ERROR in '' at line 985: hell exit without return destination Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.24-a0-652-g46ecf6d Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: normal Tiles: online Seed: 2365392383740407440, deterministic pregen: 1 Version history: Game started: 0.24-a0-619-gb7544fd 0.24-a0-631-g346d576 0.24-a0-640-ge7cd8ce 0.24-a0-652-g46ecf6d Command line: /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75 -name CrypticCrinoid -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/CrypticCrinoid.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/CrypticCrinoid.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/CrypticCrinoid/ -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/CrypticCrinoid:2019-09-26.16:50:31.sock -await-connection RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted Obtained 33 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILEi+0x23) [0x60c083]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*, int) /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x419) [0x613c99]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x9c) [0x60c30c]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb1704160b0]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb1707b0b7b]: /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75() [0x613269] /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75() [0x613728] /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_Z17stair_destination20dungeon_feature_typeRKSsb+0x3a8) [0xac1958]: stair_destination(dungeon_feature_type, std::string const&, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_Z17stair_destination9coord_defb+0x67) [0xac1a67]: stair_destination(coord_def, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_ZN8level_id17get_next_level_idERK9coord_def+0x12a) [0xb32b1a]: level_id::get_next_level_id(coord_def const&) /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_ZN9LevelInfo10get_stairsERSt6vectorI9coord_defSaIS1_EE+0xdb) [0xb3845b]: LevelInfo::get_stairs(std::vector >&) /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_ZN9LevelInfo6updateEv+0x4c) [0xb3e7ac]: LevelInfo::update() /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75() [0x6d9a57] /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_ZN15level_excursion5go_toERK8level_id+0x2e) [0x6e323e]: level_excursion::go_to(level_id const&) /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_ZN15level_excursionD1Ev+0x1c) [0x6e32fc]: level_excursion::~level_excursion() /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_ZN11LevelLayoutC1E8level_idjRK16ProceduralLayout+0x3dd) [0x6734ad]: LevelLayout::LevelLayout(level_id, unsigned int, ProceduralLayout const&) /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75() [0x57b402] /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75() [0x57b902] /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75() [0x57bcf7] /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75() [0x57c4b7] /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_Z14generate_abyssv+0x92) [0x57eaf2]: generate_abyss() /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75() [0x6ac560] /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_Z7builderb+0x2a2) [0x6add22]: builder(bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_Z14generate_levelRK8level_id+0x195) [0x6e0235]: generate_level(level_id const&) /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_Z14pregen_dungeonRK8level_id+0x526) [0x6e0bc6]: pregen_dungeon(level_id const&) /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_Z10load_level20dungeon_feature_type14load_mode_typeRK8level_id+0x5f3) [0x6e1313]: load_level(dungeon_feature_type, load_mode_type, level_id const&) /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_Z16floor_transition20dungeon_feature_typeS_8level_idbbbb+0x362) [0xac24c2]: floor_transition(dungeon_feature_type, dungeon_feature_type, level_id, bool, bool, bool, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_Z8banishedRKSsi+0x23e) [0x57cd3e]: banished(std::string const&, int) /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(_Z12world_reactsv+0xcc) [0xc3a04c]: world_reacts() /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75() [0xc3df65] /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75(main+0x54d) [0xc4235d]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb1704017ed]: /usr/games/crawl-git-46ecf6da75() [0x564bd9] Trying to run gdb. GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.04-0ubuntu2.1) 7.4-2012.04 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: . [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". 0x00007fb1707b084e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ #0 0x00007fb1707b084e in waitpid () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x000000000060c73b in call_gdb (file=0x7fb17079b180) at gdb = attach_cmd = "attach 577\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" #2 0x0000000000613cb9 in do_crash_dump () at dir = "/dgldir/morgue/CrypticCrinoid/" signal_info = "Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted" cause_msg = "ERROR in '' at line 985: hell exit without return destination" file = 0x7fb17079b180 t = 1569518412 name = "/dgldir/morgue/CrypticCrinoid/crash-CrypticCrinoid-20190926-172012.txt", '\000' #3 0x000000000060c30c in crash_signal_handler (sig_num=6) at No locals. #4 No symbol table info available. #5 0x00007fb1707b0b7b in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No symbol table info available. #6 0x0000000000613269 in _BreakStrToDebugger (mesg=mesg@entry=0x7ffcaa1a6960 "ERROR in '' at line 985: hell exit without return destination", assert=) at No locals. #7 0x0000000000613728 in die (file=0xc77ecc "", line=985, format=) at tmp = "hell exit without return destination", '\000' mesg = "ERROR in '' at line 985: hell exit without return destination", '\000' args = {{gp_offset = 24, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7ffcaa1a7250, reg_save_area = 0x7ffcaa1a7180}} #8 0x0000000000ac1958 in stair_destination (feat=DNGN_EXIT_HELL, dst="", for_real=for_real@entry=false) at No locals. #9 0x0000000000ac1a67 in stair_destination (pos=..., for_real=false) at No locals. #10 0x0000000000b32b1a in level_id::get_next_level_id (pos=...) at gridc = 62 id = {branch = , depth = 1} #11 0x0000000000b3845b in _is_branch_stair (pos=...) at No locals. #12 LevelInfo::get_stairs (st=std::vector of length 0, capacity 0) at feat = DNGN_EXIT_HELL ri = {> = {}, current = {x = 40, y = 35}, topleft = {x = 1, y = 1}, bottomright = {x = 78, y = 68}} #13 0x0000000000b3e7ac in LevelInfo::update (this=0x2ee9478) at stair_positions = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0 slime_wall_neighbours = {did_compute_mask = false} travel_safety_calc = {did_compute = false} transporter_positions = std::vector of length -2301895, capacity 17590392991419 = {{x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 18415256, y = 0}, {x = 1897778624, y = 32689}, {x = 1897778664, y = 32689}, {x = 18415296, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 1897773984, y = 32689}, {x = 1895224704, y = 32689}, {x = 1895224768, y = 32689}, {x = 88, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 1897778136, y = 32689}, {x = 1895349232, y = 32689}, {x = 1895350320, y = 32689}, {x = -88, y = -1}, {x = -88, y = -1}, {x = 1897778136, y = 32689}, {x = 1895349424, y = 32689}, {x = 1895350528, y = 32689}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 18418880, y = 0}, {x = 1895380384, y = 32689}, {x = 1895380448, y = 32689}, {x = 5653568, y = 0}, {x = 5653584, y = 0}, {x = 5653600, y = 0}, {x = 5653616, y = 0}, {x = 5653632, y = 0}, {x = 5653648, y = 0}, {x = 5653664, y = 0}, {x = 5653680, y = 0}, {x = 5653696, y = 0}, {x = 5653712, y = 0}, {x = 5653728, y = 0}, {x = 1895380224, y = 32689}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 1897778088, y = 32689}, {x = 5706800, y = 0}, {x = 5706912, y = 0}, {x = 5653568, y = 0}, {x = 1895352224, y = 32689}, {x = 1895353376, y = 32689}, {x = 1895353760, y = 32689}, {x = 5653632, y = 0}, {x = 1895347776, y = 32689}, {x = 5653664, y = 0}, {x = 1895347824, y = 32689}, {x = 5653696, y = 0}, {x = 1895347888, y = 32689}, {x = 5653728, y = 0}, {x = 1895352480, y = 32689}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 1897762320, y = 32689}, {x = 1895012336, y = 32689}, {x = 1895012368, y = 32689}, {x = 1895022304, y = 32689}, {x = 1895022304, y = 32689}, {x = 1895012480, y = 32689}, {x = 1895012224, y = 32689}, {x = 1895012400, y = 32689}, {x = 1895012592, y = 32689}, {x = 1895012320, y = 32689}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 1897765360, y = 32689}, {x = 1895021440, y = 32689}, {x = 1895021472, y = 32689}, {x = 1895021424, y = 32689}, {x = 1895022304, y = 32689}, {x = 1895020960, y = 32689}, {x = 1895022320, y = 32689}, {x = 1895021504, y = 32689}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 1897765456, y = 32689}, {x = 1895021696, y = 32689}, {x = 1895021728, y = 32689}, {x = 1895022304, y = 32689}, {x = 1895022304, y = 32689}, {x = 1895012480, y = 32689}, {x = 1895012224, y = 32689}, {x = 1895022208, y = 32689}, {x = 1895021760, y = 32689}, {x = 1895022080, y = 32689}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 1897762800, y = 32689}, {x = 1895019664, y = 32689}, {x = 1895019696, y = 32689}, {x = 1895022304, y = 32689}, {x = 1895019648, y = 32689}, {x = 1895022368, y = 32689}, {x = 1895022320, y = 32689}, {x = 18415792, y = 0}, {x = 1895487072, y = 32689}, {x = 18416064, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 1897765648, y = 32689}, {x = 1895024032, y = 32689}, {x = 1895024064, y = 32689}, {x = 1895022304, y = 32689}, {x = 1895022304, y = 32689}, {x = 1895012480, y = 32689}, {x = 1895012224, y = 32689}, {x = 1895026112, y = 32689}, {x = 1895024336, y = 32689}, {x = 1895024096, y = 32689}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 18415600, y = 0}, {x = 1895478416, y = 32689}, {x = 1887023488, y = 32689}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 1887023712, y = 32689}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 2, y = 0}, {x = 3, y = 0}, {x = 5, y = 0}, {x = 7, y = 0}, {x = 11, y = 0}, {x = 13, y = 0}, {x = 17, y = 0}, {x = 19, y = 0}, {x = 23, y = 0}, {x = 29, y = 0}, {x = 31, y = 0}, {x = 37, y = 0}, {x = 41, y = 0}, {x = 43, y = 0}, {x = 47, y = 0}, {x = 53, y = 0}, {x = 59, y = 0}, {x = 61, y = 0}, {x = 67, y = 0}, {x = 71, y = 0}, {x = 73, y = 0}, {x = 79, y = 0}, {x = 83, y = 0}, {x = 89, y = 0}, {x = 97, y = 0}, {x = 103, y = 0}, {x = 109, y = 0}, {x = 113, y = 0}, {x = 127, y = 0}, {x = 137, y = 0}, {x = 139, y = 0}, {x = 149, y = 0}, {x = 157, y = 0}, {x = 167, y = 0}, {x = 179, y = 0}, {x = 193, y = 0}, {x = 199, y = 0}, {x = 211, y = 0}, {x = 227, y = 0}, {x = 241, y = 0}, {x = 257, y = 0}, {x = 277, y = 0}, {x = 293, y = 0}, {x = 313, y = 0}, {x = 337, y = 0}, {x = 359, y = 0}, {x = 383, y = 0}, {x = 409, y = 0}, {x = 439, y = 0}, {x = 467, y = 0}, {x = 503, y = 0}, {x = 541, y = 0}, {x = 577, y = 0}, {x = 619, y = 0}, {x = 661, y = 0}, {x = 709, y = 0}, {x = 761, y = 0}, {x = 823, y = 0}, {x = 887, y = 0}, {x = 953, y = 0}, {x = 1031, y = 0}, {x = 1109, y = 0}, {x = 1193, y = 0}, {x = 1289, y = 0}, {x = 1381, y = 0}, {x = 1493, y = 0}, {x = 1613, y = 0}, {x = 1741, y = 0}, {x = 1879, y = 0}, {x = 2029, y = 0}, {x = 2179, y = 0}, {x = 2357, y = 0}, {x = 2549, y = 0}, {x = 2753, y = 0}, {x = 2971, y = 0}, {x = 3209, y = 0}, {x = 3469, y = 0}, {x = 3739, y = 0}, {x = 4027, y = 0}...} #14 0x00000000006d9a57 in _save_level (lid=...) at No locals. #15 0x00000000006e323e in level_excursion::go_to (this=0x7ffcaa1a7470, next=...) at No locals. #16 0x00000000006e32fc in level_excursion::~level_excursion (this=, __in_chrg=) at No locals. #17 0x00000000006734ad in LevelLayout::LevelLayout (this=0x3552150, id=..., _seed=, _layout=...) at le = {original = {branch = BRANCH_ABYSS, depth = 2}, ever_changed_levels = true, allow_unvisited = false} #18 0x000000000057b402 in _abyss_grid (p=...) at lid = {branch = BRANCH_VESTIBULE, depth = 1} pt = {x = 126852248, y = 1303725423} sample = {c = {x = -1441106400, y = 32764}, ft = 12227081, cp = 0, m = MMT_NONE} #19 _update_abyss_terrain (p=..., abyss_genlevel_mask=..., morph=morph@entry=false) at rp = {x = 2, y = 2} currfeat = DNGN_UNSEEN feat = #20 0x000000000057b902 in _abyss_apply_terrain (abyss_genlevel_mask=..., morph=morph@entry=false, now=now@entry=false) at p = {x = 2, y = 2} abyss_coord = {x = 126852248, y = 1303725423} turned_to_floor = ri = {> = {}, current = {x = 2, y = 2}, topleft = {x = 2, y = 2}, bottomright = {x = 77, y = 67}} exit_chance = 6250 altars_wanted = 0 use_abyss_exit_map = true ii = exits_wanted = 0 used_queue = false delta = 3 #21 0x000000000057bcf7 in _generate_area (abyss_genlevel_mask=...) at placed_abyssal_rune = false #22 0x000000000057c4b7 in _abyss_generate_new_area () at abyss_genlevel_mask = {data = std::bitset = {[0] = 1, [1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1, [4] = 1, [5] = 1, [6] = 1, [7] = 1, [8] = 1, [9] = 1, [10] = 1, [11] = 1, [12] = 1, [13] = 1, [14] = 1, [15] = 1, [16] = 1, [17] = 1, [18] = 1, [19] = 1, [20] = 1, [21] = 1, [22] = 1, [23] = 1, [24] = 1, [25] = 1, [26] = 1, [27] = 1, [28] = 1, [29] = 1, [30] = 1, [31] = 1, [32] = 1, [33] = 1, [34] = 1, [35] = 1, [36] = 1, [37] = 1, [38] = 1, [39] = 1, [40] = 1, [41] = 1, [42] = 1, [43] = 1, [44] = 1, [45] = 1, [46] = 1, [47] = 1, [48] = 1, [49] = 1, [50] = 1, [51] = 1, [52] = 1, [53] = 1, [54] = 1, [55] = 1, [56] = 1, [57] = 1, [58] = 1, [59] = 1, [60] = 1, [61] = 1, [62] = 1, [63] = 1, [64] = 1, [65] = 1, [66] = 1, [67] = 1, [68] = 1, [69] = 1, [70] = 1, [71] = 1, [72] = 1, [73] = 1, [74] = 1, [75] = 1, [76] = 1, [77] = 1, [78] = 1, [79] = 1, [80] = 1, [81] = 1, [82] = 1, [83] = 1, [84] = 1, [85] = 1, [86] = 1, [87] = 1, [88] = 1, [89] = 1, [90] = 1, [91] = 1, [92] = 1, [93] = 1, [94] = 1, [95] = 1, [96] = 1, [97] = 1, [98] = 1, [99] = 1, [100] = 1, [101] = 1, [102] = 1, [103] = 1, [104] = 1, [105] = 1, [106] = 1, [107] = 1, [108] = 1, [109] = 1, [110] = 1, [111] = 1, [112] = 1, [113] = 1, [114] = 1, [115] = 1, [116] = 1, [117] = 1, [118] = 1, [119] = 1, [120] = 1, [121] = 1, [122] = 1, [123] = 1, [124] = 1, [125] = 1, [126] = 1, [127] = 1, [128] = 1, [129] = 1, [130] = 1, [131] = 1, [132] = 1, [133] = 1, [134] = 1, [135] = 1, [136] = 1, [137] = 1, [138] = 1, [139] = 1, [140] = 1, [141] = 1, [142] = 1, [143] = 1, [144] = 1, [145] = 1, [146] = 1, [147] = 1, [148] = 1, [149] = 1, [150] = 1, [151] = 1, [152] = 1, [153] = 1, [154] = 1, [155] = 1, [156] = 1, [157] = 1, [158] = 1, [159] = 1, [160] = 1, [161] = 1, [162] = 1, [163] = 1, [164] = 1, [165] = 1, [166] = 1, [167] = 1, [168] = 1, [169] = 1, [170] = 1, [171] = 1, [172] = 1, [173] = 1, [174] = 1, [175] = 1, [176] = 1, [177] = 1, [178] = 1, [179] = 1, [180] = 1, [181] = 1, [182] = 1, [183] = 1, [184] = 1, [185] = 1, [186] = 1, [187] = 1, [188] = 1, [189] = 1, [190] = 1, [191] = 1, [192] = 1, [193] = 1, [194] = 1, [195] = 1, [196] = 1, [197] = 1, [198] = 1, [199] = 1...