ASSERT((duration[DUR_MESMERISED] > 0) == !beholders.empty()) in '' at line 65 failed. Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.22.1-5-g62c59d9 Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: normal Tiles: online Command line: /usr/games/crawl-0.22 -name Eloro -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-0.22/Eloro.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-0.22/Eloro.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/Eloro/ -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/Eloro:2019-01-14.20:41:16.sock -await-connection RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted Obtained 29 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILEi+0x23) [0x5ff0b3]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*, int) /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x419) [0x606d59]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x9c) [0x5ff33c]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc4348a30b0]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc434c3db7b]: /usr/games/crawl-0.22() [0x6063c9] /usr/games/crawl-0.22() [0x606691] /usr/games/crawl-0.22() [0x5c424b] /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_Z16fill_status_infoiR11status_info+0x3ec) [0xab585c]: fill_status_info(int, status_info&) /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_ZN14TilesFramework12_send_playerEb+0x1657) [0xb94557]: TilesFramework::_send_player(bool) /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_ZN14TilesFramework6redrawEv+0x87) [0xb959e7]: TilesFramework::redraw() /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_ZN14TilesFramework17update_input_modeE10mouse_mode+0x13) [0xb95aa3]: TilesFramework::update_input_mode(mouse_mode) /usr/games/crawl-0.22() [0x88bc01] /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_ZN14message_window4moreEbb+0x105) [0x893315]: message_window::more(bool, bool) /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_ZN14message_window8add_itemESs11prefix_typeb+0x3aa) [0x89391a]: message_window::add_item(std::string, prefix_type, bool) /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_ZN13message_store9store_msgERK12message_line+0xb1) [0x893d61]: message_store::store_msg(message_line const&) /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_ZN13message_store10flush_prevEv+0xe3) [0x893e73]: message_store::flush_prev() /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_ZN13message_store3addERK12message_line+0x36) [0x895156]: message_store::add(message_line const&) /usr/games/crawl-0.22() [0x88eced] /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_Z16do_message_print16msg_channel_typeibbPKcP13__va_list_tag+0xb3) [0x88f2b3]: do_message_print(msg_channel_type, int, bool, bool, char const*, __va_list_tag*) /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_Z4mprf16msg_channel_typePKcz+0x9d) [0x88f64d]: mprf(msg_channel_type, char const*, ...) /usr/games/crawl-0.22() [0x9bc21e] /usr/games/crawl-0.22() [0x9bc9ff] /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_Z13player_reactsv+0xd6) [0x9bdad6]: player_reacts() /usr/games/crawl-0.22(_Z12world_reactsv+0x4cd) [0xc0e4bd]: world_reacts() /usr/games/crawl-0.22() [0xc148b6] /usr/games/crawl-0.22(main+0x645) [0xc18865]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc43488e7ed]: /usr/games/crawl-0.22() [0x55e719] Trying to run gdb. GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.04-0ubuntu2.1) 7.4-2012.04 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: . [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". 0x00007fc434c3d84e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #0 0x00007fc434c3d84e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x00000000005ff76b in call_gdb (file=0x7fc434c28180) at gdb = attach_cmd = "attach 24704\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" #2 0x0000000000606d79 in do_crash_dump () at dir = "/dgldir/morgue/Eloro/" signal_info = "Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted" cause_msg = "ASSERT((duration[DUR_MESMERISED] > 0) == !beholders.empty()) in '' at line 65 failed." file = 0x7fc434c28180 t = 1547507921 name = "/dgldir/morgue/Eloro/crash-Eloro-20190114-231841.txt", '\000' #3 0x00000000005ff33c in crash_signal_handler (sig_num=6) at No locals. #4 No symbol table info available. #5 0x00007fc434c3db7b in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #6 0x00000000006063c9 in _BreakStrToDebugger (mesg=mesg@entry=0x7ffe659985a0 "ASSERT((duration[DUR_MESMERISED] > 0) == !beholders.empty()) in '' at line 65 failed.", assert=) at No locals. #7 0x0000000000606691 in AssertFailed (expr=0xc95128 "(duration[DUR_MESMERISED] > 0) == !beholders.empty()", file=0xc24c2c "", line=65, text=0x0) at mesg = "ASSERT((duration[DUR_MESMERISED] > 0) == !beholders.empty()) in '' at line 65 failed.