Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.21-a0-93-g78af4fe Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: normal Tiles: online Command line: /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase -name dbrotest -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/dbrotest.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/dbrotest.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/dbrotest/ -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/dbrotest:2017-07-03.03:02:45.sock -await-connection -wizard RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #15: Terminated Obtained 50 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILEi+0x2d) [0xb90fd8]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*, int) /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x420) [0xb9b306]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x2c1) [0xb90e22]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0a5a3ec4c0]: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0a5af5b637] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_ZNK7map_def7has_tagERKSs+0x74) [0xef913a]: map_def::has_tag(std::string const&) const /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_ZNK12map_selector6acceptERK7map_def+0x5ae) [0xf3063e]: map_selector::accept(map_def const&) const /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xf30a57] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xf31421] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_Z18random_map_for_tagRKSsbb10maybe_bool+0x53) [0xf3163e]: random_map_for_tag(std::string const&, bool, bool, maybe_bool) /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_ZN7map_def14apply_subvaultER11string_spec+0x226) [0xefa0ba]: map_def::apply_subvault(string_spec&) /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_ZN7map_def23subvault_from_tagstringERKSs+0x278) [0xef983a]: map_def::subvault_from_tagstring(std::string const&) /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xe758ba] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0a5bcfb23c]: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0a5bcfb604]: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0a5bcfa8d7]: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0a5bcfb802]: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0a5bcf7361]: /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xe6eece] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0a5bcfb23c]: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0a5bd05c7b]: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0a5bcfb64d]: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0a5bcfa8d7]: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0a5bcfb802]: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0a5bcf7361]: /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_ZN4CLua6callfnEPKcii+0x11c) [0xb748e6]: CLua::callfn(char const*, int, int) /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_ZN7map_def7run_luaEb+0x237) [0xef55cb]: map_def::run_lua(bool) /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xf2d51d] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xf2d677] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xf2d410] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_Z10vault_mainR15vault_placementPK7map_defb+0x43) [0xf2d391]: vault_main(vault_placement&, map_def const*, bool) /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xc86c4e] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xc86ab4] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xc87775] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xc871fe] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xc86afa] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xc83ab6] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xc8255a] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xc8122e] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xc7aac2] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_Z7builderb20dungeon_feature_type+0x206) [0xc7a789]: builder(bool, dungeon_feature_type) /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0xce0f2b] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_Z10load_level20dungeon_feature_type14load_mode_typeRK8level_id+0x2b8) [0xce1a74]: load_level(dungeon_feature_type, load_mode_type, level_id const&) /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_Z21wizard_recreate_levelv+0x1c3) [0x12e6ace]: wizard_recreate_level() /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0x1303278] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_Z21handle_wizard_commandv+0x29b) [0x13039fe]: handle_wizard_command() /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase(_Z15process_command12command_type+0xedd) [0x13e06ea]: process_command(command_type) /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0x13ddaa0] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0x13db668] /usr/games/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase() [0x13db226] Trying to run gdb. Compilation info: <<<<<<<<<<< Compiled with GCC 4.7.3 on Jul 2 2017 at 23:02:40 Build platform: x86_64-linux-gnu Platform: x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS: -O0 -ggdb -pipe -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_WEB -DEXPERIMENTAL_BRANCH="i2-cryptic-rebase" -Wall -Wformat-security -Wundef -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-format-zero-length -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wno-parentheses -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -pedantic -Iutil -I. -isystem /usr/include/lua5.1 -Irltiles -g -DDEBUG_STATISTICS -DDEBUG -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DREGEX_PCRE -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DDGAMELAUNCH -DSAVE_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase/saves" -DDATA_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase/data/" -DWEB_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-i2-cryptic-rebase/data/web/" -isystem /usr/include/ncursesw LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -fuse-ld=gold -O0 >>>>>>>>>>> Place info: branch = 13, depth = 3 Level id: Crypt:3 Currently generating level. Vault being placed: layout_cryptic_divisions_a Subvaults: cryptic_division_big_base, cryptic_division_thin_base, cryptic_division_small_simple, cryptic_division_small_simple Level build method = random_map_for_place, level layout type = , absdepth0 = 21 Level vaults: lightli_unholy_cathedral Markers: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 4, 39 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 4, 31 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 18, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 5, 52 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 25, 53 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 21, 44 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 27 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 13, 40 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 35, 51 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 7, 27 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 43, 52 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 5, 44 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 45, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 2, 8 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 13, 28 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 3, 15 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 7, 5 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 24 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 16, 50 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 26 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 10, 42 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 42 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 10, 50 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 10, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 18 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 37 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 35 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 48 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 8, 38 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 37 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 10, 38 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 16, 23 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 23 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 48 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 52 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 17 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 10, 38 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 35 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 15, 40 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 18, 23 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 7, 15 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 24; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 8, 24 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 26, 44 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 34, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 60, 53 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 6, 43 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 6, 6 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 53, 46 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 5, 44 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 14, 47 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 37, 47 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 6, 40 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 2, 51 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 60, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 42, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 18, 52 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 26, 53 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 44 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 7, 6 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 34, 45 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 54, 51 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 47 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 34, 53 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 52 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 12, 5 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 13, 30 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 27, 40 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 23, 17 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 12, 51 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 24 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 33, 16 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 