dangerous; 50% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel a surge of power! You radiate an aura of cold. Your profane servitor is unaffected. The stone giant seems to slow down. x2 Your bone dragon is unaffected. The fire giant resists. Your vampire knight is unaffected. x2; Your skeletal warrior is unaffected. x2 Attack whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - fire giant Aim: a fire giant, wielding a +2 great sword of flaming (umbra) You reach to attack! You slash the fire giant! The fire giant is lightly wounded. Unknown command. You slice the fire giant!! You burn the fire giant. The fire giant is moderately wounded. Your profane servitor hits the fire giant with a glowing whip!! Your profane servitor draws strength from the fire giant's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the fire giant but does no damage. Unknown command. You slice the fire giant!! You burn the fire giant. You headbutt the fire giant, but do no damage. The fire giant is severely wounded. Your profane servitor hits the fire giant with a glowing whip! Your profane servitor draws strength from the fire giant's injuries! Your profane servitor hits the fire giant but does no damage. The fire giant casts a spell at your profane servitor. The fireball explodes! The fireball engulfs your profane servitor. The fireball engulfs you! You resist. The fireball engulfs the fire giant. The fire giant resists. You hear two shouts! You hear a shout! x4; You hear a deafening roar! You draw life from your surroundings. The fire giant and the stone giants are drained of life. The fire giant is drained! You kill the fire giant! Yredelemnul accepts your kill. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version history: Game started: 0.23-a0-384-g3a68796 0.23-a0-386-g9c9d49f Game state: mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0 io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0: seen_hups: 0, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 1, arena_suspended: 0 prev_cmd = CMD_USE_ABILITY repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD Player: {{{{{{{{{{{ Name: [mandarbmax] Species: Merfolk Job: Gladiator HP: 50/162; mods: 0/0 MP: 25/30; mod: 0 Stats: 19 (19) 9 (9) 22 (22) Position: (27, 32), god: Yredelemnul (4), turn_is_over: 0, banished: 0 Standing on/in/over feature: floor Skills (mode: manual) Name | can_train | train | training | level | points | progress Fighting | X | 0 | 0 | 15 | 5931 | 3/967 Short Blades | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Long Blades | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Axes | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Maces & Flails | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Polearms | X | 0 | 0 | 20 | 6985 | 10/900 Staves | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Slings | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Bows | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Crossbows | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Throwing | X | 0 | 0 | 2 | 151 | 1/150 Armour | X | 0 | 0 | 6 | 1791 | 26/589 Dodging | X | 1 | 100 | 17 | 6052 | 433/802 Stealth | X | 0 | 0 | 14 | 4245 | 3/743 Shields | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Unarmed Combat | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Spellcasting | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Conjurations | X | 0 | 0 | 7 | 1979 | 0/566 Hexes | X | 0 | 0 | 6 | 1053 | 3/350 Charms | X | 0 | 0 | 7 | 1194 | 17/336 Summonings | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Necromancy | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Translocations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Transmutations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/29 Fire Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Ice Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 13 | 4248 | 2/799 Air Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 7 | 1992 | 13/566 Earth Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Poison Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Invocations | X | 0 | 0 | 14 | 5056 | 11/883 Evocations | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Spell bugs: Durations: Attributes: #4: 241515 #12: 3564 #13: 873 #23: 39898 #24: -230197866 #27: 416525 #49: 4456 #59: 1 Mutations: horns: 1 icy blue scales: 1 Inventory bugs: Equipment: eq slot #0, inv slot #9: +4 glaive of flaming eq slot #1, inv slot #34: +1 cloak of fire resistance eq slot #3, inv slot #31: +3 pair of gauntlets of War {Slay+5} eq slot #4, inv slot #35: +2 pair of boots of running eq slot #6, inv slot #41: +2 robe of the Archmagi eq slot #7, inv slot #30: +4 ring of dexterity eq slot #8, inv slot #42: ring of wizardry eq slot #9, inv slot #28: amulet of the acrobat }}}}}}}}}}} Webtiles message buffer: Webtiles JSON stack: Screenshot: #...#....##zZ.##. #...#ZZ..##...#ZZ #...#..........[Z #...z...ZZ....... #..(#######...### #..z##..###...# # ######.V............ # .##.....V.(........... + .....CA@D..##..##.## # .......)C.(# ####. # ..........$# # ...........+ # ...........# # ...........# ## ............ +. .##.......... #. # clua stack: dlua stack: Lua persistent data: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ice_cave_hard: false >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lua marker contents: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>