Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.16-a0-1026-ge901fcf Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: normal Tiles: online Command line: /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec -name ackack -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/ackack.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/ackack.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/ackack/ -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/ackack:2014-10-03.21:27:31.sock -await-connection RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #11: Segmentation fault Obtained 19 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILEi+0x21) [0x568b31]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*, int) /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x309) [0x570d29]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x9c) [0x568dec]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7776f464c0]: /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec(_ZNK7monster17base_armour_classEv+0x29) [0x876cd9]: monster::base_armour_class() const /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec(_Z13define_zombieP7monster12monster_typeS1_+0xb2) [0x83af02]: define_zombie(monster*, monster_type, monster_type) /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec() [0x83dd44] /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec(_Z13place_monster9mgen_databb+0x22f) [0x84198f]: place_monster(mgen_data, bool, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec() [0x5e0e97] /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec() [0x5f5ec7] /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec(_Z7builderb20dungeon_feature_type+0x29a) [0x5f6e7a]: builder(bool, dungeon_feature_type) /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec(_Z10load_level20dungeon_feature_type14load_mode_typeRK8level_id+0xaf2) [0x627852]: load_level(dungeon_feature_type, load_mode_type, level_id const&) /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec(_Z11down_stairs20dungeon_feature_typebb+0x6a0) [0x992490]: down_stairs(dungeon_feature_type, bool, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec() [0x585dcb] /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec(_Z12handle_delayv+0x578) [0x587ed8]: handle_delay() /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec() [0x75adda] /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec(main+0x64d) [0x75fb1d]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7776f3176d]: /usr/games/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec() [0x4c7f69] Trying to run gdb. GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.02-0ubuntu2) 7.4-2012.02 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: . [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". 0x00007f77772dc84e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #0 0x00007f77772dc84e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x000000000056923b in call_gdb (file=0x7f77772c7180) at gdb = attach_cmd = "attach 25151\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" #2 0x0000000000570d3e in do_crash_dump () at t = 1412373137 dir = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x2f83408 "/dgldir/morgue/ackack/"}} name = "/dgldir/morgue/ackack/crash-ackack-20141003-215217.txt", '\000' file = 0x7f77772c7180 #3 0x0000000000568dec in crash_signal_handler (sig_num=11) at No locals. #4 No symbol table info available. #5 0x0000000000876cd9 in monster::base_armour_class (this=0xe29c58) at base_ac = #6 0x000000000083af02 in define_zombie (mon=0xe29c58, ztype=MONS_CHIMERA, cs=MONS_SKELETON) at No locals. #7 0x000000000083dd44 in _place_monster_aux (mg=..., leader=0x0, place=..., force_pos=, dont_place=false) at ztype = fpos = {x = 40, y = 17} m_ent = 0xd0e0c0 summoned = blame_prefix = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x2f431f8 ""}} mon = 0xe29c58 montype = #8 0x000000000084198f in place_monster (mg=..., force_pos=false, dont_place=false) at tries = stair_type = NUM_DCHAR_TYPES leader = false band = BAND_NO_BAND pval = 0 close_to_player = place = {branch = BRANCH_CRYPT, depth = 1} band_size = 1 band_monsters = {MONS_SKELETON, MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, 1996029638, 32631, 44387360, MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, MONS_MOTTLED_DRAGON, MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, 44387360, MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, MONS_GIANT_GECKO, MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, 1072, MONS_PROGRAM_BUG} want_band = false chose_ood_monster = create_band = ugly_colour = 0 '\000' proxOK = shoved = false mon = priest = band_template = {cls = MONS_ZOMBIE, base_type = MONS_DIRE_ELEPHANT, behaviour = BEH_SLEEP, summoner = 0x0, abjuration_duration = 0, summon_type = 0, pos = {x = 54, y = 17}, preferred_grid_feature = DNGN_FLOOR, foe = 27000, flags = 0, god = GOD_NO_GOD, number = 0, colour = 0, proximity = PROX_ANYWHERE, place = {branch = BRANCH_CRYPT, depth = 1}, map_mask = 4, hd = 0, hp = 0, extra_flags = 0, mname = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x1135918 ""}}, non_actor_summoner = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x1135918 ""}}, initial_shifter = RANDOM_MONSTER, chimera_mons = { >> = {_M_impl = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_start = 0x0, _M_finish = 0x0, _M_end_of_storage = 0x0}}, }, props = {hash_map = 0x0}} #9 0x00000000005e0e97 in _place_assorted_zombies () at skel = z_base = mg = {cls = MONS_SKELETON, base_type = MONS_CHIMERA, behaviour = BEH_SLEEP, summoner = 0x0, abjuration_duration = 0, summon_type = 0, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, preferred_grid_feature = DNGN_FLOOR, foe = 27000, flags = 0, god = GOD_NO_GOD, number = 0, colour = 0, proximity = PROX_ANYWHERE, place = {branch = BRANCH_CRYPT, depth = 1}, map_mask = 4, hd = 0, hp = 0, extra_flags = 0, mname = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x1135918 ""}}, non_actor_summoner = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x1135918 ""}}, initial_shifter = RANDOM_MONSTER, chimera_mons = { >> = {_M_impl = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_start = 0x0, _M_finish = 0x0, _M_end_of_storage = 0x0}}, }, props = {hash_map = 0x0}} i = num_zombies = 10 #10 _builder_monsters () at mon_wanted = 11 preferred_grid_feature = #11 0x00000000005f5ec7 in _build_dungeon_level (dest_stairs_type=DNGN_RETURN_FROM_CRYPT) at place_vaults = nvaults = 1 #12 0x00000000005f6e7a in _build_level_vetoable (dest_stairs_type=DNGN_RETURN_FROM_CRYPT, enable_random_maps=true) at level_layout_type = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x0}} #13 