\000\000\377\377\377\377", '\000' , "_\206\231e\376\177\000\000\240_\302\064\304\177\000\000\377\377\377\377", '\000' "\355, \377\377\377\000\000\000\000\240_\302\064\304\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000x\253w\003", '\000' "\260, \206\231e\376\177\000\000\340\343\001\001\000\000\000\000\000\344\001\001\000\000\000\000І\231e\376\177\000\000І\231e\376\177\000\000\340\343\001\001\000\000\000\000u(\302\000\000\000\000\000І\231e\376\177\000\000\360"... args = {{gp_offset = 1704560369, fp_offset = 32766, overflow_arg_area = 0x7ffe65998eef, reg_save_area = 0x7ffe659986f0}} fileName = #8 0x00000000005c424b in player::beheld (this=) at No locals. #9 0x0000000000ab585c in fill_status_info (status=, inf=...) at found = false #10 0x0000000000b94557 in _update_statuses (c=...) at status = changed = counter = inf = {light_colour = 0, light_text = "", short_text = "", long_text = ""} #11 TilesFramework::_send_player (this=this@entry=0x101e3e0, force_full=force_full@entry=false) at c = @0x11ea0f8: {name = "Eloro", job_title = "the Peltast", wizard = false, species = "Gargoyle", god = "Qazlal", under_penance = false, piety_rank = 5 '\005', form = 0 '\000', hp = 112, hp_max = 112, real_hp_max = 112, poison_survival = 112, mp = 31, mp_max = 32, contam = 0, noise = -1, adjusted_noise = 918, armour_class = 35, evasion = 15, shield_class = 24, strength = 32 ' ', strength_max = 32 ' ', intel = 10 '\n', intel_max = 10 '\n', dex = 13 '\r', dex_max = 13 '\r', experience_level = 18, exp_progress = 97 'a', gold = 3170, zot_points = 0, elapsed_time = 358997, num_turns = 38766, lives = 0, deaths = 0, place = "Snake Pit", depth = 4, position = {x = 29, y = 8}, status = std::vector of length 3, capacity 8 = {{light_colour = 9, light_text = "Shroud", short_text = "shrouded", long_text = "You are protected by a distorting shroud."}, {light_colour = 4, light_text = "Mesm", short_text = "mesmerised", long_text = "You are mesmerised."}, {light_colour = 15, light_text = "RMsl", short_text = "repel missiles", long_text = "You repel missiles."}}, inv = {mData = {{base_type = OBJ_WEAPONS, sub_type = 1 '\001', {plus = 3, mon_type = MONS_IGUANA, skill = SK_AXES, charges = 3, initial_cards = 3, net_durability = 3, tithe_state = 3}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 7, unrand_idx = 7, deck_rarity = 7, subtype_rnd = 7, brand = 7, freshness = 7}, rnd = 39 '\'', quantity = 1, flags = 131087, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 0, slot = 97, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_WEAPONS, sub_type = 1 '\001', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 2, unrand_idx = 2, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_RARE, subtype_rnd = 2, brand = 2, freshness = 2}, rnd = 202 '\312', quantity = 1, flags = 65551, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 1, slot = 98, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_WEAPONS, sub_type = 19 '\023', {plus = 2, mon_type = MONS_LEOPARD_GECKO, skill = SK_LONG_BLADES, charges = 2, initial_cards = 2, net_durability = 2, tithe_state = 2}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 1, unrand_idx = 1, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_COMMON, subtype_rnd = 1, brand = 1, freshness = 1}, rnd = 222 '\336', quantity = 1, flags = 131087, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 2, slot = 99, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_POTIONS, sub_type = 3 '\003', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 94, unrand_idx = 94, deck_rarity = 94, subtype_rnd = 94, brand = 94, freshness = 94}, rnd = 148 '\224', quantity = 5, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 3, slot = 100, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = -102, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_ARMOUR, sub_type = 10 '\n', {plus = 2, mon_type = MONS_LEOPARD_GECKO, skill = SK_LONG_BLADES, charges = 2, initial_cards = 2, net_durability = 2, tithe_state = 2}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 0, unrand_idx = 0, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_RANDOM, subtype_rnd = 0, brand = 0, freshness = 0}, rnd = 215 '\327', quantity = 1, flags = 65551, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 4, slot = 101, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_WEAPONS, sub_type = 1 '\001', {plus = 1, mon_type = MONS_FRILLED_LIZARD, skill = SK_SHORT_BLADES, charges = 1, initial_cards = 1, net_durability = 1, tithe_state = 1}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 4, unrand_idx = 4, deck_rarity = 4, subtype_rnd = 4, brand = 4, freshness = 4}, rnd = 228 '\344', quantity = 1, flags = 65551, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 5, slot = 102, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_ARMOUR, sub_type = 4 '\004', {plus = 2, mon_type = MONS_LEOPARD_GECKO, skill = SK_LONG_BLADES, charges = 2, initial_cards = 2, net_durability = 2, tithe_state = 2}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 2, unrand_idx = 2, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_RARE, subtype_rnd = 2, brand = 2, freshness = 2}, rnd = 63 '?', quantity = 1, flags = 