ASSERT(in_non_diamond_int(r.start)) in '' at line 217 failed. Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.19.1-1-g22dce08 Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: normal Tiles: online Command line: /usr/games/crawl-0.19 -name daryashkoh -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-0.19/daryashkoh.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-0.19/daryashkoh.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/daryashkoh/ -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/daryashkoh:2017-01-18.13:54:47.sock -await-connection RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted Obtained 27 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILEi+0x23) [0x5ce963]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*, int) /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x2f2) [0x5d5cd2]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x9c) [0x5cebfc]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f311baae4c0]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f311be44b7b]: /usr/games/crawl-0.19() [0x5d5489] /usr/games/crawl-0.19() [0x5d5751] /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_ZN7ray_def7advanceEv+0x180) [0x9a92d0]: ray_def::advance() /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_ZN21targetter_thunderbolt7set_aimE9coord_def+0xa15) [0xa8da95]: targetter_thunderbolt::set_aim(coord_def) /usr/games/crawl-0.19() [0x637843] /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFbRK9coord_defESt5_BindIFPFbS2_14targ_mode_typebiP9targetter8aff_typeS8_ESt12_PlaceholderILi1EES5_biS7_S8_S8_EEE9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_dataS2_+0x27) [0x63d887]: std::_Function_handler, targ_mode_type, bool, int, targetter*, aff_type, aff_type))(coord_def const&, targ_mode_type, bool, int, targetter*, aff_type, aff_type)> >::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, coord_def const&) /usr/games/crawl-0.19() [0x637cde] /usr/games/crawl-0.19() [0x6382df] /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_ZNK17direction_chooser27find_default_monster_targetER9coord_def+0x215) [0x6393c5]: direction_chooser::find_default_monster_target(coord_def&) const /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_ZNK17direction_chooser19find_default_targetEv+0x38) [0x6398c8]: direction_chooser::find_default_target() const /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_ZN17direction_chooser16choose_directionEv+0x1e3) [0x63b013]: direction_chooser::choose_direction() /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_Z9directionR4distRK22direction_chooser_args+0x22) [0x63b122]: direction(dist&, direction_chooser_args const&) /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_Z15spell_directionR4distR4boltP22direction_chooser_args+0x1df) [0xa40e7f]: spell_direction(dist&, bolt&, direction_chooser_args*) /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_Z11your_spells10spell_typeibbb+0x76d) [0xa0123d]: your_spells(spell_type, int, bool, bool, bool) /usr/games/crawl-0.19() [0x6710e5] /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_Z10evoke_itemib+0x22a) [0x67462a]: evoke_item(int, bool) /usr/games/crawl-0.19(_Z15process_command12command_type+0x453) [0xba7f73]: process_command(command_type) /usr/games/crawl-0.19() [0xbaae89] /usr/games/crawl-0.19() [0xbaba95] /usr/games/crawl-0.19(main+0x2eb) [0xbaf08b]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f311ba9976d]: /usr/games/crawl-0.19() [0x534a59] Trying to run gdb. GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.02-0ubuntu2) 7.4-2012.02 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: . [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". 0x00007f311be4484e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #0 0x00007f311be4484e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x00000000005cf06b in call_gdb (file=0x7f311be2f180) at gdb = attach_cmd = "attach 30531\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" #2 0x00000000005d5cf2 in do_crash_dump () at t = 1484749004 dir = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x2c450a8 "/dgldir/morgue/daryashkoh/"}} name = "/dgldir/morgue/daryashkoh/crash-daryashkoh-20170118-141644.txt", '\000' file = 0x7f311be2f180 #3 0x00000000005cebfc in crash_signal_handler (sig_num=6) at No locals. #4 No symbol table info available. #5 0x00007f311be44b7b in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #6 0x00000000005d5489 in _BreakStrToDebugger (mesg=mesg@entry=0x7ffedfaccba0 "ASSERT(in_non_diamond_int(r.start)) in '' at line 217 failed.", assert=) at No locals. #7 0x00000000005d5751 in AssertFailed (expr=0xbdcece "in_non_diamond_int(r.start)", file=0xbdce61 "", line=217, text=0x0) at mesg = "ASSERT(in_non_diamond_int(r.start)) in '' at line 217 failed.", '\000' "\234, ̬\337\376\177\000\000\377\377\377\377\000\000\000\000\b", '\000' "\377, \377\377\377\376\177\000\001", '\000' "\207, T\324\002\000\000\000\000\030ͬ\337\376\177\000\000I\bT\000\000\000\000\000hͬ\337\376\177\000\000\320̬\337\376\177\000\000`\200\201\002\000\000\000\000\301U\\\034\061\177\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 \347\342\033\061\177\000\000\036\000\000\000\000\000\000\000PϬ\337\376\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\005\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\b\000\000\000\060\000\000\000"... args = {{gp_offset = 538976288, fp_offset = 538976288, overflow_arg_area = 0x20202020202020, reg_save_area = 0x0}} fileName = #8 0x00000000009a92d0 in ray_def::advance (this=0x7ffedfacd550) at No locals. #9 0x0000000000a8da95 in targetter_thunderbolt::set_aim (this=0x2b39a40, a=...) at ray = {r = {start = {x = -nan(0x8000000000000), y = -nan(0x8000000000000)}, dir = {x = -nan(0x8000000000000), y = -nan(0x8000000000000)}}, on_corner = false, cycle_idx = -1} p = {x = 28, y = 33} a1 = a2 = #10 0x0000000000637843 in _find_monster_expl (allowed_self_aff=AFF_YES, mon_aff=AFF_MULTIPLE, hitfunc=0x2b39a40, range=5, need_path=true, mode=TARG_HOSTILE, where=...) at No locals. #11 _find_monster_expl (where=..., mode=TARG_HOSTILE, need_path=, range=5, hitfunc=0x2b39a40, mon_aff=AFF_MULTIPLE, allowed_self_aff=AFF_YES) at No locals. #12 0x000000000063d887 in __call (__args=..., this=) at /usr/include/c++/4.7/functional:1156 No locals. #13 operator() (this=) at /usr/include/c++/4.7/functional:1215 No locals. #14 std::_Function_handler, targ_mode_type, bool, int, targetter*, aff_type, aff_type))(coord_def const&, targ_mode_type, bool, int, targetter*, aff_type, aff_type)> >::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, coord_def const&) (__functor=..., __args#0=...) at /usr/include/c++/4.7/functional:1911 No locals. #15 0x0000000000637cde in _find_square (mfp=..., direction=direction@entry=1, find_targ=..., hitfunc=hitfunc@entry=0x2b39a40, wrap=wrap@entry=true, los=los@entry=0) at targ_x = targ_y = targ = {x = 27, y = 33} temp_xps = 16 i = maxx = 42 ctry = 9 temp_yps = 9 j = vyou = {x = 17, y = 9} maxy = 34 y_change = onlyHidden = false radius = minx = -8 x_change = -1 onlyVis = false miny = -1 ctrx = 17 #16 0x00000000006382df in _find_square_wrapper (mfp=..., direction=direction@entry=1, find_targ=..., hitfunc=hitfunc@entry=0x2b39a40, los=los@entry=LS_ANY) at r = #17 0x00000000006393c5 in direction_chooser::find_default_monster_target (this=0x7ffedface5e0, result=...) at mons_target = success = false #18 0x00000000006398c8 in direction_chooser::find_default_target (this=this@entry=0x7ffedface5e0) at result = {x = 17, y = 9} success = false #19 0x000000000063b013 in direction_chooser::choose_direction (this=this@entry=0x7ffedface5e0) at mc = {m_previous_mode = MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL, static ms_current_mode = MOUSE_MODE_TARGET_PATH} legacy_range = { = {_vptr.targetter = 0xcabf70, origin = {x = 28, y = 33}, aim = {x = 28, y = 33}, agent = 0x114b320, why_not = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x1249278 ""}}}, exp_range_min = 0, exp_range_max = 0, exp_map_min = {mData = {mData = {{mData = {0 }} }}}, exp_map_max = {mData = {mData = {{mData = {0 }} , {mData = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11170409, 0, 0, 0, 9649062, 0, 1, 0, 9933094}}, {mData = {0, 0, 1108869120, 0, 1071644672, 18, 0, 11170409, 0, 18, 0, 9649062, 0, 1, 0, 9933094, 0, 90852, 1108869120}}, {mData = {0, 1072693248, 11, 0, 10357308, 0, 11, 0, 10357101, 0, 1800, 2250, 10358630, 0, 90852, 1108869120, 0, 1158455296, 0}}, {mData = {50, 150, 300, 500, 750, 1050, 1400, 1800, 2250, 2800, 3450, 4200, 5050, 6000, 7050, 8200, 9450, 10800, 12300}}, {mData = {13950, 15750, 467855136, 32561, 41, 0, 16, 0, 40252161, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 464497221, 32561, 5, 0, 16}}, {mData = {0, 41, 0, 10894594, 0, 50, 0, -542317056, 32766, 1, 0, 10910749, 0, 1, 0, 10910749, 0, 0, 0}}}}}, range = 5, affects_walls = true, affects_pos = 0} rva = {_vptr.range_view_annotator = 0xc3b6f0} #20 0x000000000063b122 in direction (moves=..., args=...) at No locals. #21 0x0000000000a40e7f in spell_direction (spelld=..., pbolt=..., args=0x7ffedfacf490) at newargs = {hitfunc = 0x2b39a40, restricts = DIR_NONE, mode = TARG_HOSTILE, range = 5, just_looking = false, needs_path = true, self = CONFIRM_NONE, target_prefix = 0x0, top_prompt = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x2d733b8 "Aiming: Thunderbolt"}}, behaviour = 0x0, show_floor_desc = false, get_desc_func = {, std::allocator >, std::allocator, std::allocator > > >, monster_info const&>> = {, std::allocator >, std::allocator, std::allocator > > > >> = {}, }, = {static _M_max_size = 16, static _M_max_align = 8, _M_functor = {_M_unused = {_M_object = 0x14, _M_const_object = 0x14, _M_function_pointer = 0x14, _M_member_pointer = (void (std::_Undefined_class::*)(std::_Undefined_class * const)) 0x14, this adjustment 139848430125056}, _M_pod_data = "\024", '\000' , "1\177\000"}, _M_manager = 0}, _M_invoker = 0x3c}, default_place = {x = 0, y = 0}} #22 0x0000000000a0123d in your_spells (spell=SPELL_THUNDERBOLT, powc=20, allow_fail=, evoked=, fake_spell=) at prompt = 0x0 additional_desc = {, std::allocator >, std::allocator, std::allocator > > >, monster_info const&>> = {, std::allocator >, std::allocator, std::allocator > > > >> = {}, }, = {static _M_max_size = 16, static _M_max_align = 8, _M_functor = {_M_unused = {_M_object = 0x29, _M_const_object = 0x29, _M_function_pointer = 0x29, _M_member_pointer = &virtual table offset 40, this adjustment 16}, _M_pod_data = ")\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\020\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, _M_manager = 0}, _M_invoker = 0x7ffedfacf590} needs_path = true mr_check = targ = TARG_HOSTILE dir = range = 5 hitfunc = {_M_t = { >> = { >> = {> = {}, , true>> = {> = {}, }, }, > = {_M_head_impl = 0x2b39a40}, }, }} title = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x2d733b8 "Aiming: Thunderbolt"}} args = {hitfunc = 0x2b39a40, restricts = DIR_NONE, mode = TARG_HOSTILE, range = 5, just_looking = false, needs_path = true, self = CONFIRM_NONE, target_prefix = 0x0, top_prompt = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x2d733b8 "Aiming: Thunderbolt"}}, behaviour = 0x0, show_floor_desc = false, get_desc_func = {, std::allocator >, std::allocator, std::allocator > > >, monster_info const&>> = {, std::allocator >, std::allocator, std::allocator > > > >> = {}, }, = {static _M_max_size = 16, static _M_max_align = 8, _M_functor = {_M_unused = {_M_object = 0x0, _M_const_object = 0x0, _M_function_pointer = 0, _M_member_pointer = NULL}, _M_pod_data = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000E\252\257\033\061\177\000"}, _M_manager = 0}, _M_invoker = 0x10}, default_place = {x = 0, y = 0}} spd = {isValid = false, isTarget = false, isEndpoint = false, isCancel = true, choseRay = false, target = {x = 0, y = 0}, delta = {x = 0, y = 0}, ray = {r = {start = {x = 0, y = 0}, dir = {x = 0, y = 0}}, on_corner = false, cycle_idx = -1}} flags = 1 potion = -1 god = fail = old_target = wiz_cast = beam = {origin_spell = SPELL_THUNDERBOLT, range = -2, glyph = 42 U'*', colour = 0 '\000', flavour = BEAM_MAGIC, real_flavour = BEAM_MAGIC, drop_item = false, item = 0x0, source = {x = 0, y = 0}, target = {x = 0, y = 0}, damage = {num = 0, size = 0}, ench_power = 0, hit = 0, thrower = KILL_MISC, ex_size = 0, source_id = 0, source_name = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x1249278 ""}}, name = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x1249278 ""}}, short_name = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x1249278 ""}}, hit_verb = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x1249278 ""}}, loudness = 0, hit_noise_msg = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x1249278 ""}}, explode_noise_msg = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x1249278 ""}}, pierce = false, is_explosion = false, aimed_at_spot = false, aux_source = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x1249278 ""}}, affects_nothing = false, effect_known = true, effect_wanton = false, draw_delay = 15, explode_delay = 50, special_explosion = 0x0, was_missile = false, evoked = true, animate = true, ac_rule = AC_NORMAL, obvious_effect = false, seen = false, heard = false, path_taken = { >> = {_M_impl = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_start = 0x0, _M_finish = 0x0, _M_end_of_storage = 0x0}}, }, extra_range_used = 0, is_tracer = false, is_targeting = false, aimed_at_feet = false, msg_generated = false, noise_generated = false, passed_target = false, in_explosion_phase = false, attitude = ATT_HOSTILE, foe_ratio = 0, hit_count = {_M_t = {_M_impl = { > >> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator > >> = {}, }, _M_key_compare = {> = {}, }, _M_header = {_M_color = std::_S_red, _M_parent = 0x0, _M_left = 0x7ffedfacea80, _M_right = 0x7ffedfacea80}, _M_node_count = 0}}}, foe_info = {count = 0, power = 0, hurt = 0, helped = 0, dont_stop = false}, friend_info = {count = 0, power = 0, hurt = 0, helped = 0, dont_stop = false}, chose_ray = false, beam_cancelled = false, dont_stop_player = false, dont_stop_trees = false, bounces = 0, bounce_pos = {x = 0, y = 0}, reflections = 0, reflector = 0, use_target_as_pos = false, auto_hit = false, ray = {r = {start = {x = 0, y = 0}, dir = {x = 0, y = 0}}, on_corner = false, cycle_idx = -1}, tile_beam = 0, can_see_invis = false, nightvision = false, message_cache = {_M_t = {_M_impl = {, std::allocator > > >> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator, std::allocator > > >> = {}, }, _M_key_compare = {, std::allocator >, std::basic_string, std::allocator >, bool>> = {}, }, _M_header = {_M_color = std::_S_red, _M_parent = 0x0, _M_left = 0x7ffedfaceb28, _M_right = 0x7ffedfaceb28}, _M_node_count = 0}}}} antimagic = cast_result = SPRET_FAIL #23 0x00000000006710e5 in _rod_spell (irod=..., check_range=check_range@entry=false) at power = 20 food = ret = spell = SPELL_THUNDERBOLT mana = 500 #24 0x000000000067462a in evoke_item (slot=1, check_range=) at unevokable = false wielded = true did_work = false entry = #25 0x0000000000ba7f73 in process_command (cmd=cmd@entry=CMD_EVOKE) at No locals. #26 0x0000000000baae89 in _input () at cmd = CMD_EVOKE player_disabled = {was_disabled = false} #27 0x0000000000baba95 in _launch_game () at game_start = false ccon = {cstate = false, smartcstate = false} #28 0x0000000000baf08b in _launch_game_loop () at game_ended = false #29 main (argc=, argv=0x7ffedfad1a08) at No locals. Compilation info: <<<<<<<<<<< Compiled with GCC 4.7.3 on Dec 28 2016 at 03:24:40 Build platform: x86_64-linux-gnu Platform: x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_WEB -Wall -Wformat-security -Wundef -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-format-zero-length -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wno-parentheses -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Iutil -I. -isystem /usr/include/lua5.1 -Irltiles -g -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DREGEX_PCRE -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DDGAMELAUNCH -DSAVE_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-0.19/saves" -DDATA_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-0.19/data/" -DWEB_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-0.19/data/web/" -isystem /usr/include/ncursesw LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -fuse-ld=gold -O2 >>>>>>>>>>> Place info: branch = 0, depth = 11 Level id: D:11 Level build method = , level layout type = narrow_caves, absdepth0 = 10 Level vaults: layout_layer_cave Markers: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. Your Dodging skill increases to level 5! Unknown command. Things that are here: a rapier; a leather armour You see here a hydra corpse. You see here a hydra corpse. You see here a glowing leather armour. a - a +1 hand axe (weapon) You see here a hydra corpse. A killer bee comes into view. A killer bee comes into view. The killer bee buzzes angrily. x2 You barely miss the killer bee. Your headbutt misses the killer bee. The killer bee completely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the killer bee!! You kill the killer bee! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. You slash the killer bee! Your headbutt misses the killer bee. The killer bee is severely wounded. The killer bee closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the killer bee! You kill the killer bee! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. No target in view! You see here a killer bee corpse. A killer bee comes into view. A killer bee comes into view. The killer bee moves out of view. The killer bee stings you but does no damage. The killer bee stings you. You are poisoned. The killer bee poisons you! The killer bee stings you but does no damage. The killer bee misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the killer bee! You slash the killer bee! You kill the killer bee! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. A killer bee comes into view. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. The killer bee buzzes angrily. The killer bee is too close now for your liking. The killer bee buzzes angrily. The killer bee closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the killer bee. The killer bee closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the killer bee, but do no damage. The killer bee barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the killer bee! You closely miss the killer bee. You headbutt the killer bee. You kill the killer bee! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. You feel sick. The killer bee closely misses you. x2 You block the killer bee's attack. The killer bee misses you. Your fire dragon scales prevents you from hitting the killer bee. The killer bee misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the killer bee. You hit the killer bee. You headbutt the killer bee! You kill the killer bee! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. No target in view! You start resting. You feel sick. x2 You are no longer poisoned. You start resting. HP restored. You see here a killer bee corpse. An orc wizard comes into view. It is wielding a dagger. Unknown command. The orc wizard shouts! You hear a shout! x2 The orc wizard casts a spell at you. The puff of flame hits you! You resist. The orc wizard gestures at you while chanting. The puff of frost hits you! An orc comes into view. The orc shouts! The orc wizard hits you but does no damage. An orc comes into view. It is wielding a falchion. You barely miss the orc wizard. Your headbutt misses the orc wizard. The orc wizard hits you but does no damage. You slash the orc wizard! You kill the orc wizard! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. Things that are here: a dagger; a robe You barely miss the orc. The orc hits you. You hit the orc. The orc is lightly wounded. You barely miss the orc. The orc hits you but does no damage. You barely miss the orc. You headbutt the orc! You kill the orc! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. You slash the orc! You kill the orc! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. An orc comes into view. It is wielding a hand axe. The orc shouts! An orc wizard comes into view. It is wielding an enchanted dagger. You see here a falchion. The orc wizard shouts! You hit the orc. The orc is moderately wounded. You slash the orc! You kill the orc! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. Cheibriados raises the support of your attributes as your movement slows. The orc wizard barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the orc wizard! You see here a hand axe. You slice the orc wizard!! You kill the orc wizard! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. Things that are here: an enchanted dagger; a robe You see here a hand axe. Things that are here: an enchanted dagger; a robe Your lightning rod has recharged. Things that are here: a dagger; a robe There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. A hill giant comes into view. It is wielding a giant club. Found a bubbling purple potion. There is a stone staircase leading up here. The hill giant shouts! Found a twisted cabochon amulet. You see here a bubbling purple potion. You slash the hill giant! You headbutt the hill giant. The hill giant is moderately wounded. You hit the hill giant but do no damage. The hill giant is moderately wounded. The hill giant closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the hill giant! You hit the hill giant but do no damage. You headbutt the hill giant! The hill giant is severely wounded. You hit the hill giant but do no damage. You headbutt the hill giant, but do no damage. The hill giant is severely wounded. The hill giant hits you with a giant club!! You slash the hill giant! You headbutt the hill giant. The hill giant is almost dead. You hit the hill giant. The hill giant is almost dead. The hill giant closely misses you. You hit the hill giant but do no damage. You headbutt the hill giant. The hill giant is almost dead. You hit the hill giant. You kill the hill giant! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. No target in view! You start resting. HP restored. Jab2412's ghost (journeyman Minotaur Fighter) comes into view. It is wielding a weapon of electrocution. Jab2412's ghost turns its malevolent gaze towards you. Jab2412's ghost moves out of view. You see here a giant club. You see here a bubbling purple potion. P - 2 bubbling purple potions (gained 1) Okay, then. As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. V - a wand of heal wounds (5/9) Throwing (i - inventory): B - 7 javelins (quivered) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - jab2412's ghost Aim: jab2412's ghost, wielding a weapon of electrocution You throw a javelin. The javelin barely misses jab2412's ghost. Throwing (i - inventory): B - 6 javelins (quivered) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - jab2412's ghost Aim: jab2412's ghost, wielding a weapon of electrocution You throw a javelin. The javelin hits jab2412's ghost. Jab2412's ghost is lightly damaged. Jab2412's ghost misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt jab2412's ghost! Jab2412's ghost hits you. You closely miss jab2412's ghost. You headbutt jab2412's ghost!! Jab2412's ghost is moderately damaged. You hit jab2412's ghost. Jab2412's ghost is heavily damaged. Jab2412's ghost misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt jab2412's ghost. You hit jab2412's ghost. You headbutt jab2412's ghost, but do no damage. Jab2412's ghost is heavily damaged. Jab2412's ghost hits you. You hit jab2412's ghost but do no damage. You headbutt jab2412's ghost! Jab2412's ghost is severely damaged. You closely miss jab2412's ghost. You headbutt jab2412's ghost. Jab2412's ghost is severely damaged. Jab2412's ghost hits you but does no damage. You hit jab2412's ghost but do no damage. Jab2412's ghost is severely damaged. Jab2412's ghost barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt jab2412's ghost, but do no damage. You hit jab2412's ghost. You headbutt jab2412's ghost, but do no damage. Jab2412's ghost is severely damaged. You hit jab2412's ghost but do no damage. Your headbutt misses jab2412's ghost. Jab2412's ghost is severely damaged. Jab2412's ghost hits you but does no damage. You are electrocuted! You hit jab2412's ghost. You headbutt jab2412's ghost, but do no damage. Jab2412's ghost is severely damaged. You slash jab2412's ghost! You headbutt jab2412's ghost. Jab2412's ghost is almost destroyed. Jab2412's ghost barely misses you. You hit jab2412's ghost but do no damage. You headbutt jab2412's ghost, but do no damage. Jab2412's ghost is almost destroyed. Jab2412's ghost hits you! You are electrocuted! You hit jab2412's ghost but do no damage. You headbutt jab2412's ghost, but do no damage. Jab2412's ghost is almost destroyed. You hit jab2412's ghost but do no damage. You headbutt jab2412's ghost, but do no damage. Jab2412's ghost is almost destroyed. Jab2412's ghost hits you. You are electrocuted! You hit jab2412's ghost but do no damage. You headbutt jab2412's ghost, but do no damage. Jab2412's ghost is almost destroyed. You block jab2412's ghost's attack. You slash jab2412's ghost! Jab2412's ghost is almost destroyed. Unknown command. You hit jab2412's ghost but do no damage. You headbutt jab2412's ghost, but do no damage. Jab2412's ghost is almost destroyed. Jab2412's ghost hits you but does no damage. Unknown command. You hit jab2412's ghost but do no damage. You headbutt jab2412's ghost, but do no damage. Jab2412's ghost is almost destroyed. You feel much better. Jab2412's ghost hits you but does no damage. You hit jab2412's ghost but do no damage. You headbutt jab2412's ghost, but do no damage. Jab2412's ghost is almost destroyed. Jab2412's ghost hits you. You hit jab2412's ghost but do no damage. You headbutt jab2412's ghost, but do no damage. Jab2412's ghost is almost destroyed. Jab2412's ghost hits you. You hit jab2412's ghost but do no damage. Jab2412's ghost is almost destroyed. You hit jab2412's ghost but do no damage. You headbutt jab2412's ghost! You destroy jab2412's ghost! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. B - 6 javelins (gained 1) A centaur comes into view. You see here a javelin. B - 7 javelins (gained 1) The centaur moves out of view. Evoke which item? (* to show all) (? for menu, Esc to quit) Zapping: z - a wand of flame (21/48) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - centaur Aim: a centaur (hasn't noticed you) You hear a shout! This wand has 20 charges left. Evoke which item? (* to show all) (? for menu, Esc to quit) Zapping: z - a wand of flame (20/48) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - centaur Aim: a centaur (moderately wounded) The puff of flame hits the centaur. The centaur is heavily wounded. This wand has 19 charges left. The centaur is engulfed in a cloud of scalding steam. x2 The centaur wields a shortbow. The centaur shoots an arrow. The arrow misses you. Unknown command. Unknown command. Evoke which item? (* to show all) (? for menu, Esc to quit) Zapping: z - a wand of flame (19/48) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - centaur Aim: a centaur, wielding a shortbow (steam, almost dead) The puff of flame hits the centaur. You kill the centaur! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. You hear a splash. x2 This wand has 18 charges left. Unknown command. Found a long sword. v - a twisted cabochon amulet There are no items here. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. Things that are here: a shortbow; 31 arrows A - 3 scrolls of remove curse (gained 1) You open the door. There is an open door here. A steam dragon comes into view. The steam dragon hisses angrily. Found 15 gold pieces. You hit the steam dragon but do no damage. You slash the steam dragon! You headbutt the steam dragon, but do no damage. The steam dragon is moderately wounded. The steam dragon bites you but does no damage. The steam dragon barely misses you. You hit the steam dragon. The steam dragon is moderately wounded. The steam dragon bites you but does no damage. The steam dragon misses you. You hit the steam dragon. The steam dragon is heavily wounded. You hit the steam dragon. Your headbutt misses the steam dragon. The steam dragon is severely wounded. The steam dragon bites you but does no damage. The steam dragon barely misses you. You hit the steam dragon but do no damage. You headbutt the steam dragon! The steam dragon is almost dead. You hit the steam dragon. The steam dragon is almost dead. The steam dragon completely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the steam dragon! You kill the steam dragon! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. The steam dragon scales are intact enough to wear. Things that are here: +0 steam dragon scales; a steam dragon corpse Z - 9 slices of pizza (gained 1) You now have 434 gold pieces (gained 15). A killer bee comes into view. A killer bee is nearby! A hungry ghost comes into view. The killer bee buzzes angrily. A killer bee and a crimson imp come into view. The killer bee buzzes angrily. The crimson imp shouts! You slash the killer bee! Your headbutt misses the killer bee. The killer bee is severely wounded. The killer bee barely misses you. You slash the killer bee! You kill the killer bee! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. A killer bee comes into view. Sonja, the Graceful Assassin comes into view. She is wielding a dagger of distortion. The crimson imp blinks! The killer bee stings you but does no damage. You see here a killer bee corpse. Okay, then. You can feel time thicken for a moment. You kill the killer bee! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. You kill the crimson imp! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. You kill Sonja! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. You feel somewhat more hungry. Cheibriados lowers the support of your attributes as your movement quickens. The hungry ghost hits you. You feel a lot more hungry. The killer bee buzzes angrily. You hit the hungry ghost. You headbutt the hungry ghost! You destroy the hungry ghost! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. The killer bee stings you but does no damage. x2 The killer bee barely misses you. Unknown command. You miss the killer bee. The killer bee barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the killer bee. You block the killer bee's attack. You hit the killer bee. You headbutt the killer bee! You kill the killer bee! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. Things that are here: an uncursed dagger of distortion; an uncursed blowgun; 4 curare-tipped needles You start resting. Magic restored. You open the door. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. As you open the door, it creaks loudly! There is an open door here. You open the door. There is an open door here. d - 4 meat rations (gained 1) You open the door. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. You open the door. A hound skeleton comes into view. Found a scroll of remove curse. A hill giant comes into view. It is wielding a giant club. The hill giant shouts! Found a mace and a knobbly jewelled staff. There is an open door here. The hill giant closely misses you. The hound skeleton barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the hound skeleton. You block the hound skeleton's attack. You hit the hound skeleton. The hound skeleton is heavily damaged. You hit the hill giant. The hill giant hits you with a giant club. You hit the hound skeleton but do no damage. The hound skeleton is heavily damaged. You hit the hill giant but do no damage. The hound skeleton closely misses you. You slash the hound skeleton! You destroy the hound skeleton! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. You hit the hill giant. The hill giant barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the hill giant! You hit the hill giant but do no damage. You headbutt the hill giant! The hill giant is moderately wounded. You hit the hill giant. The hill giant is moderately wounded. You block the hill giant's attack. You hit the hill giant. You headbutt the hill giant! The hill giant is severely wounded. You hit the hill giant. The hill giant is severely wounded. The hill giant closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the hill giant. You slash the hill giant! You headbutt the hill giant. You kill the hill giant! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. Your Invocations skill increases to level 4! No target in view! Things that are here: a giant club; a hill giant corpse You see here a mace. You see here a knobbly jewelled staff. Found 22 sling bullets. A - 4 scrolls of remove curse (gained 1) You open the door. There is an open door here. A kobold and a big kobold come into view. A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a club. The kobold shouts! The big kobold barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the big kobold! The big kobold hits you but does no damage. You hit the big kobold. You headbutt the big kobold! You kill the big kobold! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. You hit the kobold. You kill the kobold! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. The kobold hits you but does no damage. The kobold misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the kobold! You kill the kobold! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. You see here a short sword. No target in view! No target in view! An orc wizard comes into view. It is wielding a dagger. The orc wizard shouts! The orc wizard casts a spell. The orc wizard seems to speed up. A black bear, an orc and an orc priest come into view. The orc priest moves out of view. The orc wizard hits you with a dagger. You closely miss the orc wizard. The black bear growls angrily. You hear a shout! x3 The orc wizard closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the orc wizard, but do no damage. An orc comes into view. It is wielding a dagger. You hit the orc wizard. The orc wizard is lightly wounded. The orc wizard closely misses you. You hit the orc wizard. The orc wizard is moderately wounded. The orc wizard hits you but does no damage. You miss the orc wizard. The orc wizard is moderately wounded. You hit the orc wizard. Your headbutt misses the orc wizard. The orc wizard is severely wounded. You hit the black bear. The orc wizard hits you but does no damage. You slash the orc wizard! You kill the orc wizard! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. Cheibriados raises the support of your attributes as your movement slows. You hit the black bear. The black bear barely misses you. The black bear claws you. The black bear claws you but does no damage. You hit the black bear but do no damage. You headbutt the black bear! The black bear is heavily wounded. You hit the orc. An orc comes into view. It is wielding a falchion. You closely miss the black bear. You headbutt the black bear! You kill the black bear! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. You hit the orc. You slash the orc! You kill the orc! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. You slash the orc! You kill the orc! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. You slash the orc! You kill the orc! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. The orc priest barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the orc priest. The orc priest misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the orc priest! Items here: )) [ † a falchion; a dagger; a robe; an orc corpse You hit the orc priest. You kill the orc priest! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. No target in view! No target in view! You see here an orc corpse. You open the door. HP restored. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. You open the door. There is an open door here. You open the door. There is an open door here. A hill giant comes into view. It is wielding a giant club. 2 jackals come into view. A jackal comes into view. The jackal barks! The jackal barks! You hit the hill giant. The hill giant is lightly wounded. You hit the jackal. The hill giant hits you with a giant club!! The jackal barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the jackal! You kill the jackal! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. You barely miss the hill giant. Your headbutt misses the hill giant. The hill giant is lightly wounded. You hit the hill giant. You headbutt the hill giant! The hill giant is moderately wounded. You slash the jackal! You kill the jackal! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. The hill giant hits you but does no damage. You hit the hill giant. You headbutt the hill giant. The hill giant is moderately wounded. You hit the hill giant. The hill giant is moderately wounded. Your fire dragon scales prevents you from hitting the jackal. The jackal barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the jackal! You kill the jackal! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. The hill giant closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the hill giant! You slash the hill giant! The hill giant is severely wounded. You hit the hill giant. You headbutt the hill giant. The hill giant is severely wounded. You slash the hill giant! You headbutt the hill giant. The hill giant is almost dead. The hill giant barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the hill giant! You kill the hill giant! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. Your Axes skill increases to level 14! You see here a giant club. Found a stone staircase leading up. Found 21 arrows. There is a stone staircase leading up here. Found a scale mail and 19 bolts. Things that are here: a jackal corpse x3 You open the door. There is an open door here. Your pack is full. You see here a scroll of enchant armour. Your pack is full. You see here a scroll of enchant armour. Could not pick up an item here; shall I ignore it? Okay, then. Drop what? 52/52 slots (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop a scroll of noise. As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. P - 2 potions of brilliance As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. F - a potion of invisibility As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. N - a potion of cancellation As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. k - 2 potions of lignification Drop what? 50/52 slots (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop 2 potions of lignification. You drop 2 potions of brilliance. k - a scroll of enchant armour There is an open door here. You see here a club. You see here a short sword. There is an open door here. You open the door. There is an open door here. A wight comes into view. It is wielding an enchanted great sword. An orc and a wight come into view. The wight moves out of view. The wight barely misses you. There is an open door here. You hit the wight but do no damage. You headbutt the wight, but do no damage. The wight completely misses you. You completely miss the wight. You slash the wight! Your headbutt misses the wight. The wight is severely damaged. You are feeling hungry. The wight misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the wight! You destroy the wight! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. Your Evocations skill increases to level 5! Things that are here: an enchanted great sword; a robe Unknown command. Found 14 gold pieces. An orc comes into view. It is wielding a short sword. An orc warrior and a wight come into view. The orc shouts! Found a stone staircase leading down. An orc priest and a wight come into view. An orc comes into view. It is wielding a club. Found a trident. A wight comes into view. It is wielding an enchanted hand axe. The orc warrior shouts! The orc shouts! x2 You hit the orc. Your headbutt misses the orc. The orc is moderately wounded. The wight moves out of view. The orc closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the orc! You kill the orc! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. A hippogriff comes into view. The wight hits you but does no damage. The orc priest calls down the wrath of Beogh upon you. You struggle to resist. The wight misses you. The hippogriff screeches! You hit the orc warrior. You headbutt the orc warrior! The orc warrior is heavily wounded. You barely miss the wight. You hit the wight but do no damage. The wight closely misses you. Unknown command. You slash the orc warrior! You headbutt the orc warrior. You kill the orc warrior! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. You barely miss the wight. You hit the wight but do no damage. The wight hits you but does no damage. Unknown command. You hit the wight but do no damage. You headbutt the wight. The wight is moderately damaged. You hit the wight. You slash the orc! You kill the orc! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. The wight misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the wight! You destroy the wight! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. You hit the wight but do no damage. You slash the wight! The wight barely misses you. Unknown command. You closely miss the wight. You hit the wight. You slash the orc! You kill the orc! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. The wight misses you. Unknown command. You closely miss the wight. You headbutt the wight, but do no damage. You hit the wight but do no damage. You hit the orc priest but do no damage. The wight misses you. Unknown command. You hit the wight. The wight is lightly damaged. You hit the wight. You destroy the wight! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. You hit the orc priest. The wight completely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the wight. The orc priest hits you but does no damage. You hit the wight. You headbutt the wight, but do no damage. The wight is severely damaged. You hit the orc priest. You hit the wight. The wight hits you but does no damage. Unknown command. You closely miss the wight. You headbutt the wight! The wight is heavily damaged. You barely miss the hippogriff. You hit the orc priest. You hit the wight but do no damage. The wight barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the wight! You destroy the wight! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. The orc priest closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the orc priest. You slash the wight! You destroy the wight! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. You hit the hippogriff. You slash the orc priest! You kill the orc priest! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. The hippogriff barely misses you. The hippogriff pecks you but does no damage. The hippogriff claws you. You hit the hippogriff. You headbutt the hippogriff! The hippogriff is moderately wounded. You slash the hippogriff! Your headbutt misses the hippogriff. The hippogriff is severely wounded. The hippogriff bites you but does no damage. You block the hippogriff's attack. The hippogriff closely misses you. You slice the hippogriff!! You kill the hippogriff! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. Things that are here: an enchanted hand axe; a robe J - an enchanted hand axe A vampire comes into view. Wield which item (- for none, * to show all)? (? for menu, Esc to quit) It sticks to your hand! J - a cursed +3 hand axe (weapon) As you read the scroll of remove curse, it crumbles to dust. You feel as if something is helping you. Drop what? 50/52 slots (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop a +1 hand axe. Adjust (i)tems, (s)pells, or (a)bilities? Adjust which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) J - a +3 hand axe (weapon) Adjust to which letter? (? for menu, Esc to quit) a - a +3 hand axe (weapon) The vampire hits you. The vampire bites you! The vampire draws strength from your injuries! The vampire closely misses you. The vampire misses you. Items here: )))) [[ † You hit the vampire but do no damage. You completely miss the vampire. Your headbutt misses the vampire. The vampire closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the vampire, but do no damage. The vampire bites you. The vampire draws strength from your injuries! You slash the vampire! You headbutt the vampire, but do no damage. The vampire is moderately damaged. You slash the vampire! The vampire is severely damaged. The vampire barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the vampire. The vampire closely misses you. You hit the vampire. You headbutt the vampire. The vampire is almost destroyed. The vampire completely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the vampire. You destroy the vampire! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. Things that are here: a great sword; a robe Items here: ))) [[[ † Things that are here: a +1 hand axe; a robe Items here: )))) [[ † Found a stone staircase leading down. You now have 448 gold pieces (gained 14). You start resting. HP restored. A quokka comes into view. The quokka moves out of view. The quokka barely misses you. x2; You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the quokka! You kill the quokka! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. No target in view! No target in view! There is a stone staircase leading down here. Found a disc of storms. You start eating one of the 5 bread rations. You continue eating. x2 You finish eating. That bread ration really hit the spot! You now have 464 gold pieces (gained 16). There is an open door here. A quasit comes into view. The quasit bites you but does no damage. You block the quasit's attack. The quasit completely misses you. The quasit barely misses you. The quasit closely misses you. The quasit claws you but does no damage. You miss the quasit. The quasit bites you but does no damage. You block the quasit's attack. The quasit barely misses you. You slash the quasit! You headbutt the quasit, but do no damage. The quasit is severely wounded. You closely miss the quasit. You headbutt the quasit. You kill the quasit! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. No target in view! A big kobold comes into view. It is wielding a short sword. 2 kobolds come into view. The kobold shouts! The kobold hits you. The kobold misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the kobold! You kill the kobold! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. The big kobold shouts! You closely miss the big kobold. The kobold shouts! You headbutt the big kobold. The big kobold is lightly wounded. You hit the big kobold. The big kobold is lightly wounded. The big kobold hits you but does no damage. You slash the big kobold! You headbutt the big kobold. The big kobold is severely wounded. The big kobold hits you but does no damage. You slash the big kobold! You headbutt the big kobold. The big kobold is almost dead. A quokka comes into view. You slash the big kobold! You kill the big kobold! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. The quokka moves out of view. The kobold completely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the kobold, but do no damage. The kobold completely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the kobold. Found a scale mail. Items here: ( ) †† a short sword; 2 stones; a big kobold corpse; a kobold corpse You hit the kobold. You kill the kobold! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. You hit the quokka. You kill the quokka! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. No target in view! Items here: ( ) †† a short sword; 2 stones; a big kobold corpse; a kobold corpse Things that are here: a short sword; 3 stones You see here a scale mail. d - 5 meat rations (gained 1) A centaur comes into view. The centaur wields a shortbow. The centaur shoots an arrow. The arrow hits you. The centaur shoots an arrow. The arrow hits you. You see here an arrow. The centaur unwields an uncursed shortbow. The centaur completely misses you. The centaur misses you. The centaur barely misses you. You slash the centaur! You headbutt the centaur, but do no damage. The centaur is heavily wounded. The centaur hits you but does no damage. You hit the centaur but do no damage. You headbutt the centaur. The centaur is heavily wounded. The centaur closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the centaur! You kill the centaur! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. No target in view! No target in view! Things that are here: an uncursed shortbow; 18 arrows; a centaur corpse You open the door. There is an open door here. An ogre comes into view. It is wielding a giant club. An eye of draining comes into view. The eye of draining turns its gaze towards you. The ogre shouts! The ogre hits you with a giant club. You slash the ogre! The ogre is moderately wounded. You hit the ogre. The ogre is heavily wounded. The ogre misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the ogre. The eye of draining gazes at you. You feel your power leaking away. You hit the ogre. You headbutt the ogre. You kill the ogre! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. You hit the eye of draining. The eye of draining is lightly wounded. You slash the eye of draining! You headbutt the eye of draining. The eye of draining is severely wounded. You hit the eye of draining but do no damage. You headbutt the eye of draining! The eye of draining is almost dead. You slash the eye of draining! You kill the eye of draining! No target in view! Magic restored. J - a wand of acid You open the door. There is an open door here. You hear a distant slurping noise. There is an open door here. You open the door. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You hear a distant slurping noise. You open the door. There is an open door here. A jelly comes into view. The jelly quivers. The jelly closely misses you. You slash the jelly! The acid corrodes you! Your hands burn! The jelly is moderately wounded. You slash the jelly! Your hands burn! The jelly is almost dead. The jelly hits you but does no damage. You hit the jelly but do no damage. Your hands burn! You headbutt the jelly. The jelly is almost dead. You slash the jelly! You kill the jelly! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. No target in view! Found a stone staircase leading up. You are no longer corroded. Found a stone staircase leading down. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You open the door. There is an open door here. You now have 480 gold pieces (gained 16). You see here an arrow. You see here a scale mail. A crimson imp comes into view. The crimson imp shouts! You slash the crimson imp! Your headbutt misses the crimson imp. The crimson imp is severely wounded. The crimson imp closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the crimson imp. You slash the crimson imp! You kill the crimson imp! Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace. No target in view! There is an open door here. You see here 20 stones. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. You open the door. There is an open door here. Done exploring. Done exploring. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. Found a robe. A sky beast comes into view. The sky beast flickers out of sight for a moment. You block the sky beast's attack. You hit the sky beast but do no damage. You slash the sky beast! You headbutt the sky beast, but do no damage. The sky beast is moderately wounded. The sky beast hits you. The sky beast shocks you. You closely miss the sky beast. The sky beast is moderately wounded. You slash the sky beast! You headbutt the sky beast. The sky beast is severely wounded. The sky beast hits you but does no damage. You slash the sky beast! You kill the sky beast! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. No target in view! t - 7 potions of curing (gained 1) A jelly comes into view. The jelly quivers. The jelly completely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the jelly! The jelly hits you but does no damage. You hit the jelly. Your hands burn! The jelly is severely wounded. You hit the jelly. You kill the jelly! Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace. No target in view! You now have 492 gold pieces (gained 12). HP restored. Found a stone staircase leading up. Found 21 stones. Found a stone staircase leading up. An eight-headed hydra comes into view. b - a +1 lightning rod (14/14) (in hand) Evoke which item? (* to show all) (? for menu, Esc to quit) Zapping: J - a wand of acid (will waste charges) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - eight-headed hydra Aim: an eight-headed hydra (resting) The bolt of acid hits the eight-headed hydra. The eight-headed hydra is splashed with acid. The acid corrodes the eight-headed hydra! The eight-headed hydra is moderately wounded. The eight-headed hydra roars! Evoking this partially-identified wand wasted a few charges. Evoke which item? (* to show all) (? for menu, Esc to quit) Aiming: Thunderbolt Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - you, p - eight-headed hydra Evoke which item? (* to show all) (? for menu, Esc to quit) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Game state: mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0 io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0: seen_hups: 0, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 1, arena_suspended: 0 prev_cmd = CMD_EVOKE repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD Player: {{{{{{{{{{{ Name: [daryashkoh] Species: Minotaur Job: Monk HP: 101/101; mods: 0/0 MP: 13/13; mod: 0 Stats: 34 (34) 22 (22) 28 (28) Position: (28, 33), god: Cheibriados (17), turn_is_over: 0, banished: 0 Standing on/in/over feature: floor Skills (mode: auto) Name | can_train | train | training | level | points | progress Fighting | X | 2 | 22 | 10 | 2361 | 382/460 Short Blades | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Long Blades | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Axes | X | 2 | 35 | 14 | 4481 | 239/743 Maces & Flails | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Polearms | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Staves | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Slings | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Bows | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Crossbows | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Throwing | X | 1 | 2 | 0 | 20 | 20/50 Armour | X | 1 | 11 | 9 | 1940 | 350/389 Dodging | X | 1 | 5 | 5 | 701 | 71/252 Stealth | X | 1 | 2 | 4 | 657 | 63/297 Shields | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Unarmed Combat | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Spellcasting | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/100 Conjurations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Hexes | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/100 Charms | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/100 Summonings | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Necromancy | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Translocations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Transmutations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Fire Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Ice Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Air Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Earth Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Poison Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Invocations | X | 2 | 11 | 4 | 590 | 90/250 Evocations | X | 2 | 12 | 5 | 930 | 39/357 Spell bugs: Durations: Attributes: #12: 492 #23: 4540 #24: 1581376760 #27: 20545 #49: 537 #59: 1 Mutations: horns: 2 (innate) Inventory bugs: Equipment: eq slot #0, inv slot #1: +1 lightning rod (12/14) eq slot #1, inv slot #9: +0 cloak eq slot #6, inv slot #6: +3 fire dragon scales eq slot #7, inv slot #37: ring of see invisible eq slot #8, inv slot #16: ring of protection from cold eq slot #9, inv slot #45: +3 amulet of reflection }}}}}}}}}}} Webtiles message buffer: Webtiles JSON stack: Screenshot: #...#.. ####...#.# . ......##.# .. ......#..# .... ... #.....# ...# #..D #....## #... #..###..#..## ##.. #..<..###..### ##..# ##..@## ###..###...# #..## #........## ..... ##..##.....# #....(######..###.###.. ###...<......###..# ##. #..........###..# ## .....###........# # ..... ##.......# # ......####.# # clua stack: dlua stack: Lua persistent data: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< bailey_type: bailey_polearm >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lua marker contents: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>