ERROR in '' at line 1365: bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000) Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.15.0-14-g6bbbb5c Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: normal Tiles: online Command line: /usr/games/crawl-0.15 -name FishServ -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-0.15/FishServ.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-0.15/FishServ.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/FishServ/ -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/FishServ:2014-09-03.13:21:25.sock -await-connection RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted Obtained 22 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-0.15(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILEi+0x21) [0x560291]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*, int) /usr/games/crawl-0.15(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x309) [0x568499]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-0.15(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x9c) [0x56054c]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6940a3f4c0]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6940dd5b7b]: /usr/games/crawl-0.15() [0x567c29] /usr/games/crawl-0.15() [0x568046] /usr/games/crawl-0.15(_Z18mons_class_itemuse12monster_type+0x49) [0x843e19]: mons_class_itemuse(monster_type) /usr/games/crawl-0.15(_ZNK7monster14scan_artefactsE18artefact_prop_typeb+0x2e) [0x845b8e]: monster::scan_artefacts(artefact_prop_type, bool) const /usr/games/crawl-0.15(_Z10mons_fliesPK7monsterb+0xf7) [0x8432a7]: mons_flies(monster const*, bool) /usr/games/crawl-0.15(_Z22monster_habitable_gridPK7monster20dungeon_feature_type+0x6a) [0x82406a]: monster_habitable_grid(monster const*, dungeon_feature_type) /usr/games/crawl-0.15(_Z13monster_blinkP7monsterb+0xd7) [0x9b8777]: monster_blink(monster*, bool) /usr/games/crawl-0.15(_ZN7monster20timeout_enchantmentsEi+0x1e4) [0x8094d4]: monster::timeout_enchantments(int) /usr/games/crawl-0.15(_Z12update_leveli+0x295) [0x5f8de5]: update_level(int) /usr/games/crawl-0.15(_Z10load_level20dungeon_feature_type14load_mode_typeRK8level_id+0x1c90) [0x61ce30]: load_level(dungeon_feature_type, load_mode_type, level_id const&) /usr/games/crawl-0.15(_Z11down_stairs20dungeon_feature_typeb+0x6a6) [0x975c06]: down_stairs(dungeon_feature_type, bool) /usr/games/crawl-0.15() [0x57dae9] /usr/games/crawl-0.15(_Z12handle_delayv+0x5b3) [0x57f863]: handle_delay() /usr/games/crawl-0.15() [0x7459ea] /usr/games/crawl-0.15(main+0x64d) [0x74a73d]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6940a2a76d]: /usr/games/crawl-0.15() [0x4c14c9] Trying to run gdb. GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.02-0ubuntu2) 7.4-2012.02 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: . [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". 0x00007f6940dd584e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #0 0x00007f6940dd584e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x000000000056099b in call_gdb (file=0x7f6940dc0180) at gdb = attach_cmd = "attach 19322\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" #2 0x00000000005684ae in do_crash_dump () at t = 1409750653 dir = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x2e911e8 "/dgldir/morgue/FishServ/"}} name = "/dgldir/morgue/FishServ/crash-FishServ-20140903-132413.txt", '\000' file = 0x7f6940dc0180 #3 0x000000000056054c in crash_signal_handler (sig_num=6) at No locals. #4 No symbol table info available. #5 0x00007f6940dd5b7b in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #6 0x0000000000567c29 in _BreakStrToDebugger (mesg=, assert=) at No locals. #7 0x0000000000568046 in die (file=0xad253c "", line=1365, format=) at tmp = "bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000)", '\000' mesg = "ERROR in '' at line 1365: bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000)", '\000' args = {{gp_offset = 40, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7fffe1d1e830, reg_save_area = 0x7fffe1d1e760}} #8 0x0000000000843e19 in mons_class_itemuse (mc=MONS_NO_MONSTER) at No locals. #9 0x0000000000845b8e in monster::scan_artefacts (this=0xdea728, ra_prop=ARTP_FLY, calc_unid=) at ret = 0 #10 0x00000000008432a7 in mons_flies (mon=0xdea728, temp=true) at armour = jewellery = ret = FL_NONE #11 0x000000000082406a in monster_habitable_grid (mon=0xdea728, actual_grid=DNGN_TREE) at mt = MONS_NO_MONSTER #12 0x00000000009b8777 in _random_monster_nearby_habitable_space (mon=...) at respect_sanctuary = false target = {x = 4, y = 1} #13 monster_blink (mons=0xdea728, quiet=true) at near = {x = -506336912, y = 32767} #14 0x00000000008094d4 in monster::timeout_enchantments (this=0xdea728, levels=1) at i = {_M_node = 0x28a0570} ec = {_M_t = {_M_impl = { > >> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator > >> = {}, }, _M_key_compare = {> = {}, }, _M_header = {_M_color = std::_S_red, _M_parent = 0x28a0570, _M_left = 0x28a0570, _M_right = 0x28a0570}, _M_node_count = 1}}} #15 0x00000000005f8de5 in update_level (elapsedTime=) at mi = {i = 4} turns = 11 #16 0x000000000061ce30 in load_level (stair_taken=DNGN_STONE_STAIRS_DOWN_I, load_mode=LOAD_ENTER_LEVEL, old_level=...) at level_name = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x29b94f8 "Swamp:5"}} make_changes = true popped = false stair = {val = , oldval = DNGN_UNSEEN} ylev = {val = , oldval = false} just_created_level = false return_pos = {x = 0, y = 0} dest_pos = {x = 54, y = 49} #17 0x0000000000975c06 in down_stairs (force_stair=, force_known_shaft=) at entered_branch = false stair_taken = DNGN_STONE_STAIRS_DOWN_I newlevel = collect_travel_data = stair_pos = {x = 54, y = 49} old_feat = DNGN_STONE_STAIRS_DOWN_I dst = {static npos = , _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x10f7798 ""}} old_level = {branch = BRANCH_SWAMP, depth = 4} stair_find = known_shaft = shaft = false shaft_dest = shaft_depth = #18 0x000000000057dae9 in _finish_delay (delay=...) at No locals. #19 0x000000000057f863 in handle_delay () at delay = @0x2977210: {type = DELAY_DESCENDING_STAIRS, duration = 0, parm1 = 0, parm2 = 0, parm3 = 0, started = true, trits = {0, 0, 54, 48, 9186814, 0}, len = 43582200} #20 0x00000000007459ea in _input () at player_disabled = {was_disabled = false} #21 0x000000000074a73d in _launch_game () at game_start = false ccon = {cstate = false, smartcstate = false} #22 _launch_game_loop () at game_ended = false #23 main (argc=, argv=) at No locals. Compilation info: <<<<<<<<<<< Compiled with GCC 4.6.3 on Sep 3 2014 at 03:17:10 Build platform: x86_64-linux-gnu Platform: x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -Wall -Wformat-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_WEB -Wundef -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-parentheses -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -Wuninitialized -Iutil -I. -isystem /usr/include/lua5.1 -Irltiles -isystem /usr/include/ncursesw -g -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DREGEX_PCRE -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DDGAMELAUNCH -DSAVE_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-0.15/saves" -DDATA_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-0.15/data/" -DWEB_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-0.15/data/web/" LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -O2 >>>>>>>>>>> Place info: branch = 6, depth = 5 Level id: Swamp:5 Level build method = random_map_for_place swamp, level layout type = swamp, absdepth0 = 19 Level vaults: swamp_fiery layout_basic_swamp swamp_pool2 lightli_tree_ring Markers: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. Agitated ravens fly out from beneath the shambling mangrove's foliage! The shambling mangrove hits you! You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. You barely miss the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven claws you. The raven pecks you! * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * The raven claws you. * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * Use which ability? (? or * to list) You are healed. You feel quite a bit less full. The raven barely misses you. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven misses you. The raven closely misses you. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven claws you but does no damage. The shambling mangrove hits you. The raven misses you. The raven completely misses you. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven misses you. The raven completely misses you. The raven claws you but does no damage. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. You barely miss the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven claws you. The raven closely misses you. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven claws you but does no damage. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is severely damaged. The shambling mangrove hits you but does no damage. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven completely misses you. The raven completely misses you. The raven barely misses you. The raven closely misses you. x2 You barely miss the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. You slash the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is severely damaged. The raven closely misses you. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven closely misses you. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven barely misses you. You slash the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. The shambling mangrove barely misses you. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. The raven barely misses you. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven closely misses you. The raven claws you. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven closely misses you. You barely miss the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven barely misses you. The raven completely misses you. The raven claws you but does no damage. You puncture the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. You barely miss the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. The raven barely misses you. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven pecks you. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven closely misses you. x2 The shambling mangrove hits you but does no damage. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. The raven pecks you. The raven barely misses you. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven completely misses you. The raven claws you. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. The raven pecks you. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven misses you. The raven misses you. The raven claws you but does no damage. The shambling mangrove hits you. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. The raven closely misses you. The raven barely misses you. The raven misses you. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven pecks you. The raven claws you but does no damage. You slash the shambling mangrove! You destroy the shambling mangrove! The grasping roots settle back into the ground. You closely miss the raven. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven completely misses you. The raven barely misses you. The raven misses you. The raven closely misses you. You puncture the raven! The raven is moderately wounded. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven completely misses you. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven completely misses you. The raven claws you but does no damage. You puncture the raven! The raven is severely wounded. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven barely misses you. The raven barely misses you. The raven misses you. The raven closely misses you. The raven claws you. You hit the raven. The raven is almost dead. You hit the raven. You kill the raven! The raven barely misses you. The raven misses you. The raven misses you. The raven barely misses you. You closely miss the raven. The raven barely misses you. The raven barely misses you. The raven misses you. The raven closely misses you. You hit the raven. The raven is lightly wounded. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - raven Heal: a raven The light of Elyvilon fails to reach the raven. You feel somewhat less full. The raven completely misses you. The raven barely misses you. The raven completely misses you. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven misses you. The raven pecks you. * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * The raven claws you but does no damage. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f/p - raven Heal: a raven Elyvilon supports your offer of peace. The raven turns neutral. The raven pecks you. * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * The raven completely misses you. The raven misses you. The raven barely misses you. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - raven, p - raven Heal: a raven (lightly wounded) Elyvilon approves of your offer of peace. The raven turns neutral. You heal the raven. The raven is completely healed. You feel somewhat less full. You start resting. Some of the chunks of flesh in your inventory have rotted away. You start resting. Magic restored. You start resting. All of the chunks of flesh in your inventory have rotted away. You start resting. You start resting. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. There is an escape hatch in the ceiling here. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. A spiny frog comes into view. The spiny frog gives a loud, deep croak! Use which ability? (? or * to list) You fly up into the air. You feel somewhat less full. The spiny frog stings you but does no damage. You completely miss the spiny frog. The spiny frog barely misses you. You slash the spiny frog! The spiny frog is moderately wounded. You slash the spiny frog! The spiny frog is heavily wounded. You slash the spiny frog! The spiny frog is almost dead. The spiny frog barely misses you. You slash the spiny frog! You kill the spiny frog! The swamp worm bites you but does no damage. You see here a spiny frog corpse. You puncture the swamp worm! The swamp worm is heavily wounded. The swamp worm bites you but does no damage. You closely miss the swamp worm. The swamp worm is heavily wounded. You hit the swamp worm but do no damage. The swamp worm is heavily wounded. You closely miss the swamp worm. The swamp worm is heavily wounded. The swamp worm completely misses you. You hit the swamp worm. The swamp worm is heavily wounded. You hit the swamp worm. The swamp worm is heavily wounded. The swamp worm misses you. You slash the swamp worm! The swamp worm is almost dead. You closely miss the swamp worm. The swamp worm is almost dead. The swamp worm closely misses you. You slash the swamp worm! You kill the swamp worm! You hear a splash. No target in view! HP restored. Magic restored. A seven-headed hydra comes into view. The seven-headed hydra roars! Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - seven-headed hydra Heal: a seven-headed hydra (water) Elyvilon approves of your offer of peace. The seven-headed hydra turns neutral. You feel quite a bit less full. Magic restored. The seven-headed hydra bites you but does no damage. x3 The seven-headed hydra bites you! The seven-headed hydra bites you but does no damage. x2 The seven-headed hydra bites you. A seven-headed hydra comes into view. The seven-headed hydra roars! Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - seven-headed hydra Heal: a seven-headed hydra Elyvilon approves of your offer of peace. The seven-headed hydra turns neutral. You feel quite a bit less full. You now have 452 gold pieces (gained 25). Magic restored. A six-headed hydra comes into view. The six-headed hydra roars! Found a club. You see here 10 gold pieces. You now have enough gold to buy a potion of cure mutation on D:14. You can access your shopping list by pressing '$'. You now have 462 gold pieces (gained 10). Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - six-headed hydra Heal: a six-headed hydra Elyvilon approves of your offer of peace. The six-headed hydra turns neutral. You feel somewhat less full. Found a scroll of enchant weapon. A swamp worm comes into view. You see here a scroll of enchant weapon. z - a scroll of enchant weapon You slash the swamp worm! The swamp worm is heavily wounded. You completely miss the swamp worm. The swamp worm is heavily wounded. The swamp worm closely misses you. A shambling mangrove comes into view. You puncture the swamp worm! The swamp worm is severely wounded. You hit the swamp worm. The swamp worm is almost dead. The swamp worm bites you but does no damage. You slash the swamp worm! You kill the swamp worm! The shambling mangrove reaches out with a gnarled limb. Grasping roots rise from the ground around the shambling mangrove! Roots rise up from beneath you and drag you back to the ground. Found a pair of gloves. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is lightly damaged. The ground creaks as gnarled roots bulge its surface. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is lightly damaged. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is lightly damaged. The shambling mangrove hits you but does no damage. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is lightly damaged. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is lightly damaged. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is lightly damaged. You puncture the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is moderately damaged. The shambling mangrove hits you but does no damage. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is moderately damaged. You puncture the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. You completely miss the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. The shambling mangrove completely misses you. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. Angry insects surge out from beneath the shambling mangrove's foliage! The shambling mangrove hits you!! You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. The yellow wasp closely misses you. You puncture the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is severely damaged. You slash the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. The yellow wasp stings you but does no damage. The shambling mangrove hits you! The yellow wasp closely misses you. You puncture the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. The yellow wasp closely misses you. The yellow wasp stings you but does no damage. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. The yellow wasp misses you. The yellow wasp stings you but does no damage. The shambling mangrove hits you!! You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. The yellow wasp closely misses you. x2 You slash the shambling mangrove! You destroy the shambling mangrove! The grasping roots settle back into the ground. You puncture the yellow wasp! The yellow wasp is moderately wounded. The yellow wasp stings you but does no damage. The yellow wasp barely misses you. You hit the yellow wasp. The yellow wasp is severely wounded. You slash the yellow wasp! You kill the yellow wasp! Your Armour skill increases to level 12! The yellow wasp barely misses you. You closely miss the yellow wasp. You puncture the yellow wasp! The yellow wasp is heavily wounded. You slice the yellow wasp!! You kill the yellow wasp! No target in view! Unknown command. Found 16 stones. You see here a yellow wasp corpse. You start butchering the yellow wasp corpse. You continue butchering the corpse. x3 You finish butchering the yellow wasp corpse. R - a chunk of yellow wasp flesh You start resting. You start resting. You see here a pair of gloves. q - 5 scrolls of remove curse (gained 1) You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. A six-headed hydra comes into view. The six-headed hydra roars! You hear a shout! You hear a shout! A spriggan druid comes into view. It is wielding a quarterstaff. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - six-headed hydra Heal: a six-headed hydra Elyvilon approves of your offer of peace. The six-headed hydra turns neutral. You feel somewhat less full. The six-headed hydra bites you but does no damage. The six-headed hydra completely misses you. The six-headed hydra bites you but does no damage. The six-headed hydra barely misses you. The six-headed hydra bites you but does no damage. x2 2 spriggans come into view. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - spriggan, p - six-headed hydra Heal: a spriggan, wielding a dagger, wearing a robe and wearing a buckler Okay, then. The spriggan hits the six-headed hydra with a cutlass!! The six-headed hydra bites the spriggan! The six-headed hydra completely misses the spriggan. The six-headed hydra bites the spriggan. The six-headed hydra completely misses the spriggan. The six-headed hydra bites the spriggan! The six-headed hydra completely misses the spriggan. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - spriggan druid, p - six-headed hydra Heal: a spriggan druid, wielding a quarterstaff and wearing a robe Elyvilon supports your offer of peace. The spriggan druid turns neutral. The spriggan druid misses the spriggan. The spriggan barely misses the six-headed hydra. The six-headed hydra completely misses the spriggan. The six-headed hydra bites the spriggan! The spriggan dies! The six-headed hydra closely misses the spriggan. The six-headed hydra bites the spriggan. The six-headed hydra completely misses the spriggan. The six-headed hydra barely misses the spriggan. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Okay, then. Unknown command. The spriggan barely misses you. The spriggan blocks your attack. The spriggan is lightly wounded. You slash the spriggan! The spriggan is heavily wounded. You hit the spriggan. The spriggan is severely wounded. The spriggan druid hits you but does no damage. You miss the spriggan. The spriggan is severely wounded. The spriggan hits you with a dagger. You slice the spriggan!! You kill the spriggan! Items here: ) ? [[ a dagger; a robe; a buckler; a scroll of remove curse There isn't anything to butcher here. q - 6 scrolls of remove curse (gained 1) Things that are here: a cutlass; a robe You smell something rotten. (slot R) Magic restored. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. HP restored. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. Found 13 stones. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. X - a bread ration Found a stone staircase leading up. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. A swamp drake comes into view. The swamp drake roars! The swamp drake bites you but does no damage. Found a mace. You puncture the swamp drake! The swamp drake is heavily wounded. You slash the swamp drake! You kill the swamp drake! No target in view! You see here a swamp drake corpse. You start butchering the swamp drake corpse. You continue butchering the corpse. x3 You finish butchering the swamp drake corpse. Your pack is full. You see here 2 chunks of swamp drake flesh. Drop what? (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop a rotting chunk of yellow wasp flesh. R - 2 chunks of swamp drake flesh Found a robe. (D) Dungeon (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (S) Swamp (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (U) Depths Where to? (Enter - Swamp:3, ? - help) You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. Found a war axe. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You see here a spiny frog skeleton. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. 3 ravens come into view. The raven caws. x3 There is a stone staircase leading up here. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven claws you but does no damage. You puncture the raven! The raven is moderately wounded. The raven barely misses you. The raven closely misses you. You puncture the raven! The raven is severely wounded. The raven closely misses you. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven misses you. The raven barely misses you. You barely miss the raven. The raven is severely wounded. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - raven Heal: a raven Elyvilon approves of your offer of peace. The raven turns neutral. You feel somewhat more hungry. The raven pecks you but does no damage. The raven claws you but does no damage. The raven closely misses you. The raven completely misses you. The raven closely misses you. The raven completely misses you. The raven misses you. The raven claws you but does no damage. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - raven, p - raven Heal: a raven Elyvilon approves of your offer of peace. The raven turns neutral. You feel somewhat more hungry. The raven closely misses you. The raven misses you. The raven closely misses you. x2 You hit the raven. The raven is severely wounded. The raven closely misses you. x2 You barely miss the raven. The raven is severely wounded. You hit the raven. The raven is almost dead. The raven pecks you. The raven claws you but does no damage. You puncture the raven! You kill the raven! You see here a raven corpse. You start butchering the raven corpse. You continue butchering the corpse. You continue butchering the corpse. HP restored. You continue butchering the corpse. You finish butchering the raven corpse. Your pack is full. Things that are here: a chunk of raven flesh; a raven skeleton Drop what? (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop 2 chunks of swamp drake flesh. R - a chunk of raven flesh You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. Found a stone staircase leading down. Use which ability? (? or * to list) You fly up into the air. You feel somewhat more hungry. A giant leech comes into view. You barely miss the giant leech. You closely miss the giant leech. The giant leech bites you! You slash the giant leech! The giant leech is lightly wounded. You closely miss the giant leech. The giant leech is lightly wounded. You barely miss the giant leech. The giant leech is lightly wounded. You closely miss the giant leech. The giant leech is lightly wounded. The giant leech bites you but does no damage. You closely miss the giant leech. The giant leech is lightly wounded. You hit the giant leech. The giant leech is moderately wounded. The giant leech misses you. You hit the giant leech. The giant leech is moderately wounded. You slash the giant leech! The giant leech is heavily wounded. You miss the giant leech. The giant leech is heavily wounded. You puncture the giant leech! The giant leech is heavily wounded. The giant leech bites you! You barely miss the giant leech. The giant leech is heavily wounded. You impale the giant leech!! The giant leech is almost dead. You hit the giant leech. The giant leech is almost dead. You hit the giant leech. The giant leech is almost dead. You hit the giant leech. You kill the giant leech! No target in view! Magic restored. Found a stone staircase leading down. A six-headed hydra comes into view. The six-headed hydra roars! There is a stone staircase leading down here. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - six-headed hydra Heal: a six-headed hydra (water) Elyvilon approves of your offer of peace. The six-headed hydra turns neutral. You feel somewhat more hungry. The six-headed hydra goes down the stairs. Your pack is full. You see here a beef jerky. Eat a beef jerky? (ye/n/q/i?) You continue eating. You finish eating. That beef jerky was delicious! Your pack is full. You see here a wand of enslavement. Your pack is full. You see here a wand of enslavement. Could not pick up an item here; shall I ignore it? You see here a wand of enslavement. Found a deep blue altar of Sif Muna. A swamp worm comes into view. You see here a scroll of identify. You can't carry that many items. Drop what? (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) Okay, then. Unknown command. Drop what? (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop a chunk of raven flesh. A swamp worm comes into view. R - a scroll of identify Read which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) Identify which item? (\ to view known items) (? for menu, Esc to quit) As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. You have identified the last scroll. y - a scroll of torment; o - a scroll of summoning Drop what? (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop a scroll of torment. R - a chunk of raven flesh The swamp worm bites you but does no damage. x2 You impale the swamp worm!! The swamp worm is heavily wounded. You slash the swamp worm! The swamp worm is severely wounded. The swamp worm barely misses you. You puncture the swamp worm! You kill the swamp worm! You hit the swamp worm. The swamp worm is lightly wounded. You puncture the swamp worm! The swamp worm is heavily wounded. The swamp worm misses you. You puncture the swamp worm! The swamp worm is severely wounded. You slash the swamp worm! You kill the swamp worm! No target in view! Saving game... please wait. Welcome back, FishServ the Gargoyle Healer. Elyvilon says: Go forth and aid the weak! Press ? for a list of commands and other information. HP restored. You now have 482 gold pieces (gained 20). You now have 498 gold pieces (gained 16). You found a Zot trap! A shambling mangrove comes into view. The shambling mangrove reaches out with a gnarled limb. Grasping roots rise from the ground around the shambling mangrove! Roots rise up from beneath you and drag you back to the ground. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. The shambling mangrove barely misses you. The shambling mangrove hits you but does no damage. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove closely misses you. You puncture the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is lightly damaged. You puncture the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is moderately damaged. You barely miss the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is moderately damaged. You slash the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. The shambling mangrove hits you but does no damage. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. You hit the shambling mangrove but do no damage. The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. You slash the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is heavily damaged. The shambling mangrove hits you. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is severely damaged. You puncture the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is severely damaged. You slash the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. The shambling mangrove hits you but does no damage. You puncture the shambling mangrove! The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. You hit the shambling mangrove. The shambling mangrove is almost destroyed. You puncture the shambling mangrove! You destroy the shambling mangrove! The grasping roots settle back into the ground. No target in view! Use which ability? (? or * to list) You fly up into the air. You feel somewhat more hungry. HP restored. Magic restored. An alligator comes into view. Found a leather armour. The alligator puts on a burst of speed! Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - alligator Heal: an alligator (covering ground quickly) Elyvilon approves of your offer of peace. The alligator turns neutral. You feel somewhat more hungry. Found a glowing blue potion. Found a scimitar. y - a glowing blue potion Found a stone staircase leading down. A swamp drake comes into view. The swamp drake roars! The swamp drake breathes noxious fumes at you. The noxious blast hits you! You puncture the swamp drake! The swamp drake is moderately wounded. You hit the swamp drake. The swamp drake is heavily wounded. You smell something rotten. (slot R) You slash the swamp drake! You kill the swamp drake! No target in view! You see here a swamp drake corpse. You now have 516 gold pieces (gained 18). You found a Zot trap! Found a stone staircase leading up. Found 12 stones. A spiny frog comes into view. The spiny frog croaks. A spiny frog is nearby! Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - spiny frog Heal: a spiny frog Elyvilon approves of your offer of peace. The spiny frog turns neutral. You feel somewhat more hungry. The spiny frog goes up the stairs. Magic restored. c - 4 potions of invisibility (gained 1) A swamp drake comes into view. The swamp drake roars! The swamp drake breathes noxious fumes at you. A bog body comes into view. The swamp drake closely misses you. You slash the swamp drake! The swamp drake is moderately wounded. You slash the swamp drake! The swamp drake is severely wounded. You hit the swamp drake. The swamp drake is almost dead. The swamp drake bites you but does no damage. You puncture the swamp drake! You kill the swamp drake! You slice the bog body!! The bog body is heavily damaged. You puncture the bog body! The bog body is almost destroyed. You puncture the bog body! You destroy the bog body! You see here a swamp drake corpse. You start butchering the swamp drake corpse. You continue butchering the corpse. x3 You finish butchering the swamp drake corpse. You hear a splash. Your pack is full. Things that are here: 4 chunks of swamp drake flesh; a swamp drake skeleton Drop what? (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop a rotting chunk of raven flesh. You hear a splash. R - 4 chunks of swamp drake flesh Found 16 stones. Found a robe. Found a morningstar. The swamp worm bites you but does no damage. x2 You hit the swamp worm. The swamp worm is lightly wounded. You completely miss the swamp worm. The swamp worm is lightly wounded. The swamp worm closely misses you. You puncture the swamp worm! The swamp worm is moderately wounded. You slash the swamp worm! The swamp worm is almost dead. You hit the swamp worm. You kill the swamp worm! (D) Dungeon (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (L) Lair (S) Swamp (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (V) Vaults (U) Depths Where to? (? - help) Found a potion of magic. You see here 12 stones. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You fly downwards. A swamp drake comes into view. There is a stone staircase leading up here. Read which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) As you read the scroll of magic mapping, it crumbles to dust. You feel aware of your surroundings. The swamp drake roars! You hear a roar! The swamp drake breathes noxious fumes at you. A swamp drake and a swamp worm come into view. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - swamp drake Heal: a swamp drake (catching its breath) Elyvilon supports your offer of peace. The swamp drake turns neutral. You feel somewhat more hungry. The swamp drake moves out of view. A fire drake and 2 vampire mosquitoes come into view. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - fire drake, p - swamp drake Heal: a fire drake (hasn't noticed you) Elyvilon approves of your offer of peace. The fire drake turns neutral. You feel somewhat more hungry. The vampire mosquito moves out of view. The fire drake moves out of view. The swamp drake bites something! The blast of poison misses the swamp drake. Something barely misses the swamp drake. x2 Something tramples the swamp drake. The swamp drake stumbles backwards! A swamp dragon comes into view. You barely miss the swamp worm. The swamp worm closely misses you. You puncture the swamp worm! The swamp worm is heavily wounded. You hit the swamp worm. The swamp worm is severely wounded. Something bites the swamp dragon. The swamp worm misses you. The swamp dragon bites something! The swamp dragon claws something. The swamp dragon tramples something! Something stumbles backwards! You puncture the swamp worm! The swamp worm is almost dead. You slash the swamp worm! You kill the swamp worm! You barely miss the vampire mosquito. You barely miss the vampire mosquito. The swamp drake roars! The vampire mosquito misses you. A swamp drake comes into view. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - swamp dragon Heal: a swamp dragon (lightly wounded) The light of Elyvilon fails to reach the swamp dragon. You feel quite a bit more hungry. The swamp drake roars! The vampire mosquito completely misses you. The vampire mosquito bites you but does no damage. A swamp drake and a raven come into view. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f/p - swamp dragon Heal: a swamp dragon (lightly wounded) Elyvilon supports your offer of peace. The swamp dragon turns neutral. You heal the swamp dragon. The swamp dragon is completely healed. You feel somewhat more hungry. The vampire mosquito buzzes angrily. The vampire mosquito misses you. The raven is poisoned. The raven pecks the swamp dragon. The raven completely misses the swamp dragon. The swamp dragon bites the raven! The swamp dragon claws the raven. The swamp dragon tramples the raven! The raven stumbles backwards! The swamp worm completely misses you. The swamp drake breathes noxious fumes at you. The noxious blast hits you! The vampire mosquito closely misses you. The vampire mosquito bites the swamp dragon. The swamp drake moves out of view. A giant leech comes into view. Unknown command. You slash the vampire mosquito! The vampire mosquito is heavily damaged. The raven pecks the swamp dragon! The raven claws the swamp dragon! A steam dragon comes into view. You hit the vampire mosquito. The vampire mosquito is severely damaged. The vampire mosquito barely misses you. The vampire mosquito closely misses the swamp dragon. The swamp dragon bites the raven. The swamp dragon claws the raven! The raven dies! The swamp