262159, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 6, slot = 103, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_SCROLLS, sub_type = 4 '\004', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 364815, unrand_idx = 364815, deck_rarity = 364815, subtype_rnd = 364815, brand = 364815, freshness = 364815}, rnd = 65 'A', quantity = 18, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 7, slot = 104, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_JEWELLERY, sub_type = 21 '\025', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 6, unrand_idx = 6, deck_rarity = 6, subtype_rnd = 6, brand = 6, freshness = 6}, rnd = 126 '~', quantity = 1, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 8, slot = 105, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_POTIONS, sub_type = 12 '\f', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 15, unrand_idx = 15, deck_rarity = 15, subtype_rnd = 15, brand = 15, freshness = 15}, rnd = 61 '=', quantity = 4, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 9, slot = 106, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_WANDS, sub_type = 0 '\000', {plus = 11, mon_type = MONS_BLACK_MAMBA, skill = SK_ARMOUR, charges = 11, initial_cards = 11, net_durability = 11, tithe_state = 11}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 187, unrand_idx = 187, deck_rarity = 187, subtype_rnd = 187, brand = 187, freshness = 187}, rnd = 25 '\031', quantity = 1, flags = 6, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 10, slot = 107, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_SCROLLS, sub_type = 1 '\001', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 334627, unrand_idx = 334627, deck_rarity = 334627, subtype_rnd = 334627, brand = 334627, freshness = 334627}, rnd = 130 '\202', quantity = 12, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 11, slot = 108, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_ARMOUR, sub_type = 9 '\t', {plus = 2, mon_type = MONS_LEOPARD_GECKO, skill = SK_LONG_BLADES, charges = 2, initial_cards = 2, net_durability = 2, tithe_state = 2}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 0, unrand_idx = 0, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_RANDOM, subtype_rnd = 0, brand = 0, freshness = 0}, rnd = 186 '\272', quantity = 1, flags = 65551, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 12, slot = 109, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_POTIONS, sub_type = 29 '\035', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 2, unrand_idx = 2, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_RARE, subtype_rnd = 2, brand = 2, freshness = 2}, rnd = 111 'o', quantity = 2, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 13, slot = 110, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_ARMOUR, sub_type = 13 '\r', {plus = 2, mon_type = MONS_LEOPARD_GECKO, skill = SK_LONG_BLADES, charges = 2, initial_cards = 2, net_durability = 2, tithe_state = 2}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 16, unrand_idx = 16, deck_rarity = 16, subtype_rnd = 16, brand = 16, freshness = 16}, rnd = 76 'L', quantity = 1, flags = 262159, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 14, slot = 111, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_SCROLLS, sub_type = 0 '\000', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 335634, unrand_idx = 335634, deck_rarity = 335634, subtype_rnd = 335634, brand = 335634, freshness = 335634}, rnd = 232 '\350', quantity = 23, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 15, slot = 112, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_WANDS, sub_type = 19 '\023', {plus = 49, mon_type = MONS_SPINY_FROG, skill = 49, charges = 49, initial_cards = 49, net_durability = 49, tithe_state = 49}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 20, unrand_idx = 20, deck_rarity = 20, subtype_rnd = 20, brand = 20, freshness = 20}, rnd = 70 'F', quantity = 1, flags = 6, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 16, slot = 113, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_SCROLLS, sub_type = 23 '\027', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 338827, unrand_idx = 338827, deck_rarity = 338827, subtype_rnd = 338827, brand = 338827, freshness = 338827}, rnd = 150 '\226', quantity = 1, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 17, slot = 114, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_ARMOUR, sub_type = 0 '\000', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 0, unrand_idx = 0, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_RANDOM, subtype_rnd = 0, brand = 0, freshness = 0}, rnd = 2 '\002', quantity = 1, flags = 262144, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 18, slot = 115, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_POTIONS, sub_type = 20 '\024', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 14, unrand_idx = 14, deck_rarity = 14, subtype_rnd = 14, brand = 14, freshness = 14}, rnd = 128 '\200', quantity = 7, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 