}} #23 0x000000000057eaf2 in generate_abyss () at abyss_genlevel_mask = {data = std::bitset = {[64] = 1, [66] = 1, [68] = 1, [70] = 1, [72] = 1, [73] = 1, [74] = 1, [76] = 1, [78] = 1, [81] = 1, [82] = 1, [83] = 1, [85] = 1, [86] = 1, [133] = 1, [134] = 1, [136] = 1, [139] = 1, [140] = 1, [145] = 1, [147] = 1, [148] = 1, [149] = 1, [152] = 1, [153] = 1, [192] = 1, [194] = 1, [196] = 1, [197] = 1, [198] = 1, [202] = 1, [204] = 1, [205] = 1, [206] = 1, [209] = 1, [210] = 1, [211] = 1, [213] = 1, [214] = 1, [899] = 1, [901] = 1, [903] = 1, [904] = 1, [905] = 1, [907] = 1, [908] = 1, [910] = 1, [912] = 1, [915] = 1, [920] = 1, [1091] = 1, [1094] = 1, [1095] = 1, [1096] = 1, [1097] = 1, [1099] = 1, [1100] = 1, [1101] = 1, [1102] = 1, [1105] = 1, [1107] = 1, [1108] = 1, [1113] = 1, [1115] = 1, [1117] = 1, [1119] = 1, [1122] = 1, [1123] = 1, [1124] = 1, [1125] = 1, [1126] = 1, [1127] = 1, [1128] = 1, [1129] = 1, [1130] = 1, [1131] = 1, [1132] = 1, [1133] = 1, [1134] = 1, [1155] = 1, [1158] = 1, [1159] = 1, [1160] = 1, [1161] = 1, [1163] = 1, [1164] = 1, [1165] = 1, [1166] = 1, [1169] = 1, [1171] = 1, [1172] = 1, [1177] = 1, [1179] = 1, [1181] = 1, [1183] = 1, [1186] = 1, [1187] = 1, [1188] = 1, [1189] = 1, [1190] = 1, [1191] = 1, [1192] = 1, [1193] = 1, [1194] = 1, [1195] = 1, [1196] = 1, [1197] = 1, [1198] = 1, [1283] = 1, [1284] = 1, [1286] = 1, [1287] = 1, [1288] = 1, [1292] = 1, [1294] = 1, [1298] = 1, [1299] = 1, [1300] = 1, [1301] = 1, [1304] = 1, [1305] = 1, [1475] = 1, [1476] = 1, [1477] = 1, [1478] = 1, [1479] = 1, [1480] = 1, [1481] = 1, [1483] = 1, [1484] = 1, [1485] = 1, [1486] = 1, [1489] = 1, [1491] = 1, [1492] = 1, [1497] = 1, [1499] = 1, [1501] = 1, [1503] = 1, [1506] = 1, [1507] = 1, [1508] = 1, [1509] = 1, [1510] = 1, [1511] = 1, [1512] = 1, [1513] = 1, [1514] = 1, [1515] = 1, [1516] = 1, [1517] = 1, [1518] = 1, [1539] = 1, [1540] = 1, [1541] = 1, [1542] = 1, [1543] = 1, [1544] = 1, [1545] = 1, [1547] = 1, [1548] = 1, [1549] = 1, [1550] = 1, [1553] = 1, [1555] = 1, [1556] = 1, [1561] = 1, [1563] = 1, [1565] = 1, [1567] = 1, [1570] = 1, [1571] = 1, [1572] = 1, [1573] = 1, [1574] = 1, [1575] = 1, [1576] = 1, [1577] = 1, [1578] = 1, [1579] = 1, [1580] = 1, [1581] = 1, [1582] = 1, [1888] = 1, [1889] = 1, [1890] = 1, [1891] = 1, [1892] = 1, [1893] = 1, [1894] = 1, [1895] = 1, [1896] = 1, [1897] = 1, [1898] = 1, [1899] = 1, [1900] = 1, [1901] = 1, [1902] = 1, [1903] = 1, [1904] = 1...}} #24 0x00000000006ac560 in _builder_by_type () at No locals. #25 _build_dungeon_level () at place_vaults = false nvaults = #26 _build_level_vetoable (enable_random_maps=) at level_layout_type = #27 0x00000000006add22 in builder (enable_random_maps=true) at uniq_tags = std::set with 0 elements uniq_names = std::set with 0 elements levelgen_rng = {previous = rng::GAMEPLAY} tries = 49 saved_position = {val = , oldval = {x = 0, y = 0}} #28 0x00000000006e0235 in generate_level (l=...) at vault_list = level_vaults = level_name = "Abyss:2" depth = {val = , oldval = 2} saved_position = {val = , oldval = {x = 0, y = 0}} stair_taken = save_name = "" #29 0x00000000006e0bc6 in pregen_dungeon (stopping_point=...) at to_generate = std::vector of length 771174, capacity 6458230 = { at_end = #30 0x00000000006e1313 in load_level (stair_taken=DNGN_ENTER_ABYSS, load_mode=LOAD_ENTER_LEVEL, old_level=...) at level_name = "Abyss:2" make_changes = true popped = false hatch_name = "" just_created_level = return_pos = {x = 0, y = 0} dest_pos = {x = 51, y = 39} #31 0x0000000000ac24c2 in floor_transition (how=DNGN_ENTER_ABYSS, whence=DNGN_EXIT_DEPTHS, whither=..., forced=, going_up=, shaft=, update_travel_cache=true) at old_level = {branch = BRANCH_DEPTHS, depth = 1} collect_travel_data = stair_pos = {x = 51, y = 39} newlevel = #32 0x000000000057cd3e in banished (who="a wizard", power=) at what = "Cast into level 2 of the Abyss (a wizard)" #33 0x0000000000c3a04c in world_reacts () at No locals. #34 0x0000000000c3df65 in _input () at player_disabled = {was_disabled = false} #35 0x0000000000c4235d in _launch_game () at game_start = false ccon = {cstate = false, smartcstate = false} #36 _launch_game_loop () at game_ended = false #37 main (argc=, argv=) at No locals. Compilation info: <<<<<<<<<<< Compiled with GCC 4.7.3 Build platform: x86_64-linux-gnu Platform: x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_WEB -Wall -Wformat-security -Wundef -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-format-zero-length -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wno-parentheses -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Iutil -I. -isystem /usr/include/lua5.1 -Irltiles -g -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DREGEX_PCRE -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DDGAMELAUNCH -DSAVE_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-46ecf6da75/saves" -DSHARED_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves" -DDATA_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-46ecf6da75/data/" -DWEB_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-46ecf6da75/data/web/" -isystem /usr/include/ncursesw LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -fuse-ld=gold -O2 >>>>>>>>>>> Place info: branch = 15, depth = 1 Level id: Hell Currently generating level. Level build method = random_map_for_place, level layout type = , absdepth0 = 27 Level vaults: vestibule_of_hell_subvaulted [vestibule_dis_grunt_castle, vestibule_tar_grunt_deathgaze, vestibule_coc_grunt_go_with_the_floe, vestibule_geh_nicolae_lava_paths, vestibule_geryon_mu] Markers: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Marker #0, type 0 at (40, 35): feature (stone_stairs_up_i) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You kill the centaur! Trog accepts your kill. Items here: ( )) † a cursed +0 shortbow; a +0 shortbow; 31 arrows; a centaur corpse Items here: ( ) [ † an arrow; a +0 dagger; a +0 robe; a human corpse You barely miss the hungry ghost. Your plate armour prevents you from hitting the hungry ghost. The hungry ghost barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the hungry ghost! You slash the hungry ghost! Your headbutt misses the hungry ghost. The hungry ghost is severely damaged. The hungry ghost hits you. You are feeling very hungry. You slash the hungry ghost! You destroy the hungry ghost! Trog accepts your kill. Things that are here: a +0 shortbow; 12 arrows Items here: ( ) [ † an arrow; a +0 dagger; a +0 robe; a human corpse Items here: ( )) † a cursed +0 shortbow; a +0 shortbow; 31 arrows; a centaur corpse Things that are here: a +0 shortbow; 24 arrows Things that are here: a +0 shortbow; 19 arrows; a centaur corpse Things that are here: a +0 shortbow; 18 arrows HP restored. You butcher the centaur corpse. Q - 2 chunks of flesh Things that are here: a +0 shortbow; 19 arrows; a centaur skeleton Things that are here: a +0 shortbow; 19 arrows; a centaur skeleton Eating one of 2 chunks of flesh. You eat one of the 2 chunks of flesh. This raw flesh tastes terrible. Things that are here: a +0 shortbow; 18 arrows c - 43 rations (gained 1) You now have 648 gold pieces (gained 27). R - a wand of digging (3) You are feeling hungry. S - a scratched pearl ring As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. S - an uncursed ring of flight Eating a chunk of flesh. You eat the chunk of flesh. This raw flesh tastes terrible. Found a scorched plate armour. You see here a scorched plate armour. Q - a scorched plate armour You start removing your armour. You continue taking off your +2 plate armour of magic resistance. x4 You finish taking off your +2 plate armour of magic resistance. You feel less resistant to hostile enchantments. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your scorched plate armour. x5 You finish putting on the +12 plate armour of the Duke {rF+ rC+}. Found a rapier. T - a ring of intelligence c - 44 rations (gained 1) Found a leather armour. r - 2 scrolls of identify (gained 1) Found a stone staircase leading down. A cyclops comes into view. The cyclops shouts! The cyclops throws a large rock. The large rock barely misses you. The cyclops throws a large rock. The large rock hits you! You see here a large rock. The cyclops throws a large rock. The large rock hits you but does no damage. You see here a large rock. You slash the cyclops! You headbutt the cyclops!! The cyclops is heavily wounded. The cyclops misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the cyclops, but do no damage. You slash the cyclops! You headbutt the cyclops. The cyclops is severely wounded. You carve the cyclops like a ham!!! You kill the cyclops! Trog accepts your kill. Things that are here: 2 large rocks; a cyclops corpse You butcher the cyclops corpse. V - 2 chunks of flesh Things that are here: 2 large rocks; a cyclops skeleton Found a stone staircase leading down. There is a stone staircase leading down here. Found a snail-covered altar of Cheibriados. Found a pair of blackened gloves. Found 21 gold pieces. Found a leather armour. You see here a pair of blackened gloves. Y - a pair of blackened gloves You start removing your armour. You continue taking off your +1 pair of gloves of dexterity. x4 You finish taking off your +1 pair of gloves of dexterity. You feel clumsy. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your pair of blackened gloves. x5 You finish putting on the +1 pair of gloves of Rimen {Str+4}. You start removing your armour. You continue taking off your +0 buckler. x4 You finish taking off your +0 buckler. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 buckler. x4 You finish putting on your +0 buckler. You're wearing all the rings you can. Remove which one? (? for menu, Esc to quit) You remove your +5 ring of intelligence. You feel stupid. You feel clever. T - a +2 ring of intelligence (right hand) Drop what? 51/52 slots (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop the +6 war axe of Disil {freeze, Dex+6}. You drop a scroll of magic mapping. You drop a wand of acid (19). You drop a potion of brilliance. You drop a +1 pair of gloves of dexterity. You drop a +2 plate armour of magic resistance. You drop the +1 war axe of Rerio {chop, *Slow MR+ Int+7}. You drop an uncursed ring of flight. You remove your +2 ring of intelligence. You stop dropping stuff. You feel stupid. You drop a +2 ring of intelligence. You feel clever. P - a +5 ring of intelligence (right hand) Unknown command. You now have 669 gold pieces (gained 21). You now have 690 gold pieces (gained 21). Found a stone staircase leading down. A troll comes into view. The troll shouts! You slice the troll!! Lightning courses through the troll! You kill the troll! Trog accepts your kill. The troll leather armour is intact enough to wear. Found a scale mail. Things that are here: a +0 troll leather armour; a troll corpse Found a stone staircase leading up. c - 45 rations (gained 1) You now have 703 gold pieces (gained 13). h - a potion of brilliance Eating one of 2 chunks of flesh. You eat one of the 2 chunks of flesh. This raw flesh tastes terrible. All of the chunks of flesh in your inventory have rotted away. Things that are here: a +0 shortbow; 18 arrows Things that are here: a +0 shortbow; 24 arrows Things that are here: a cursed +0 shortbow; a +0 shortbow; 31 arrows Things that are here: an arrow; a +0 dagger; a +0 robe Things that are here: a +0 shortbow; 12 arrows You see here an arrow. Found a scale mail. You see here a scale mail. You see here a rapier. Done exploring. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. 4 orcs, a centaur warrior, a crimson imp and a zombie come into view. The orc knight is wielding a +2 battleaxe of flaming. The orc warrior is wielding a +0 mace of protection. The centaur warrior shouts! The crimson imp shouts! The orc knight shouts! The orc warrior shouts! The orc shouts! x2 Found a leather armour and a peridot ring. There is a stone staircase leading up here. An orc warrior comes into view. It is wielding a +0 flail. The orc warrior shouts! You hear a shout! x2 The centaur warrior wields a +0 shortbow. The centaur warrior shoots an arrow. The arrow hits you but does no damage. A troll comes into view. The crimson imp grins evilly. The crimson imp blinks! You see here an arrow. The centaur warrior shoots an arrow. The arrow barely misses you. A troll comes into view. You block the orc's attack. The orc knight roars a battlecry! The orcs go into a battle-frenzy! You see here an arrow. The centaur warrior shoots an arrow. The arrow hits you but does no damage. You block the orc warrior's attack. The centaur warrior shoots an arrow. The arrow hits you but does no damage. You see here 2 arrows. You slash the orc warrior! The orc warrior is heavily wounded. You cut the orc into ribbons!!! You kill the orc! Trog accepts your kill. A wyvern comes into view. The centaur warrior shoots an arrow. The arrow hits you. You barely miss the orc warrior. The orc warrior is heavily wounded. The centaur warrior shoots an arrow. The arrow completely misses you. You slice the orc knight like a ripe choko!!! The orc knight is severely wounded. You barely miss the orc warrior. Unknown command. You slice the orc knight!! You kill the orc knight! Trog accepts your kill. You barely miss the meliai zombie. You hit the orc warrior. The meliai zombie misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the meliai zombie!! The meliai zombie misses you. You block the troll's attack. The troll barely misses you. The troll claws you but does no damage. The orc warrior hits you but does no damage. x2 The meliai zombie hits you but does no damage. The meliai zombie completely misses you. Things that are here: a +2 battleaxe of flaming; a +0 chain mail You slice the orc warrior!! Lightning courses through the orc warrior! You kill the orc warrior! Trog accepts your kill. You slash the troll! Lightning courses through the troll! You slash the orc warrior! Lightning courses through the orc warrior! You hit the meliai zombie. You slice the troll!! You block the troll's attack. The troll completely misses you. The troll misses you. The troll barely misses you. The troll misses you. The troll barely misses you. You block the meliai zombie's attack. The meliai zombie closely misses you. The orc warrior barely misses you. You slice the meliai zombie!! You destroy the meliai zombie! Trog accepts your kill. You slash the troll! You slash the orc! You kill the orc! Trog accepts your kill. You closely miss the troll. You slash the wyvern! You slice the orc warrior!! You kill the orc warrior! Trog accepts your kill. The wyvern bites you but does no damage. The troll closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the troll! You block the troll's attack. The troll claws you but does no damage. The troll misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the troll. The troll claws you but does no damage. The troll closely misses you. The crimson imp blinks! You closely miss the wyvern. Your headbutt misses the wyvern. The wyvern is moderately wounded. You slash the troll! You kill the troll! Trog accepts your kill. The troll leather armour is intact enough to wear. You slice the troll!! You kill the troll! Trog accepts your kill. The troll leather armour is intact enough to wear. The wyvern bites you but does no damage. You hit the wyvern. Your headbutt misses the wyvern. The wyvern is heavily wounded. You slash the centaur warrior! The centaur warrior unwields a +0 shortbow. The centaur warrior closely misses you. The wyvern bites you but does no damage. You closely miss the wyvern. The wyvern is heavily wounded. You slice the centaur warrior!! The wyvern completely misses you. You block the centaur warrior's attack. Unknown command. You slash the centaur warrior! You headbutt the centaur warrior! The centaur warrior is almost dead. You hit the wyvern. The wyvern bites you but does no damage. The centaur warrior hits you but does no damage. The wyvern barely misses you. You closely miss the centaur warrior. You headbutt the centaur warrior. You kill the centaur warrior! Trog accepts your kill. You cut the wyvern into ribbons!!! You kill the wyvern! Trog accepts your kill. You slash the crimson imp! You slice the crimson imp!! You kill the crimson imp! Trog accepts your kill. You see here 4 arrows. Things that are here: a +0 flail; a +0 chain mail Things that are here: a +0 trident; an orc corpse Things that are here: a +2 battleaxe of flaming; a +0 chain mail Items here: )) [[ † a cursed -2 club; a +0 scale mail; a +0 mace of protection; a +0 chain mail an orc corpse Things that are here: a +0 troll leather armour; a troll corpse Items here: )) [[ † a cursed -2 club; a +0 scale mail; a +0 mace of protection; a +0 chain mail an orc corpse Items here: ( ) [ †† a +0 shortbow; 14 arrows; a +0 troll leather armour; a centaur corpse a troll corpse Found a stone staircase leading up. Found 6 atropa-tipped darts. Found a bronze ring. j - a peridot ring n - a bronze ring You're wearing all the rings you can. Remove which one? (? for menu, Esc to quit) You remove