Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.17-a0-701-gb6462b4 Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: sprint Tiles: online Command line: /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20 -name StephenWHawking -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/StephenWHawking.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/StephenWHawking.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/StephenWHawking/ -sprint -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/StephenWHawking:2015-04-20.04:02:35.sock -await-connection RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #11: Segmentation fault Obtained 21 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILEi+0x23) [0x5a55b3]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*, int) /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x311) [0x5accf1]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x9c) [0x5a584c]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4010b754c0]: /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(_ZNSt8_Rb_treeI12enchant_typeSt4pairIKS0_11mon_enchantESt10_Select1stIS4_ESt4lessIS0_ESaIS4_EE4findERS2_+0) [0x8645a0]: std::_Rb_tree, std::_Select1st >, std::less, std::allocator > >::find(enchant_type const&) /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(_Z8map_findISt3mapI12enchant_type11mon_enchantSt4lessIS1_ESaISt4pairIKS1_S2_EEEEDTadptcldtfp_5beginE6secondERT_RKNSB_8key_typeE+0xd) [0x8645fd]: decltype (&((({parm#1}.begin)())->second)) map_find, std::allocator > > >(std::map, std::allocator > >&, std::map, std::allocator > >&::key_type const&) /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(_ZN7monster8add_enchERK11mon_enchant+0x74) [0x85faf4]: monster::add_ench(mon_enchant const&) /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20() [0x9dfe8c] /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(_Z15animate_remainsRK9coord_def11corpse_type8beh_typetP5actorSs8god_typebbbPP7monsterPi+0x1b5) [0x9e0815]: animate_remains(coord_def const&, corpse_type, beh_type, unsigned short, actor*, std::string, god_type, bool, bool, bool, monster**, int*) /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(_Z12animate_deadP5actori8beh_typetS0_Ss8god_typeb+0xfc) [0x9e0e5c]: animate_dead(actor*, int, beh_type, unsigned short, actor*, std::string, god_type, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(_Z9mons_castP7monster4bolt10spell_typetb+0x255c) [0x83584c]: mons_cast(monster*, bolt, spell_type, unsigned short, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(_Z16handle_mon_spellP7monsterR4bolt+0xd13) [0x846823]: handle_mon_spell(monster*, bolt&) /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20() [0x81a230] /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(_Z19handle_monster_moveP7monster+0x1603) [0x817cd3]: handle_monster_move(monster*) /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(_Z15handle_monstersb+0x7e5) [0x819085]: handle_monsters(bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(_Z12world_reactsv+0x122) [0x799aa2]: world_reacts() /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20() [0x7a0d77] /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20() [0x7a1ab5] /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20(main+0x2eb) [0x7a4a4b]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4010b6076d]: /usr/games/crawl-git-b6462b4c20() [0x5095b9] Trying to run gdb. GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.02-0ubuntu2) 7.4-2012.02 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: . [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". 0x00007f4010f0b84e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #0 0x00007f4010f0b84e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x00000000005a5cbb in call_gdb (file=0x7f4010ef6180) at gdb = attach_cmd = "attach 19174\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" #2 0x00000000005acd11 in do_crash_dump () at t = 1429503036 dir = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x29c4eb8 "/dgldir/morgue/StephenWHawking/"}} name = "/dgldir/morgue/StephenWHawking/crash-StephenWHawking-20150420-041036.txt", '\000' file = 0x7f4010ef6180 #3 0x00000000005a584c in crash_signal_handler (sig_num=11) at No locals. #4 No symbol table info available. #5 _M_lower_bound (__k=@0x7fff9ba9ca20: ENCH_FAKE_ABJURATION, __y=, __x=, this=) at No locals. #6 std::_Rb_tree, std::_Select1st >, std::less, std::allocator > >::find (this=this@entry=0xc8, __k=@0x7fff9ba9ca20: ENCH_FAKE_ABJURATION) at /usr/include/c++/4.7/bits/stl_tree.h:1544 __j = #7 0x00000000008645fd in find (__x=, this=0xc8) at /usr/include/c++/4.7/bits/stl_map.h:749 No locals. #8 map_find, std::allocator > > >(std::map, std::allocator > >&, std::map, std::allocator > >&::key_type const&) (map=..., obj=@0x7fff9ba9ca20: ENCH_FAKE_ABJURATION) at libutil.h:152 it = #9 0x000000000085faf4 in monster::add_ench (this=0x0, ench=...) at new_enchantment = false added = #10 0x00000000009dfe8c in _raise_remains (pos=..., corps=6, beha=beha@entry=BEH_HOSTILE, hitting=hitting@entry=27001, as=as@entry=0xee2ff8, nas=..., god=god@entry=GOD_NO_GOD, actual=actual@entry=true, force_beh=force_beh@entry=false, raised=raised@entry=0x0, motions_r=motions_r@entry=0x7fff9ba9cc7c) at zombie_type = MONS_ORC hd = 4 mons = 0x0 name_type = 0 mon = number = 0 name = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x11de4d8 ""}} monnum = MONS_ORC_WARRIOR mg = {cls = MONS_ZOMBIE, base_type = MONS_ORC_WARRIOR, behaviour = BEH_HOSTILE, summoner = 0xee2ff8, abjuration_duration = 0, summon_type = 0, pos = {x = 59, y = 37}, preferred_grid_feature = DNGN_UNSEEN, foe = 27001, flags = 14, god = GOD_NO_GOD, number = 0, colour = -1, proximity = PROX_ANYWHERE, place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = 1}, map_mask = 0, hd = 0, hp = 0, extra_flags = 0, mname = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x11de4d8 ""}}, non_actor_summoner = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x11de4d8 ""}}, initial_shifter = RANDOM_MONSTER, chimera_mons = { >> = {_M_impl = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_start = 0x0, _M_finish = 0x0, _M_end_of_storage = 0x0}}, }, props = {hash_map = 0x0}} #11 0x00000000009e0815 in animate_remains (a=..., class_allowed=class_allowed@entry=CORPSE_BODY, beha=beha@entry=BEH_HOSTILE, hitting=hitting@entry=27001, as=as@entry=0xee2ff8, nas=..., god=god@entry=GOD_NO_GOD, actual=actual@entry=true, quiet=quiet@entry=true, force_beh=force_beh@entry=false, mon=mon@entry=0x0, motions_r=motions_r@entry=0x7fff9ba9cd4c) at was_draining = false was_butchering = false success = si = {> = {}, cur_link = 6, next_link = 27000} number_found = 1 any_success = false motions = 0 #12 0x00000000009e0e5c in animate_dead (caster=, beha=BEH_HOSTILE, hitting=27001, as=0xee2ff8, nas=..., god=GOD_NO_GOD, actual=true) at ri = {> = {}, x = 0, y = 3, cost_x = -1, cost_y = 5, credit_x = 56, credit_y = 56, state = radius_iterator::RI_SE, center = {x = 59, y = 34}, los = LOS_NO_TRANS, current = {x = 59, y = 37}} number_raised = 1 number_seen = 1 motions = 1 #13 0x000000000083584c in mons_cast (mons=mons@entry=0xee2ff8, pbolt=..., spell_cast=spell_cast@entry=SPELL_ANIMATE_DEAD, slot_flags=108, slot_flags@entry=16, do_noise=, do_noise@entry=true) at flags = orig_noise = true sumcount = 0 duration = 0 foe = sumcount2 = god = GOD_NO_GOD splpow = 108 #14 0x0000000000846823 in handle_mon_spell (mons=0xee2ff8, beem=...) at orig_hp = 73 battlesphere = false flags = 16 spell_cast = SPELL_ANIMATE_DEAD emergency = ignore_good_idea = false finalAnswer = false foe = 0xeaa7c0 hspell_pass = { >> = {_M_impl = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_start = 0x298d720, _M_finish = 0x298d748, _M_end_of_storage = 0x298d748}}, } #15 0x000000000081a230 in _do_mon_spell (mons=0xee2ff8, beem=...) at No locals. #16 0x0000000000817cd3 in handle_monster_move (mons=0xee2ff8) at beem = {origin_spell = SPELL_NO_SPELL, range = 0, glyph = 0, colour = 0 '\000', flavour = BEAM_MAGIC, real_flavour = BEAM_MAGIC, drop_item = false, item = 0x0, source = {x = 59, y = 34}, target = {x = 59, y = 37}, damage = {num = 0, size = 0}, ench_power = 0, hit = 0, thrower = KILL_MISC, ex_size = 0, source_id = 243, source_name = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x11de4d8 ""}}, name = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x11de4d8 ""}}, short_name = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x11de4d8 ""}}, hit_verb = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x11de4d8 ""}}, loudness = 0, noise_msg = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x11de4d8 ""}}, pierce = false, is_explosion = false, aimed_at_spot = false, aux_source = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x11de4d8 ""}}, affects_nothing = false, affects_items = true, effect_known = true, effect_wanton = false, draw_delay = 15, explode_delay = 50, special_explosion = 0x0, was_missile = false, animate = true, ac_rule = AC_NORMAL, obvious_effect = false, seen = false, heard = false, path_taken = { >> = {_M_impl = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_start = 0x0, _M_finish = 0x0, _M_end_of_storage = 0x0}}, }, extra_range_used = 0, is_tracer = false, is_targeting = false, aimed_at_feet = false, msg_generated = false, noise_generated = false, passed_target = false, in_explosion_phase = false, smart_monster = false, attitude = ATT_HOSTILE, foe_ratio = 0, hit_count = {_M_t = {_M_impl = { > >> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator > >> = {}, }, _M_key_compare = {> = {}, }, _M_header = {_M_color = std::_S_red, _M_parent = 0x0, _M_left = 0x7fff9ba9e2f8, _M_right = 0x7fff9ba9e2f8}, _M_node_count = 0}}}, foe_info = {count = 0, power = 0, hurt = 0, helped = 0, dont_stop = false}, friend_info = {count = 0, power = 0, hurt = 0, helped = 0, dont_stop = false}, chose_ray = false, beam_cancelled = false, dont_stop_player = false, bounces = 0, bounce_pos = {x = 0, y = 0}, reflections = 0, reflector = 0, use_target_as_pos = false, auto_hit = false, ray = {r = {start = {x = 0, y = 0}, dir = {x = 0, y = 0}}, on_corner = false, cycle_idx = -1}, tile_beam = 0, can_see_invis = false, nightvision = false, message_cache = {_M_t = {_M_impl = {, std::allocator > > >> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator, std::allocator > > >> = {}, }, _M_key_compare = {, std::allocator >, std::basic_string, std::allocator >, bool>> = {}, }, _M_header = {_M_color = std::_S_red, _M_parent = 0x0, _M_left = 0x7fff9ba9e3a0, _M_right = 0x7fff9ba9e3a0}, _M_node_count = 0}}}} friendly_or_near = entry = old_energy = 85 non_move_energy = 10 #17 0x0000000000819085 in handle_monsters (with_noise=) at mon = 0xee2ff8 oldspeed = 85 tries = #18 0x0000000000799aa2 in world_reacts () at No locals. #19 0x00000000007a0d77 in _input () at player_disabled = {was_disabled = false} #20 0x00000000007a1ab5 in _launch_game () at game_start = true ccon = {cstate = false, smartcstate = false} #21 0x00000000007a4a4b in _launch_game_loop () at game_ended = false #22 main (argc=13, argv=0x7fff9ba9ef18) at No locals. Compilation info: <<<<<<<<<<< Compiled with GCC 4.7.3 on Apr 19 2015 at 03:23:40 Build platform: x86_64-linux-gnu Platform: x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_WEB -Wall -Wformat-security -Wundef -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-format-zero-length -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wno-parentheses -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Iutil -I. -isystem /usr/include/lua5.1 -Irltiles -isystem /usr/include/ncursesw -g -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DREGEX_PCRE -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DDGAMELAUNCH -DSAVE_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-b6462b4c20/saves" -DSHARED_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves" -DDATA_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-b6462b4c20/data/" -DWEB_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-b6462b4c20/data/web/" LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -fuse-ld=gold -O2 >>>>>>>>>>> Place info: branch = 0, depth = 1 Level id: D Level build method = random_map_for_place, level layout type = encompass, absdepth0 = 0 Level vaults: linesprint [early_d, line_temple, items_1, d_10, items_2, lair_1, lair_end, items_3, orc_1, orc_end, items_4, d_15, swamp_1, shoals_1, snake_1, spider_1, d_20, vaults_1, items_5, swamp_end, shoals_end, snake_end, spider_end, vaults_end, d_27, items_6, zot_1, zot_end, crypt_end, forest_end, elf_end, slime_end, tomb_end, abyss_end, pan_hell_end] Markers: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Marker 170 at (67, 68): feature (stone_stairs_up_i) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The giant frog barely misses you. You closely miss the giant frog. The giant frog is moderately wounded. The giant frog closely misses you. You hit the giant frog. You burn the giant frog. The giant frog is heavily wounded. You block the giant frog's attack. You hit the giant frog. You burn the giant frog. You bludgeon the giant frog, but do no damage. The giant frog is almost dead. The giant frog hits you. You slash the giant frog! You burn the giant frog. You kill the giant frog! The giant frog completely misses you. You slice the giant frog!! You burn the giant frog! You kill the giant frog! You hit the giant frog but do no damage. The giant frog closely misses you. You slice the giant frog!! You burn the giant frog. You kill the giant frog! There is an open door to Lair:8, spattered with blood here. Items here: ††††† a giant frog corpse x3 a spiny frog corpse; a vampire mosquito corpse Found 13 gold pieces. Found a scroll of identify. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva alters your body. Your fingernails shrink to normal size. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel a little better. Jiyva alters your body. Thin, slimy tendrils emerge from your body. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel a little better. Jiyva alters your body. Your feet thicken and deform. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel a little better. Jiyva alters your body. You feel stronger. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel a little better. Jiyva alters your body. Your pseudopods retract into your body. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel a little better. Found a +0 chain mail. Found a potion of magic. Unknown command. You now have 28 gold pieces (gained 13). j - a scroll of identify You see here a +0 chain mail. i - 5 potions of magic (gained 1) You see here a +0 chain mail. You see here a +0 chain mail. Read which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Drink which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Jiyva says: Divide and consume! You open the door. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Found 40 fruits, a +0 cloak, a +0 pair of gloves and two +0 helmets. There is an open door here. r - 40 fruits; d - 13 bread rations (gained 12); w - 12 meat rations You see here a +0 cloak. x - a +0 cloak You see here a +0 pair of gloves. You see here a +0 helmet. y - a +0 helmet You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You see here a +0 helmet. z - a +0 helmet You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 helmet. You continue putting on your +0 helmet. x3 You finish putting on your +0 helmet. You start removing your armour. You continue taking off your +0 helmet. You continue taking off your +0 helmet. x3 You finish taking off your +0 helmet. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 helmet. You continue putting on your +0 helmet. x4 You finish putting on your +0 helmet. You start removing your armour. You continue taking off your +0 helmet. You continue taking off your +0 helmet. x3 You finish taking off your +0 helmet. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 helmet. You continue putting on your +0 helmet. x4 You finish putting on your +0 helmet. You start removing your armour. You continue taking off your +0 helmet. You continue taking off your +0 helmet. x3 You finish taking off your +0 helmet. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 helmet. You continue putting on your +0 helmet. x4 You finish putting on your +0 helmet. Drop what? 26/52 slots (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop a +0 helmet. