ASSERT(attacker) in '' at line 351 failed. Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.26-a0-366-gd6aadd2 Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: normal Tiles: online Seed: 15228355237096135869, deterministic pregen: 1 Command line: /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae -name ardl -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/ardl.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/ardl.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/ardl/ -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/ardl:2020-07-20.05:21:46.sock -await-connection RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted Obtained 22 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILE+0x23) [0x60fa23]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*) /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x40c) [0x6177cc]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x9c) [0x60fcac]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f781d59f0b0]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f781d939b7b]: /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae() [0x616dbe] /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae() [0x617116] /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_ZN6attack11init_attackE10skill_typei+0x2f7) [0x5b1d07]: attack::init_attack(skill_type, int) /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_ZN13ranged_attackC1EP5actorS1_P8item_defbS1_+0x69) [0xa1c4e9]: ranged_attack::ranged_attack(actor*, actor*, item_def*, bool, actor*) /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_ZN4bolt13affect_playerEv+0x2ef) [0x5cc7ef]: bolt::affect_player() /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_ZN4bolt11affect_cellEv+0x12f) [0x5cfdaf]: bolt::affect_cell() /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_ZN4bolt7do_fireEv+0x2ac) [0x5d0a3c]: bolt::do_fire() /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_ZN4bolt4fireEv+0xfd0) [0x5d2700]: bolt::fire() /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_Z10mons_throwP7monsterR4boltib+0x668) [0xb24dc8]: mons_throw(monster*, bolt&, int, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_Z12handle_throwP7monsterR4boltbb+0x2a8) [0x8b7138]: handle_throw(monster*, bolt&, bool, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_Z19handle_monster_moveP7monster+0x1830) [0x8b8bf0]: handle_monster_move(monster*) /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_Z15handle_monstersb+0x6ed) [0x8b9c4d]: handle_monsters(bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(_Z12world_reactsv+0xc7) [0xc4f887]: world_reacts() /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae() [0xc5367e] /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae(main+0x565) [0xc578d5]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f781d58a7ed]: /usr/games/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae() [0x569929] Trying to run gdb. GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.04-0ubuntu2.1) 7.4-2012.04 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: . [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". 0x00007f781d93984e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #0 0x00007f781d93984e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x00000000006100eb in call_gdb (file=0x7f781d924180) at gdb = attach_cmd = "attach 23268\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" #2 0x00000000006177ec in do_crash_dump () at dir = "/dgldir/morgue/ardl/" signal_info = "Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted" cause_msg = "ASSERT(attacker) in '' at line 351 failed." file = 0x7f781d924180 t = 1595223492 name = "/dgldir/morgue/ardl/crash-ardl-20200720-053812.txt", '\000' #3 0x000000000060fcac in crash_signal_handler (sig_num=6) at No locals. #4 No symbol table info available. #5 0x00007f781d939b7b in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #6 0x0000000000616dbe in _BreakStrToDebugger (mesg=mesg@entry=0x7ffee40eb680 "ASSERT(attacker) in '' at line 351 failed.", assert=assert@entry=true) at No locals. #7 0x0000000000617116 in AssertFailed (expr=0xc62e76 "attacker", file=0xc62e6c "", line=351, text=0x0) at mesg = "ASSERT(attacker) in '' at line 351 failed.", '\000' "\377, \377\377\377\000\000\000\000\240\037\222\035x\177\000\000\377\377\377\377", '\000' "\240, \037\222\035x\177\000\000\377\377\377\377\000\000\000\000Ů^\035x\177\000\000и\016\344\376\177\000\000\240\037\222\035x\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000p\267\016\344\376\177\000\000\000h\006\001\000\000\000\000\200\267\016\344\376\177\000\000\000h\006\001\000\000\000\000\304\036\306\000\000\000\000\000\200\267\016\344\376\177\000\000x\367\021\036x\177\000\000\000h\006\001\000\000\000\000\314\063\311\000\000\000\000\000\240\267\016\344\376\177\000\000\300\267\016\344\376\177\000\000\000h\006\001\000\000\000\000\177t\306\000\000\000\000\000\300\267\016\344\376\177\061\065"... args = {{gp_offset = 3826169792, fp_offset = 32766, overflow_arg_area = 0x7ffee40ebfbf, reg_save_area = 0x0}} fileName = #8 0x00000000005b1d07 in attack::init_attack (this=0x7ffee40ec0d0, unarmed_skill=, attack_number=) at No locals. #9 0x0000000000a1c4e9 in ranged_attack::ranged_attack (this=0x7ffee40ec0d0, attk=, defn=, proj=0x7ffee40ec860, tele=, blame=) at proj_name = #10 0x00000000005cc7ef in bolt::affect_player (this=this@entry=0x7ffee40ecb10) at attk = { = {_vptr.attack = 0xd3d630, attacker = 0x0, defender = 0x10ad200, responsible = 0x0, attack_occurred = false, cancel_attack = false, did_hit = false, needs_message = false, attacker_visible = false, defender_visible = false, perceived_attack = false, obvious_effect = false, to_hit = 0, damage_done = 0, special_damage = 0, aux_damage = 0, min_delay = 0, final_attack_delay = 0, special_damage_flavour = BEAM_NONE, stab_attempt = false, stab_bonus = 0, ev_margin = 0, attk_type = AT_NONE, attk_flavour = 6553600, attk_damage = 0, weapon = 0x0, damage_brand = SPWPN_NORMAL, wpn_skill = SK_UNARMED_COMBAT, shield = 0x0, art_props = {mData = {0 }}, unrand_entry = 0x0, attacker_to_hit_penalty = 0, attack_verb = "bug", verb_degree = "", no_damage_message = "", special_damage_message = "", aux_attack = "", aux_verb = "", attacker_armour_tohit_penalty = 0, attacker_shield_tohit_penalty = 0, defender_shield = 0x0, fake_chaos_attack = false, simu = false, aux_source = "", kill_type = KILLED_BY_MONSTER}, range_used = 0, reflected = false, projectile = 0x7ffee40ec860, teleport = false, orig_to_hit = 0, should_alert_defender = true, launch_type = BUGGY} pre_res_dam = was_affected = old_hp = final_dam = engulfs = pre_ac_dam = #11 0x00000000005cfdaf in bolt::affect_cell (this=this@entry=0x7ffee40ecb10) at prev_reflections = 0 hit_player = #12 0x00000000005d0a3c in bolt::do_fire (this=this@entry=0x7ffee40ecb10) at feat = DNGN_FLOOR was_seen = #13 0x00000000005d2700 in bolt::fire (this=0x7ffee40ecb10) at No locals. #14 0x0000000000b24dc8 in mons_throw (mons=0x10e5a70, beam=..., msl=7, teleport=) at weapon = 27000 slot = MSLOT_MISSILE msg = "the minotaur throws a silver javelin." ammo_name = "a silver javelin" returning = false item = {base_type = OBJ_MISSILES, sub_type = 4 '\004', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 11, unrand_idx = 11, subtype_rnd = 11, brand = 11, freshness = 11}, rnd = 49 '1', quantity = 1, flags = 536936463, pos = {x = -2, y = -2}, link = 27002, slot = 0, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }} projected = THROWN #15 0x00000000008b7138 in handle_throw (mons=mons@entry=0x10e5a70, beem=..., teleport=teleport@entry=false, check_only=check_only@entry=false) at launcher = 0x0 weapon = 0x0 mon_item = 7 interference = DO_NOTHING prefer_ranged_attack = master_archer = liquefied = 7 act = #16 0x00000000008b8bf0 in handle_monster_move (mons=0x10e5a70) at friendly_or_near = prefer_ranged = false beem = {origin_spell = SPELL_NO_SPELL, range = 7, glyph = 40 U'(', colour = 4 '\004', flavour = BEAM_MISSILE, real_flavour = BEAM_MISSILE, drop_item = true, item = 0x7ffee40ec860, source = {x = 31, y = 48}, target = {x = 31, y = 51}, damage = {num = 0, size = 0}, ench_power = 0, hit = 0, thrower = KILL_MON_MISSILE, ex_size = 0, source_id = 2814, source_name = "", name = "silver javelin", short_name = "", hit_verb = "pierces through", loudness = 0, hit_noise_msg = "", explode_noise_msg = "", pierce = true, is_explosion = false, aimed_at_spot = false, aux_source = "", affects_nothing = false, effect_known = true, effect_wanton = false, draw_delay = 15, explode_delay = 50, special_explosion = 0x0, was_missile = true, animate = true, ac_rule = normal, obvious_effect = false, seen = true, heard = false, path_taken = std::vector of length 3, capacity 4 = {{x = 31, y = 49}, {x = 31, y = 50}, {x = 31, y = 51}}, extra_range_used = 0, is_tracer = false, is_targeting = false, aimed_at_feet = false, msg_generated = false, noise_generated = false, passed_target = false, in_explosion_phase = false, attitude = ATT_HOSTILE, foe_ratio = 80, hit_count = std::map with 2 elements, foe_info = {count = 1, power = 10, hurt = 0, helped = 0, dont_stop = false}, friend_info = {count = 0, power = 0, hurt = 0, helped = 0, dont_stop = false}, chose_ray = false, beam_cancelled = false, dont_stop_player = false, dont_stop_trees = false, bounces = 0, bounce_pos = {x = 0, y = 0}, reflections = 0, reflector = 0, use_target_as_pos = false, auto_hit = false, ray = {r = {start = {x = 31.5, y = 51.5}, dir = {x = 0, y = 1}}, on_corner = false, cycle_idx = 0}, tile_beam = 3215, can_see_invis = false, nightvision = false, message_cache = std::set with 0 elements} disabled = old_energy = 86 entry = non_move_energy = 10 #17 0x00000000008b9c4d in handle_monsters (with_noise=) at mon = 0x10e5a70 oldspeed = 86 tries = #18 0x0000000000c4f887 in world_reacts () at No locals. #19 0x0000000000c5367e in _input () at player_disabled = {was_disabled = false} #20 0x0000000000c578d5 in _launch_game () at game_start = false #21 _launch_game_loop () at game_ended = false #22 main (argc=, argv=) at No locals. Compilation info: <<<<<<<<<<< Compiled with GCC 4.7.3 Build platform: x86_64-linux-gnu Platform: x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_WEB -Wall -Wformat-security -Wundef -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -Wno-type-limits -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-format-zero-length -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wno-parentheses -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Iutil -I. -isystem /usr/include/lua5.1 -g -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DREGEX_PCRE -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DDGAMELAUNCH -DSAVE_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae/saves" -DSHARED_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves" -DDATA_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae/data/" -DWEB_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-d6aadd2fae/data/web/" -isystem /usr/include/ncursesw LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -fuse-ld=gold -O2 >>>>>>>>>>> Place info: branch = 11, depth = 2 Level id: Vaults:2 Level build method = , level layout type = vaults, absdepth0 = 20 Level vaults: gammafunk_vaults_ghost_fury_of_okawaru nicolae_vaults_little_squares_1 ontoclasm_vaults_twist vaults_mumra_hex vaults_room_grunt_arrival_ludios nicolae_vaults_rhombus_7 layout_vaults_big_room Markers: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You now have 2982 gold pieces (gained 82). Items here: ))))))))))) [[[[[[ Things that are here: a +1 rapier of flaming; a +0 leather armour Items here: ))))))))))) [[[[[[ Okay, then. Things that are here: a +1 rapier of flaming; a +0 leather armour Items here: ))))))) / [[[[ Okay, then. You now have 3004 gold pieces (gained 22). o - 945 arrows (gained 10) Items here: ))) [[ ÷÷ o - 959 arrows (gained 14) You now have 3032 gold pieces (gained 28). o - 1007 arrows (gained 48) Items here: )))) [[ a +0 shortbow; a +0 short sword; a +0 leather armour; a +6 shortbow a +0 short sword; a cursed +0 leather armour Things that are here: a +0 short sword; a +0 leather armour Things that are here: a +1 long sword of draining; a +0 chain mail A deep elf death mage comes into view. It is wielding a +0 long sword. You see here an arrow. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1007 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf death mage, wielding a +0 long sword (wandering, hasn't noticed you) You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the deep elf death mage. The deep elf death mage shouts! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! o - 1007 arrows (gained 1) A deep elf death mage is nearby! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1007 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf death mage, wielding a +0 long sword You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf death mage!! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1006 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf death mage, wielding a +0 long sword (heavily wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf death mage! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1005 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf death mage, wielding a +0 long sword (severely wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf death mage!! Lightning courses through the deep elf death mage! You kill the deep elf death mage! Zin accepts your kill. No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! o - 1005 arrows (gained 1) o - 1006 arrows (gained 1) A deep elf elementalist comes into view. It is wielding a +0 eveningstar of flaming. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1006 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 eveningstar of flaming and wearing a +0 leather armour (wandering, repelling missiles, hasn't noticed you) You shoot an arrow. The deep elf elementalist shouts! The arrow pierces through the deep elf elementalist!!! Lightning courses through the deep elf elementalist! You hear a shout! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1005 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 eveningstar of flaming and wearing a +0 leather armour (almost dead, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow is repelled. No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! A deep elf archer comes into view. It is wielding a +0 broad axe. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1004 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 eveningstar of flaming and wearing a +0 leather armour (almost dead, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow is repelled. The deep elf archer shouts! The arrow pierces through the deep elf archer!! Lightning courses through the deep elf archer! You hear a shout! x2 Firing (i - inventory) o - 1003 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 eveningstar of flaming and wearing a +0 leather armour (almost dead, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf elementalist!! You kill the deep elf elementalist! The deep elf archer unwields a +0 broad axe. The deep elf archer wields a +0 shortbow. The deep elf archer shoots an arrow. The arrow barely misses you. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1002 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf archer, wielding a +0 shortbow, wearing a +0 leather armour and quivering 19 arrows (heavily wounded, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf archer!! Lightning courses through the deep elf archer! You kill the deep elf archer! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! A deep elf blademaster comes into view. It is wielding two +0 rapiers and wearing the amulet of Nemiucsayli {RegenMP *Drain rElec rF+}. A deep elf sorcerer comes into view. It is wielding a +3 rapier. You see here 3 arrows. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1001 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf sorcerer, wielding a +3 rapier (wandering, hasn't noticed you) You shoot an arrow. The deep elf sorcerer shouts! The arrow pierces through the deep elf sorcerer. Lightning courses through the deep elf sorcerer!! You hear a shout! The deep elf sorcerer mumbles some strange words. The deep elf sorcerer seems to speed up. A deep elf master archer comes into view. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1000 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf sorcerer, wielding a +3 rapier (moderately wounded, fast) You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the deep elf blademaster. The deep elf master archer shouts! The arrow pierces through the deep elf sorcerer!!! You kill the deep elf sorcerer! Zin accepts your kill. Your Throwing skill increases to level 19! The deep elf blademaster closely misses you. The deep elf blademaster completely misses you. The deep elf blademaster hits you but does no damage. The deep elf blademaster closely misses you. Aim: a deep elf master archer, wearing a +0 leather armour and quivering 36 arrows That beam is likely to hit you. Continue anyway? The deep elf blademaster is engulfed in freezing vapours. The deep elf blademaster hits you with a +0 rapier. The deep elf blademaster misses you. The deep elf master archer is engulfed in freezing vapours. You take 5 damage, and have 242/247 hp. You now have 44/51 mp. Firing (i - inventory) o - 999 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf master archer, wearing a +0 leather armour and quivering 36 arrows (freezing vapour, lightly wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf blademaster!!! The arrow barely misses the deep elf master archer. The deep elf blademaster is engulfed in freezing vapours. The deep elf master archer is engulfed in freezing vapours. Firing (i - inventory) o - 998 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf master archer, wearing a +0 leather armour and quivering 36 arrows (freezing vapour, moderately wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the deep elf master archer. The deep elf blademaster misses you. The deep elf blademaster hits you with a +0 rapier!! The deep elf master archer is engulfed in freezing vapours. The deep elf master archer wields a +0 longbow. The deep elf master archer shoots an arrow. The arrow closely misses you. The deep elf blademaster closely misses you. The deep elf blademaster hits you with a +0 rapier. You take 18 damage, and have 225/247 hp. You now have 43/51 mp. Firing (i - inventory) o - 997 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf master archer, wielding a +0 longbow, wearing a +0 leather armour and quivering 35 arrows (freezing vapour, heavily wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf master archer!! The deep elf blademaster hits you with a +0 rapier! The deep elf blademaster hits you but does no damage. The deep elf master archer is engulfed in freezing vapours. You kill the deep elf master archer! You take 10 damage, and have 215/247 hp. You now have 41/51 mp. Firing (i - inventory) o - 996 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf blademaster, wielding two +0 rapiers, wearing a +0 leather armour and wearing the amulet of Nemiucsayli {RegenMP *Drain rElec rF+} (severely wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf blademaster! The deep elf blademaster hits you with a +0 rapier. The deep elf blademaster hits you but does no damage. A deep elf annihilator comes into view. It is wielding a +0 long sword. You take 4 damage, and have 211/247 hp. You now have 40/51 mp. Firing (i - inventory) o - 995 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf blademaster, wielding two +0 rapiers, wearing a +0 leather armour and wearing the amulet of Nemiucsayli {RegenMP *Drain rElec rF+} (severely wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the deep elf blademaster. The deep elf blademaster hits you but does no damage. The deep elf blademaster hits you with a +0 rapier. The deep elf annihilator is engulfed in freezing vapours. You take 3 damage, and have 208/247 hp. You now have 39/51 mp. Firing (i - inventory) o - 994 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf annihilator, wielding a +0 long sword and wearing a cursed -2 ring mail (freezing vapour, lightly wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf annihilator!! Lightning courses through the deep elf annihilator! The deep elf blademaster completely misses you. The deep elf blademaster barely misses you. The deep elf annihilator is engulfed in freezing vapours. The deep elf annihilator hits you but does no damage. Firing (i - inventory) o - 993 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf annihilator, wielding a +0 long sword and wearing a cursed -2 ring mail (freezing vapour, severely wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf annihilator!!! You kill the deep elf annihilator! The deep elf blademaster closely misses you. The deep elf blademaster hits you but does no damage. x3 Firing (i - inventory) o - 992 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf blademaster, wielding two +0 rapiers, wearing a +0 leather armour and wearing the amulet of Nemiucsayli {RegenMP *Drain rElec rF+} (severely wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the deep elf blademaster. The deep elf blademaster closely misses you. The deep elf blademaster hits you with a +0 rapier. Firing (i - inventory) o - 991 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf blademaster, wielding two +0 rapiers, wearing a +0 leather