your +5 ring of intelligence. You feel stupid. j - a ring of protection from cold (right hand) You're wearing all the rings you can. Remove which one? (? for menu, Esc to quit) You remove your ring of protection from cold. n - a ring of stealth (right hand) You're wearing all the rings you can. Remove which one? (? for menu, Esc to quit) That's the wrong kind of item! (Use * to select it.) You're wearing all the rings you can. Remove which one? (? for menu, Esc to quit) That's the wrong kind of item! (Use * to select it.) You're wearing all the rings you can. Remove which one? (? for menu, Esc to quit) You remove your ring of stealth. You feel clever. P - a +5 ring of intelligence (right hand) Drop what? 44/52 slots (_ for help) (? for menu, Esc to quit) You drop an uncursed ring of protection from cold. You drop an uncursed ring of stealth. Found a stone staircase leading up. A bullfrog comes into view. The bullfrog gives a loud, deep croak! You slash the bullfrog! You headbutt the bullfrog. You kill the bullfrog! Trog accepts your kill. A hydra, 2 slime creatures and a salamander come into view. The six-headed hydra roars! The slime creature quivers. A two-headed ogre comes into view. The salamander misses you. Unknown command. You hack one of the six-headed hydra's heads off! The five-headed hydra grows two more! You hit the seven-headed hydra. You headbutt the seven-headed hydra! The seven-headed hydra is moderately wounded. You hack one of the seven-headed hydra's heads off! The six-headed hydra grows two more! You carve the eight-headed hydra like a ham!!! The eight-headed hydra is severely wounded. Two slime creatures merge to form a large slime creature. The eight-headed hydra completely misses you. The eight-headed hydra closely misses you. The eight-headed hydra bites you but does no damage. The eight-headed hydra completely misses you. The eight-headed hydra barely misses you. x2 The eight-headed hydra bites you but does no damage. The eight-headed hydra barely misses you. The salamander barely misses you. You slice one of the eight-headed hydra's heads off! The seven-headed hydra grows two more! You hit the nine-headed hydra. You headbutt the nine-headed hydra! The nine-headed hydra is almost dead. The nine-headed hydra bites you! The nine-headed hydra completely misses you. The nine-headed hydra bites you but does no damage. x2 The nine-headed hydra closely misses you. The nine-headed hydra barely misses you. The nine-headed hydra bites you. You block the nine-headed hydra's attack. The nine-headed hydra barely misses you. You slice one of the nine-headed hydra's heads off! The eight-headed hydra grows two more! You hit the ten-headed hydra. You headbutt the ten-headed hydra! The ten-headed hydra is almost dead. The salamander completely misses you. You lop one of the ten-headed hydra's heads off! The nine-headed hydra grows two more! You slash the 11-headed hydra! You headbutt the 11-headed hydra. The 11-headed hydra is almost dead. The 11-headed hydra bites you but does no damage. The 11-headed hydra bites you. The 11-headed hydra misses you. The 11-headed hydra bites you but does no damage. x4 The 11-headed hydra closely misses you. The 11-headed hydra misses you. The 11-headed hydra bites you but does no damage. The 11-headed hydra barely misses you. You hack one of the 11-headed hydra's heads off! The ten-headed hydra grows two more! You slash the 12-headed hydra! You headbutt the 12-headed hydra. You kill the 12-headed hydra! Trog accepts your kill. The salamander closely misses you. The two-headed ogre closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the two-headed ogre. The two-headed ogre misses you. A large slime creature splits. Found a staircase to the Depths. You see here a hydra corpse. You slice the slime creature!! The slime creature is heavily wounded. You slice the two-headed ogre!! You slice the slime creature!! The two-headed ogre hits you but does no damage. You block the two-headed ogre's attack. The slime creature hits you but does no damage. The salamander hits you but does no damage. You slash the slime creature! The slime creature is heavily wounded. You slice the slime creature!! Lightning courses through the slime creature!! You kill the slime creature! Trog accepts your kill. You barely miss the two-headed ogre. The two-headed ogre changes into a dream sheep! The slime creature closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the slime creature!! You kill the slime creature! Trog accepts your kill. The dream sheep closely misses you. You slice the dream sheep!! You kill the dream sheep! Trog accepts your kill. The salamander hits you from afar with a cursed -3 glaive. You are engulfed in flames. You resist. You see here a glowing shapeshifter corpse. The salamander hits you but does no damage. You see here a hydra corpse. A salamander is nearby! You slice the salamander!! You headbutt the salamander!! The salamander is almost dead. The salamander barely misses you. You slice the salamander!! You kill the salamander! Trog accepts your kill. You see here a cursed -3 glaive. You see here a hydra corpse. HP restored. There is a staircase to the Depths here. Found an escape hatch in the ceiling. Found a pair of boots. You now have 715 gold pieces (gained 12). An anaconda comes into view. The anaconda hisses angrily. The anaconda grabs you. The anaconda bites you but does no damage. The anaconda constricts you. A wraith comes into view. You barely miss the anaconda. You block the anaconda's attack. The anaconda constricts you. You completely miss the anaconda. The anaconda bites you but does no damage. The anaconda constricts you. You block the anaconda's attack. The anaconda constricts you. You closely miss the anaconda. You block the anaconda's attack. The anaconda constricts you. You are feeling hungry. You closely miss the anaconda. Your headbutt misses the anaconda. The anaconda bites you but does no damage. The anaconda constricts you. A tengu warrior comes into view. It is wielding a +0 war axe. You closely miss the anaconda. The tengu warrior shouts! You hear a shout! The anaconda bites you but does no damage. The anaconda constricts you. You open the anaconda like a pillowcase!!! You headbutt the anaconda, but do no damage. The anaconda is almost dead. You hear a shout! x2 The anaconda bites you. The anaconda constricts you. A tengu warrior comes into view. It is wielding a +0 war axe. The anaconda bites you but does no damage. The anaconda constricts you. You hit the anaconda. Lightning courses through the anaconda! You kill the anaconda! Trog accepts your kill. The tengu warrior unwields a +0 war axe. The tengu warrior wields a +3 arbalest. The tengu warrior shoots a bolt. You block the bolt. Found a potion of curing. You see here a bolt. A deep elf mage comes into view. It is wielding a -2 dagger. The deep elf mage shouts! The wraith misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the wraith! You see here a bolt. You slice the wraith!! You destroy the wraith! Trog accepts your kill. The deep elf mage gestures wildly while chanting. The tengu warrior shoots a bolt. The bolt completely misses you. Unknown command. You slice the tengu warrior!! Lightning courses through the tengu warrior!! You headbutt the tengu warrior! The tengu warrior is almost dead. The tengu warrior hits you but does no damage. The tengu warrior pecks you but does no damage. You block the tengu warrior's attack. You barely miss the tengu warrior. The tengu warrior is almost dead. The tengu warrior shoots a bolt. The bolt hits you but does no damage. A cyclops comes into view. You chop the tengu warrior into pieces!!! You kill the tengu warrior! Trog accepts your kill. Unknown command. The tengu warrior shoots a bolt. The bolt completely misses you. The deep elf mage hits you but does no damage. The cyclops throws a large rock. The large rock hits you but does no damage. Items here: ( ) [[ † a large rock; a +0 war axe; a +0 ring mail; a +0 buckler; a tengu corpse