19, slot = 116, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_WANDS, sub_type = 16 '\020', {plus = 11, mon_type = MONS_BLACK_MAMBA, skill = SK_ARMOUR, charges = 11, initial_cards = 11, net_durability = 11, tithe_state = 11}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 112, unrand_idx = 112, deck_rarity = 112, subtype_rnd = 112, brand = 112, freshness = 112}, rnd = 196 '\304', quantity = 1, flags = 6, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 20, slot = 117, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_POTIONS, sub_type = 0 '\000', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 73, unrand_idx = 73, deck_rarity = 73, subtype_rnd = 73, brand = 73, freshness = 73}, rnd = 209 '\321', quantity = 13, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 21, slot = 118, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_FOOD, sub_type = 0 '\000', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 0, unrand_idx = 0, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_RANDOM, subtype_rnd = 0, brand = 0, freshness = 0}, rnd = 152 '\230', quantity = 53, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 22, slot = 119, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = -102, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_POTIONS, sub_type = 2 '\002', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 3, unrand_idx = 3, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_LEGENDARY, subtype_rnd = 3, brand = 3, freshness = 3}, rnd = 80 'P', quantity = 5, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 23, slot = 120, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_ARMOUR, sub_type = 20 '\024', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 0, unrand_idx = 0, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_RANDOM, subtype_rnd = 0, brand = 0, freshness = 0}, rnd = 123 '{', quantity = 1, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 24, slot = 121, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_SCROLLS, sub_type = 14 '\016', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 339752, unrand_idx = 339752, deck_rarity = 339752, subtype_rnd = 339752, brand = 339752, freshness = 339752}, rnd = 222 '\336', quantity = 6, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 25, slot = 122, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_JEWELLERY, sub_type = 38 '&', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 8, unrand_idx = 8, deck_rarity = 8, subtype_rnd = 8, brand = 8, freshness = 8}, rnd = 103 'g', quantity = 1, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 26, slot = 65, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_JEWELLERY, sub_type = 44 ',', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 9, unrand_idx = 9, deck_rarity = 9, subtype_rnd = 9, brand = 9, freshness = 9}, rnd = 9 '\t', quantity = 1, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 27, slot = 66, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_WANDS, sub_type = 11 '\v', {plus = 41, mon_type = MONS_CATOBLEPAS, skill = 41, charges = 41, initial_cards = 41, net_durability = 41, tithe_state = 41}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 4, unrand_idx = 4, deck_rarity = 4, subtype_rnd = 4, brand = 4, freshness = 4}, rnd = 129 '\201', quantity = 1, flags = 6, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 28, slot = 67, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_MISCELLANY, sub_type = 24 '\030', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 0, unrand_idx = 0, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_RANDOM, subtype_rnd = 0, brand = 0, freshness = 0}, rnd = 242 '\362', quantity = 1, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 29, slot = 68, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_ARMOUR, sub_type = 4 '\004', {plus = 2, mon_type = MONS_LEOPARD_GECKO, skill = SK_LONG_BLADES, charges = 2, initial_cards = 2, net_durability = 2, tithe_state = 2}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 12, unrand_idx = 12, deck_rarity = 12, subtype_rnd = 12, brand = 12, freshness = 12}, rnd = 238 '\356', quantity = 1, flags = 262159, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 30, slot = 69, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_POTIONS, sub_type = 26 '\032', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 111, unrand_idx = 111, deck_rarity = 111, subtype_rnd = 111, brand = 111, freshness = 111}, rnd = 101 'e', quantity = 3, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 31, slot = 70, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_ARMOUR, sub_type = 8 '\b', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 5, unrand_idx = 5, deck_rarity = 5, subtype_rnd = 5, brand = 5, freshness = 5}, rnd = 161 '\241', quantity = 1, flags = 65551, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 32, slot = 71, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_WANDS, sub_type = 12 '\f', {plus = 43, mon_type = MONS_DIRE_ELEPHANT, skill = 43, charges = 43, initial_cards = 43, net_durability = 43, tithe_state = 43}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 1, unrand_idx = 1, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_COMMON, subtype_rnd = 1, brand = 1, freshness = 1}, rnd = 78 'N', quantity = 1, flags = 6, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 33, slot = 72, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_POTIONS, sub_type = 23 '\027', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 5, unrand_idx = 5, deck_rarity = 5, subtype_rnd = 5, brand = 5, freshness = 5}, rnd = 48 '0', quantity = 1, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 34, slot = 73, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_ARMOUR, sub_type = 11 '\v', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 0, unrand_idx = 0, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_RANDOM, subtype_rnd = 0, brand = 0, freshness = 0}, rnd = 108 'l', quantity = 1, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 35, slot = 74, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_WANDS, sub_type = 6 '\006', {plus = 39, mon_type = MONS_YAK, skill = 39, charges = 39, initial_cards = 39, net_durability = 39, tithe_state = 39}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 6, unrand_idx = 6, deck_rarity = 6, subtype_rnd = 6, brand = 6, freshness = 6}, rnd = 255 '\377', quantity = 1, flags = 6, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 36, slot = 75, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_JEWELLERY, sub_type = 11 '\v', {plus = 5, mon_type = MONS_BASILISK, skill = SK_POLEARMS, charges = 5, initial_cards = 5, net_durability = 5, tithe_state = 5}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 2, unrand_idx = 2, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_RARE, subtype_rnd = 2, brand = 2, freshness = 2}, rnd = 57 '9', quantity = 1, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 37, slot = 76, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_JEWELLERY, sub_type = 2 '\002', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 14, unrand_idx = 14, deck_rarity = 14, subtype_rnd = 14, brand = 14, freshness = 14}, rnd = 21 '\025', quantity = 1, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 38, slot = 77, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_WANDS, sub_type = 18 '\022', {plus = 23, mon_type = MONS_WAR_DOG, skill = SK_NECROMANCY, charges = 23, initial_cards = 23, net_durability = 23, tithe_state = 23}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 15, unrand_idx = 15, deck_rarity = 15, subtype_rnd = 15, brand = 15, freshness = 15}, rnd = 119 'w', quantity = 1, flags = 6, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 39, slot = 78, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_JEWELLERY, sub_type = 2 '\002', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 14, unrand_idx = 14, deck_rarity = 14, subtype_rnd = 14, brand = 14, freshness = 14}, rnd = 253 '\375', quantity = 1, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 40, slot = 79, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_JEWELLERY, sub_type = 22 '\026', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 26, unrand_idx = 26, deck_rarity = 26, subtype_rnd = 26, brand = 26, freshness = 26}, rnd = 131 '\203', quantity = 1, flags = 4111, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 41, slot = 80, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 4 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_SCROLLS, sub_type = 2 '\002', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 343629, unrand_idx = 343629, deck_rarity = 343629, subtype_rnd = 343629, brand = 343629, freshness = 343629}, rnd = 178 '\262', quantity = 1, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 42, slot = 81, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_POTIONS, sub_type = 5 '\005', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 45, unrand_idx = 45, deck_rarity = 45, subtype_rnd = 45, brand = 45, freshness = 45}, rnd = 255 '\377', quantity = 2, flags = 15, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 43, slot = 82, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_SCROLLS, sub_type = 13 '\r', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 331633, unrand_idx = 331633, deck_rarity = 331633, subtype_rnd = 331633, brand = 331633, freshness = 331633}, rnd = 43 '+', quantity = 1, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 44, slot = 83, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_WANDS, sub_type = 17 '\021', {plus = 6, mon_type = MONS_BAT, skill = SK_STAVES, charges = 6, initial_cards = 6, net_durability = 6, tithe_state = 6}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 3, unrand_idx = 3, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_LEGENDARY, subtype_rnd = 3, brand = 3, freshness = 3}, rnd = 101 'e', quantity = 1, flags = 6, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 45, slot = 84, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_WEAPONS, sub_type = 1 '\001', {plus = 2, mon_type = MONS_LEOPARD_GECKO, skill = SK_LONG_BLADES, charges = 2, initial_cards = 2, net_durability = 2, tithe_state = 2}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 1, unrand_idx = 1, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_COMMON, subtype_rnd = 1, brand = 1, freshness = 1}, rnd = 84 'T', quantity = 1, flags = 65551, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 46, slot = 85, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_MISCELLANY, sub_type = 21 '\025', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 0, unrand_idx = 0, deck_rarity = DECK_RARITY_RANDOM, subtype_rnd = 0, brand = 0, freshness = 0}, rnd = 195 '\303', quantity = 1, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 47, slot = 86, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_ARMOUR, sub_type = 6 '\006', {plus = 2, mon_type = MONS_LEOPARD_GECKO, skill = SK_LONG_BLADES, charges = 2, initial_cards = 2, net_durability = 2, tithe_state = 2}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 229, unrand_idx = 229, deck_rarity = 229, subtype_rnd = 229, brand = 229, freshness = 229}, rnd = 70 'F', quantity = 1, flags = 8207, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 48, slot = 87, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 3 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_POTIONS, sub_type = 1 '\001', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 11, unrand_idx = 11, deck_rarity = 11, subtype_rnd = 11, brand = 11, freshness = 11}, rnd = 188 '\274', quantity = 1, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 49, slot = 88, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_SCROLLS, sub_type = 6 '\006', {plus = 0, mon_type = MONS_PROGRAM_BUG, skill = SK_FIGHTING, charges = 0, initial_cards = 0, net_durability = 0, tithe_state = 0}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 351249, unrand_idx = 351249, deck_rarity = 351249, subtype_rnd = 351249, brand = 351249, freshness = 351249}, rnd = 252 '\374', quantity = 1, flags = 2, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 50, slot = 89, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}, {base_type = OBJ_WANDS, sub_type = 15 '\017', {plus = 10, mon_type = MONS_WATER_MOCCASIN, skill = SK_THROWING, charges = 10, initial_cards = 10, net_durability = 10, tithe_state = 10}, {plus2 = 0, used_count = 0, net_placed = 0, skill_points = 0, stash_freshness = 0}, {special = 36, unrand_idx = 36, deck_rarity = 36, subtype_rnd = 36, brand = 36, freshness = 36}, rnd = 124 '|', quantity = 1, flags = 6, pos = {x = -1, y = -1}, link = 51, slot = 90, orig_place = {branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON, depth = -1}, orig_monnum = 0, inscription = "", props = {, std::allocator >, CrawlStoreValue, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, CrawlStoreValue> > >> = std::map with 0 elements, }}}}, equip = {mData = "\002\060 \004#\016\030)%\033\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377"}, quiver_item = -1 '\377', unarmed_attack = "Nothing wielded", unarmed_attack_colour = 7 '\a', quiver_available = true} max_max_hp = place = short_name = "Snake Pit" god = "Qazlal" prank = pos = #12 0x0000000000b959e7 in TilesFramework::redraw (this=this@entry=0x101e3e0) at No locals. #13 0x0000000000b95aa3 in TilesFramework::update_input_mode (this=0x101e3e0, mode=MOUSE_MODE_MORE) at No locals. #14 0x000000000088bc01 in readkey_more (user_forced=user_forced@entry=false) at keypress = 0 unwind_more = {val = @0xfc51e1, oldval = } mc = {m_previous_mode = MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL, static ms_current_mode = MOUSE_MODE_MORE} #15 0x0000000000893315 in message_window::more (this=, full=, user=) at last_row = 7 #16 0x000000000089391a in make_space (n=1, this=0xfceea0) at space = 0 s = #17 message_window::add_item (this=, text=..., first_col=none, temporary=) at line = {ops = std::vector of length 29101, capacity 24156 = {{type = 1936532091, x = 574235239, y = 2036427888, relative = 101, text = "\210\377\315\001"}, {type = FSOP_COLOUR, x = 0, y = 97, relative = false, text = }, {type = 57, x = 0, y = 0, relative = 196, text = }, {type = 1702130529, x = 1919102834, y = 762083169, relative = 48, text = }, {type = 1701064564, x = 1969368947, y = 1701080169, relative = 114, text = }, {type = 50331763, x = 0, y = 81, relative = false, text = /build/buildd/gdb-7.4-2012.04/gdb/utils.c:1246: internal-error: virtual memory exhausted: can't allocate 1704561304 bytes. A problem internal to GDB has been detected, further debugging may prove unreliable. Quit this debugging session? (y or n) [answered Y; input not from terminal] /build/buildd/gdb-7.4-2012.04/gdb/utils.c:1246: internal-error: virtual memory exhausted: can't allocate 1704561304 bytes. A problem internal to GDB has been detected, further debugging may prove unreliable. Create a core file of GDB? (y or n) [answered Y; input not from terminal]