20, 41 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 25, 30 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 26, 45 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 20, 10 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 49 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 35, 18 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 14, 38 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 26, 25 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 24, 20 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 13, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 12, 44 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 32, 19 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 37 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 12 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 20, 38 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 12, 50 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 13, 41 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 36, 44 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 12, 36 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 9 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 5, 24 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 26, 46 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 37, 46 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 36, 44 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 43 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 51 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 54, 52 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 34, 45 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 14, 9 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 10, 43 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 41, 45 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 13, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 2, 30 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 42 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 4, 7 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 7, 14 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 5, 16 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 14, 45 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 54, 51 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 53, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 4, 13 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 0; 29 Error: New room glyph is nil at 56, 44 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 27, 14 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 57, 41 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 36 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 29, 17 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 48, 10 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 40, 5 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 45 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 8 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 59, 22 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 44, 15 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 21 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 44, 7 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 45 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 53, 7 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 31 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 57, 49 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 34, 8 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 8 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 57, 49 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 39, 15 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 28 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 18 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 26, 16 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 23; 43; 32; 48 Error: New room glyph is nil at 32, 14 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 50, 14 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 35, 20 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 26, 20 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 16, 4 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 15, 9 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 41 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 22, 20 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 39, 7 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 15, 5 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 37, 10 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 37, 22 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 32, 6 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 59, 14 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 57, 6 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 51, 4 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 57, 10 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 11 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 52 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 36, 18 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 38, 21 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 39 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 6 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 6 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 27; 47; 36; 52 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 21 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 3, 52 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 3, 26 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 19 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 32 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 4, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 16, 33 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 18, 14 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 8, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 3, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 16, 29 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 2, 12 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 32 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 18, 51 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 38 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 40 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 10, 31 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 3, 34 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 3, 53 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 32 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 2, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 33 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 8, 32 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 16, 33 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 8, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 18, 9 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 33, 16 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 10, 13 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 33, 10 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 34, 23 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 4, 21 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 36, 9 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 13, 18 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 13, 24 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 14 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 45, 19 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 14, 6 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 14, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 34, 10 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 15, 2 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 56, 16 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 24, 23 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 10, 29 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 12, 28 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 36, 16 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 7, 2 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 7, 49 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 10, 40 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 53, 13 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 7, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 20 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 14 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 42 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 10, 39 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 34 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 15, 53 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 15, 32 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 18, 51 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 15 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 13 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 14, 6 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 33 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 6, 7 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 30 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 18, 44 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 18, 28 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 7 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 53 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 6 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 29 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 7, 18 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 20 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 33; 79; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 18 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 0; 46; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 53 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 0; 46; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 6 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 0; 46; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 23 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 0; 46; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 46 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 0; 46; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 40 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 0; 46; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 39 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 0; 46; 0; 45 Error: New room glyph is nil at 61, 16 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 0; 46; 0; 45 Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 12, 16 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 18, 30 