You slice the deep elf mage!! You headbutt the deep elf mage, but do no damage. The deep elf mage is almost dead. You closely miss the fire elemental. The deep elf mage hits you but does no damage. The tengu warrior shoots a bolt. The bolt hits you but does no damage. The fire elemental closely misses you. The cyclops throws a large rock. The large rock barely misses you. You closely miss the deep elf mage. You headbutt the deep elf mage. You kill the deep elf mage! Trog accepts your kill. Trog appreciates your killing of a magic user. The fire elemental disappears in a puff of smoke! Unknown command. The tengu warrior shoots a bolt. The bolt hits you but does no damage. The cyclops throws a large rock. The large rock hits you! Things that are here: a large rock; a bolt The tengu warrior unwields a +3 arbalest. The tengu warrior wields a +0 war axe. The tengu warrior hits you with a +0 war axe. The tengu warrior pecks you but does no damage. The tengu warrior barely misses you. You slash the tengu warrior! You headbutt the tengu warrior. The tengu warrior is moderately wounded. You barely miss the tengu warrior. You headbutt the tengu warrior!! The tengu warrior is severely wounded. The tengu warrior hits you but does no damage. The tengu warrior pecks you. The tengu warrior misses you. You slash the tengu warrior! Lightning courses through the tengu warrior! You kill the tengu warrior! Trog accepts your kill. Your Armour skill increases to level 17! The cyclops throws a large rock. The large rock completely misses you. You slash the cyclops! Lightning courses through the cyclops! The cyclops is heavily wounded. You slice the cyclops like a ripe choko!!! Lightning courses through the cyclops! You kill the cyclops! Trog accepts your kill. You see here a cyclops corpse. Items here: ( )) [ † a +0 war axe; a +3 arbalest; 13 bolts; a +0 leather armour; a tengu corpse A golden eye comes into view. The golden eye turns its gaze towards you. You see here a cyclops corpse. The golden eye blinks! The golden eye blinks at you. You are confused. You see here a potion of curing. f - 10 potions of curing (gained 1) The golden eye blinks! x2 The golden eye blinks at you. You are more confused. The golden eye blinks! The golden eye blinks at you. You are more confused. The golden eye blinks at you. You are more confused. The golden eye blinks at you. You are more confused. The golden eye blinks at you. You resist with some effort. The golden eye turns its gaze towards you. You hit the golden eye. Your headbutt misses the golden eye. The golden eye is moderately wounded. You slice the golden eye!! You kill the golden eye! Trog accepts your kill. You start waiting. You feel less confused. Things that are here: a cursed -2 dagger; a +0 scale mail You see here a cyclops corpse. You butcher the cyclops corpse. j - 3 chunks of flesh You see here a cyclops skeleton. Eating one of 3 chunks of flesh. You eat one of the 3 chunks of flesh. This raw flesh tastes terrible. Found a scale mail. Found 16 sling bullets. A cyclops comes into view. The cyclops shouts! The cyclops throws a large rock. The large rock barely misses you. You see here a large rock. A manticore comes into view. The cyclops throws a large rock. The large rock hits you but does no damage. You see here a large rock. The cyclops throws a large rock. The large rock misses you. The manticore flicks its tail. The volley of spikes misses you. The manticore flicks its tail. The volley of spikes hits you but does no damage. You hit the cyclops. Lightning courses through the cyclops!! You headbutt the cyclops!! The cyclops is severely wounded. You block the cyclops's attack. You slash the cyclops! You kill the cyclops! Trog accepts your kill. The manticore flicks its tail. The volley of spikes misses you. Unknown command. The manticore closely misses you. The manticore misses you. The manticore claws you but does no damage. Things that are here: a large rock; a cyclops corpse You slice the manticore!! The manticore is heavily wounded. The manticore bites you but does no damage. The manticore completely misses you. The manticore closely misses you. You cut the manticore into ribbons!!! Lightning courses through the manticore! You kill the manticore! Trog accepts your kill. You now have 726 gold pieces (gained 11). A redback zombie comes into view. You see here 16 sling bullets. You chop the redback zombie into pieces!!! Lightning courses through the redback zombie! The redback zombie is severely damaged. The redback zombie bites you but does no damage. You slice the redback zombie!! Lightning courses through the redback zombie! You destroy the redback zombie! Trog accepts your kill. A shadow comes into view. The shadow slips into darkness. The shadow flickers and vanishes for a moment. You barely miss the shadow. Your headbutt misses the shadow. The shadow misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the shadow! You slash the shadow! You destroy the shadow! Trog accepts your kill. A bullfrog comes into view. The bullfrog croaks. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. The bullfrog snags a nearby centipede with its tongue. The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. You block the bullfrog's attack. The bullfrog barely misses you. You slash the bullfrog! The bullfrog is moderately wounded. You block the bullfrog's attack. Your unstable footing causes you to fumble your attack. The bullfrog hits you. Your unstable footing causes you to fumble your attack. The bullfrog closely misses you. You completely miss the bullfrog. You headbutt the bullfrog! The bullfrog is almost dead. The bullfrog misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the bullfrog. You kill the bullfrog! Trog accepts your kill. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. p - 6 scrolls of remove curse (gained 1) A vampire comes into view. The vampire gestures at you while chanting. You are confused. You see here a scroll labeled WESEOBAUKK. n - a scroll labeled WESEOBAUKK The vampire hits you but does no damage. The vampire barely misses you. The vampire mumbles some strange words. The vampire flickers and vanishes for a moment. A troll comes into view. You feel less confused. The troll shouts! The vampire barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the vampire. The vampire bites you but does no damage. You slice the vampire!! Lightning courses through the vampire!! You destroy the vampire! Trog accepts your kill. Trog appreciates your killing of a magic user. You slice the troll!! The troll is severely wounded. The troll bites you but does no damage. The troll claws you but does no damage. The troll closely misses you. You slash the troll! Lightning courses through the troll! You kill the troll! Trog accepts your kill. You see here a troll corpse. All of the chunks of flesh in your inventory have rotted away. A two-headed ogre comes into view. It is wielding two +0 giant clubs. The two-headed ogre shouts in stereo! A jelly comes into view. The jelly quivers. A bullfrog comes into view. Found 23 stones. You dice the two-headed ogre like an onion!!! You headbutt the two-headed ogre. The two-headed ogre is almost dead. You slash the two-headed ogre! You kill the two-headed ogre! Trog accepts your kill. Things that are here: a +0 giant club x2; a two-headed ogre corpse You hit the jelly. Lightning courses through the jelly! Your hands burn! The jelly is almost dead. You hit the jelly. You kill the jelly! Trog accepts your kill. You completely miss the bullfrog. You headbutt the bullfrog. The bullfrog is lightly wounded. The bullfrog completely misses you. You barely miss the bullfrog. You headbutt the bullfrog!! You kill the bullfrog! Trog accepts your kill. Found Onteri's General Store. r - 3 scrolls of identify (gained 1) There is an entrance to Onteri's General Store here. m - 8 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) m - 9 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) Thank you for shopping at Onteri's General