worm is engulfed in noxious fumes. The swamp worm appears confused. The swamp worm misses you. A vampire mosquito comes into view. You puncture the vampire mosquito! The vampire mosquito is almost destroyed. The swamp drake bites the swamp dragon but does no damage. You barely miss the vampire mosquito. The vampire mosquito is almost destroyed. The swamp drake roars! The vampire mosquito misses you. The vampire mosquito bites the swamp dragon. Unknown command. You puncture the vampire mosquito! You destroy the vampire mosquito! Your Dodging skill increases to level 8! The swamp worm is engulfed in noxious fumes. The swamp worm appears confused. The swamp dragon bites the swamp drake! The swamp dragon completely misses the swamp drake. The swamp dragon tramples the swamp drake. The swamp drake holds its ground! You slash the swamp worm! The swamp worm is moderately wounded. The giant leech bites the swamp dragon. The giant leech draws strength from the swamp dragon's injuries! Unknown command. You barely miss the swamp worm. The swamp worm is moderately wounded. The swamp worm is engulfed in noxious fumes. The swamp worm appears confused. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - steam dragon, p - swamp dragon Heal: a steam dragon Elyvilon supports your offer of peace. The steam dragon turns neutral. You feel somewhat more hungry. The swamp dragon barely misses the swamp drake. The swamp dragon claws the swamp drake. The swamp dragon tramples the swamp drake but does no damage. The vampire mosquito misses you. The swamp drake breathes noxious fumes at you. The noxious blast hits the vampire mosquito. x2 The giant leech bites the swamp dragon but does no damage. A lindwurm comes into view. You hit the vampire mosquito. The vampire mosquito is lightly damaged. The vampire mosquito misses you. The swamp dragon bites the swamp drake! The swamp dragon claws the swamp drake. The swamp drake dies! You puncture the vampire mosquito! The vampire mosquito is severely damaged. Unknown command. You slash the vampire mosquito! The vampire mosquito is moderately damaged. The giant leech bites the swamp dragon but does no damage. A fire dragon comes into view. Your leather armour of the Elven Halls prevents you from hitting the vampire mosquito. The vampire mosquito is moderately damaged. The swamp dragon barely misses the giant leech. The swamp dragon claws the giant leech. The swamp dragon tramples the giant leech but does no damage. Unknown command. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - lindwurm, p - steam dragon Heal: a lindwurm Elyvilon approves of your offer of peace. The lindwurm turns neutral. You feel somewhat more hungry. The vampire mosquito barely misses you. x2 The vampire mosquito bites you but does no damage. The fire dragon bites the lindwurm! The fire dragon closely misses the lindwurm. The fire dragon tramples the lindwurm. The lindwurm holds its ground! The vampire mosquito barely misses you. The lindwurm bites the fire dragon! The lindwurm claws the fire dragon. The lindwurm claws the fire dragon but does no damage. The swamp dragon misses the giant leech. The swamp dragon barely misses the giant leech. The swamp dragon completely misses the giant leech. The swamp drake bites the lindwurm. Use which ability? (? or * to list) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - fire dragon, p - lindwurm Heal: a fire dragon (moderately wounded) Elyvilon supports your offer of peace. The fire dragon turns neutral. You heal the fire dragon. The fire dragon is lightly wounded. You are feeling hungry. The vampire mosquito misses you. x2 Something bites the fire dragon! Something completely misses the fire dragon. Something tramples the fire dragon but does no damage. The vampire mosquito closely misses you. The fire dragon bites something. The fire dragon barely misses something. The fire dragon tramples something! Something holds its ground! The steam dragon closely misses you. The steam dragon barely misses you. The swamp drake bites the lindwurm! The lindwurm misses the swamp drake. The lindwurm barely misses the swamp drake. The lindwurm claws the swamp drake! The swamp dragon barely misses the giant leech. x2 The swamp dragon tramples the giant leech! The giant leech holds its ground! The vampire mosquito barely misses you. The vampire mosquito misses you. The vampire mosquito bites you but does no damage. The swamp drake breathes noxious fumes at you. The noxious blast hits the vampire mosquito. The noxious blast misses you. Something closely misses the fire dragon. Something claws the fire dragon! Something tramples the fire dragon but does no damage. The fire dragon bites something! The fire dragon barely misses something. The fire dragon tramples something but does no damage. The vampire mosquito barely misses you. The steam dragon is engulfed in noxious fumes. The steam dragon appears confused. The steam dragon bites you but does no damage. The steam dragon misses you. The lindwurm bites something! The lindwurm barely misses something. The lindwurm claws something but does no damage. The vampire mosquito closely misses you. You fly upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You closely miss the vampire mosquito. The vampire mosquito is severely damaged. The vampire mosquito bites you but does no damage. You slash the vampire mosquito! You destroy the vampire mosquito! You puncture the vampire mosquito! The vampire mosquito is almost destroyed. The vampire mosquito bites you. You slash the vampire mosquito! You destroy the vampire mosquito! Eat one of 4 chunks of swamp drake flesh? (ye/n/q/i?) Eat which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit) You can't eat that! Unknown command. Eat one of 4 chunks of swamp drake flesh? (ye/n/q/i?) This raw flesh tastes terrible. You continue eating. x2 You start resting. HP restored. You fly downwards. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Game state: mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0 io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0: seen_hups: 0, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 1, arena_suspended: 0 prev_cmd = CMD_GO_DOWNSTAIRS repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD Player: {{{{{{{{{{{ Name: [FishServ] Species: Gargoyle Job: Healer class_name: Healer HP: 94/94; mods: 0/0 MP: 27/32; mod: 0 Stats: 16 (16) 11 (11) 14 (14) Position: (0, 0) , god: Elyvilon (12), turn_is_over: 0, banished: 0 Delayed (1): type: 14 duration: 0 parm1: 0 parm2: 0 started: 1 Skills (mode: manual) Name | can_train | train | training | level | points | progress Fighting | X | 0 | 0 | 11 | 3001 | 100/630 Short Blades | X | 0 | 0 | 14 | 7150 | 15/1248 Long Blades | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Axes | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Maces & Flails | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Polearms | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Staves | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Slings | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Bows | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Crossbows | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Throwing | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Armour | X | 1 | 50 | 12 | 3820 | 289/715 Dodging | X | 1 | 50 | 8 | 2601 | 56/636 Stealth | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Stabbing | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/1410790144 Shields | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Traps | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/1410790144 Unarmed Combat | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Spellcasting | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Conjurations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Hexes | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Charms | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Summonings | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Necromancy | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Translocations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Transmutations | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Fire Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Ice Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Air Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Earth Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Poison Magic | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Invocations | X | 0 | 0 | 15 | 6113 | 185/967 Evocations | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Spell bugs: Durations: Attributes: #12: 2409 #13: 1893 #22: 1 #23: 25169 #24: 748582035 #27: 115047 #49: 3146 Mutations: big wings: 1 (innate) negative energy resistance: 1 (innate) electricity resistance: 1 (innate) unbreathing: 1 (innate) petrification resistance: 1 (innate) rot immunity: 1 (innate) Inventory bugs: Equipment: eq slot #0, inv slot #0: +6 cutlass of Mourning {speed, Contam rElec MR++ Int-5} eq slot #1, inv slot #7: +2 cloak eq slot #2, inv slot #30: +3 crown of Dyrovepreva {rElec Int+2 SInv} eq slot #3, inv slot #42: +2 pair of gloves eq slot #4, inv slot #20: +1 pair of boots eq slot #6, inv slot #18: -1 leather armour of the Elven Halls {Slay+5} eq slot #7, inv slot #22: +2 ring of evasion eq slot #8, inv slot #12: +5 ring of protection eq slot #9, inv slot #6: amulet of warding }}}}}}}}}}} Webtiles message buffer: Webtiles JSON stack: Screenshot: *≈≈≈≈≈≈≈,,,,***≈≈≈,,≈,≈≈,,,≈,,,,, ≈***≈≈≈,≈*****≈≈,≈,≈,,,,≈,,,≈,≈,≈ *****,,,*****≈,,,,≈≈,≈,≈≈,,,,,,,, **,*******≈,≈≈≈,,≈≈,≈≈,,,,,≈≈,,,, *≈≈≈****≈≈≈,≈,≈,≈≈,,≈,≈≈,≈,,,≈,,≈ ≈,,,,,≈,≈≈≈,,,,,,,,,,,,,≈≈,,,≈≈,, ,,,,≈,,,,,,,≈≈,,≈,≈,≈≈≈,,,,,≈,≈,≈ ,,≈≈≈≈,,,,≈,,,≈,≈,,≈,≈,≈,,≈≈,,,,≈ ,,≈,,≈,,,≈,,,≈,≈≈,,,,≈≈,,,,≈,≈,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,≈≈,≈,≈≈,,,,,,≈≈,≈≈≈,,, ,≈,,,,,≈≈,,,,,,,≈,≈,≈≈≈,≈,≈,,≈≈≈, ≈≈,,,,,,,,,,,≈≈,,≈,,≈,,,,,,,≈≈,,≈ ,,,≈,≈≈,,,≈≈,,≈,*≈*,,,,,,,,≈,≈,,≈ ,≈≈,,,,,,,,,,≈≈*≈≈≈≈≈,,≈≈,≈,,≈,≈, ≈,,,,,,,,,≈,,,*≈≈≈≈≈,≈,,,≈,,,,,,≈ ,,≈,,,,≈,≈,,,≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈,,≈,≈≈≈,,≈,, ,,,,,≈,≈,,,≈,,*≈≈≈≈≈*,,≈≈,,,,,,,≈ clua stack: dlua stack: Lua persistent data: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< aquarium_serial_pool_size: 1 ice_cave_hard: false bailey_type: bailey_axe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lua marker contents: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Lua marker 0 at (36, 41): {{{{ CLASS: FogMachine pow_min: 8 spread_buildup_time: 1 listeners: spread_rate: 3 size_min: 2 size_max: 2 pow_max: 12 start_clouds: 1 dgn_trigs_by_type: 1: 1: 1 32: 1: 2 colour: triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer countdown: 44 type: turn buildup_turns: 0 sub_type: countdown delay_min: 40 method: dgn_event listener_only: false delay_max: 70 2: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: entered_level listener_only: false method: dgn_event size_buildup_time: 1 tile: kill_cat: other activated: true activating: false excl_rad: 0 buildup_turns: 1 size_buildup_amnt: 0 name: spread_buildup_amnt: 0 cloud_type: flame props: walk_dist: 1 pow_rolls: 3}}}} Lua marker 1 at (43, 34): {{{{ CLASS: FogMachine pow_min: 8 spread_buildup_time: 1 listeners: spread_rate: 3 size_min: 2 size_max: 2 pow_max: 12 start_clouds: 1 dgn_trigs_by_type: 1: 1: 1 32: 1: 2 colour: triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer countdown: 14 type: turn buildup_turns: 0 sub_type: countdown delay_min: 40 method: dgn_event listener_only: false delay_max: 70 2: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: entered_level listener_only: false method: dgn_event size_buildup_time: 1 tile: kill_cat: other activated: true activating: false excl_rad: 0 buildup_turns: 1 size_buildup_amnt: 0 name: spread_buildup_amnt: 0 cloud_type: flame props: walk_dist: 1 pow_rolls: 3}}}} Lua marker 2 at (43, 41): {{{{ CLASS: FogMachine pow_min: 8 spread_buildup_time: 1 listeners: spread_rate: 3 size_min: 2 size_max: 2 pow_max: 12 start_clouds: 1 dgn_trigs_by_type: 1: 1: 1 32: 1: 2 colour: triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer countdown: 18 type: turn buildup_turns: 0 sub_type: countdown delay_min: 40 method: dgn_event listener_only: false delay_max: 70 2: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: entered_level listener_only: false method: dgn_event size_buildup_time: 1 tile: kill_cat: other activated: true activating: false excl_rad: 0 buildup_turns: 1 size_buildup_amnt: 0 name: spread_buildup_amnt: 0 cloud_type: flame props: walk_dist: 1 pow_rolls: 3}}}} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>