armour and wearing the amulet of Nemiucsayli {RegenMP *Drain rElec rF+} (severely wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the deep elf blademaster. The deep elf blademaster hits you with a +0 rapier. The deep elf blademaster hits you but does no damage. You take 2 damage, and have 208/247 hp. Firing (i - inventory) o - 990 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf blademaster, wielding two +0 rapiers, wearing a +0 leather armour and wearing the amulet of Nemiucsayli {RegenMP *Drain rElec rF+} (severely wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf blademaster!! Lightning courses through the deep elf blademaster!! You kill the deep elf blademaster! You start resting. A deep elf knight comes into view. It is wielding a +0 long sword. You regained 21 hp, and now have 229/247 hp. You regained 7 mp, and now have 48/51 mp. Firing (i - inventory) o - 989 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf knight, wielding a +0 long sword and quivering 20 arrows (wandering, hasn't noticed you) You shoot an arrow. The deep elf knight shouts! The arrow pierces through the deep elf knight! Lightning courses through the deep elf knight! The deep elf knight unwields a +0 long sword. The deep elf knight wields a +0 longbow. The deep elf knight shoots an arrow. The arrow completely misses you. Firing (i - inventory) o - 988 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf knight, wielding a +0 longbow and quivering 19 arrows (moderately wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf knight!! You regained 2 hp, and now have 231/247 hp. Firing (i - inventory) o - 987 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf knight, wielding a +0 longbow and quivering 19 arrows (almost dead) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf knight!! You kill the deep elf knight! No target in view! No target in view! You start resting. Health restored: 247; MP restored: 51 o - 989 arrows (gained 3) Items here: )) [ ÷ a cursed +0 glaive; a cursed -2 chain mail; a +0 long sword; an elf skeleton o - 990 arrows (gained 1) Things that are here: a +0 long sword; a cursed +0 leather armour; an elf skeleton Things that are here: a cursed -2 long sword; a +0 leather armour; an elf skeleton Items here: )) [ ÷ a cursed +0 glaive; a cursed -2 chain mail; a +0 long sword; an elf skeleton You now have 3060 gold pieces (gained 28). o - 1035 arrows (gained 45) Items here: ))))) [[[[ † Things that are here: a cursed +0 short sword; a cursed +0 leather armour o - 1045 arrows (gained 10) Things that are here: a +0 scimitar; a +0 shortbow y - 7 scrolls of enchant armour (gained 1) You now have 3257 gold pieces (gained 197). Things that are here: the +4 war axe "Qafuved" {venom, rPois} an uncursed ring of protection from fire {rF+, !d} o - 1049 arrows (gained 4) o - 1052 arrows (gained 3) o - 1055 arrows (gained 3) o - 1074 arrows (gained 19) Things that are here: a +0 longbow; a +0 long sword o - 1075 arrows (gained 1) o - 1077 arrows (gained 2) o - 1083 arrows (gained 6) A deep elf mage comes into view. It is wielding a +4 scimitar of draining. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1083 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf mage, wielding a +4 scimitar of draining, wearing a +0 scale mail and wearing an uncursed ring of protection from magic (wandering, hasn't noticed you) You shoot an arrow. The deep elf mage shouts! The arrow pierces through the deep elf mage!! Lightning courses through the deep elf mage! You kill the deep elf mage! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! o - 1087 arrows (gained 5) o - 1089 arrows (gained 2) Things that are here: a +3 rapier; an elf corpse o - 1090 arrows (gained 1) o - 1091 arrows (gained 1) o - 1094 arrows (gained 3) o - 1095 arrows (gained 1) o - 1096 arrows (gained 1) o - 1098 arrows (gained 2) o - 1117 arrows (gained 19) w - 19 scrolls of remove curse (gained 2) Items here: )) [ † a +0 shortbow; a +0 broad axe; a +0 leather armour; an elf corpse An orc priest is nearby! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1117 arrows (quivered) Aim: an orc priest, wielding a +0 falchion and wearing a +0 leather armour (wandering, hasn't noticed you) You shoot an arrow. The orc priest shouts! The arrow pierces through the orc priest!! You kill the orc priest! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! Things that are here: a cursed +0 short sword; a cursed +0 leather armour Items here: ))))) [[[[ † Y - 17 scrolls of magic mapping {!r} (gained 3) You now have 3365 gold pieces (gained 108). Your pack is full. Items here: " )) [ a +0 rapier x2; a +0 leather armour the amulet of Nemiucsayli {RegenMP *Drain rElec rF+} Your pack is full. Items here: " )) [ a +0 rapier x2; a +0 leather armour the amulet of Nemiucsayli {RegenMP *Drain rElec rF+} Could not pick up an item here; shall I ignore it? Items here: " )) [ a +0 rapier x2; a +0 leather armour the amulet of Nemiucsayli {RegenMP *Drain rElec rF+} o - 1120 arrows (gained 4) o - 1122 arrows (gained 2) o - 1123 arrows (gained 1) o - 1126 arrows (gained 3) o - 1127 arrows (gained 1) You now have 3381 gold pieces (gained 16). You see here a +0 long sword. o - 1128 arrows (gained 1) o - 1130 arrows (gained 2) You see here a +0 rapier. Items here: )))) [[ a +0 shortbow; a +0 short sword; a +0 leather armour; a +6 shortbow a +0 short sword; a cursed +0 leather armour o - 1131 arrows (gained 1) You see here a +0 dagger. o - 1132 arrows (gained 1) You see here a glowing ring mail. Things that are here: a cursed -2 long sword; a +0 leather armour; an elf skeleton Items here: )) [ ÷ a cursed +0 glaive; a cursed -2 chain mail; a +0 long sword; an elf skeleton Items here: ))))) [[[[ † Things that are here: a +0 scimitar; a +0 shortbow Things that are here: the +4 war axe "Qafuved" {venom, rPois} an uncursed ring of protection from fire {rF+, !d} A deep elf demonologist comes into view. It is wielding a +0 rapier. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1132 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf demonologist, wielding a +0 rapier and wearing an uncursed ring of protection from cold (wandering, hasn't noticed you) You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the deep elf demonologist. The deep elf demonologist shouts! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! A deep elf demonologist is nearby! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1131 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf demonologist, wielding a +0 rapier and wearing an uncursed ring of protection from cold You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf demonologist!! Lightning courses through the deep elf demonologist! A deep elf annihilator comes into view. It is wielding a +4 spear of venom. The deep elf demonologist casts a spell. The deep elf annihilator shouts! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1130 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf demonologist, wielding a +0 rapier and wearing an uncursed ring of protection from cold (severely wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf demonologist!! Lightning courses through the deep elf demonologist! You kill the deep elf demonologist! Zin accepts your kill. The deep elf annihilator casts a spell. The deep elf annihilator blinks! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1129 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf annihilator, wielding a +4 spear of venom You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf annihilator!! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1128 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf annihilator, wielding a +4 spear of venom (heavily wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf annihilator!!! Lightning courses through the deep elf annihilator! You kill the deep elf annihilator! No target in view! No target in view! You now have 3404 gold pieces (gained 23). Things that are here: a +0 falchion; a +0 leather armour No target in view! o - 1128 arrows (gained 1) You now have 3418 gold pieces (gained 14). Things that are here: a +4 spear of venom; an elf corpse w - 20 scrolls of remove curse (gained 1) You now have 3435 gold pieces (gained 17). Things that are here: a +0 rapier an uncursed ring of protection from cold {rC+, !d} o - 1129 arrows (gained 1) o - 1130 arrows (gained 1) A deep elf elementalist comes into view. It is wielding a +0 rapier. You see here an arrow. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1130 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 rapier (wandering, repelling missiles, hasn't noticed you) You shoot an arrow. The arrow is repelled. The deep elf elementalist shouts! The deep elf elementalist points at you and mumbles some strange words. You hear rumbling. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1129 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 rapier (repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow is repelled. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1128 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 rapier (repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf elementalist! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1127 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 rapier (lightly wounded, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the deep elf elementalist. The deep elf elementalist gestures wildly while chanting. The deep elf elementalist seems to speed up. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1126 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 rapier (lightly wounded, fast, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf elementalist!! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1125 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 rapier (heavily wounded, fast, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow is repelled. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1124 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 rapier (heavily wounded, fast, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the deep elf elementalist. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1123 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 rapier (heavily wounded, fast, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the deep elf elementalist. The deep elf elementalist completely misses you. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1122 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 rapier (heavily wounded, fast, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow is repelled. The deep elf elementalist hits you but does no damage. The deep elf elementalist barely misses you. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1121 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 rapier (moderately wounded, fast, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the deep elf elementalist. The deep elf elementalist hits you but does no damage. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1120 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 rapier (moderately wounded, fast, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf elementalist. The deep elf elementalist hits you but does no damage. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1119 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 rapier (heavily wounded, fast, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf elementalist! The deep elf elementalist hits you with a +0 rapier. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1118 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 rapier (severely wounded, fast, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf elementalist!! Lightning courses through the deep elf elementalist! You kill the deep elf elementalist! Your Short Blades skill increases to level 22! No target in view! You now have 50/51 mp. No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! o - 1118 arrows (gained 1) B - 6 scrolls of blinking {!r} (gained 1) You see here a +0 rapier. MP restored: 51 o - 1130 arrows (gained 12) o - 1131 arrows (gained 1) v - 10 scrolls of enchant weapon (gained 2) You now have 3582 gold pieces (gained 147). Items here: ) = [ † a +4 scimitar of draining; a +0 scale mail an uncursed ring of protection from magic {MR+, !d} an elf corpse A deep elf elementalist comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1131 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 short sword (wandering, repelling missiles, hasn't noticed you) You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the deep elf elementalist. The deep elf elementalist shouts! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1130 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 short sword (repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the deep elf elementalist. The deep elf elementalist misses you. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1129 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 short sword (repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow is repelled. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1128 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 short sword (repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf elementalist!!! The deep elf elementalist completely misses you. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1127 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 short sword (severely wounded, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf elementalist!! The deep elf elementalist gestures wildly while chanting. The deep elf elementalist seems to speed up. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1126 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 short sword (almost dead, fast, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the deep elf elementalist. The deep elf elementalist misses you. The deep elf elementalist completely misses you. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1125 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 short sword (almost dead, fast, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow is repelled. The deep elf elementalist completely misses you. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1124 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 short sword (almost dead, fast, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the deep elf elementalist. The deep elf elementalist hits you but does no damage. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1123 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf elementalist, wielding a +0 short sword (almost dead, fast, repelling missiles) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf elementalist!! You kill the deep elf elementalist! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! You see here a +0 short sword. o - 1123 arrows (gained 1) o - 1130 arrows (gained 7) Found a runed fustibalus. There is an open door here. A +4 mace of protection comes into view. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1130 arrows (quivered) Aim: a +4 mace of protection (dormant) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the +4 mace of protection. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1129 arrows (quivered) Aim: a +4 mace of protection (lightly damaged) You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the +4 mace of protection. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1128 arrows (quivered) Aim: a +4 mace of protection You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the +4 mace of protection!! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1127 arrows (quivered) Aim: a +4 mace of protection (almost destroyed) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the +4 mace of protection!! The +4 mace of protection falls from the air. You pick up a book of Changes and begin reading... You add the spells Wereblood, Spider Form and Blade Hands to your library. Okay, then. Your pack is full. Things that are here: a +4 mace of protection; a lightning rod (4/4) Your pack is full. Things that are here: a +4 mace of protection; a lightning rod (4/4) Could not pick up an item here; shall I ignore it? Things that are here: a +4 mace of protection; a lightning rod (4/4) A deep elf death mage comes into view. It is wielding a +0 long sword. Firing (i - inventory) o - 1126 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf death mage, wielding a +0 long sword (asleep) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf death mage!! Lightning courses through the deep elf death mage! The deep elf death mage shouts! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1125 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf death mage, wielding a +0 long sword (heavily wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf death mage!! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1124 arrows (quivered) Aim: a deep elf death mage, wielding a +0 long sword (severely wounded) You shoot an arrow. The arrow pierces through the deep elf death mage!! You kill the deep elf death mage! Zin accepts your kill. No target in view! No target in view! o - 1125 arrows (gained 2) Your pack is full. You see here a glowing hat. Your pack is full. You see here a glowing hat. Could not pick up an item here; shall I ignore it? You see here a glowing hat. o - 1127 arrows (gained 2) Things that are here: a +0 long sword; a short sword o - 1128 arrows (gained 1) You now have 3637 gold pieces (gained 55). You see here a glowing trident. o - 1129 arrows (gained 1) You see here 18 bolts. You now have 3673 gold pieces (gained 36). You see here a long sword. You see here a glowing ring mail. You see here a great sword. You see here an uncursed short sword. You see here a staff of death {rN+}. Your pack is full. You see here a pair of glowing gloves. o - 1145 arrows (gained 16) Your pack is full. You see here a manual of Shields {!d}. u - 8 potions of mutation (gained 1) Your pack is full. You see here a manual of Shields {!d}. Drop what? 52/52 slots (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) Really drop O - a manual of Short Blades {!d}? You drop a manual of Short Blades {!d}. O - a manual of Shields {!d} Your pack is full. You see here a pair of glowing gloves. As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. a +2 pair of gloves of strength Your pack is full. You see here a +2 pair of gloves of strength. Your pack is full. You see here a +2 pair of gloves of strength. Could not pick up an item here; shall I ignore it? You see here a +2 pair of gloves of strength. You see here a runed fustibalus. You see here a crooked jewelled staff. You see here a staff of poison {rPois}. There is an open door here. Found an uncursed runed shortbow. There is an open door here. You see here a book of Changes. You pick up a book of Dreams and begin reading... You add the spells Ensorcelled Hibernation, Borgnjor's Vile Clutch and Shadow Creatures to your library. You see here a book of Changes. You pick up a book of Changes and begin reading... Unfortunately, it added no spells to the library. Okay, then. r - 2 phantom mirrors (gained 1) You see here a shortbow. You now have 3697 gold pieces (gained 24). You pick up a book of Air and begin reading... You add the spells Shock, Swiftness, Static Discharge, Airstrike and Lightning Bolt to your library. You pick up the Volume of Floating Fire and begin reading... You add the spell Corpse Rot to your library. t - 12 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) o - 1159 arrows (gained 14) Your pack is full. You see here a dented cabochon amulet. As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. an uncursed amulet of magic regeneration You pick up the Tome of Flamy Arcane Weapons and begin reading... You add the spells Magic Dart, Searing Ray, Dazzling Flash and Starburst to your library. You see here a dagger. r - 3 phantom mirrors (gained 1) T - a wand of paralysis (39) (gained 11 charges) You see here a dagger. Your pack is full. You see here an uncursed amulet of magic regeneration. Your pack is full. You see here an uncursed amulet of magic regeneration. Could not pick up an item here; shall I ignore it? You see here an uncursed amulet of magic regeneration. You now have 3724 gold pieces (gained 27). You see here an uncursed amulet of magic regeneration. You see here a dagger. You see here a short sword. You see here a box of beasts. You see here a staff of death {rN+}. There is an open door here. Things that are here: a cursed +0 short sword; a cursed +0 leather armour Things that are here: a +0 scimitar; a +0 shortbow Things that are here: the +4 war axe "Qafuved" {venom, rPois} an uncursed ring of protection from fire {rF+, !d} Things that are here: a +0 falchion; a +0 leather armour Things that are here: a +0 rapier an uncursed ring of protection from cold {rC+, !d} Done exploring. Done exploring. This spell is mildly dangerous to cast. Memorise Conjure Ball Lightning, consuming 6 spell levels and leaving 19? You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. x6 You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'b'. Things that are here: a +0 rapier an uncursed ring of protection from cold {rC+, !d} Things that are here: a +0 falchion; a +0 leather armour Things that are here: the +4 war axe "Qafuved" {venom, rPois} an uncursed ring of protection from fire {rF+, !d} Things that are here: a +0 scimitar; a +0 shortbow Items here: ))))) [[[[ Okay, then. You create some ball lightning! 