Store! There is a fountain of clear blue water here. A necrophage comes into view. You chop the necrophage into pieces!!! Lightning courses through the necrophage!! You destroy the necrophage! Trog accepts your kill. You see here a necrophage corpse. You are feeling hungry. Found a scroll of random uselessness. A wolf spider zombie comes into view. You slice the wolf spider zombie!! The wolf spider zombie is moderately damaged. The wolf spider zombie hits you but does no damage. The wolf spider zombie misses you. You slash the wolf spider zombie! You headbutt the wolf spider zombie. The wolf spider zombie is heavily damaged. The wolf spider zombie barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the wolf spider zombie! The wolf spider zombie completely misses you. You slice the wolf spider zombie!! You headbutt the wolf spider zombie. The wolf spider zombie is almost destroyed. The wolf spider zombie hits you but does no damage. The wolf spider zombie bites you but does no damage. You barely miss the wolf spider zombie. You headbutt the wolf spider zombie. You destroy the wolf spider zombie! Trog accepts your kill. c - 46 rations (gained 1) You see here a bolt. You see here a large rock. Things that are here: a cursed -2 dagger; a +0 scale mail You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. You enter the shallow water. Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. Partly explored, can't reach some places. You are feeling very hungry. There is a staircase to the Depths here. You climb downwards. Welcome to the Depths! An ettin, a stone giant and a frost giant come into view. The frost giant is wielding a +2 battleaxe of freezing. The frost giant shouts! The stone giant shouts! The ettin shouts in stereo! You hear an angry buzzing noise. You hear a horrible gurgling sound! You hear an angry buzzing noise. You hear a horrible gurgling sound! x2 Found a bubbling inky potion. Found a stone staircase leading down. There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here. A spark wasp comes into view. You hear a grinding noise. The frost giant hits you but does no damage. You slice the frost giant like a ripe choko!!! The frost giant is moderately wounded. You hear an angry buzzing noise. You hear a horrible gurgling sound! A spark wasp comes into view. You hear an angry buzzing noise. You slice the frost giant!! You headbutt the frost giant. The frost giant is severely wounded. The spark wasp bursts into living lightning! The living lightning hits you. You resist. The spark wasp blinks! The spark wasp bursts into living lightning! The living lightning hits you. You resist. The spark wasp blinks! x2 The stone giant throws a large rock. The large rock completely misses you. The frost giant hits you with a +2 battleaxe of freezing. The frost giant freezes you. You barely miss the frost giant. The frost giant is severely wounded. You closely miss the spark wasp. You hit the spark wasp but do no damage. The spark wasp closely misses you. You block the spark wasp's attack. The stone giant throws a large rock. The large rock closely misses you. You hit the frost giant. Lightning courses through the frost giant! Your headbutt misses the frost giant. The frost giant is almost dead. You slash the spark wasp! You miss the spark wasp. The spark wasp stings you!! The spark wasp shocks you. You resist. The spark wasp misses you. A spark wasp comes into view. The frost giant hits you but does no damage. A purple ugly thing comes into view. You slash the frost giant! Lightning courses through the frost giant!! You kill the frost giant! Trog accepts your kill. Trog appreciates your killing of a magic user. You closely miss the spark wasp. x2; The spark wasp barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the spark wasp. The spark wasp misses you. A slime creature comes into view. The stone giant throws a large rock. The large rock hits you. The spark wasp stings you but does no damage. You slice the spark wasp!! Your headbutt misses the spark wasp. The spark wasp is heavily wounded. You slice the spark wasp!! You hear a horrible gurgling sound! The spark wasp stings you but does no damage. The spark wasp bursts into living lightning! The living lightning hits the spark wasp. The spark wasp completely resists. The living lightning hits you but does no damage. The living lightning hits the spark wasp. The spark wasp completely resists. The spark wasp blinks! x4 A purple ugly thing comes into view. The spark wasp stings you but does no damage. You hear a horrible gurgling sound! A slime creature comes into view. The slime creature quivers. The spark wasp barely misses you. You hear a grinding noise. You hear a shout! There is a staircase back to the Dungeon, spattered with blood here. The spark wasp closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the spark wasp! You block the spark wasp's attack. Some rock shatters into small pieces. The spark wasp misses you. x2 You climb upwards. Welcome back to the Dungeon! There is a staircase to the Depths here. You hit the spark wasp. You headbutt the spark wasp. The spark wasp is heavily wounded. The spark wasp stings you but does no damage. You completely miss the spark wasp. Your headbutt misses the spark wasp. The spark wasp is heavily wounded. The spark wasp stings you. The spark wasp shocks you. You resist. You barely miss the spark wasp. You headbutt the spark wasp, but do no damage. The spark wasp is heavily wounded. The spark wasp completely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the spark wasp! Your plate armour of the Duke prevents you from hitting the spark wasp. You headbutt the spark wasp. The spark wasp is severely wounded. The spark wasp misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the spark wasp! You hit the spark wasp but do no damage. You headbutt the spark wasp! The spark wasp is almost dead. The spark wasp stings you but does no damage. You closely miss the spark wasp. You headbutt the spark wasp. The spark wasp is almost dead. The spark wasp bursts into living lightning! The living lightning hits you! You resist. The living lightning hits you. You resist. The spark wasp blinks! You hit the spark wasp. You headbutt the spark wasp! The spark wasp is almost dead. The spark wasp bursts into living lightning! The living lightning hits you. You resist. The living lightning hits you. You resist. The living lightning hits the spark wasp. The spark wasp completely resists. The spark wasp blinks! You slash the spark wasp! You kill the spark wasp! Trog accepts your kill. You block the spark wasp's attack. The spark wasp closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the spark wasp, but do no damage. You see here a spark wasp corpse. You slice the spark wasp!! You kill the spark wasp! Trog accepts your kill. There is a staircase to the Depths here. You start resting. HP restored. You climb downwards. Welcome back to the Depths! A slime creature comes into view. The slime creature quivers. The ettin hits you with a +0 dire flail!! The ettin hits you but does no damage. Some rock shatters into small pieces. A deep troll shaman comes into view. A deep troll comes into view. The slime creature barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the slime creature. The stone giant hits you but does no damage. The spark wasp stings you but does no damage. There is a staircase back to the Dungeon, spattered with blood here. You slice the ettin!! You headbutt the ettin. The ettin is moderately wounded. You barely miss the slime creature. You closely miss the spark wasp. You hit the stone giant. You block the ettin's attack. The ettin closely misses you. The spark wasp stings you but does no damage. You block the slime creature's attack. The stone giant completely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the stone giant. You slash the ettin! Lightning courses through the ettin!! You headbutt the ettin. The ettin is almost dead. You slash the purple ugly thing! You slash the slime creature! Your