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 52 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 37 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 20 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 4 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 34 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 46 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 3, 34 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 52 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 8, 39 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 43 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 3, 47 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 8, 20 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 16, 29 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 44 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 18, 34 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 16 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 4, 40 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 17, 46 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 3, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 19 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 9, 13 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 14 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 34; 79; 0; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 46 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 27, 28 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 12, 23 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 5, 10 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 27, 44 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 26, 10 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 13, 18 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 33, 17 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 34, 26 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 28, 52 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 26, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 23, 19 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 7, 16 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 39 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 6, 50 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 24, 23 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 27, 23 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 14, 51 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 12, 44 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 19, 37 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 5, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 36, 31 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 11, 24 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 14, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 15, 15 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 50; 79; 23; 46 Error: New room glyph is nil at 6, 43 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 13, 47 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 15, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 25, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 8, 40 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 5, 54 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 21, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 35, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 4, 43 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 13, 41 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 13, 39 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 6, 30 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 52, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 12, 22 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 6, 38 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 4, 18 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 12, 50 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 42, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 8, 39 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 4, 18 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 4, 34 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 4, 28 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 5, 53 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 52, 55 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 12, 28 room_value = 2, old_glyph = c Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 29; 49; 25; 41 Error: New room glyph is nil at 6, 52 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 6, 27 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 55, 3 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 24, 1 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 43, 3 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 3, 50 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 6, 11 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 3, 11 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) Resizing map to maximal size; 80; 70; Primary Vault Coords; 28; 51; 40; 69 Error: New room glyph is nil at 36, 17 room_value = 2, old_glyph =  Lua error: ...cryptic-rebase/data/dat/dlua/layout/geoelf_rooms.lua:406: bad argument #3 to '?' (string expected, got nil) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Game state: mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0 io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0: seen_hups: 1, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 1, arena_suspended: 0 prev_cmd = CMD_WIZARD repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD Player: {{{{{{{{{{{ Name: [dbrotest] Species: Hill Orc Job: Fighter HP: 19/19; mods: 0/0 MP: 1/1; mod: 0 Stats: 18 (18) 8 (8) 10 (10) Position: (23, 47), god: No God (0), turn_is_over: 0, banished: 0 Standing on/in/over feature: rock wall Skills (mode: auto) Name | can_train | train | training | level | points | progress Fighting | X | 1 | 31 | 3 | 301 | 89/141 Short Blades | X | 1 | 8 | 2 | 151 | 1/150 Long Blades | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Axes | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/29 Maces & Flails | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Polearms | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Staves | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Slings | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Bows | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Crossbows | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Throwing | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Armour | X | 1 | 31 | 3 | 301 | 49/168 Dodging | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Stealth | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Shields | X | 1 | 30 | 3 | 301 | 49/168 Unarmed Combat | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Spellcasting | X | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Conjurations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Hexes | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Charms | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Summonings | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Necromancy | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Translocations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Transmutations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/84 Fire Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Ice Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Air Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Earth Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Poison Magic | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Invocations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/29 Evocations | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Spell bugs: Durations: Attributes: #49: 1213 #59: 1 Mutations: Inventory bugs: Equipment: eq slot #0, inv slot #0: +0 rapier eq slot #5, inv slot #2: +0 shield eq slot #6, inv slot #1: +0 scale mail }}}}}}}}}}} Webtiles message buffer: Webtiles JSON stack: Map: ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ #####################################......##################################### ##############################...####8#..#8####...############################## ##############################.⌠.######++######.⌠.############################## ##############################...#####....#####...############################## ##############################...#####....#####...############################## ##############################.......+....+.......############################## ##############################.......+....+.......############################## ##############################....####....####....############################## ##############################.......##⌠⌠##.......############################## ##############################........####........############################## ##############################........####........############################## ##############################........####........############################## ##############################.......##..##.......############################## ##############################.....###....###.....############################## ###############################......+....+......############################### ################################.....+....+.....################################ ######################################....###################################### #######################################++####################################### ####################################.........################################### ###############################..#............#..############################### ##############################...+............+...############################## ##############################...+...._.._....+...############################## ###############################..#............#..############################### ###################################..........################################### #######################################++####################################### ######################################....###################################### ######################################....###################################### #######################################..####################################### ################################################################################ clua stack: dlua stack: [C], function (null), line -1 [C], function err_trace, line -1 dungeon.lua, function subvault, line 209 [string "dlmain"], function (null), line 9 dungeon.lua, function (null), line 255 Lua persistent data: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lua marker contents: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>