3 ball lightnings come into view. You now have 45/51 mp. What are your orders? t - Bark! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. g - Guard the area. f - Follow me. Anything else - Cancel. Okay, then. There are monsters nearby! Here: a ball lightning (friendly) A +0 shortbow. There is something else lying underneath. The floor, spattered with blood. Your ball lightning explodes! The blast of lightning engulfs you. You resist. The blast of lightning engulfs your ball lightning. Your ball lightning completely resists. The blast of lightning engulfs your ball lightning. Your ball lightning completely resists. Your ball lightning explodes! The blast of lightning engulfs your ball lightning. Your ball lightning completely resists. The blast of lightning engulfs you! You resist. Your ball lightning explodes! The blast of lightning engulfs you. You resist. You take 17 damage, and have 230/247 hp. You now have 44/51 mp. You start resting. Health restored: 247; MP restored: 51 Okay, then. Okay, then. Unknown command. Search for what [Enter for "armor", or ? for help]? Search for what [Enter for "armor", or ? for help]? Items here: ))) [[ a +0 long sword x2; a +0 ring mail; a +0 club; a +0 scale mail Items here: ))))))) / [[[[ Drop what? 52/52 slots (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop +0 ice dragon scales. g - a +0 plate armour You start removing your armour. You continue taking off your +0 swamp dragon scales. x4 You finish taking off your +0 swamp dragon scales. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 plate armour. x5 You finish putting on your +0 plate armour. Okay, then. Okay, then. You start removing your armour. You continue taking off your +0 plate armour. x4 You finish taking off your +0 plate armour. You drop a +0 plate armour. g - +0 ice dragon scales You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 ice dragon scales. x4 You finish putting on your +0 ice dragon scales. Okay, then. Search for what [Enter for "armor", or ? for help]? Things that are here: a +0 short sword; a +0 leather armour Things that are here: a +1 long sword of draining; a +0 chain mail Drop what? 52/52 slots (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You start removing your armour. You continue taking off your +0 ice dragon scales. x4 You finish taking off your +0 ice dragon scales. You drop +0 ice dragon scales. g - a +0 chain mail You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 chain mail. x4 You finish putting on your +0 chain mail. Okay, then. Search for what [Enter for "armor", or ? for help]? scales Okay, then. You start removing your armour. You continue taking off your +0 chain mail. x4 You finish taking off your +0 chain mail. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 swamp dragon scales. x5 You finish putting on your +0 swamp dragon scales. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (S) Swamp (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (U) Depths (H) Hell Where to? (Enter - Elf:3 @ (x,y), ? - help) What level of the Depths? (default 1, ? - help) Items here: ))) [[ a +0 long sword x2; a +0 ring mail; a +0 club; a +0 scale mail Items here: ))))))) / [[[[ Things that are here: a +1 rapier of flaming; a +0 leather armour Items here: ))))))))))) [[[[[[ Things that are here: a +0 dagger; a +3 ring mail of cold resistance; a +2 vorpal long sword Items here: ))) [[ a +0 long sword; a +0 ring mail; a +0 shortbow; a +0 short sword a +0 leather armour Items here: ))) [ a +0 dagger; a +0 rapier x2; a +0 leather armour You see here a cursed -3 long sword. You see here a +0 long sword of holy wrath. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. Things that are here: a +0 leather armour; a +0 long sword You see here a robe. You see here 14 stones. You see here a +0 dagger. Things that are here: a +0 leather armour; a +0 dagger Things that are here: a +0 scale mail; a +0 long sword Things that are here: a +0 leather armour; a +0 dagger; a +0 longbow Things that are here: a +3 leather armour; a +0 long sword There is a staircase back to the Mines here. You climb upwards. Welcome back to the Orcish Mines! There is a staircase to the Elven Halls here. You see here a +0 scale mail. Things that are here: a +0 plate armour; a +3 great sword Things that are here: a +0 chain mail; a +0 flail; a +0 short sword Items here: )))) [[[[ There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here. You climb upwards. Welcome back to the Dungeon! There is a staircase to the Orcish Mines here. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up, spattered with blood here. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. A neqoxec is nearby! Firing (i - inventory) o - 1159 arrows (quivered) Aim: a neqoxec (wandering, hasn't noticed you) You shoot an arrow. The neqoxec shouts! The arrow pierces through the neqoxec!! You kill the neqoxec! Zin accepts your kill. o - 1159 arrows (gained 1) Partly explored, can't reach some items. Search for what [Enter for "scales", or ? for help]? trans Okay, then. Search for what [Enter for "trans", or ? for help]? There is a stone staircase leading down here. There is an open door here. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. There is an open gate here. There is an open gate, spattered with blood here. There is an open gate here. There is an open gate here. Things that are here: a +0 chain mail; a +1 great mace There is a gate to the Vaults here. You go down through the gate. Welcome back to the Vaults! This branch contains the silver rune of Zot. There is a gate leading back out of this place here. There is an open door here. You see here an atropa-tipped dart. Things that are here: a bolt; an atropa-tipped dart There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Items here: ))) [[ a +0 chain mail; a +0 long sword; a +1 battleaxe of freezing; a +0 chain mail a +0 dire flail Things that are here: a +0 robe; a +0 dagger There is an open door here. You see here a ring mail. There is an open door here. There is a large open door here. There is an open door here. You see here a bolt. Things that are here: a short sword; a +0 chain mail; a +0 great sword of holy wrath Items here: ( )) [ a cursed +0 ring mail; 14 bolts; a +0 morningstar; a +0 arbalest There is a large open door here. There is an open door here. You see here 2 bolts. You see here 3 bolts. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. Level annotation: 3 runed translucent doors, Gexu's ghost, adept GrMo There is a stone staircase leading up here. There is an open door here. Things that are here: a +0 robe; a +0 club The stone giant shouts! You hear a shout! The orc knight shouts! The orc warlord shouts! There is an open door here. The minotaur bellows! Here: Gexu's ghost, wielding a vorpal weapon (fire blocked by a runed translucent door) The floor. You feel clever all of a sudden. You open the gate. The orc warlord roars a battlecry! The orcs go into a battle-frenzy! The orc warlord roars a battlecry! The orc warlord goes into a battle-frenzy! The deep elf knight shouts! Gexu's ghost says, "Try not to bleed too much." You feel a surge of power! You create some ball lightning! 