builder (enable_random_maps=true, dest_stairs_type=DNGN_RETURN_FROM_CRYPT) at uniq_tags = {_M_t = {_M_impl = {, std::allocator > > >> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator, std::allocator > > >> = {}, }, _M_key_compare = {, std::allocator >, std::basic_string, std::allocator >, bool>> = {}, }, _M_header = {_M_color = std::_S_red, _M_parent = 0x3746330, _M_left = 0x37c58b0, _M_right = 0x2ef20d0}, _M_node_count = 16}}} uniq_names = {_M_t = {_M_impl = {, std::allocator > > >> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator, std::allocator > > >> = {}, }, _M_key_compare = {, std::allocator >, std::basic_string, std::allocator >, bool>> = {}, }, _M_header = {_M_color = std::_S_red, _M_parent = 0x36d7d60, _M_left = 0x2c9a640, _M_right = 0x2ef7b80}, _M_node_count = 120}}} levelgen = {val = , oldval = false} tries = #14 0x0000000000627852 in _make_level (stair_taken=DNGN_ENTER_CRYPT, old_level=...) at dummy = false stair_type = DNGN_RETURN_FROM_CRYPT #15 load_level (stair_taken=DNGN_ENTER_CRYPT, load_mode=LOAD_ENTER_LEVEL, old_level=...) at level_name = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x3720e88 "Crypt:1"}} make_changes = true popped = false stair = {val = , oldval = DNGN_UNSEEN} ylev = {val = , oldval = false} just_created_level = false return_pos = {x = 0, y = 0} dest_pos = {x = 66, y = 36} #16 0x0000000000992490 in down_stairs (force_stair=, force_known_shaft=, wizard=false) at entered_branch = true stair_taken = DNGN_ENTER_CRYPT newlevel = collect_travel_data = stair_pos = {x = 66, y = 36} old_feat = DNGN_ENTER_CRYPT dst = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x1135918 ""}} old_level = {branch = BRANCH_VAULTS, depth = 3} stair_find = known_shaft = shaft = false shaft_dest = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1} shaft_depth = #17 0x0000000000585dcb in _finish_delay (delay=...) at No locals. #18 0x0000000000587ed8 in handle_delay () at delay = @0x2d36ef0: {type = DELAY_DESCENDING_STAIRS, duration = 0, parm1 = 0, parm2 = 0, parm3 = 0, started = true, trits = {0, 0, 66, 35, 9261278, 0}, len = 13} #19 0x000000000075adda in _input () at player_disabled = {was_disabled = false} #20 0x000000000075fb1d in _launch_game () at game_start = false ccon = {cstate = false, smartcstate = false} #21 _launch_game_loop () at game_ended = false #22 main (argc=, argv=) at No locals. Compilation info: <<<<<<<<<<< Compiled with GCC 4.6.3 on Oct 3 2014 at 06:14:15 Build platform: x86_64-linux-gnu Platform: x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -Wall -Wformat-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_WEB -Wundef -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-parentheses -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -Wuninitialized -Iutil -I. -isystem /usr/include/lua5.1 -Irltiles -isystem /usr/include/ncursesw -g -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DREGEX_PCRE -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DDGAMELAUNCH -DSAVE_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec/saves" -DSHARED_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves" -DDATA_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec/data/" -DWEB_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-e901fcf8ec/data/web/" LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -O2 >>>>>>>>>>> Place info: branch = 13, depth = 1 Level id: Crypt:1 Currently generating level. Level build method = basic, level layout type = basic, rooms, absdepth0 = 19 Level vaults: layout_basic crypt_curse_skull eino_tiny_chamber Markers: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< An ettin comes into view. It is wielding two dire flails. You swap places. Your deep troll simulacrum bites something! Your deep troll simulacrum freezes something! Your deep troll simulacrum claws something! Your deep troll simulacrum freezes something! Your deep troll simulacrum claws something! Your deep troll simulacrum freezes something! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your slave's kill. You feel a bit more experienced. You see here a dire elephant skeleton. Your deep troll simulacrum bites something but does no damage. Your deep troll simulacrum claws something. Your deep troll simulacrum freezes something. Your deep troll simulacrum claws something! Your deep troll simulacrum freezes something. Something bites your deep troll simulacrum. Something claws your deep troll simulacrum! Your deep troll simulacrum vapourises! Unknown command. Your dire elephant simulacrum tramples something! Your dire elephant simulacrum freezes something. Something holds its ground! Your dire elephant simulacrum trunk-slaps something but does no damage. Something bites your dire elephant simulacrum! Something completely misses your dire elephant simulacrum. Something tramples your dire elephant simulacrum but does no damage. Your dire elephant simulacrum tramples something! Your dire elephant simulacrum freezes something! Something holds its ground! Your dire elephant simulacrum trunk-slaps something. Your dire elephant simulacrum freezes something! The blast of cold hits your dire elephant simulacrum. Your dire elephant simulacrum completely resists. The blast of cold hits your deep troll zombie. Your deep troll zombie resists. Your dire elephant simulacrum tramples something! Your dire elephant simulacrum freezes something. Something holds its ground! Your dire elephant simulacrum trunk-slaps something. Your dire elephant simulacrum freezes something! Something bites your dire elephant simulacrum. Something completely misses your dire elephant simulacrum. Something tramples your dire elephant simulacrum but does no damage. Casting: Ozocubu's Armour Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel the strange sensation of being on two planes at once. Something bites your dire elephant simulacrum but does no damage. Something claws your dire elephant simulacrum! Something tramples your dire elephant simulacrum! Your dire elephant simulacrum holds its ground! Your dire elephant simulacrum tramples something but does no damage. Your dire elephant simulacrum barely misses something. The blast of cold hits your dire elephant simulacrum. Your dire elephant simulacrum completely resists. The blast of cold hits your deep troll zombie. Your deep troll zombie resists. Your dire elephant simulacrum tramples something! Something holds its ground! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your slave's kill. You feel a bit more experienced. Your dire elephant simulacrum tramples something!! Your dire elephant simulacrum freezes something!! Something holds its ground! Your dire elephant simulacrum barely misses something. Your dire elephant simulacrum barely misses something. Your dire elephant simulacrum trunk-slaps something! Your dire elephant simulacrum freezes something!!!! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your slave's kill. You feel a bit more experienced. Unknown command. Your dire elephant simulacrum tramples the tentacled monstrosity!! Your dire elephant simulacrum freezes the tentacled monstrosity! The tentacled monstrosity resists. The tentacled monstrosity stumbles backwards! Unknown command. The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your dire elephant simulacrum. Your dire elephant simulacrum vapourises! A boggart comes into view. It is wielding a long sword. Your deep troll zombie bites the tentacled monstrosity but does no damage. Your deep troll zombie claws the tentacled monstrosity! Your deep troll zombie claws the tentacled monstrosity. The boggart moves out of view. The tentacled monstrosity is engulfed in freezing vapours. The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your deep troll zombie! The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your deep troll zombie but does no damage. The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your deep troll zombie! The tentacled monstrosity grabs your deep troll zombie. The tentacled monstrosity constricts your deep troll zombie! Your deep troll zombie bites the tentacled monstrosity! Your deep troll zombie claws the tentacled monstrosity. Your deep troll zombie claws the tentacled monstrosity! Unknown command. The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your deep troll zombie!! The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your deep troll zombie! x2 The tentacled monstrosity constricts your deep troll zombie. Your deep troll zombie is destroyed! The boggart mumbles some strange words. Unknown command. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Kikubaaqudgha delivers you corpses! You feel slightly more hungry. The tentacled monstrosity is engulfed in freezing vapours. The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your deep troll simulacrum! The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your deep troll simulacrum. x2 The tentacled monstrosity grabs your deep troll simulacrum. The tentacled monstrosity constricts your deep troll simulacrum! Your deep troll simulacrum bites the tentacled monstrosity but does no damage. Your deep troll simulacrum claws the tentacled monstrosity. Your deep troll simulacrum freezes the tentacled monstrosity! The tentacled monstrosity resists. Your deep troll simulacrum closely misses the tentacled monstrosity. Press: ? - help, v - describe, . - travel, g - get item A centaur corpse. The floor, spattered with blood. Casting: Phase Shift Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel a surge of power! You miscast Simulacrum. You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic. Kikubaaqudgha protects you from your miscast necromantic spell! You are feeling hungry. The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your deep troll simulacrum!! Your deep troll simulacrum vapourises! The deep elf summoner mumbles some strange words. The deep elf summoner blinks! Unknown command. The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your deep troll simulacrum. The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your deep troll simulacrum! x2 Your deep troll simulacrum vapourises! The tengu reaver casts a spell. You see here an ettin corpse. Unknown command. Casting: Simulacrum Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel a surge of power! You miscast Simulacrum. You feel extremely cold. Unknown command. Casting: Simulacrum Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel a surge of power! You attempt to give life to the dead... You are feeling very hungry. The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your dire elephant simulacrum. The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your dire elephant simulacrum! The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps your dire elephant simulacrum but does no damage. The tentacled monstrosity grabs your dire elephant simulacrum. The tentacled monstrosity constricts your dire elephant simulacrum! Your dire elephant simulacrum tramples the tentacled monstrosity! Your dire elephant simulacrum freezes the tentacled monstrosity!! The tentacled monstrosity resists. The tentacled monstrosity holds its ground! The tentacled monstrosity dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your slave's kill. The boggart mumbles some strange words. Casting: Simulacrum Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel a surge of power! There is nothing here that can be animated! Press: ? - help, v - describe, . - travel, g - get item Here: a dire elephant simulacrum (friendly) A yaktaur corpse. An open door, spattered with blood. Eat which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. You swap places. The centaur warrior unwields an uncursed club. The centaur warrior wields a longbow. The centaur warrior shoots a poisoned arrow. The poisoned arrow hits your dire elephant simulacrum! You see here a centaur corpse. What do you say? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. w - Wait here. f - Follow me. Anything else - Stay silent. Gang up on whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - centaur warrior Aim: a centaur warrior, wielding a longbow Attack! The centaur warrior shoots a poisoned arrow. The poisoned arrow hits your dire elephant simulacrum! Your dire elephant simulacrum vapourises! You swap places. Your ettin simulacrum hits something! Your ettin simulacrum freezes something!! Your ettin simulacrum hits something!! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your slave's kill. You feel a bit more experienced. You see here a dire elephant skeleton. Unknown command. You feel closer to the material plane. Kikubaaqudgha accepts your slave's kill. You feel a bit more experienced. You are firmly grounded in the material plane once more. The fire giant hits your ettin simulacrum with a great sword of flaming!! The fire giant melts your ettin simulacrum! Your ettin simulacrum hits the fire giant!! Your ettin simulacrum freezes the fire giant!! Your ettin simulacrum hits the fire giant! Your ettin simulacrum freezes the fire giant!! What do you say? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. w - Wait here. f - Follow me. Anything else - Stay silent. Gang up on whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - fire giant Aim: a fire giant, wielding a great sword of flaming (severely wounded) Attack! The fire giant hits your ettin simulacrum with a great sword of flaming! The fire giant melts your ettin simulacrum. Your ettin simulacrum vapourises! The fire giant completely misses your ettin simulacrum. Your ettin simulacrum hits the fire giant. Your ettin simulacrum freezes the fire giant!! Your ettin simulacrum hits the fire giant. The fire giant dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your slave's kill. Your ettin simulacrum completely misses the tengu reaver. Your ettin simulacrum hits the tengu reaver but does no damage. What do you say? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. w - Wait here. f - Follow me. Anything else - Stay silent. Gang up on whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - tengu reaver Aim: a tengu reaver, wielding a great mace and wearing a shiny ring mail Attack! Your icy armour starts to melt. The tengu reaver casts a spell at you. The bolt of lightning hits your ettin simulacrum. The bolt of lightning misses you. Your ettin simulacrum hits the tengu reaver! Your ettin simulacrum freezes the tengu reaver!! Your ettin simulacrum hits the tengu reaver!! Your ettin simulacrum freezes the tengu reaver!! The tengu reaver dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your slave's kill. Something hits your ettin simulacrum!!! Your ettin simulacrum vapourises! You see here a dire elephant skeleton. Your icy armour evaporates. The ettin is engulfed in freezing vapours. You barely miss the ettin. The ettin is lightly wounded. The ettin hits you with a dire flail!! The ettin misses you. You hit the ettin but do no damage. The ettin writhes in agony. You tail-slap the ettin! The ettin is moderately wounded. The ettin is engulfed in freezing vapours. You bludgeon the ettin!! The ettin writhes in agony. You kill the ettin! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. The deep elf summoner mumbles some strange words. The ettin hits you but does no damage. x2 Items here: %% )) a dire flail x2 an ettin corpse; a centaur corpse You hit the ettin. The ettin writhes in agony. You tail-slap the ettin. The ettin is heavily wounded. The yaktaur misses you. The ettin completely misses you. The ettin misses you. The yaktaur wields an arbalest. The yaktaur shoots a bolt. The bolt is repelled. The bolt dissolves into shadows! You see here a dire elephant skeleton. You barely miss the ettin. You tail-slap the ettin, but do no damage. The ettin is heavily wounded. You puncture the ettin! The ettin is heavily wounded. The ettin misses you. x2 You puncture the ettin! You tail-slap the ettin! The ettin is almost dead. You bludgeon the ettin!! You kill the ettin! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. The yaktaur shoots a bolt. The bolt misses you. The bolt dissolves into shadows! The boggart mumbles some strange words. Items here: %% )))) You barely miss the boggart. The boggart completely misses you. The deep elf summoner casts a spell. The yaktaur unwields an uncursed arbalest. The yaktaur completely misses you. You completely miss the boggart. You tail-slap the boggart. The boggart is heavily wounded. The boggart completely misses you. You hit the boggart. The boggart writhes in agony. The boggart is almost dead. The yaktaur barely misses you. You puncture the boggart! You kill the boggart! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. The deep elf summoner dissolves into shadows! The orange rat disappears in a puff of smoke! The redback disappears in a puff of smoke! The deep troll shaman dissolves into shadows! The iron troll dissolves into shadows! The deep troll dissolves into shadows! The iron troll dissolves into shadows! The yaktaur dissolves into shadows! You see here a dire elephant skeleton. Eat which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. You see here a dire elephant skeleton. Items here: %% )))) You see here an ettin skeleton. You now have 5357 gold pieces (gained 319). There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Items here: %% ( ))) [ Butcher a fire giant corpse? [(y)es/(c)hop/(n)o/(a)ll/(q)uit/?] Butcher a yaktaur corpse? [(y)es/(c)hop/(n)o/(a)ll/(q)uit/?] Okay, then. You start butchering the fire giant corpse. You continue butchering the corpse. x3 You finish butchering the fire giant corpse. There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Items here: %%% ( ))) [ q - 6 chunks of fire giant flesh {@w1} Items here: %% )))) You see here a dire elephant skeleton. Eat one of 6 chunks of fire giant flesh {@w1}? (ye/n/q/i?) This raw flesh tastes terrible. You are feeling hungry. You continue eating. x2 Casting: Simulacrum Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel a surge of power! A film of ice covers your body! Casting: Ozocubu's Armour Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel the strange sensation of being on two planes at once. The fire giant gestures at you while chanting. The bolt of fire misses you. You bludgeon the fire giant!! The fire giant writhes in agony. The fire giant is moderately wounded. The fire giant gestures at you while chanting. The bolt of fire misses you. You sock the fire giant! The fire giant writhes in agony. The fire giant is heavily wounded. A red film seems to cover your vision as you go berserk! You feel yourself moving faster! You feel mighty! You sock the fire giant! The fire giant writhes in agony. The fire giant is almost dead. The fire giant hits you with a great sword of flaming!! The fire giant burns you. The heat melts your icy armour. You impale the fire giant!! You kill the fire giant! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. No target in view! You feel a strong urge to attack something. You feel your anger subside. You are no longer berserk. You are exhausted. You feel yourself slow down. You are feeling very hungry. Eat one of 5 chunks of fire giant flesh {@w1}? (ye/n/q/i?) This raw flesh tastes terrible. You continue eating. x2 You start resting. You feel closer to the material plane. Casting: Phase Shift Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Your skin crawls. You start resting. You are firmly grounded in the material plane once more. You are feeling hungry. You start resting. Your icy armour starts to melt. Eat one of 4 chunks of fire giant flesh {@w1}? (ye/n/q/i?) This raw flesh tastes terrible. You continue eating. x2 Your icy armour evaporates. Casting: Regeneration Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Your skin crawls. You start resting. You feel yourself speed up. You see here a dire elephant skeleton. You now have 5373 gold pieces (gained 16). Items here: %%% ))))) There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Items here: %% ( ))) [ You now have 5445 gold pieces (gained 72). Items here: % ( )))) [ You feel less exhausted. Really walk into a travel-excluded area? Items here: %% ))) a great sword of flaming x2 a battleaxe of freezing; a frost giant corpse; a fire dragon corpse Found four items. There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Things that are here: a long sword; a leather armour; 16 gold pieces Found a scroll of remove curse. The orange crystal statue fixes its piercing gaze on you. Something tries to feed on your intellect! Found 2 potions of brilliance. A minotaur comes into view. It is wielding a long sword. The minotaur bellows! The minotaur throws a stone. The stone hits you. Your magical contamination has completely faded away. You see here a stone. The minotaur throws a stone. The stone hits you but does no damage. You see here a stone. You hit the orange crystal statue. The orange crystal statue is lightly damaged. The minotaur throws a stone. The stone completely misses you. You bludgeon the orange crystal statue!! You tail-slap the orange crystal statue, but do no damage. The orange crystal statue is moderately damaged. The minotaur throws a stone. The stone completely misses you. You hit the orange crystal statue. The orange crystal statue is heavily damaged. You impale the orange crystal statue!! The orange crystal statue is severely damaged. You impale the orange crystal statue!! You destroy the orange crystal statue! The minotaur throws a stone. The stone misses you. The minotaur throws a stone. The stone is repelled. You feel less protected from missiles. The minotaur throws a stone. The stone hits you!! You see here a stone. The minotaur hits you with a long sword! The minotaur gores you! You puncture the minotaur! The minotaur writhes in agony. You tail-slap the minotaur. The minotaur is moderately wounded. The minotaur barely misses you. The minotaur completely misses you. You hit the minotaur. The minotaur writhes in agony. The minotaur is heavily wounded. You puncture the minotaur! The minotaur writhes in agony. The minotaur is severely wounded. The minotaur misses you. The minotaur gores you but does no damage. You sock the minotaur! The minotaur writhes in agony. You kill the minotaur! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. No target in view! No target in view! H - a scroll of magic mapping Drop what? (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop a scroll of magic mapping. g - 15 scrolls of remove curse (gained 1) H - a potion of brilliance Your skin is crawling a little less now. Drop what? (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop a potion of brilliance. Your skin stops crawling. H - a potion of brilliance Drop what? (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop a potion of brilliance. You see here a book of Unlife. E - 7 scrolls of fear (gained 1) H - a scroll of enchant armour Drop what? (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop a scroll of enchant armour. Items here: % ( ) [ a long sword; 10 stones; a plate armour; a minotaur corpse You now have 5461 gold pieces (gained 16). There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Things that are here: a long sword; a leather armour Items here: %% ))) a great sword of flaming x2 a battleaxe of freezing; a frost giant corpse; a fire dragon corpse Items here: % ( )))) [ There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Items here: %% ( ))) [ Some of the chunks of flesh in your inventory have rotted away. You see here a deep troll skeleton. HP restored. Ugh! There is something really disgusting in your inventory. (slot q) A small abomination comes into view. A small abomination comes into view. You barely miss the small abomination. The small abomination misses you. You closely miss the small abomination. The small abomination misses you. You sock the small abomination! The small abomination is severely damaged. The small abomination misses you. You impale the small abomination!! You kill the small abomination! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. The small abomination hits you!! You bludgeon the small abomination!! You tail-slap the small abomination, but do no damage. The small abomination is almost destroyed. You impale the small abomination!! You kill the small abomination! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. No target in view! No target in view! Casting: Regeneration Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Your skin crawls. Magic restored. HP restored. Your skin is crawling a little less now. Your skin stops crawling. Found a stone staircase leading down. You are feeling hungry. Eat which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Things that are here: a whip; a robe A large abomination comes into view. The large abomination moves out of view. The large abomination is too close now for your liking. The large abomination closely misses you. You puncture the large abomination! You tail-slap the large abomination. The large abomination is moderately damaged. The large abomination completely misses you. You hit the large abomination but do no damage. The large abomination is moderately damaged. The large abomination completely misses you. You bludgeon the large abomination!! You tail-slap the large abomination, but do no damage. The large abomination is severely damaged. You puncture the large abomination! The large abomination is almost destroyed. The large abomination hits you! You impale the large abomination!! You kill the large abomination! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. No target in view! A small abomination comes into view. A large abomination comes into view. You catch the helpless small abomination momentarily off-guard. You hit the small abomination. The small abomination is lightly damaged. The small abomination completely misses you. You hit the small abomination. Your tail-slap misses the small abomination. The small abomination is moderately damaged. You sock the small abomination! You kill the small abomination! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. The large abomination completely misses you. You hit the large abomination but do no damage. You hit the large abomination. The large abomination is lightly damaged. The large abomination completely misses you. You closely miss the large abomination. The large abomination is lightly damaged. You puncture the large abomination! The large abomination is moderately damaged. The large abomination hits you!! You closely miss the large abomination. You tail-slap the large abomination. The large abomination is heavily damaged. You puncture the large abomination! You tail-slap the large abomination, but do no damage. The large abomination is heavily damaged. The large abomination hits you but does no damage. You sock the large abomination! The large abomination is almost destroyed. You impale the large abomination!! You kill the large abomination! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. No target in view! No target in view! Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss. An unseen horror comes into view. No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! The unseen horror is too close now for your liking. You sock the unseen horror! The unseen horror writhes in agony. Your tail-slap misses the unseen horror. The unseen horror is heavily wounded. The unseen horror completely misses you. You pound the unseen horror like an anvil!!! You kill the unseen horror! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! There is an open door here. You see here a troll hide. Found a stone staircase leading up. There is a stone staircase leading up here. A chaos spawn comes into view. The chaos spawn moves out of view. The chaos spawn buzzes angrily. The chaos spawn misses you. You hit the chaos spawn. You tail-slap the chaos spawn. The chaos spawn is lightly wounded. The chaos spawn closely misses you. You bludgeon the chaos spawn!! You kill the chaos spawn! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. The chaos spawn degenerates into a cloud of primal chaos! No target in view! No target in view! No target in view! A small abomination comes into view. The small abomination moves out of view. An unseen horror comes into view. The unseen horror misses you. The small abomination closely misses you. You bludgeon the unseen horror!! The unseen horror writhes in agony. You tail-slap the unseen horror! You kill the unseen horror! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. The small abomination completely misses you. A red film seems to cover your vision as you go berserk! You feel yourself moving faster! You feel mighty! You completely miss the small abomination. The small abomination barely misses you. You hit the small abomination. You tail-slap the small abomination! The small abomination is heavily damaged. You barely miss the small abomination. Your tail-slap misses the small abomination. The small abomination is heavily damaged. The small abomination completely misses you. You impale the small abomination!! You kill the small abomination! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. No target in view! No target in view! You start resting. You feel a strong urge to attack something. You start resting. HP restored. You start waiting. You feel your anger subside. Unknown command. Calm down first, please. You start waiting. You are no longer berserk. You are exhausted. You feel yourself slow down. You are near starving! Eat which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Mmmm... Yummy orange. You are feeling hungry. All of the chunks of flesh in your inventory have rotted away. You start waiting. You feel yourself speed up. A deep elf sorcerer comes into view. It is wielding a dagger. The deep elf sorcerer shouts! The deep elf sorcerer points at you and mumbles some strange words. The bolt of acid hits you! The acid corrodes your equipment! The acid burns! The deep elf sorcerer's eyes start to glow. The deep elf sorcerer misses you. You puncture the deep elf sorcerer! The deep elf sorcerer writhes in agony. The deep elf sorcerer is moderately wounded. You feel less exhausted. The deep elf sorcerer completely misses you. You closely miss the deep elf sorcerer. The deep elf sorcerer is moderately wounded. You barely miss the deep elf sorcerer. You tail-slap the deep elf sorcerer. The deep elf sorcerer is moderately wounded. The deep elf sorcerer mumbles some strange words. You are feeling very hungry. You barely miss the deep elf sorcerer. The deep elf sorcerer is moderately wounded. The deep elf sorcerer closely misses you. You hit the deep elf sorcerer. The deep elf sorcerer writhes in agony. The deep elf sorcerer is moderately wounded. The ice devil misses you. You barely miss the deep elf sorcerer. The deep elf sorcerer is moderately wounded. The deep elf sorcerer completely misses you. You puncture the deep elf sorcerer! The deep elf sorcerer writhes in agony. Your tail-slap misses the deep elf sorcerer. The deep elf sorcerer is severely wounded. The ice devil completely misses you. You impale the deep elf sorcerer!! The deep elf sorcerer writhes in agony. You kill the deep elf sorcerer! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. The ice devil disappears in a puff of smoke! Things that are here: a dagger; a ring mail; an elf corpse Unknown command. You start butchering the elf corpse. You continue butchering the corpse. You continue butchering the corpse. x2 You finish butchering the elf corpse. q - 2 chunks of elf flesh {@w1} Things that are here: a dagger; a ring mail Eat one of 2 chunks of elf flesh {@w1}? (ye/n/q/i?) This raw flesh tastes terrible. You continue eating. x2 You start resting. You repair your equipment. HP restored. A small abomination comes into view. The small abomination completely misses you. You impale the small abomination!! The small abomination is severely damaged. The small abomination closely misses you. You puncture the small abomination! You kill the small abomination! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. No target in view! No target in view! Search for what [Enter for "enchant weapon", or ? for help]? dispel There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. There is an open door here. Things that are here: a shiny shield; a glowing hat You are feeling hungry. Eat a chunk of elf flesh {@w1}? (ye/n/q/i?) This raw flesh tastes terrible. You continue eating. x2 (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (U) Depths Where to? (Enter - Vaults:3 @ (x,y), ? - help) There is an escape hatch in the floor here. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You see here a robe. Things that are here: a shield; a +2 hat There is a stone staircase leading up, spattered with blood here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. A fire giant comes into view. It is wielding a great sword of flaming. You completely miss the fire giant. You sock the fire giant! The fire giant writhes in agony. The fire giant is lightly wounded. The fire giant completely misses you. You bludgeon the fire giant!! The fire giant writhes in agony. The fire giant is heavily wounded. You puncture the fire giant! The fire giant writhes in agony. You tail-slap the fire giant. The fire giant is severely wounded. The fire giant hits you with a great sword of flaming! The fire giant burns you. You barely miss the fire giant. The fire giant is severely wounded. You sock the fire giant! The fire giant writhes in agony. The fire giant is almost dead. The fire giant misses you. A red film seems to cover your vision as you go berserk! You feel yourself moving faster! You feel mighty! You impale the fire giant!! You kill the fire giant! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. The white ugly thing gurgles horribly! Things that are here: a great sword of flaming; 23 gold pieces You feel a strong urge to attack something. You feel your anger subside. You are no longer berserk. You are exhausted. You feel yourself slow down. You impale the white ugly thing!! The white ugly thing writhes in agony. The white ugly thing is heavily wounded. You puncture the white ugly thing! The white ugly thing writhes in agony. The white ugly thing is severely wounded. The white ugly thing completely misses you. You hit the white ugly thing. The white ugly thing writhes in agony. The white ugly thing is almost dead. The white ugly thing closely misses you. You impale the white ugly thing!! You kill the white ugly thing! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. You now have 5484 gold pieces (gained 23). You see here a great sword of flaming. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (U) Depths Where to? (Enter - Vaults:3 @ (x,y), ? - help) HP restored. You feel yourself speed up. There is an escape hatch in the ceiling here. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (U) Depths Where to? (Enter - Vaults:3 @ (x,y), ? - help) A mysterious force pulls you upwards. The hatch slams shut behind you. There is an open door here. You are feeling hungry. Eat which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (U) Depths Where to? (Enter - Vaults:3 @ (x,y), ? - help) You feel less exhausted. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (U) Depths Where to? (Enter - Vaults:3 @ (x,y), ? - help) There is an open door, spattered with blood here. There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here. You climb upwards. Welcome back to the Dungeon! There is a staircase to the Depths here. You swap places. Things that are here: a robe; a spear There is a stone staircase leading up, spattered with blood here. You climb upwards. Your mindless thrall stays behind. There is a stone staircase leading down here. There is a gate to the Vaults, spattered with blood here. You go down through the gate. Welcome to the Vaults! There is a gate leading back out of this place here. There is an open door here. Kikubaaqudgha accepts your slave's kill. You feel a bit more experienced. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (U) Depths Where to? (Enter - Vaults:3 @ (x,y), ? - help) There is an open door here. You are feeling very hungry. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (U) Depths Where to? (Enter - Vaults:3 @ (x,y), ? - help) You swap places. You swap places. There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Items here: (( )) [ a bolt of flame; a chain mail; a long sword; 18 bolts an uncursed arbalest of flaming Items here: (( )) 18 poisoned bolts; an arbalest; 19 bolts; an uncursed arbalest There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. Your mindless thrall stays behind. There is a stone staircase leading up here. There is an open door here. You swap places. You swap places. You swap places. The bolt of flame completely misses your two-headed ogre zombie. The bolt of flame hits your two-headed ogre zombie!! The bolt of flame burns your two-headed ogre zombie. You hear a note blown loudly on a horn! There is an open door here. Kikubaaqudgha accepts your slave's kill. You feel a bit more experienced. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (U) Depths Where to? (Enter - Vaults:3 @ (x,y), ? - help) There is an open door here. Items here: )))) [[[[ There is a large open door here. You see here a book of Death. Memorise Dispel Undead, consuming 5 spell levels and leaving 7? You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. You continue memorising. x4 You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'c'. Search for what [Enter for "dispel", or ? for help]? control undead You see here 23 arrows. There is a large open door here. There is an open door here. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. Things that are here: a ring mail; a flail There is an open door here. You swap places. You swap places. You see here a giant club. You see here a glowing short sword. You see here a beef jerky. There is an open door here. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You swap places. Things that are here: 13 bolts of flame; an uncursed arbalest Items here: (( )) 14 poisoned bolts; an arbalest; 15 bolts; an arbalest There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Items here: (( )) [ a bolt of flame; a chain mail; a long sword; 18 bolts an uncursed arbalest of flaming You swap places. You swap places. You are near starving! (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (U) Depths Where to? (Enter - Lair:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is a gate leading back out of this place here. You go up through the gate. Welcome back to the Dungeon! There is a gate to the Vaults, spattered with blood here. There is a stone staircase leading up, spattered with blood here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You see here an arrow. You see here an arrow. Things that are here: a robe; a glowing great sword There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. Your mindless thrall stays behind. There is a stone staircase leading down here. There is an open door here. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You swap places. You swap places. There is an open door here. You are starving! Eat which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) That lychee was delicious! You are feeling very hungry. Search for what [Enter for "control undead", or ? for help]? meat (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (U) Depths Where to? (Enter - Lair:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) There is a staircase to the Lair here. You climb downwards. Welcome to the Lair of Beasts! There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here. Items here: :::: Kikubaaqudgha's Papyrus of Evil; a book of Beasts; a book of Necromancy Kikubaaqudgha's Almanac of Stolen Souls Memorise Control Undead, consuming 4 spell levels and leaving 3? You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. You continue memorising. x3 You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'm'. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (U) Depths Where to? (Enter - Lair:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) Okay, then. Eat which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Unknown command. Unknown command. Eat which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) You continue eating. x3 You finish eating. That bread ration really hit the spot! (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (U) Depths Where to? (Enter - Lair:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) What level of the Crypt? (default 1, ? - help) There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here. You climb upwards. Welcome back to the Dungeon! There is a staircase to the Lair here. You swap places. There is an open door here. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. There is an open door here. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. Things that are here: a robe; a glowing great sword You see here an arrow. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You see here an arrow. You climb downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up, spattered with blood here. There is a gate to the Vaults, spattered with blood here. You go down through the gate. Welcome to the Vaults! There is a gate leading back out of this place here. There is an open door here. You swap places. There is an open door here. There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Items here: (( )) [ a bolt of flame; a chain mail; a long sword; 18 bolts an uncursed arbalest of flaming Items here: (( )) 18 poisoned bolts; an arbalest; 19 bolts; an uncursed arbalest There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You swap places. There is an open door here. You swap places. You swap places. There is an open door here. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. There is a stone staircase leading up here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door, spattered with blood here. You see here 2 stones. You see here a short sword. Items here: ( ))) [[ There is an open door here. You see here a scroll of magic mapping. Things that are here: a potion of restore abilities; 2 bolts There is an open door here. You see here 3 bolts. Things that are here: 8 bolts; an arbalest of flaming There is a staircase to the Crypt here. You climb downwards. Welcome to the Crypt! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Game state: mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0 io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0: seen_hups: 0, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 1, arena_suspended: 0 prev_cmd = CMD_INTERLEVEL_TRAVEL repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD Player: {{{{{{{{{{{ Name: [ackack] Species: Red Draconian Job: Necromancer class_name: Necromancer HP: 189/189; mods: -4/0 MP: 36/36; mod: 0 Stats: 12 (12) 16 (16) 25 (25) Position: (0, 0) , god: Kikubaaqudgha (3), turn_is_over: 0, banished: 0 Runrest: mode: -4 mp: 0 hp: 0 pos: (0, 0) Delayed (2): type: 14 duration: 0 parm1: 0 parm2: 0 started: 1 type: 18 duration: 1 parm1: 0 parm2: 0 started: 1 Skills (mode: manual) Name | can_train | train | training | level | points | progress Fighting | X | 1 | 50 | 21 | 14860 | 1616/1639 Short Blades | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Long Blades | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Axes | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Maces & Flails | X | 0 | 0 | 14 | 6000 | 0/1050 Polearms | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Staves | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Slings | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Bows | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Crossbows | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Throwing | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Armour | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/1410790144 Dodging | X | 0 | 0 | 16 | 9761 | 10/1487 Stealth | X | 0 | 0 | 1 | 127 | 77/100 Stabbing | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/1410790144 Shields | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Traps | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/1410790144 Unarmed Combat | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Spellcasting | X | 1 | 50 | 13 | 7009 | 1004/1130 Conjurations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Hexes | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Charms | X | 0 | 0 | 6 | 1250 | 2/416 Summonings | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Necromancy | X | 0 | 0 | 16 | 8211 | 11/1250 Translocations | X | 0 | 0 | 11 | 3470 | 20/750 Transmutations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Fire Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Ice Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 8 | 2550 | 5/636 Air Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Earth Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Poison Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Invocations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Evocations | X | 0 | 0 | 9 | 1900 | 8/462 Spell bugs: Durations: Attributes: #4: 475716 #12: 6688 #13: 1204 #23: 53575 #24: 680541799 #27: 759339 #30: -2679 #49: 7629 Mutations: agile: 1 berserk: 1 breathe flames: 1 fire resistance: 1 (innate) frail: 1 low mp: 1 cold-blooded: 1 (innate) Inventory bugs: Equipment: eq slot #0, inv slot #0: +9 dire flail of pain eq slot #1, inv slot #2: +3 cloak of Zin's Favour {rN+} eq slot #2, inv slot #44: +1 hat "Striobor" {Dex+3} eq slot #3, inv slot #50: +1 pair of gloves of Graus {+Fly rPois rF+ SInv} eq slot #4, inv slot #51: +0 pair of boots of the Lair of Beasts {rF+} eq slot #7, inv slot #23: ring "Qaont" {Slay+5 Stlth+} eq slot #8, inv slot #4: ring of ice eq slot #9, inv slot #18: amulet of resist mutation }}}}}}}}}}} Webtiles message buffer: Webtiles JSON stack: Map: ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ###################################################..........################### ###############.................####......#########..........################### ###############.###############^####.####.#########..........################### ###############.###############.####.#......#######..........################### ############.......................................>.........################### ############.#.....############.####.#....#.#.#####..........################### 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