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 cloak. You continue putting on your +0 cloak. x3 You finish putting on your +0 cloak. Use which ability? (? or * to list) You feel slightly less full. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva alters your body. Your body's shape seems more normal. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel your power returning. Unknown command. You open the door. There is an open door here. Gastronok the Ponderous comes into view. Gastronok gurgles horribly! Gastronok gurgles, "You're how I like my food. Fast!" Gastronok mumbles some strange words. Gastronok seems to move somewhat quicker. Gastronok waves his eye-stalks in wide circles. The air twists around and strikes you! You hit Gastronok but do no damage. You bite Gastronok. Gastronok is splashed with acid. Gastronok is lightly wounded. You hit Gastronok but do no damage. You bite Gastronok! Gastronok is splashed with acid. The acid corrodes Gastronok's equipment! Gastronok is lightly wounded. You hit Gastronok. You burn Gastronok. Gastronok is lightly wounded. Gastronok waves his eye-stalks in wide circles. The air twists around and strikes you! You hit Gastronok but do no damage. You bite Gastronok. Gastronok is splashed with acid. The acid corrodes Gastronok's equipment! Gastronok is lightly wounded. You slash Gastronok! You burn Gastronok. Gastronok is moderately wounded. Gastronok casts a spell. You feel a sudden, passing aversion to salt. You hit Gastronok but do no damage. You bite Gastronok. Gastronok is splashed with acid. Gastronok is moderately wounded. You slice Gastronok!! You burn Gastronok! Gastronok is heavily wounded. You barely miss Gastronok. You bite Gastronok. Gastronok is splashed with acid. The acid corrodes Gastronok's equipment! Gastronok is heavily wounded. Gastronok bites you! You hit Gastronok but do no damage. Gastronok is heavily wounded. You hit Gastronok. You burn Gastronok. Gastronok is heavily wounded. Gastronok casts a spell at you. You feel yourself slow down. You hit Gastronok but do no damage. Gastronok is heavily wounded. You slash Gastronok! You burn Gastronok! Gastronok is severely wounded. Gastronok looks at you and mumbles some strange words. You barely resist. You hit Gastronok. You burn Gastronok. Gastronok is severely wounded. You slash Gastronok! You burn Gastronok. You bite Gastronok. Gastronok is splashed with acid. The acid corrodes Gastronok's equipment! Gastronok is severely wounded. Gastronok waves his eye-stalks in wide circles. The air twists around and strikes you! You slash Gastronok! You burn Gastronok. Gastronok is almost dead. You block Gastronok's attack. You hit Gastronok. You burn Gastronok. Gastronok is almost dead. You hit Gastronok. You burn Gastronok. You bite Gastronok. Gastronok is splashed with acid. The acid corrodes Gastronok's equipment! Gastronok is almost dead. Gastronok waves his eye-stalks in wide circles. The air twists around and strikes you! * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * You shudder from the blast and a jelly pops out! Drink which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) You feel much better. Gastronok bites you but does no damage. You slash Gastronok! You burn Gastronok. You kill Gastronok! Your Long Blades skill increases to level 13! Your Dodging skill increases to level 12! You have reached level 11! Things that are here: the +3 hat of Pondering {ponderous, MR+ MP+10 Int+5} the elephant slug corpse of Gastronok y - the +3 hat of Pondering {ponderous, MR+ MP+10 Int+5} You start removing your armour. You continue taking off your +0 helmet. You continue taking off your +0 helmet. x3 You finish taking off your +0 helmet. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on the +3 hat of Pondering {ponderous, MR+ MP+10 Int+5}. x5 Your acid blob dissolves into a puddle of slime! You finish putting on the +3 hat of Pondering {ponderous, MR+ MP+10 Int+5}. You feel rather ponderous. You drop a +0 helmet. Use which ability? (? or * to list) You feel slightly less full. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva alters your body. Eyeballs grow over part of your body. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel your power returning. You feel a little better. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel your power returning. You feel a little better. You start resting. Jiyva gurgles merrily. You feel yourself speed up. You hear a series of splatters. Harold the Weathered comes into view. He is wielding a battleaxe. Harold shouts! Harold throws a throwing net. The throwing net completely misses you. Harold points at you and mumbles some strange words. The bolt of fire misses you. Harold throws a throwing net. You block the throwing net. You see here a throwing net. Harold hits you with a battleaxe. The eyeballs on your body gaze at Harold. You slice Harold!! You burn Harold. You bite Harold, but do no damage. Harold is moderately wounded. You hit Harold. You burn Harold. Harold is moderately wounded. Harold hits you but does no damage. You slash Harold! You burn Harold. Harold is heavily wounded. You slash Harold! You burn Harold. You bite Harold! Harold is splashed with acid. Harold is severely wounded. Harold hits you with a battleaxe! The eyeballs on your body gaze at Harold. You slash Harold! You burn Harold. Harold is almost dead. You hit Harold. You burn Harold. Harold is almost dead. You strike the helpless Harold from behind! You slice Harold!! You burn Harold. You kill Harold! Items here: ( ) [ † a battleaxe; a throwing net; a ring mail; the human corpse of Harold Items here: ( ) [ † a battleaxe; a throwing net; a ring mail; the human corpse of Harold Use which ability? (? or * to list) You feel slightly less full. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel your power returning. You feel a little better. You feel a little less hungry. You feel your power returning. You feel a little better. Jiyva alters your body. You feel clumsy. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel your power returning. You feel a little better. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel your power returning. You feel a little better. You hear a distant slurping noise. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva's power touches on your attributes. You hear a distant slurping noise. Jiyva alters your body. Your body partially splits into a small jelly. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You open the door. 2 orcs, 3 orc warriors and 2 orc priests come into view. The orc shouts! The orc warrior shouts! The orc priest shouts! The orc warrior shouts! The orc shouts! The orc priest picks up some gold. The orc priest shouts! Found 300 gold pieces. You closely miss the orc. You bite the orc. The orc is splashed with acid. The orc writhes in agony as its flesh is eaten away! The orc is severely wounded. You slash the orc warrior! You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is moderately wounded. The orc priest looks braver. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is heavily wounded. You barely miss the orc warrior. The orc warrior is heavily wounded. The orc warrior hits you with a long sword! You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is almost dead. You block the orc warrior's attack. The eyeballs on your body gaze at the orc warrior. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. You kill the orc warrior! The orc priest looks braver. The orc cheers repeatedly. A stone giant comes into view. The stone giant shouts! You block the orc warrior's attack. Found 50 gold pieces. There is an open door to the Orcish Mines, spattered with blood here. Things that are here: a long sword; a plate armour You slash the orc warrior! You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is moderately wounded. The orc warrior misses you. The orc priest calls upon Beogh to heal the orc. The orc's wounds heal themselves! You hit the orc warrior but do no damage. The orc warrior is moderately wounded. You slash the orc warrior! You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is severely wounded. You block the orc warrior's attack. Your tendrils lash around the orc warrior's uncursed hand axe and pull it to the ground! Unknown command. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is almost dead. The orc is no longer bleeding. The orc warrior hits you but does no damage. You completely miss the orc warrior. The orc warrior is almost dead. An orc comes into view. It is wielding a flail. Unknown command. The orc shouts! You slash the orc warrior! You burn the orc warrior. You kill the orc warrior! Unknown command. The orc closely misses you. An orc comes into view. Things that are here: a plate armour; 50 gold pieces The orc shouts! You slice the orc!! You burn the orc. You kill the orc! Unknown command. An orc comes into view. It is wielding a hand axe. The orc shouts! The orc warrior closely misses you. The orc priest closely misses you. Things that are here: 50 gold pieces; an orc corpse You closely miss the orc warrior. The orc warrior barely misses you. The orc priest hits you but does no damage. Unknown command. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is lightly wounded. The orc warrior barely misses you. Unknown command. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is moderately wounded. You block the orc priest's attack. You closely miss the orc warrior. The orc warrior is moderately wounded. You block the orc warrior's attack. The orc priest misses you. Unknown command. You barely miss the orc warrior. The orc warrior is moderately wounded. You block the orc warrior's attack. Your tendrils lash around the orc warrior's uncursed trident and pull it to the ground! You hit the orc warrior but do no damage. The orc warrior is moderately wounded. The orc priest closely misses you. Unknown command. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is severely wounded. You block the orc warrior's attack. The orc priest hits you but does no damage. Unknown command. You closely miss the orc warrior. You bite the orc warrior, but do no damage. The orc warrior is severely wounded. The orc warrior barely misses you. You block the orc priest's attack. The orc priest calls down the wrath of Beogh upon you. Something smites you! You closely miss the orc warrior. The orc warrior is severely wounded. You block the orc warrior's attack. Unknown command. You slice the orc warrior!! You burn the orc warrior. You kill the orc warrior! The orc priest barely misses you. Unknown command. You block the orc priest's attack. An orc comes into view. It is wielding a hand axe. Items here: $ ( [ † 7 tomahawks; a chain mail; 50 gold pieces; an orc corpse The orc shouts! You slash the orc priest! You burn the orc priest. The orc priest is almost dead. The orc priest mumbles some strange prayers to Beogh against you. You easily resist. Unknown command. You closely miss the orc priest. The orc priest is almost dead. Unknown command. You barely miss the orc priest. The orc priest is almost dead. The orc priest's eyes start to glow. Unknown command. You slice the orc priest!! You burn the orc priest. You kill the orc priest! An orc comes into view. It is wielding a flail. The orc priest closely misses you. The orc misses you. You block the orc priest's attack. The orc moves out of view. Things that are here: a trident; 50 gold pieces; an orc corpse Unknown command. You barely miss the orc priest. You block the orc's attack. Unknown command. You completely miss the orc priest. You block the orc priest's attack. You block the orc's attack. Unknown command. You barely miss the orc priest. You block the orc priest's attack. Your shield prevents you from hitting the orc priest. The orc shouts! You block the orc's attack. Unknown command. You hit the orc priest. You burn the orc priest. The orc priest is moderately wounded. You block the orc priest's attack. The orc closely misses you. Unknown command. You closely miss the orc priest. You bite the orc priest! The orc priest is splashed with acid. You kill the orc priest! Unknown command. The orc misses you. Things that are here: a whip; 50 gold pieces; an orc corpse Unknown command. You slash the orc! You burn the orc. You kill the orc! The stone giant throws a large rock. You block the large rock. You block the stone giant's attack. Things that are here: a trident; a scale mail; 50 gold pieces Unknown command. You hit the stone giant. You burn the stone giant. The stone giant is lightly wounded. The stone giant hits you but does no damage. Unknown command. You slash the stone giant! You burn the stone giant. The stone giant is lightly wounded. The stone giant hits you but does no damage. Unknown command. You hit the stone giant. You burn the stone giant. The stone giant is moderately wounded. Unknown command. You slash the stone giant! You burn the stone giant. You bite the stone giant, but do no damage. The stone giant is heavily wounded. You block the stone giant's attack. Unknown command. You slash the stone giant! You burn the stone giant. The stone giant is heavily wounded. You block the stone giant's attack. Unknown command. You slash the stone giant! You burn the stone giant. The stone giant is severely wounded. The stone giant completely misses you. Unknown command. You slash the stone giant! You burn the stone giant. You bite the stone giant. The stone giant is splashed with acid. The stone giant writhes in agony as its flesh is eaten away! You kill the stone giant! Your Fighting skill increases to level 12! Your Armour skill increases to level 12! Your Shields skill increases to level 12! You slash the orc! You burn the orc. You kill the orc! Unknown command. The orc barely misses you. Items here: $ ( ) † a flail; 4 large rocks; 100 gold pieces; an orc corpse Unknown command. You slash the orc! You burn the orc. You kill the orc! Unknown command. You hit the orc. You burn the orc. You kill the orc! Unknown command. You block the orc's attack. Items here: $ ) [ †† a hand axe; a leather armour; 150 gold pieces; an orc corpse; an orc corpse Unknown command. You slash the orc! You burn the orc. You kill the orc! Unknown command. You barely miss the orc. The orc closely misses you. Unknown command. You slash the orc! You burn the orc. The orc is almost dead. Unknown command. You hit the orc. You burn the orc. You kill the orc! Unknown command. You now have 128 gold pieces (gained 100). Things that are here: a flail; a hand axe; a chain mail Unknown command. Use which ability? (? or * to list) You feel slightly less full. You hear a slurping noise. You feel a little less hungry. You feel your power returning. You feel a little less hungry. You feel your power returning. You hear a slurping noise. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva alters your body. You feel a little less jittery. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva alters your body. Your hooves expand and flesh out into feet! Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva alters your body. You feel as though nothing has changed. Jiyva alters your body. You feel as though nothing has changed. Jiyva alters your body. Your feet thicken and deform. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. The jelly splits in two! You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva alters your body. Your yellow scales disappear. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva alters your body. Your body partially splits into a small jelly. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva alters your body. Your thoughts seem clearer. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. The jelly splits in two! You hear a slurping noise. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva alters your body. Your thinking seems confused. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Unknown command. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva alters your body. You feel resistant to hostile enchantments. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Unknown command. You hear a slurping noise. You feel a little less hungry. The jelly splits in two! Unknown command. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva alters your body. You feel genetically stable. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva alters your body. You feel a strange attunement to the structure of the dungeons. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva alters your body. The jelly growth is reabsorbed into your body. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva alters your body. You feel weaker. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. x2 Jiyva alters your body. You feel as though nothing has changed. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Unknown command. Jiyva says: Divide and consume! You hear a distant slurping noise. Jiyva alters your body. You feel as though nothing has changed. Jiyva alters your body. You feel the urge to shout. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. x2 You hear a squelching noise. Unknown command. You hear a distant slurping noise. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva alters your body. Your body returns to its normal consistency. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You open the door. You shout at the orc warrior! 2 orcs, 3 orc warriors, an orc high priest and an orc knight come into view. The orc shouts! The orc high priest shouts! The orc warrior shouts! The orc shouts! The orc warrior shouts! The orc warrior shouts! The orc high priest mumbles some strange prayers to Beogh. Found 350 gold pieces. You closely miss the orc warrior. The orc warrior hits you but does no damage. The orc high priest utters an invocation to Beogh. You closely miss the orc warrior. The orc warrior barely misses you. You closely miss the orc warrior. Your bite misses the orc warrior. You slash the orc warrior! You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is almost dead. The orc high priest mumbles some strange prayers to Beogh. You barely miss the orc knight. An orc warrior comes into view. It is wielding a battleaxe. You shout at the orc warrior! The orc warrior shouts! You slash the orc knight! You burn the orc knight. The orc knight is moderately wounded. The orc knight hits you but does no damage. You hit the orc knight. You burn the orc knight. The orc knight is moderately wounded. You hit the orc knight but do no damage. The orc knight is moderately wounded. The orc high priest prays. The orc knight roars a battlecry! The orcs go into a battle-frenzy! The orc knight hits you with a great sword. You hit the orc knight but do no damage. The orc knight is moderately wounded. You hit the orc knight but do no damage. The orc knight is moderately wounded. The orc knight barely misses you. You closely miss the orc knight. The orc knight is moderately wounded. The orc high priest intones a terrible prayer. You hit the orc knight but do no damage. The orc knight is moderately wounded. The orc knight hits you with a great sword! You slash the orc knight! You burn the orc knight. You bite the orc knight, but do no damage. The orc knight is heavily wounded. You barely miss the orc knight. The orc knight is heavily wounded. The orc knight misses you. You hit the orc knight. You burn the orc knight. The orc knight is heavily wounded. The orc high priest starts to sing a prayer. You block the orc knight's attack. You hit the orc knight. You burn the orc knight. The orc knight is heavily wounded. You slash the orc knight! You burn the orc knight. You bite the orc knight, but do no damage. The orc knight is severely wounded. The orc knight barely misses you. You barely miss the orc knight. The orc knight is severely wounded. The orc knight misses you. You barely miss the orc knight. The orc knight is severely wounded. You completely miss the orc knight. The orc knight is severely wounded. The orc knight barely misses you. You slash the orc knight! You burn the orc knight. The orc knight is almost dead. The orc high priest utters an invocation to Beogh. You barely miss the orc knight. The orc knight is almost dead. The orc knight hits you with a great sword. You hit the orc knight but do no damage. You bite the orc knight. The orc knight is splashed with acid. The acid corrodes the orc knight's equipment! The orc knight is almost dead. The orc knight roars a battlecry! The orc warrior goes into a battle-frenzy! The orc knight barely misses you. Your tendrils lash around the orc knight's uncursed great sword and pull it to the ground! You hit the orc knight but do no damage. The orc knight is almost dead. You barely miss the orc knight. The orc knight is almost dead. The orc knight closely misses you. Unknown command. You hit the orc knight but do no damage. The orc knight is almost dead. The orc knight closely misses you. You hit the orc knight. You burn the orc knight. The orc knight is almost dead. The orc knight roars a battlecry! The orc goes into a battle-frenzy! The orc knight barely misses you. You hit the orc knight but do no damage. You bite the orc knight. The orc knight is splashed with acid. You kill the orc knight! The orc warrior barely misses you. There is an open door, spattered with blood here. You see here a plate armour. Unknown command. You hit the orc warrior but do no damage. The orc warrior is severely wounded. You block the orc warrior's attack. You barely miss the orc warrior. The orc warrior is severely wounded. The orc warrior completely misses you. You slash the orc warrior! You burn the orc warrior. You kill the orc warrior! The orc high priest mumbles some strange prayers to Beogh. You completely miss the orc warrior. You block the orc warrior's attack. Your tendrils lash around the orc warrior's uncursed dire flail and pull it to the ground! You block the orc warrior's attack. You closely miss the orc warrior. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is moderately wounded. The orc warrior hits you but does no damage. You block the orc warrior's attack. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. Your bite misses the orc warrior. The orc warrior is heavily wounded. You block the orc warrior's attack. The orc warrior barely misses you. You slash the orc warrior! You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is almost dead. You block the orc warrior's attack. An orc warrior comes into view. It is wielding a scimitar. The orc warrior shouts! You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. You kill the orc warrior! The orc warrior barely misses you. An orc warrior comes into view. It is wielding a dire flail. The orc warrior hits you but does no damage. The eyeballs on your body gaze at the orc warrior. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva alters your body. Your system partially rejects artificial healing. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel a little better. Items here: $ ) [[ a chain mail; a short sword of draining; a plate armour; 50 gold pieces You slice the orc warrior!! You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is severely wounded. The orc warrior hits the orc with a trident! The orc is killed! You barely miss the orc warrior. The orc warrior is severely wounded. You hear a slurping noise. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva alters your body. A pair of horns grows on your head! Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You slash the orc warrior! You burn the orc warrior. You kill the orc warrior! Unknown command. The rust devil hits you. The orc high priest hits you from afar with a trident. You block the rust devil's attack. An orc warrior comes into view. It is wielding a hand axe. Items here: $ ) [ † a trident; a plate armour; 50 gold pieces; an orc corpse The orc warrior shouts! You hit the rust devil. You headbutt the rust devil, but do no damage. The rust devil is lightly wounded. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel a little better. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel a little better. The orc high priest completely misses you. You barely miss the rust devil. The rust devil is lightly wounded. You block the rust devil's attack. An orc sorcerer comes into view. It is wielding a dagger. You slash the rust devil! The rust devil is heavily wounded. The orc high priest hits you but does no damage. The rust devil completely misses you. Unknown command. You slice the rust devil!! The rust devil is almost dead. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva alters your body. You feel less resistant to hostile enchantments. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva alters your body. You feel slightly disoriented. You feel a little less hungry. The jelly splits in two! The orc high priest utters an invocation to Beogh. You closely miss the rust devil. You bite the rust devil. The rust devil is splashed with acid. The rust devil is almost dead. The rust devil closely misses you. Unknown command. You slash the rust devil! You kill the rust devil! The orc high priest invokes the aid of Beogh against you. Something smites you! The orc high priest hits you but does no damage. Things that are here: a club; 50 gold pieces; an orc corpse Unknown command. You closely miss the orc high priest. Your bite misses the orc high priest. The orc high priest intones a terrible prayer. The orc high priest hits you but does no damage. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel a little better. Jiyva alters your body. Your vision blurs. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel a little better. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel a little better. Jiyva alters your body. Rough black scales grow over part of your body. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel a little better. You completely miss the orc high priest. You headbutt the orc high priest! The orc high priest is lightly wounded. The orc sorcerer gestures wildly while chanting. Unknown command. You slice the orc high priest!! You burn the orc high priest. The orc high priest is heavily wounded. The orc high priest invokes the aid of Beogh against you. You easily resist. You hit the orc high priest. You burn the orc high priest. The orc high priest is heavily wounded. The orc high priest closely misses you. Unknown command. You slash the orc high priest! You burn the orc high priest. The orc high priest is severely wounded. Unknown command. You closely miss the orc high priest. You bite the orc high priest. The orc high priest is splashed with acid. The orc high priest is severely wounded. The orc high priest prays to Beogh. Unknown command. You barely miss the orc high priest. You headbutt the orc high priest. Your bite misses the orc high priest. The orc high priest is severely wounded. The orc high priest hits you but does no damage. The orc sorcerer mumbles some strange words. Unknown command. You completely miss the orc high priest. Your headbutt misses the orc high priest. The orc high priest is severely wounded. Unknown command. You hit the orc high priest. You burn the orc high priest. Your bite misses the orc high priest. The orc high priest is severely wounded. The orc high priest calls down the wrath of Beogh upon you. Something smites you! Unknown command. You closely miss the orc high priest. Your bite misses the orc high priest. The orc high priest is severely wounded. The orc high priest prays to Beogh. The orc sorcerer gestures wildly while chanting. Unknown command. You barely miss the orc high priest. The orc high priest is severely wounded. The orc high priest hits you but does no damage. Unknown command. You barely miss the orc high priest. You headbutt the orc high priest, but do no damage. The orc high priest is severely wounded. Unknown command. You barely miss the orc high priest. The orc high priest is severely wounded. The orc high priest hits you but does no damage. The orc sorcerer curses noisily. Unknown command. You hit the orc high priest. You burn the orc high priest. The orc high priest is almost dead. Unknown command. You slash the orc high priest! You burn the orc high priest. You kill the orc high priest! Unknown command. You closely miss the orc warrior. Unknown command. You hit the orc warrior but do no damage. You headbutt the orc warrior, but do no damage. You block the orc warrior's attack. Unknown command. You completely miss the orc warrior. You headbutt the orc warrior. You bite the orc warrior. The orc warrior is splashed with acid. The orc warrior is lightly wounded. You block the orc warrior's attack. Unknown command. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. You headbutt the orc warrior, but do no damage. Your bite misses the orc warrior. The orc warrior is moderately wounded. Unknown command. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. You headbutt the orc warrior, but do no damage. The orc warrior is moderately wounded. The orc warrior hits you with a battleaxe. Your tendrils lash around the orc warrior's uncursed battleaxe and pull it to the ground! Unknown command. You slash the orc warrior! You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is severely wounded. Unknown command. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. The orc warrior is severely wounded. The orc warrior hits you. Unknown command. You hit the orc warrior but do no damage. Your headbutt misses the orc warrior. The orc warrior is severely wounded. The orc sorcerer throws its arms wide while chanting. The dead are walking! You block the orc warrior's attack. An orc zombie comes into view. Unknown command. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. You bite the orc warrior, but do no damage. The orc warrior is severely wounded. Unknown command. You slice the orc warrior!! You burn the orc warrior. You kill the orc warrior! You block the orc zombie's attack. Unknown command. You closely miss the orc warrior. You headbutt the orc warrior, but do no damage. You bite the orc warrior, but do no damage. The jelly hits the orc zombie. The orc zombie is splashed with acid. Unknown command. You closely miss the orc warrior. Your headbutt misses the orc warrior. The orc sorcerer mumbles some strange words. The orc warrior hits you but does no damage. Unknown command. You slash the orc warrior! You burn the orc warrior! The orc warrior is almost dead. The orange demon disappears in a puff of smoke! The orc warrior hits you with a scimitar. The orc zombie hits the jelly. The orc zombie is burned by acid! The orc zombie disappears in a puff of smoke! Unknown command. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. Your headbutt misses the orc warrior. The orc warrior is almost dead. Unknown command. You closely miss the orc warrior. Your bite misses the orc warrior. The orc warrior is almost dead. You block the orc warrior's attack. Unknown command. You slash the orc warrior! You burn the orc warrior. You kill the orc warrior! Unknown command. The red devil closely misses you. The orc warrior misses you. Items here: $ )) [[ †† Unknown command. You slash the orc warrior! You burn the orc warrior. You headbutt the orc warrior. Your bite misses the orc warrior. The orc warrior is severely wounded. The red devil hits you but does no damage. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva alters your body. Large bone plates grow over parts of your arms. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You feel a little better. You block the orc warrior's attack. The orc sorcerer gestures wildly while chanting. You hit the orc warrior but do no damage. Your bite misses the orc warrior. The orc warrior is severely wounded. You block the red devil's attack. You hear a slurping noise. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. You hit the orc warrior but do no damage. Your headbutt misses the orc warrior. The orc warrior is severely wounded. You block the orc warrior's attack. Unknown command. You hit the orc warrior. You burn the orc warrior. You kill the orc warrior! Your Long Blades skill increases to level 14! The red devil hits you from afar with a demon trident of venom. The orc sorcerer throws its arms wide while chanting. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Game state: mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0 io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0: seen_hups: 0, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 4, arena_suspended: 0 prev_cmd = CMD_MOVE_UP repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD Player: {{{{{{{{{{{ Name: [StephenWHawking] Species: Gargoyle Job: Fighter HP: 73/76; mods: 0/0 MP: 21/21; mod: 0 Stats: 25 (25) 13 (13) 10 (10) Position: (59, 37), god: Jiyva (15), turn_is_over: 1, banished: 0 Standing on/in/over feature: floor Skills (mode: manual) Name | can_train | train | training | level | points | progress Fighting | X | 1 | 14 | 12 | 3871 | 340/715 Short Blades | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Long Blades | X | 2 | 28 | 14 | 7151 | 16/1248 Axes | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Maces & Flails | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Polearms | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Staves | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Slings | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Bows | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Crossbows | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Throwing | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Armour | X | 1 | 14 | 12 | 3821 | 290/715 Dodging | X | 2 | 28 | 12 | 7030 | 1091/1202 Stealth | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Shields | X | 1 | 14 | 12 | 3831 | 300/715 Unarmed Combat | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Spellcasting | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Conjurations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Hexes | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Charms | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Summonings | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Necromancy | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Translocations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Transmutations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Fire Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Ice Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Air Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Earth Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Poison Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Invocations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Evocations | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Spell bugs: Durations: Attributes: #12: 128 #27: 16229 #49: 1957 #59: 1 Mutations: hooves: 1 horns: 1 large bone plates: 1 rough black scales: 1 blurry vision: 1 mutation resistance: 1 negative energy resistance: 1 (innate) screaming: 1 electricity resistance: 1 (innate) unbreathing: 1 (innate) acidic bite: 1 eyeballs: 1 translucent skin: 1 tendrils: 1 jelly sensing items: 1 petrification resistance: 1 (innate) no device heal: 1 rot immunity: 1 (innate) Inventory bugs: Equipment: eq slot #0, inv slot #14: +2 scimitar of flaming eq slot #1, inv slot #23: +0 cloak eq slot #2, inv slot #24: +3 hat of Pondering {ponderous, MR+ MP+10 Int+5} eq slot #3, inv slot #15: +0 pair of gloves eq slot #4, inv slot #16: +0 pair of boots eq slot #5, inv slot #2: +0 shield eq slot #6, inv slot #1: +3 troll leather armour eq slot #7, inv slot #18: +2 ring of protection eq slot #8, inv slot #19: +3 ring of strength }}}}}}}}}}} Webtiles message buffer: Webtiles JSON stack: Screenshot: ▓.▓.▓.▓.▓'▓ * ▓.▓.▓.▓.▓_▓ * ▓.▓(▓.▓.▓_▓ ▓o▓.▓.▓.▓_▓ ∆ ▓o▓.▓.▓.▓_▓ ∆ ▓o▓.▓.▓.▓_▓ ∆ ▓4▓.▓.▓.▓{▓ ▓)▓.▓.▓.▓_▓ ∆ ▓@▓(▓'▓.▓_▓ *∆ ,▓J▓.▓.▓.▓_▓ ∆ ,▓J▓.▓.▓.▓_▓ ∆* ▓.▓.▓.▓.▓_▓ *∆ ▓'▓.▓.▓.▓_▓ ∆ ▓.▓.▓.▓.▓_▓ * ∆ ▓.▓.▓.▓.▓_▓ *∆ ▓.▓.▓.▓.▓_▓ ▓.▓.▓.▓.▓_▓ clua stack: dlua stack: Lua persistent data: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< fix_slime_vaults: true >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lua marker contents: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Lua marker 0 at (11, 23): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 1 at (11, 25): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 2 at (11, 25): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to Hell & Pan }}}} Lua marker 3 at (15, 7): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 4 at (15, 19): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 5 at (15, 19): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Abyss }}}} Lua marker 6 at (15, 29): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 7 at (15, 39): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 8 at (15, 50): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 9 at (15, 63): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 10 at (15, 63): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Tomb }}}} Lua marker 11 at (18, 42): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 12 at (18, 43): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 13 at (18, 44): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 14 at (18, 45): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 15 at (18, 46): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 16 at (18, 47): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 17 at (18, 48): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 18 at (18, 49): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 19 at (18, 50): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 20 at (18, 51): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 21 at (18, 52): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 22 at (18, 53): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 23 at (19, 6): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 24 at (19, 26): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 25 at (19, 26): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Slime Pits }}}} Lua marker 26 at (19, 41): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 27 at (19, 41): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Elven Halls }}}} Lua marker 28 at (19, 53): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 29 at (19, 53): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Forest }}}} Lua marker 30 at (19, 65): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 31 at (19, 65): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Crypt }}}} Lua marker 32 at (20, 42): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 33 at (20, 43): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 34 at (20, 44): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 35 at (20, 45): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 36 at (20, 46): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 37 at (20, 47): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 38 at (20, 48): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 39 at (20, 49): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 40 at (20, 50): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 41 at (20, 51): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 42 at (20, 52): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 43 at (20, 53): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 44 at (23, 3): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 45 at (23, 3): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the ~*~Extended Endgame~*~ }}}} Lua marker 46 at (23, 18): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 47 at (23, 33): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 48 at (23, 39): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 49 at (23, 48): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 50 at (23, 59): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 51 at (23, 59): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to Zot:5 }}}} Lua marker 52 at (27, 5): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 53 at (27, 15): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 54 at (27, 25): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 55 at (27, 34): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 56 at (27, 42): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 57 at (27, 42): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Realm of Zot }}}} Lua marker 58 at (27, 55): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 59 at (27, 65): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 60 at (27, 65): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to D:27 }}}} Lua marker 61 at (31, 7): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 62 at (31, 61): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 63 at (35, 4): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 