3 ball lightnings come into view. The orc knight hits you with a +0 dire flail! The orc warlord hits your ball lightning with a +0 war axe! Your ball lightning explodes! The blast of lightning engulfs your ball lightning. Your ball lightning completely resists. The blast of lightning engulfs the orc knight!! The blast of lightning engulfs the orc warlord!! x2 The blast of lightning engulfs you! You resist. The blast of lightning engulfs the deep elf knight!! The blast of lightning engulfs Gexu's ghost! Gexu's ghost resists. The blast of lightning engulfs the stone giant! The blast of lightning engulfs the minotaur!! The blast of lightning engulfs the deep elf knight!!! The blast of lightning engulfs your ball lightning. Your ball lightning completely resists. The orc warlord misses your ball lightning. Gexu's ghost completely misses you. You take 17 damage, and have 230/247 hp. You now have 42/51 mp. You feel a surge of power! You create some ball lightning! 3 ball lightnings come into view. Your ball lightning explodes! The blast of lightning engulfs Gexu's ghost. Gexu's ghost resists. The blast of lightning engulfs your ball lightning. Your ball lightning completely resists. The blast of lightning engulfs the deep elf knight!! The blast of lightning engulfs your ball lightning. Your ball lightning completely resists. The blast of lightning engulfs the orc knight!! You kill the orc knight! The blast of lightning engulfs you. You resist. The blast of lightning engulfs the stone giant!! The blast of lightning engulfs the orc warlord!! The blast of lightning engulfs the minotaur!! The blast of lightning engulfs the orc warlord! The blast of lightning engulfs the deep elf knight!! You kill the deep elf knight! Your ball lightning explodes! The blast of lightning engulfs the orc warlord!! The blast of lightning engulfs your ball lightning. Your ball lightning completely resists. The blast of lightning engulfs the orc warlord!! The blast of lightning engulfs your ball lightning. Your ball lightning completely resists. The blast of lightning engulfs you. You resist. The blast of lightning engulfs the stone giant!! The blast of lightning engulfs the minotaur!! The blast of lightning engulfs Gexu's ghost. Gexu's ghost resists. The blast of lightning engulfs your ball lightning. Your ball lightning completely resists. The minotaur throws a silver javelin. The silver javelin pierces through your ball lightning!! Your ball lightning explodes! The blast of lightning engulfs the stone giant!! The blast of lightning engulfs the orc warlord!!! The blast of lightning engulfs the orc warlord! The blast of lightning engulfs the minotaur!! You kill the minotaur! The blast of lightning engulfs Gexu's ghost! Gexu's ghost resists. The blast of lightning engulfs your ball lightning. Your ball lightning completely resists. The blast of lightning engulfs you. You resist. The blast of lightning engulfs the deep elf knight! You kill the deep elf knight! The blast of lightning engulfs your ball lightning. Your ball lightning completely resists. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version history: Game started: 0.26-a0-366-gd6aadd2 Game state: mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0 io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0: seen_hups: 0, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 1, arena_suspended: 0 prev_cmd = CMD_CAST_SPELL repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD Player: {{{{{{{{{{{ Name: [ardl] Species: Gnoll Job: Chaos Knight HP: 223/247; mods: 0/0 MP: 35/51; mod: 0 Stats: 30 (30) 26 (26) 17 (17) Position: (31, 51), god: Zin (1), turn_is_over: 1, banished: 0 Standing on/in/over feature: floor Skills (mode: manual) Name | can_currently_train | train | training | level | points | progress Fighting | X | 1 | 3 | 17 | 2396 | 34/338 Short Blades | X | 1 | 3 | 22 | 4439 | 14/525 Long Blades | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2095 | 45/312 Axes | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2095 | 45/312 Maces & Flails | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2095 | 45/312 Polearms | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2095 | 45/312 Staves | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2095 | 45/312 Slings | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2095 | 45/312 Bows | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2095 | 45/312 Crossbows | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2095 | 45/312 Throwing | X | 1 | 3 | 19 | 3126 | 51/412 Armour | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2246 | 196/312 Dodging | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2146 | 96/312 Stealth | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2095 | 45/312 Shields | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2100 | 50/312 Unarmed Combat | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2095 | 45/312 Spellcasting | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2095 | 45/312 Conjurations | X | 1 | 3 | 13 | 2095 | 310/336 Hexes | X | 1 | 3 | 13 | 2095 | 310/336 Summonings | X | 1 | 3 | 13 | 2095 | 310/336 Necromancy | X | 1 | 3 | 13 | 2095 | 310/336 Translocations | X | 1 | 3 | 13 | 2095 | 310/336 Transmutations | X | 1 | 3 | 13 | 2095 | 310/336 Fire Magic | X | 1 | 3 | 13 | 2095 | 310/336 Ice Magic | X | 1 | 3 | 13 | 2095 | 310/336 Air Magic | X | 1 | 3 | 13 | 2095 | 310/336 Earth Magic | X | 1 | 3 | 13 | 2095 | 310/336 Poison Magic | X | 1 | 3 | 13 | 2095 | 310/336 Invocations | X | 1 | 3 | 17 | 2095 | 109/284 Evocations | X | 1 | 3 | 16 | 2095 | 45/312 Spell bugs: Durations: #7: 600 Attributes: #12: 7985 #13: 3010 #14: 1251 #23: 319 #24: 1837569378 #26: 5 #27: 1041688 #37: 3 #38: 1 #49: 6900 #59: 1 Mutations: fangs: 1 (innate) hooves: 1 horns: 1 icy blue scales: 1 rugged brown scales: 1 agile: 1 blink: 1 cold resistance: 1 fire resistance: 2 high mp: 2 magic resistance: 3 sense surroundings: 2 regeneration: 1 robust: 2 MP-powered wands: 1 sturdy frame: 1 strong nose: 1 (innate) Inventory bugs: Equipment: eq slot #0, inv slot #0: +8 storm bow {elec, penet} eq slot #1, inv slot #32: +1 cloak of magic resistance eq slot #2, inv slot #39: +2 hat of see invisible eq slot #3, inv slot #12: +0 pair of gloves of Divine Intervention {rElec rPois Str+8 Stlth-} eq slot #4, inv slot #2: +1 pair of boots "Oneydgh" {Str+4 Stlth+} eq slot #6, inv slot #30: +0 swamp dragon scales eq slot #7, inv slot #47: ring of Robustness {AC+8} eq slot #8, inv slot #25: ring "Rees Vom" {EV+4 Int+3 Stlth+} eq slot #9, inv slot #41: amulet of guardian spirit {Spirit} }}}}}}}}}}} Webtiles message buffer: Webtiles JSON stack: Screenshot: .........#.#.[$#_#)..#....#...... .........#.#...[)=...#....#...... .........#.#.#8...8#.#....#[..... .........#[#.........#....)...... .........#.#.#8...8#.#....####### #######'##.#...C()...#...(....... .........).####o''####........... ...........#...o)W)..#....)...... ...........#..*.@*...#........... ...........##'########........... .................)).............. ..................[...........[(. 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