Welcome to BeRotato.org
***NOTICE*** crawl.berotato.org (CBRO) ssh and WebTiles has been shut down.
It has been replaced by: https://cbro.berotato.org (CBR2) CBR2 supports https and ssh and is built on the newest version of Ubuntu and all DCSS build tools as well as more RAM, faster processors and 1TB of space to store ttyrec's and morgues.
Your old CBRO usernames and passwords are valid on CBR2.
Here's the plan in case you missed it:
- CBR2 opened on 9/25/2020
- CBRO remained available to complete existing games until 12/31/2020, at which point it was fully decommissioned.
- Sequell has been configured to recognize games on CBR2
- Players were able to finish existing games on CBRO, but were not able to begin new ones.
- CBRO will remain open for morgue/ttyrec reference only, ane at some point even those will be migrated to a new home.
THANKS TO ALL CRAWLERS who enjoyed playing on cbro over the years!