plate armour of the Duke prevents you from hitting the spark wasp. You hit the stone giant but do no damage. The spark wasp stings you but does no damage. You block the ettin's attack. The ettin misses you. The slime creature barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the slime creature! The purple ugly thing completely misses you. You closely miss the spark wasp. You headbutt the spark wasp, but do no damage. You hit the stone giant but do no damage. You hit the ettin but do no damage. You slice the purple ugly thing!! You slash the slime creature! The spark wasp misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the spark wasp! The stone giant hits you! A deep troll comes into view. You hit the spark wasp. The spark wasp is lightly wounded. You slice the stone giant!! You slash the ettin! You slash the purple ugly thing! You slash the slime creature! Lightning courses through the slime creature! You kill the slime creature! Trog accepts your kill. The spark wasp barely misses you. The ettin hits you with a +0 dire flail! The ettin completely misses you. The purple ugly thing pecks you but does no damage. The stone giant hits you!! You slash the spark wasp! The spark wasp is moderately wounded. You slice the purple ugly thing!! You kill the purple ugly thing! Trog accepts your kill. You slice the ettin!! You kill the ettin! Trog accepts your kill. You slice the stone giant!! You block the spark wasp's attack. The stone giant hits you. The spark wasp stings you! The spark wasp shocks you. You resist. You block the spark wasp's attack. The slime creature hits you. The stone giant closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the stone giant, but do no damage. You climb upwards. Welcome back to the Dungeon! There is a staircase to the Depths here. You chop the stone giant into pieces!!! You kill the stone giant! Trog accepts your kill. You closely miss the spark wasp. Your headbutt misses the spark wasp. The spark wasp is moderately wounded. The spark wasp misses you. You slash the spark wasp! The spark wasp is heavily wounded. The spark wasp barely misses you. You hit the spark wasp. You headbutt the spark wasp. The spark wasp is heavily wounded. You block the spark wasp's attack. You slash the spark wasp! Your headbutt misses the spark wasp. The spark wasp is severely wounded. The spark wasp stings you but does no damage. You miss the spark wasp. Your headbutt misses the spark wasp. The spark wasp is severely wounded. The spark wasp stings you but does no damage. You closely miss the spark wasp. The spark wasp is severely wounded. The spark wasp misses you. You hit the spark wasp. Your headbutt misses the spark wasp. The spark wasp is severely wounded. The spark wasp closely misses you. You slice the spark wasp!! You kill the spark wasp! Trog accepts your kill. You slash the slime creature! You headbutt the slime creature. The slime creature is lightly wounded. You block the slime creature's attack. You slice the slime creature!! Lightning courses through the slime creature! You headbutt the slime creature. You kill the slime creature! Trog accepts your kill. You start resting. You are near starving! You eat one of the 46 rations. That ration really hit the spot! You start resting. HP restored. You climb downwards. Welcome back to the Depths! An ugly thing and a wizard come into view. The purple ugly thing gurgles horribly! The wizard shouts! You hear an angry hiss. The deep troll bites you but does no damage. The deep troll claws you but does no damage. The deep troll misses you. A centaur comes into view. The wizard gestures at you while chanting. The purple ugly thing moves out of view. You are cast into the Abyss! To return, you must find a gate leading back. Killing monsters will force the Abyss to allow you passage. This branch contains the abyssal rune of Zot. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version history: Game started: 0.24-a0-619-gb7544fd 0.24-a0-631-g346d576 0.24-a0-640-ge7cd8ce 0.24-a0-652-g46ecf6d Game state: mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0 io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0: seen_hups: 0, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 1, arena_suspended: 0 prev_cmd = CMD_GO_DOWNSTAIRS repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD Player: {{{{{{{{{{{ Name: [CrypticCrinoid] Species: Minotaur Job: Berserker HP: 162/162; mods: 0/0 MP: 15/15; mod: 0 Stats: 37 (37) 7 (7) 17 (17) Position: (40, 35), god: Trog (10), turn_is_over: 1, banished: 0 Standing on/in/over feature: gateway back into the Dungeon Skills (mode: auto) Name | can_currently_train | train | training | level | points | progress Fighting | X | 2 | 50 | 19 | 9811 | 1114/1167 Short Blades | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Long Blades | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Axes | X | 0 | 0 | 18 | 7640 | 4/1061 Maces & Flails | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Polearms | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Staves | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/35 Slings | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Bows | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Crossbows | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Throwing | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Armour | X | 2 | 31 | 17 | 6942 | 260/954 Dodging | X | 2 | 13 | 12 | 3743 | 212/715 Stealth | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 12/59 Shields | X | 1 | 6 | 4 | 442 | 89/177 Unarmed Combat | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Spellcasting | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/100 Conjurations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Hexes | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/100 Charms | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/100 Summonings | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Necromancy | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Translocations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Transmutations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Fire Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Ice Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Air Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Earth Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Poison Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Invocations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Evocations | X | 1 | 0 | 1 | 65 | 6/119 Spell bugs: Durations: #114: 33 Attributes: #12: 2373 #13: 1743 #23: 8797 #24: -2052345474 #27: 191056 #49: 3691 #59: 1 Mutations: horns: 2 (innate) Inventory bugs: Equipment: eq slot #0, inv slot #14: +7 broad axe "Nijac" {elec, rN+ MR- Str+8 Int-3} eq slot #1, inv slot #35: +2 cloak eq slot #2, inv slot #8: +1 hat of Lifelessness {-Cast rN+++ Regen+} eq slot #3, inv slot #50: +1 pair of gloves of Rimen {Str+4} eq slot #4, inv slot #49: +2 pair of boots of flying eq slot #5, inv slot #32: +0 buckler eq slot #6, inv slot #42: +12 plate armour of the Duke {rF+ rC+} eq slot #7, inv slot #27: +5 ring of protection eq slot #8, inv slot #41: +5 ring of intelligence eq slot #9, inv slot #38: amulet of Benevolence {rElec Regen+ Dex+4 SInv} }}}}}}}}}}} Webtiles message buffer: Webtiles JSON stack: Map: ################################################################################ ################################################################################ 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################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ clua stack: dlua stack: Lua persistent data: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< bailey_type: bailey_polearm ice_cave_hard: false grunt_orc_gardens_giant_problem: false aquarium_serial_pool_size: 1 grunt_orc_gardens_store: antique armour shop grunt_orc_gardens_boss: false >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lua marker contents: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>