64 at (35, 14): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 65 at (35, 32): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 66 at (35, 58): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 67 at (35, 58): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to Vaults:5 }}}} Lua marker 68 at (38, 48): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 69 at (38, 49): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 70 at (38, 50): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 71 at (38, 51): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 72 at (38, 52): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 73 at (38, 53): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 74 at (38, 54): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 75 at (38, 55): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 76 at (38, 56): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 77 at (38, 57): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 78 at (38, 58): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 79 at (38, 59): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 80 at (38, 60): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 81 at (38, 61): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 82 at (39, 5): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 83 at (39, 19): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 84 at (39, 19): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to Snake:5 }}}} Lua marker 85 at (39, 33): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 86 at (39, 33): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to Shoals:5 }}}} Lua marker 87 at (39, 47): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 88 at (39, 47): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to Spider:5 }}}} Lua marker 89 at (39, 61): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 90 at (39, 61): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to Swamp:5 }}}} Lua marker 91 at (40, 48): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 92 at (40, 49): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 93 at (40, 50): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 94 at (40, 51): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 95 at (40, 52): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 96 at (40, 53): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 97 at (40, 54): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 98 at (40, 55): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 99 at (40, 56): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 100 at (40, 57): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 101 at (40, 58): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 102 at (40, 59): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 103 at (40, 60): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 104 at (40, 61): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 105 at (43, 11): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 106 at (43, 56): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 107 at (47, 10): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 108 at (47, 32): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 109 at (47, 32): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Vaults }}}} Lua marker 110 at (47, 51): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 111 at (47, 51): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Dungeon }}}} Lua marker 112 at (50, 24): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 113 at (50, 25): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 114 at (50, 26): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 115 at (50, 27): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 116 at (50, 28): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 117 at (50, 29): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 118 at (50, 30): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 119 at (50, 31): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 120 at (50, 32): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 121 at (50, 33): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 122 at (51, 13): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 123 at (51, 23): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 124 at (51, 23): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Shoals }}}} Lua marker 125 at (51, 33): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 126 at (51, 33): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Swamp }}}} Lua marker 127 at (51, 43): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 128 at (51, 43): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Snake Pit }}}} Lua marker 129 at (51, 53): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 130 at (51, 53): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Spider Nest }}}} Lua marker 131 at (52, 24): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 132 at (52, 25): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 133 at (52, 26): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 134 at (52, 27): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 135 at (52, 28): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 136 at (52, 29): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 137 at (52, 30): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 138 at (52, 31): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 139 at (52, 32): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 140 at (52, 33): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 141 at (55, 10): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 142 at (55, 26): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 143 at (55, 26): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Dungeon }}}} Lua marker 144 at (55, 59): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 145 at (59, 10): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 146 at (59, 28): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: veto }}}} Lua marker 147 at (59, 28): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to Orc:4 }}}} Lua marker 148 at (59, 41): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 149 at (59, 55): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 150 at (59, 55): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Orcish Mines }}}} Lua marker 151 at (63, 5): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 152 at (63, 14): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 153 at (63, 27): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 154 at (63, 27): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to Lair:8 }}}} Lua marker 155 at (63, 37): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 156 at (63, 47): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 157 at (63, 47): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Lair }}}} Lua marker 158 at (63, 61): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 159 at (67, 5): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 160 at (67, 12): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 161 at (67, 19): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 162 at (67, 19): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Dungeon }}}} Lua marker 163 at (67, 29): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 164 at (67, 31): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: veto_fragmentation: veto veto_disintegrate: veto veto_fire: veto veto_shatter: veto }}}} Lua marker 165 at (67, 51): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 166 at (67, 51): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Temple }}}} Lua marker 167 at (67, 57): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 168 at (67, 63): {{{{ CLASS: RestrictDoor triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: door_opened listeners: activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 8192: 1: 1 activated: true props: door_restrict: }}}} Lua marker 169 at (67, 63): {{{{ CLASS: PropertiesDescriptor props: door_description_suffix: to the Dungeon }}}} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>